5 research outputs found

    Receptores Toll-like em corpo gorduroso e glândula salivar do carrapato bovino Rhipicephalus microplus

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    [Receptores Toll-like em corpo gorduroso e glândula salivar do carrapato bovino Rhipicephalus microplus] Receptores Toll-like (TLRs) desempenham um importante papel no reconhecimento de componentes de agentes patogênicos e subsequente ativação da resposta imune inata, que, em seguida, leva ao desenvolvimento da resposta imune. Em artrópodes, tais como insetos, o corpo gorduroso é um órgão importante no sistema de defesa contra os agentes patogênicos invasores. Neste estudo, foi identificada pela primeira vez, a presença de TLRs em corpo gorduroso e glândulas salivares de Rhipicephalus microplus. Os nossos resultados indicam que a expressão de TLRs em corpo gorduroso não ocorre em todas as células, mas é específico para alguns tipos celulares. Em glândulas salivares a marcação ocorre em ácinos, sugerindo que a via imune está ativa neste tecido do carrapato. O uso potencial de TLRs como um alvo para formulações de vacinas contra R. microplus é discutido

    Drug treatment versus surgical treatment for tubal ectopic pregnancy: an integrative review

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    Objective: To compare characteristics of the clinical and surgical women with ectopic pregnancy fit for both. Method: an integrative review, with retrospective data and quantitative approach, carried out in the electronic database Medical Published- serve of the U.S. National Library of Medicine, PubMed and Scientific Electronic Library Online-SCIELO. Inclusion criteria were published between the years 2005-2015, in national and international journals, be available in Portuguese, English and Spanish in its entirety. The population consisted of 86 articles and extracted 6 studies for the sample. Results: The year of publication was higher in 2014, with 2 posts and the least were the years of 2006, 2008, 2010 and 2012 with 1 item. There was no article in Portuguese, being mostly published in English. Conclusion: restriction studies published in our country makes scientific evidence less applicable to clinical practice in public health

    Sociodemographic Situation of Elderly Affected by Systemic Arterial Hypertension

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    Objective: To investigate the occurrence of systemic hypertension in elderly in Cajazeiras County - PB. Methodology: descriptive study, exploratory, cross-sectional, of quantitative approach. A random sample totaled in 348 elderly assisted by Family Health Strategy – FHS at Cajazeiras County - PB. For the analysis, it was used a statistical package, the Statistical Package for Social Sciences, descriptive simple statistics (frequency / percentage). Results: There was a high prevalence of hypertension (73.9%), there was a predominance of males (77.3%), higher incidence of hypertension among the elderly aged ≤ 71 (75.0%), live in rural areas (79.2%), live with his/her partner (77.4%) and income ≤ 1 minimum wage (76.1%). Conclusion: Health professionals, especially nurses, should understand the limitations and disabling aspects faced by the elderly, preventing proper treatment of hypertension and satisfactory lifestyle to disease prevention and health promotion, creating strategies to mitigate or remedy these difficulties. &nbsp

    A Coxiella mutualist symbiont is essential to the development of Rhipicephalus microplus

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    Abstract The cattle tick Rhipicephalus microplus is a hematophagous ectoparasite that causes important economic losses in livestock. Different species of ticks harbor a symbiont bacterium of the genus Coxiella. It was showed that a Coxiella endosymbiont from R. microplus (CERM) is a vertically transmitted mutualist symbiont, comprising 98% of the 16S rRNA sequences in both eggs and larvae. Sequencing of the bacterial genome revealed genes for biosynthetic pathways for several vitamins and key metabolic cofactors that may provide a nutritional complement to the tick host. The CERM was abundant in ovary and Malpighian tubule of fully engorged female. Tetracycline treatment of either the tick or the vertebrate host reduced levels of bacteria in progeny in 74% for eggs and 90% for larvae without major impact neither on the reproductive fitness of the adult female or on embryo development. However, CERM proved to be essential for the tick to reach the adult life stage, as under antibiotic treatment no tick was able to progress beyond the metanymph stage. Data presented here suggest that interference in the symbiotic CERM-R. microplus relationship may be useful to the development of alternative control methods, highlighting the interdependence between ticks and their endosymbionts

    Utilização da multimistura durante a lactação e seus efeitos na produção e composição do leite materno de ratas Use of multimixture during lactation and its effects on production and composition of rat milk

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    A multimistura, composta por farelos, pós de folhas verdes, pós de sementes e pó da casca de ovo, vem sendo amplamente recomendada para aumentar a produção de leite materno, porém sem bases científicas que confirmem sua eficácia. Este estudo objetivou avaliar o desempenho lactacional de ratas alimentadas com dieta suplementada com 2% de multimistura (MM). Foram utilizados ratos fêmeas da linhagem Wistar lactantes com idade entre 90 e 100 dias de vida, divididos nos seguintes grupos (n=12): a) à base da dieta habitual do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (HERJ); b) dieta HERJ suplementada com 2% de multimistura (HERJ+MM); c) à base de caseína, com 12% de proteínas (CAS1); d) à base de caseína, com 20% de proteínas (CAS2). Foram determinados os macronutrientes proteína, lactose e lipídios e a produção de leite. O grupo HERJ+MM apresentou a menor produção de leite (p<0,05) e o menor conteúdo de lactose, quando comparado com os outros. Portanto, conclui-se que a performance lactacional das ratas cuja ração foi suplementada com 2% de multimistura apresentou-se diminuída.<br>The addition of multimixture, composed of bran, green leaves powder, seeds powder and eggshell powder, to the population's diet has been encouraged in Brazil, as a means to increase the production of breast milk, although without scientific bases that confirm its efficacy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the lactation performance of rats receiving ad libitum diet supplemented with 2% of multimixture (MM). Female Wistar-lactating rats of 90 to 100 days of age were divided into the following groups (n=12): a) fed the typical diet of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (HERJ); b) HERJ diet supplemented with 2% of multimixture (HERJ+MM); c) casein diet, with 12% of proteins (CAS1); d) casein diet, with 20% of proteins (CAS2). Lipid, lactose and protein concentrations and milk production were determined. The HERJ+MM group presented significantly lower milk production (p<0.05) and lower lactose content. In conclusion, there was a decrease in the lactation performance of rats which received diet supplemented with 2% of multimixture