993 research outputs found

    Experimental Performance Evaluation of Cloud-Based Analytics-as-a-Service

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    An increasing number of Analytics-as-a-Service solutions has recently seen the light, in the landscape of cloud-based services. These services allow flexible composition of compute and storage components, that create powerful data ingestion and processing pipelines. This work is a first attempt at an experimental evaluation of analytic application performance executed using a wide range of storage service configurations. We present an intuitive notion of data locality, that we use as a proxy to rank different service compositions in terms of expected performance. Through an empirical analysis, we dissect the performance achieved by analytic workloads and unveil problems due to the impedance mismatch that arise in some configurations. Our work paves the way to a better understanding of modern cloud-based analytic services and their performance, both for its end-users and their providers.Comment: Longer version of the paper in Submission at IEEE CLOUD'1

    Multivariate Analysis Applications to Crystallography

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    The Special Issue contributions cover the main themes related to the applications of multivariate analysis to crystallography [...

    Landscape changes influence the reproductive behaviour of a key ‘capital breeder’ snake (Boa constrictor occidentalis) in the Gran Chaco region, Argentina

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    Many wild reptile species are threatened by habitat loss. However, the way in which changes in landscape patterns influence intraspecific ecological processes is not completely understood. Boa constrictor occidentalis is an endangered species and has a special conservation value since it is endemic of dry forests in the Gran Chaco region. Because the Gran Chaco is largely threatened due to habitat loss it is necessary to know how landscape changes influence this species. Therefore, we evaluated the effects of forest loss and landscape composition on the reproductive life-history parameters. Landscape changes were assessed by analyzing satellite imagery and reproductive parameters were determined by ultrasound images of the reproductive structures. The obtained results indicate that habitat loss may affect body condition, clutch size and testicular volume of the Argentine boa constrictor. We also found that the spatial pattern of vegetation influences the distribution of females and males in the landscape. Matting aggregations are scarce in shrublands. Therefore, our study shows that forest loss could enhance vulnerability to extirpation through constraints placed on reproduction. We encourage resource managers to evaluate sensitive reproductive life-history parameters as well as habitat deterioration to asses the conservation status of the populations of the Argentine boa constrictor. Since the Gran Chaco forest, a key habitat to the species’ reproduction, is largely threatened, strong conservation action is needed to halt and reverse forest loss in this region.Fil: Cardozo Milanesio, Gabriela Alejandra. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Cs.exactas Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Diversidad Biológica y Ecológica. Cátedra de Biología del Comportam. y Div. Animal Ii; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; ArgentinaFil: Chiaraviglio, Margarita. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Cs.exactas Físicas y Naturales. Departamento de Diversidad Biológica y Ecológica. Cátedra de Biología del Comportam. y Div. Animal Ii; Argentin

    An ICRF strap antenna solution exploiting the high impedance technique

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    Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) strap antennas are routinely adopted in most of the existing nuclear fusion experiments, even though their main goal, i.e. to couple high power to the plasma (MW), is often limited by rather severe drawbacks due to high fields on the antenna itself and on unmatched part of the feeding lines directly connected to the antenna. In this work, we propose, describe, prototype and measure an ICRF strap antenna based on the high impedance surfaces concept that is matched at a specific tunable frequency. The adopted high-impedance structure, positioned between the strap and the backwall, is a metallic patch displaced on top of a dielectric block and grounded by means of a vertical post, in a mushroom-like shape. This structure presents a high impedance, within a given very narrow frequency band, such that the image currents are in-phase with the currents of the strap itself, thus determining a significant efficiency increase. After a general description on the properties of high impedance surfaces applied to ICRF antennas, we describe the optimization steps, carried on by means of numerical codes, to define an antenna configuration suitable for a nuclear fusion experiment. The antenna has been then manufactured and measured; strengths and weaknesses of the proposed solution are outlined

    TOPLHA: an accurate and efficient numerical tool for analysis and design of LH antennas

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    This paper presents a self-consistent, integral-equation approach for the analysis of plasma-facing lower hybrid (LH) launchers; the geometry of the waveguide grill structure can be completely arbitrary, including the non-planar mouth of the grill. This work is based on the theoretical approach and code implementation of the TOPICA code, of which it shares the modular structure and constitutes the extension into the LH range. Code results are validated against the literature results and simulations from similar code

    Clinical implications of DNA repair defects in high-grade serous ovarian carcinomas

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    Despite significant improvements in surgical and medical management, high grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) still represents the deadliest gynecologic malignancy and the fifth most frequent cause of cancer-related mortality in women in the USA. Since DNA repair alterations are regarded as the “the Achille’s heel” of HGSOC, both DNA homologous recombination and DNA mismatch repair deficiencies have been explored and targeted in epithelial ovarian cancers in the latest years. In this review, we aim at focusing on the therapeutic issues deriving from a faulty DNA repair machinery in epithelial ovarian cancers, starting from existing and well-established treatments and investigating new therapeutic approaches which could possibly improve ovarian cancer patients’ survival outcomes in the near future. In particular, we concentrate on the role of both Poly (ADP-ribose) Polymerase (PARP) inhibitors (PARPis) and immune checkpoint inhibitors in HGSOC, highlighting their activity in relation to BRCA1/2 mutational status and homologous recombination deficiency (HRD). We investigate the biological rationale supporting their use in the clinical setting, pointing at tracking their route from the laboratory bench to the patient’s bedside. Finally, we deal with the onset of mechanisms of primary and acquired resistance to PARPis, reporting the pioneering strategies aimed at converting homologous-recombination (HR) proficient tumors into homologous recombination (HR)-deficient HGSOC

    An Innovative Harmonic Radar to Track Flying Insects: the Case of Vespa velutina

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    Over the last 30 years, harmonic radars have been effective only in tracking insects flying at low altitude and over flat terrain. We developed an innovative harmonic radar, implementing the most advanced radar techniques, which covers a large field of view in elevation (with an angular aperture of about 24°) and can track insects up to a range of 500 m. We show all the components of this new harmonic radar and its first application, the tracking of Vespa velutina (yellow-legged Asian hornet). This is an invasive species which, although indigenous to South-East Asia, is spreading quickly to other regions of the world. Because of its fast diffusion and the serious threat it poses to both honeybee colonies and to humans, control measures are mandatory. When equipped with a small passive transponder, this radar system can track the flight trajectory of insects and locate nests to be destroyed. This tool has potential not only for monitoring V. velutina but also for tracking other larger insects and small size vertebrates

    A low-cost indoor real time locating system based on TDOA estimation of UWB pulse sequences

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    One of the most popular technologies adopted for indoor localization is ultrawideband impulse radio (IR-UWB). Due to its peculiar characteristics, it is able to overcome the multipath effect that severely reduces the capability of receivers (sensors) to estimate the position of transmitters (tags) in complex environments. In this article, we introduce a new low-cost real-time locating system (RTLS) that does not require time synchronization among sensors and uses a one-way communication scheme to reduce the cost and complexity of tags. The system is able to evaluate the position of a large number of tags by computing the time difference of arrival (TDOA) of UWB pulse sequences received by at least three sensors. In the presented system, the tags transmit sequences of 2-ns UWB pulses with a carrier frequency of 7.25 GHz. Each sensor processes the received sequences with a two-step correlation analysis performed first on a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) chip and successively on an on-board processor. The result of the analysis is the time of arrival (TOA) of the tag sequence at each sensor and the ID of the associated tag. The results are sent to a host PC implementing trilateration algorithm based on the TDOA computed among sensors. We will describe the characteristics of the custom hardware that has been designed for this project (tag and sensor) as well as the processing steps implemented that allowed us to achieve an optimum localization accuracy of 10 cm

    Multivariate Analysis Applications in X-ray Diffraction

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    : Multivariate analysis (MA) is becoming a fundamental tool for processing in an efficient way the large amount of data collected in X-ray diffraction experiments. Multi-wedge data collections can increase the data quality in case of tiny protein crystals; in situ or operando setups allow investigating changes on powder samples occurring during repeated fast measurements; pump and probe experiments at X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) sources supply structural characterization of fast photo-excitation processes. In all these cases, MA can facilitate the extraction of relevant information hidden in data, disclosing the possibility of automatic data processing even in absence of a priori structural knowledge. MA methods recently used in the field of X-ray diffraction are here reviewed and described, giving hints about theoretical background and possible applications. The use of MA in the framework of the modulated enhanced diffraction technique is described in detail

    La ciudad como representación. Imaginario urbano y recreación simbólica de la ciudad

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    Como unidad de estudio geográficamente determinada y como productora de su propia documentación. la ciudad ha facilitado su aprehensión analítica y se ha convertido en un objeto de estudio privilegiado por diversas disciplinas. El interés se ha centrado en una diversidad de aspectos que incluyen, entre otros, los sociológicos, geográficos, antropológicos, arquitectónicos, urbanísticos e históricos. En cada caso la ciudad fue objeto de distintas definiciones, se delimitaron diversos objetos de estudio y los investigadores se dedicaron con una extensa variedad de herramientas teóricas y metodológicas a reconstruir -desde diversas disciplinas- el mundo urbano presente y pasado. El propósito de este trabajo es presentar algunas reflexiones teóricas y metodológicas sobre el concepto de imaginario urbano como objeto de estudio de la disciplina histórica. Para ello se analiza el concepto de imaginario colectivo; se reflexiona sobre el estudio de las representaciones como parte de la historia cultural; se distingue conceptual y metodológicamente entre mentalidades e imaginario; se problematiza sobre la naturaleza real o ficcional de éste último; se caracteriza al concepto de imaginario urbano y se propone. como uno de los tamos abordajes posibles para su estudio, el análisis de los actores sociales que se constituyen como sus autores