65 research outputs found

    Disproteinemia and dislipoproteinemia during acute phase response in dogs naturally infected with Babesia canis

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    Najveći broj ispitivanja kod ljudi i životinja ukazuje da tokom odgovora akutnefaze dolazi do pada albumina, a povećanja α i β-globulina, dok su rezultati vezani zapromenu koncentracije lipida i lipoproteina manje ispitivani. Ipak, poznato je da se kodteških inflamacija najčešće javlja poremećaj reverznog transporta holesterola praćenpadom lipoproteina visoke gustine (engl. High density lipoprotein - HDL) iapolipoproteina A-I (engl. Apolipoprotein A-I - ApoA-I) koji predsavlja njegov glavniapoprotein. ApoA-I se zbog toga smatra negativnim proteinom akutne faze. Istovremenodolazi do porasta seruma amiloida A (engl. Serum amyloid A – SAA) koji takođe imafunkciju apoproteina HDL-a. Detaljno ispitivanje promena pojedinih frakcija proteina ilipoproteina kao i promene u apoproteinima u toku odgovora akutne faze kod pasa,izazvan infekcijom sa B. canis nisu do sada opisane.Ovo istraživanje je izvedeno na višku uzoraka krvi od 30 pasa prirodnoinficiranih sa B. canis i 15 zdravih kontrolnih pasa. Određeni su hematološki ibiohemijski parametri krvi i seruma, potom je izvedena elektroforeza na agaroznomgelu i analizirane su proteinske i lipoproteinske frakcije seruma. Uz primenupoliakrilamid gradijent gel elektroforeze su dobijeni podaci o dominantnim dijametrimalipoproteina seruma, a upotrebom imunoenzimskog testa (engl. Enizime linkedimmunosorbent assay – ELISA) i radioimunoeseja (engl. Radioimmunoassay – RIA)testa su određene koncentracije SAA i ApoA-I.Najzastupljenije hematološke promene kod pasa akutno inficiranih sa B. canis subile trombocitopenija i leukopenija. Koncentracija ukupnih proteina i triglicerida nijebila promenjena dok je koncentracija holesterola bila snižena. Disproteinemija seogledala u smanjenju koncentracije α1- globulinske frakcije, dok ostale frakcije nisubile promenjene. Dislipidemija se ogledala u smanjenom relativnom udelu α1-lipoproteinske frakcije u ukupnim α-lipoproteinima. Osim toga pokazano je da se tokomodgovora akutne faze povećava dijametar lipoproteina koji spadaju u HDL.Koncentracija oba proteina akutne faze - SAA i ApoA-I je bila povećana.Navedene promene nisu tipične za odgovor akutne faze te zbog toga smatramoda odgovor akutne faze kod pasa inficiranih sa B. canis predstvlja jedinstven model zaispitivanje promena u metabolizmu lipida i lipoproteina u uslovima kada postojiparalelno povećanje ApoA-1 i SAA.In humans and animals acute phase response (APR) is characterized by decreasein albumines and increase in α i β-globulines. Changes in lipids and lipoproteins are lessknown. During severe inflammatory events high density lipoproteins (HDL) and it'smajor apoprotein apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) are significantly decreased.ApoA-I is considered as negative acute phase protein. Serum amyloid A (SAA)which also has apoprotein function is increased. Detail examination of protein andlipoprotein fractions changes during APR in B. canis infection in dogs were not done.Present study was done on surplus material (blood and sera) from 30 dogsnaturally infected with B. canis and 15 healthy dogs. Biochemistry and hematologyparameters were determined, protein and lipoproteins were separated electrophoreticalyon agarose gels, and ther dominant diameters were determined using polyacrylamidegradient gel electrophoresys. Concentrations of SAA and ApoA-I were determinedusing enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and radioimmunoassay (RIA) tests.Detected hematology changes in sick dogs were thrombocytopenia andleucopenia. Total protein and triglyceride concentration were unchanged in sick dogs,and total cholesterol and phospholipids were decreased.Dysproteinemia was characterized by drop in α1-globuline fraction. Detecteddyslipidemia included decrease in relative portion of α1-lipoprotein in relation to totalα-lipoproteins. During APR, the dominant diameter of HDL in sick dogs was increased.Concentration of SAA and ApoA-I was increased. Those changes are not typical forAPR. Based on this results we consider that APR in dogs infected with B. canisrepresent unique model for examination of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism when thereis increase in both SAA and ApoA-I

    Disproteinemia and dislipoproteinemia during acute phase response in dogs naturally infected with Babesia canis

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    Najveći broj ispitivanja kod ljudi i životinja ukazuje da tokom odgovora akutne faze dolazi do pada albumina, a povećanja α i β-globulina, dok su rezultati vezani za promenu koncentracije lipida i lipoproteina manje ispitivani. Ipak, poznato je da se kod teških inflamacija najčešće javlja poremećaj reverznog transporta holesterola praćen padom lipoproteina visoke gustine (engl. High density lipoprotein - HDL) i apolipoproteina A-I (engl. Apolipoprotein A-I - ApoA-I) koji predsavlja njegov glavni apoprotein. ApoA-I se zbog toga smatra negativnim proteinom akutne faze. Istovremeno dolazi do porasta seruma amiloida A (engl. Serum amyloid A – SAA) koji takođe ima funkciju apoproteina HDL-a. Detaljno ispitivanje promena pojedinih frakcija proteina i lipoproteina kao i promene u apoproteinima u toku odgovora akutne faze kod pasa, izazvan infekcijom sa B. canis nisu do sada opisane. Ovo istraživanje je izvedeno na višku uzoraka krvi od 30 pasa prirodno inficiranih sa B. canis i 15 zdravih kontrolnih pasa. Određeni su hematološki i biohemijski parametri krvi i seruma, potom je izvedena elektroforeza na agaroznom gelu i analizirane su proteinske i lipoproteinske frakcije seruma. Uz primenu poliakrilamid gradijent gel elektroforeze su dobijeni podaci o dominantnim dijametrima lipoproteina seruma, a upotrebom imunoenzimskog testa (engl. Enizime linked immunosorbent assay – ELISA) i radioimunoeseja (engl. Radioimmunoassay – RIA) testa su određene koncentracije SAA i ApoA-I. Najzastupljenije hematološke promene kod pasa akutno inficiranih sa B. canis su bile trombocitopenija i leukopenija. Koncentracija ukupnih proteina i triglicerida nije bila promenjena dok je koncentracija holesterola bila snižena. Disproteinemija se ogledala u smanjenju koncentracije α1- globulinske frakcije, dok ostale frakcije nisu bile promenjene. Dislipidemija se ogledala u smanjenom relativnom udelu α1- lipoproteinske frakcije u ukupnim α-lipoproteinima. Osim toga pokazano je da se tokom odgovora akutne faze povećava dijametar lipoproteina koji spadaju u HDL. Koncentracija oba proteina akutne faze - SAA i ApoA-I je bila povećana. Navedene promene nisu tipične za odgovor akutne faze te zbog toga smatramo da odgovor akutne faze kod pasa inficiranih sa B. canis predstvlja jedinstven model za ispitivanje promena u metabolizmu lipida i lipoproteina u uslovima kada postoji paralelno povećanje ApoA-1 i SAA.In humans and animals acute phase response (APR) is characterized by decrease in albumines and increase in α i β-globulines. Changes in lipids and lipoproteins are less known. During severe inflammatory events high density lipoproteins (HDL) and it's major apoprotein apolipoprotein A-I (ApoA-I) are significantly decreased. ApoA-I is considered as negative acute phase protein. Serum amyloid A (SAA) which also has apoprotein function is increased. Detail examination of protein and lipoprotein fractions changes during APR in B. canis infection in dogs were not done. Present study was done on surplus material (blood and sera) from 30 dogs naturally infected with B. canis and 15 healthy dogs. Biochemistry and hematology parameters were determined, protein and lipoproteins were separated electrophoreticaly on agarose gels, and ther dominant diameters were determined using polyacrylamide gradient gel electrophoresys. Concentrations of SAA and ApoA-I were determined using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and radioimmunoassay (RIA) tests. Detected hematology changes in sick dogs were thrombocytopenia and leucopenia. Total protein and triglyceride concentration were unchanged in sick dogs, and total cholesterol and phospholipids were decreased. Dysproteinemia was characterized by drop in α1-globuline fraction. Detected dyslipidemia included decrease in relative portion of α1-lipoprotein in relation to total α-lipoproteins. During APR, the dominant diameter of HDL in sick dogs was increased. Concentration of SAA and ApoA-I was increased. Those changes are not typical for APR. Based on this results we consider that APR in dogs infected with B. canis represent unique model for examination of lipid and lipoprotein metabolism when there is increase in both SAA and ApoA-I

    Semantic Search Engine as tool for clinical decision support in Register for Acute Coronary Syndrome

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    This paper presents the implementation and use of Semantic Search Engine (SSE) as part of knowledge management system functionalities in Register for Acute Coronary Syndrome (REACS). REACS SSE is part of a clinical decision support system and is used as an aid in decision making in clinical processes related to the care and treatment of patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS)

    Serum proteins and lipids in mild form of calf bronchopneumonia: candidates for reliable biomarkers

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    Calf bronchopneumonia is complex multifactorial disease and for its accurate diagnosis and therapy, besides clinical examination, microbiologic, hematologic and biochemical analyses could be necessary. In general, additional analyses are not implemented, mainly because the disease biomarkers are not defined. To establish which analysis might be useful for determining the severity of the disease, we analyzed 23 three-month old calves with mild clinical signs of bronchopneumonia and 15 age-matched healthy calves. Pasteurella multocida was isolated from deep nasal swabs of diseased calves. Peripheral blood erythrocyte and leukocyte count of bronchopneumonic and healthy calves showed no difference. Serum proteins, lipoproteins and lipids were analyzed with spectrophotometry, agarose gel electrophoresis, non-reducing SDSPAGE, gel zymography, and thin-layer chromatography. The bronchopneumonic calves had an increased level of circulating immune complexes and a globulins, which contain some of the positive acute phase proteins. In diseased calves the increased concentration of total. globulins (IgG), due to an increased concentration of anionic. globulins (predominately IgG1), was detected. The increased concentration of anionic. globulins followed by increased concentration of transferrin (negative acute phase protein) and HDL cholesterol, decreased concentration of LDL-cholesterol, unchanged activity of matrix metalloproteases and leukocyte counts might reflect the obvious absence of generalized inflammation. A positive correlation was found between the acquired results and the appearance of mild clinical signs. Therefore, we believe that the parameters analyzed in the peripheral blood could be applied as reliable disease markers to distinguish between severe (inflammatory) and mild forms of calf bronchopneumonia and to predict a better outcome for these calves

    Hydrogen storage properties of MgH2-Ni system

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    The effect of pure Ni addition (5 wt.%) in MgH2 powder was investigated mechanochemically for short milling times (15, 30, and 45 min). Obtained MgH2-Ni system was characterized by XRD, SEM-EDS, PSD, DSC, and TPD. Compared to pure MgH2, uniform distribution of nickel reduces the temperature of H2 desorption by more than 100 °C. It is shown that influence of two important processes, grinding and catalysis, may be followed separately. We can conclude that the catalysis of H2 desorption by Ni particles on MgH2 matrix is the dominant effect for the investigated short milling times.Twenty-First Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 29 – December 1, 2023, Belgrade, Serbi

    Z-cells and oogonia/oocytes in the advanced process of autophagy are the dominant altered cells in the ovaries of hypothyroid newborn rats

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    Induced prenatal hypothyroidism in rat pups leads to accelerated primordial follicle assembly and premature follicular atresia with ovary failure. This work investigates the influence of maternal hypothyroidism induced with 6-n-propyl-2-thyouracil (PTU) on the number and morphology of oogonia/oocytes in newborn rat pups with light and transmission electron microscopy. Expression of apoptosis and autophagy markers in oogonia/oocytes were examined using immunohistochemistry. Hypothyroid newborn pups had a decreased number of mitotic and resting oogonia, while the number of altered oogonia/oocytes was increased. Ultrastructural observations revealed the increased presence of degenerated pachytene oocytes (Z-cells) and oogonia/oocytes undergoing autophagy, apoptosis and combined apoptosis and autophagy, in this group. The most abundant altered oogonia/oocytes in the hypothyroid group were those with morphological features of advanced autophagy and Z-cells. The percentage of TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling) positive oogonia/ oocytes was significantly lower in the hypothyroid group. No significant difference was recorded in the expression of caspase-3, ATG7 and LC3 possibly reflecting that these proteins were not involved in the oogonia/ oocyte alteration process during prenatal rat hypothyroidism. The obtained results indicate that developmental hypothyroidism in the offspring enhances the number of Z-cells and oogonia/ oocytes altered with the advanced process of autophagy

    Glucosomes: Magnetically induced controlled release of glucose modified liposomes

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    Novel methods of cancer therapy are constantly being investigated since the current approach heavily relies on the use of non-specific and toxic chemotherapy agents. Ideally, a drug used for cancer therapy would specifically target tumor sites or rather bind specifically with cancer cells. The way to achieve this is by targeting cancer cell specific receptors or receptors present in abnormally high counts at the surface. Rapid proliferation of cancer cells is fueled by large amounts of energy that is in turn produced by abnormal glucose uptake. Because of this high energy/glucose demand, cancer cells exhibit an abnormally high glucose receptor (GLUTs) count on their surface, compared to normal, healthy cells. We have utilized this glucose dependency to create glucose modified liposomes (Glucosomes) that are specifically bound by cancer cells. Glucosomes can be used to transport different substances, either hydrophilic or hydrophobic, and can therefore deliver any type of drug to cancer cells, increasing its efficiency. Another important aspect to consider is the controlled release of the drug being transported in order to maximize therapeutic efficiency. Controlled release can be achieved by utilizing different internal or external influences. In our study, we have used standard Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles to load glucosomes and induce their controlled opening via an external magnetic field. By applying an external magnetic field, the magnetic nanoparticles start heating up and transferring this thermal energy to the surrounding lipid bilayer, causing its perturbation and opening of the glucosome. Our study has found that controlled release can be achieved with high efficiency while the chemical stability of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles stays practically intact. Using EPR spectroscopy, we have shown that Fe3O4 nanoparticles remain trapped within the lipid bilayer and are essentially protected from oxidation that would diminish their magnetic properties. Since magnetic Fe3O4 nanoparticles are lodged well within the lipid bilayer no thermal damage can be caused to the drug being transported within the glucosome bilayer, making this a viable controlled release cancer targeting drug delivery system.Twentieth Young Researchers’ Conference - Materials Science and Engineering: Program and the Book of Abstracts; November 30 – December 2, 2022, Belgrade, Serbi