339 research outputs found

    Genetic variation and correlations of life-history traits in gypsy moths (Lymantria dispar L.) from two populations in Serbia

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    Periodic fluctuations in density impose different selection pressures on populations of outbreaking Lepidoptera due to changes in their nutritional environment. The maternal effects hypothesis of insect outbreak predicts the transmission of this nutritional "information" to subsequent generations and alterations in offspring life-history traits. To test for these time-delayed effects of the parental generation, we compared life-history traits and their variation and covariation among laboratory-reared gypsy moths hatched from egg masses collected from low- and medium-density populations. Decreased individual performance was recorded in offspring from the medium-density population, indicating reduced egg provisioning under crowding conditions. Genetic variance and covariance were also shown to be sensitive to density of the parental generation. In gypsy moths from the medium-density population, quantitative genetic analysis revealed significantly higher broad-sense heritabilities for development duration traits and demonstrated a trade-off between development duration and body size

    European musical practices and the shaping of a nation through the creation of national art music in Serbia in the first decades of the 20th century

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    Музичка култура у Србији на почетку XX века одликовала се бројним проблемима структурне природе и различитим покушајима да се њени оквири прошире, да се музика институционализује и инкорпорира у структуре друштва и државе. Профилисање концертних репертоара са делима интернационалног канона класичне музике указивало је на промене у односу на претходни век. Међутим, ово поље налазило се у фази формирања, а спорадична извођења малобројних примера солистичких, камерних, симфонијских и музичкодрамских дела локалних аутора представљала су његов незнатан део. Истовремено, јачали су токови музичке комерцијализације, па је то време сведочило и о првим виднијим раздвајањима високе и популарне културе у музичком контексту српске престонице. У таквим околностима, централни токови креирања националне уметничке музике у Србији одвијали су се у оквирима хорског певаштва. Овој области доприносили су готово сви композитори, а критеријуми који су конструисани у њеним оквирима пласирани су као стандарди и норме у произвођењу националне уметничке музике. У пољу хорске праксе најраније су се формирали уметничко-професионални, идеолошко-стратегијски и извођачко-технички услови за селективан и хијерархизован однос према наслеђу, па тако и за прве композиторске опусе у којима су се тражиле и проналазиле високе националне и естетске вредности. У средишту ових процеса крајем XIX и нарочито почетком XX века налазиле су се руковети Стевана Стојановића Мокрањца (1856–1914), дела која и данас имају статус националне музичке класике. Овај опус од петнаест хорских циклуса већ је у време Мокрањчевог деловања доживљаван као науспелија музичка аутентификација нације, стицао је углед путем извођења и јавних признања, да би свој значај изнова потврђивао кроз стваралашто млађих композитора, институционалне и педагошке праксе, музиколошке нарације и рецепцију публике наредних генерација...The process of professionalization and the increasing complexity of musical practices in the Serbian capital at the beginning of the 20th century were marked by numerous structural problems and various attempts to expand the hitherto narrow framework of Serbian music and to institutionalise and incorporate it into the social and state structures. The choice of some concert repertoires with works of the international canon of classical music pointed to changes compared to the previous century. This field, however, was still in the process of being established and the sporadic appearance of a small number of solo, chamber, symphonic and vocal-instrumental works by local composers represented only a minor part of it. At the same time, the streams of the commercialisation of music were strengthening and, thus, this period of time further testified to the first noticeable separation between high and popular culture in the musical context of the Serbian capital. In such circumstances, the central streams of the creation of national art music in Serbia unfolded within the framework of choral singing. Almost all composers were contributing to this field and the criteria established within it were set as standards and norms in the production of national art music. In the field of choral practice, the earliest to form were the artistic-professional, ideological-strategic and performing-technical conditions for a selective and hierarchical attitude towards heritage and, accordingly, for the first opuses of composers in which high national and aesthetic values were sought and attained. Garlands by Stevan Stojanović Mokranjac (1856–1914), the works that, even today, have the status of national classics, were at the centre of these processes of the late 19th and early 20th century. This opus, comprising fifteen choral cycles, had already, during Mokranjac’s lifetime, been seen as the most successful musical authentication of the nation, securing its reputation by way of performances and public acknowledgment and reconfirming its significance through the work of younger composers, institutional and pedagogical practice, musicological narration and the audience’s reception in succeeding generations..

    Topography of female reproductive tract in californian rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus)

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    Kunić, kao eksperimentalna životinja, je veoma čest model u raznovrsnim biomedicinskim istraživanjima, zahvaljujući sličnosti u morfološkim i kliničkim osobinama sa ljudskim, kao i lakoći odgajivanja, držanja i posmatranja. Za izbor modela u bimedicinskim istraživanjima, neophodno je dobro poznavati anatomsku građu, morfološke i fiziološke karakteristike eksperimentalnih životinja. Kunić, kao životinja sa indukovanom ovulacijom, je model kod koga se precizno može utvrditi vreme ovulacije, a po sličnosti fetalnog i embrionalnog razvića sa ljudskim, predstavlja model, koji u ispitivanjima iz oblasti reprodukcije ima prednost nad drugim eksperimentalnim životinjama. Uzimajući u obzir da vrsta kunića, pol, starost, kao i način držanja utiču na neke morfološke i fiziološke karakteristike ove vrste, ova ispitivanja izvedena su na Kalifornijskom kuniću, sa ciljem da se utvrde i upotpune podaci o topografiji ženskih polnih organa Kalifornijskog kunića (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus), njihovoj vaskularizaciji, histološkim promenama u ženskom reproduktivnom traktu kunića, tokom različitih faza polnog ciklusa, kao i njegovoj imunološkoj reaktivnosti tokom ovih faza. Ispitivanja su vršena na 30 polno zrelih ženki, prosečne starosti 5-7 meseci, telesne mase oko 3200-4000 g, koje su parene prvi put, ili su bile u graviditetu po prvi put. Anatomskim metodama rada izvršena su topografska ispitivanja ženskih reproduktivnih organa kunića, pelvimetrija i vaskularizacija, za koju je korišćena i rendgenografija. Isečci tkiva jajnika, jajovoda, materice, rodnice i usmine bojeni su hematoksilin eozinom, Gomori metodom i metodom po Gordon-Sweet-u, za histološka ispitivanja. Kriostatski isečci materice i vagine bojeni su metodom peroksidaznog obelezavanja ćelija, radi ispitivanja imunoloških karakteristika ovih organa. Po svojim topografskim i morfološkim osobinama, reproduktivni ograni ženki kunića su slični reproduktivnim organima ženki karnivora i činčile. A. ovarica i a. uterina su glavni krvni sudovi u irigaciji reproduktivnih organa kunića. Histološke i imunološke promene za vreme različitih faza reproduktivnog ciklusa su bile evidentne. T i B limfociti su bili prisutni u svim delovima reproduktivnog trakta, pri čemu je najveću imunološku reaktivnost pokazao cervix, a faza estrusa je bila faza u kojoj je zabeležen najveći broj imunokompetentih ćelija.Rabbit, as an experimental model at various biomedical investigations, thanks to its similarity in many morphological and clinical performances with humans, associated with its breeding facilities, carriage and observation. Knowledge of anatomic, morphologic and physiologic characteristics of experimental animal is necessary for the model selection at biomedical researches. Rabbit, as an induced ovulator, is model with precisely defined time of ovulation; its similarities in fetal and embryo development with humans, give an advantage to rabbit as reproductive model. Considering that breed, gender, age, different way of housing, affect some morphological and physiological performance at certain breed, those investigation was carried out on Californian rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus domesticus), with an aim to determine and fulfill the data about topography of rabbit female reproductive tract, vascularization, histological changes during the different phases of reproductive cycle and immunological reactivity during the cycle. The investigation was taken at 30 sexually mature females, age about 5-7 months, body weight about 3200-4000 g, mated for the first time, or at first pregnancy. Standard anatomical methods were used for study in topography, pelvimetry and vascularization that is examined also with rendgenography. Tissue samples of ovarium, Falopian tube, uterus and vagina were stained with haematoksylin eosin, Gomori’s method and Gordon-Sweet’s method, for histological examination. Cryosections of different anatomical parts of uterus and vagina, were stained by peroxidase labbeling the cells, to evaluate the immunological status of those tissues. Similirities with females of Carnivora and Chinchilla, in topography and morphology of reproductive tract were found. The principal blood vessels of rabbit female genital tract are a. ovarica and a. uterina. Histological and immunological changes during the different phases of reproductive cycle were evident. T-cells and B-cells were detected at all anatomical parts of female genital tract; cervix showed as the most reactive immunological site, and estrus was the phase that showed the most intense immunological activity

    Clinical and serological evaluation of the vaccination against seasonal influenza in autoimmune rheumatic diseases patients

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    Увод: Пацијенти оболели од аутоимуних реуматских болести имају значајно већи ризик да добију различите инфекције у поређењу са здравом популацијом. Плућне инфекције су значајан узрок морбидитета и морталитета код аутоимуних реуматских болести. Методе: Наша студија је обухватила пацијенте који болују од системског еритемског лупуса (СЕЛ, бр = 28), реуматоидног артритиса (РА, бр = 20) и Сјогреновог синдрома (СјС, бр = 18), у стабилном стању основне болести. У новембру 2010, 46 пацијената је вакцинисано са инактивисаном тровалентном, сплит вакцином која садржи 15 μg ХА А/Калифорнија/7/2009 (Х1Н1), 15 μg ХА А/Перт/16/2009 (Х3Н2) и 15 μg / ХА Б Бризбејн / 60/2008, док 20 болесника нису прихватили предлог вакцинације у том периоду. Присуство вирусних (првенствено грип) и бактеријских инфекција, параметара активности болести (од датума вакцинације до априла 2011) и титар антитела према вирусу А Х1Н1 су потом праћени код вакцинисаних и невакцинисаних пацијената. Користили смо тест инхибиције хемаглутинације (према методи Центра за контролу и превенцију болести (ЦДЦ)) са антигеном вируса грипа А/Калифорнија/7/2009 (Х1Н1) и еритроцитима ћурке за доказивање антитела против А Х1Н1. Идентификовали смо значај предиспонирајућих фактора за настанак грипа (тј. претходне респираторне инфекције и вакцинације у последњих пет година, старост, пол, врста болести и трајање, лекови, пушење) у овим групама пацијената. Резултати: Учесталост грипа и укупних вирусних инфекција међу вакцинисаним пацијенатима је била знатно мања у односу на невакцинисану групу пацијената. Није било случајева погоршања основне болести. Серопротективни титар ≥ 32 је био присутан код 22 од 46 вакцинисаних пацијената (48%) и код 3 од 20 невакцинисаних болесника (15%)...Introduction: Patients suffering from autoimmune rheumatic diseases have significantly higher risk of developing various infections compared to the healthy population. Pulmonary infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Methods: Our study included patients suffering from systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE, n = 28), rheumatoid arthritis (RA, n = 20) or Sjögren's Syndrome (SjS, n = 18), with stable underlying diseases status. In November 2010, 46 patients were immunized with an inactivated trivalent split vaccine containing 15 μg HA A/California/7/2009 (H1N1),15 μg HA A/Perth/16/2009 (H3N2) and 15 μg HA B/Brisbane/60/2008 whereas 20 patients did not accept proposed vaccination in that period. The presence of viral (primarily influenza) and bacterial infections, parameters of disease activity (from the date of vaccination until April 2011) and titers of antibodies against virus A H1N1 were then monitored in vaccinated and unvaccinated patients. We used the hemagglutination inhibition assey (according to the center for disease control and prevention (CDC) method) with influenza virus antigen A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) and turkey erythrocytes for proving antibodies against A H1N1. We have identified the importance of predisposing factors for influenza occurrence (i.e. previous respiratory infections and vaccinations in last five years, age, sex, type of disease and duration, medications, smoking) in those groups of patients. Results: The incidence of influenza and total viral infections among vaccinated patients was significantly lower, compared to the non-vaccinated group. Importantly, there was no case of exacerbation of the underlying disease. Seroprotective titer ≥ 32 was present in 22 of 46 vaccinated patients (48%) and in 3 of 20 unvaccinated patients (15%). The difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05)..

    Boundary effects in the stepwise structure of the Lyapunov spectra for quasi-one-dimensional systems

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    Boundary effects in the stepwise structure of the Lyapunov spectra and the corresponding wavelike structure of the Lyapunov vectors are discussed numerically in quasi-one-dimensional systems consisting of many hard-disks. Four kinds of boundary conditions constructed by combinations of periodic boundary conditions and hard-wall boundary conditions are considered, and lead to different stepwise structures of the Lyapunov spectra in each case. We show that a spatial wavelike structure with a time-oscillation appears in the spatial part of the Lyapunov vectors divided by momenta in some steps of the Lyapunov spectra, while a rather stationary wavelike structure appears in the purely spatial part of the Lyapunov vectors corresponding to the other steps. Using these two kinds of wavelike structure we categorize the sequence and the kinds of steps of the Lyapunov spectra in the four different boundary condition cases.Comment: 33 pages, 25 figures including 10 color figures. Manuscript including the figures of better quality is available from http://newt.phys.unsw.edu.au/~gary/step.pd

    Procena ekološkog rizika u funkciji zaštite životne sredine

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    This paper proposes an appropriate methodology for ecological risk assessment. The methodology has been applied in the region of Boka Kotorska Bay (Bay), Montenegro. The emphasis of the research is on the analysis of the impact of various stressors on the ecological components of Bay. The consequences of that impact can be seen in an increased level of eutrophication of water environment, mostly through the influence of nitrogen and its compounds. The actual research at/about the region of Boka Kotorska Bay was performed in the period of 2008. The study emphasized the importance of the acquisition, processing and analysis of various ecologically related data for more efficient monitoring and management of the environment. The suggested methodology of the ecological risk assessment is, therefore, a remarkable scientific and expert contribution in the area of environmental protection in our country and in general.U radu je predstavljena primena metodologije procene ekološkog rizika. Metodologija je primenjena na primeru Bokokotorskog zaliva (Zaliv). Istraživanjem je razmatrana procena uticaja većeg broja stresora na ekološke komponente Zaliva. Posledice ovih uticaja ispoljene su kroz povećan stepen eutrofikacije vodene sredine i dovode se u vezu sa koncentracijom azotnih jedinjenja (nitrata i nitrita) Konkretna merenja vršena su u 2008. godini. Istraživanjem je posebno ukazano na značaj razvoja sistema prikupljanja i obrade ekoloških i drugih informacija radi efikasnijeg upravljanja životnom sredinom datog prostora. Primenjena metodologija procene ekološkog rizika trebalo bi da u naučnom i stručnom pogledu predstavlja doprinos u oblasti zaštite životne sredine,kako kod nas, tako i u svetu