93 research outputs found

    Clinical trial of a low-cost external fixator for global surgery use

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    PURPOSE: A low-cost modular external fixator for the lower limb has been developed for global surgery use. The purpose of this study is to assess outcome measures in the first clinical use of the device. METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted with patients recruited in two trauma hospitals. Initial clinical procedure data were collected, and patients were followed up every two weeks until 12 weeks or definitive fixation. Follow-up assessed infection, stability, and radiographic outcomes. In addition, patient-reported outcomes and surgeons' feedback on device usability were collected by questionnaires. RESULTS: The external fixator was used on 17 patients. Ten were mono-lateral, five were joint spanning, and two were delta configuration. One patient had a pin site infection at 12-week follow-up. All were stable when tested mechanically and using radiographic assessment, and 53% were converted to definitive fixation. CONCLUSION: The low-cost external fixator developed is appropriate for use in global surgery trauma centres with good clinical outcomes. PROSPECTIVE TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER AND DATE: SLCTR/2021/025 (06 Sep 2021)

    Real-world versus trial patients with transthyretin amyloid cardiomyopathy

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    Transthyretin (TTR) amyloid cardiomyopathy (ATTR‐AC) is caused either by single‐point mutations in the TTR gene (ATTRv‐AC) or by deposition of the wild‐type protein (ATTRwt‐AC).1 Long been considered a rare disease, ATTR‐AC has been increasingly recognized in recent years, particularly among the elderly,1 mostly due to the possibility of a non‐invasive diagnosis through bone scintigraph

    Oligometastatic Gastric Cancer: Clinical Data from the Meta-Gastro Prospective Register of the Italian Research Group on Gastric Cancer

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    Background: Interest in the field of metastatic gastric cancer has grown in recent years, and the identification of oligometastatic patients plays a critical role as it consents to their inclusion in multimodal treatment strategies, which include systemic therapy but also surgery with curative intent. To collect sound clinical data on this subject, The Italian Research Group on Gastric Cancer developed a prospective multicentric observational register of metastatic gastric cancer patients called META-GASTRO. Methods: Data on 383 patients in Meta-Gastro were mined to help our understanding of oligometastatic, according to its double definition: quantitative/anatomical and dynamic. Results: the quantitative/anatomical definition applies to single-site metastases independently from the metastatic site (p < 0.001) to peritoneal metastases with PCI ≤ 12 (p = 0.009), to 1 or 2 hepatic metastases (p = 0.024) and nodal metastases in station 16 (p = 0.002). The dynamic definition applies to a percentage of cases variable according to the metastatic site: 8%, 13.5 and 23.8% for hepatic, lymphatic and peritoneal sites, respectively. In all cases, the OS of patients benefitting from conversion therapy was similar to those of cases deemed operable at diagnosis and operated after neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusions: META-GASTRO supports the two-fold definition of oligometastatic gastric cancer: the quantitative/anatomical one, which accounts for 30% of our population, and the dynamic one, observed in 16% of our cases

    Phase II study of gemcitabine, doxorubicin and paclitaxel (GAT) as first-line chemotherapy for metastatic breast cancer: a translational research experience

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with metastatic breast cancer are frequently treated with anthracyclines and taxanes, which are among the most active agents in this disease. Gemcitabine is an interesting candidate for a three-drug combination because of its different mechanism of action and non-overlapping toxicity with respect to the other two drugs. We aimed to evaluate the activity and toxicity of the GAT (gemcitabine, doxorubicin and paclitaxel) regimen, derived from experimental preclinical studies, as first-line chemotherapy in patients with stage IIIB-IV breast cancer. METHODS: Patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer and at least one bidimensionally measurable lesion were included in the present study. Adequate bone marrow reserve, normal cardiac, hepatic and renal function, and an ECOG performance status of 0 to 2 were required. Only prior adjuvant non anthracycline-based chemotherapy was permitted. Treatment consisted of doxorubicin 50 mg/m(2 )on day 1, paclitaxel 160 mg/m(2 )on day 2 and gemcitabine 800 mg/m(2 )on day 6, repeated every 21–28 days. RESULTS: Thirty-three consecutive breast cancer patients were enrolled onto the trial (7 stage IIIB and 26 stage IV). All patients were evaluable for toxicity and 29 were assessable for response. A total of 169 cycles were administered, with a median of 6 cycles per patient (range 1–8 cycles). Complete and partial responses were observed in 6.9% and 48.3% of patients, respectively, for an overall response rate of 55.2%. A response was reported in all metastatic sites, with a median duration of 16.4 months. Median time to progression and overall survival were 10.2 and 36.4 months, respectively. The most important toxicity was hematological, with grade III-IV neutropenia observed in 69% of patients, sometimes requiring the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (27%). Non hematological toxicity was rare and mild. One patient died from sepsis during the first treatment cycle before the administration of gemcitabine. CONCLUSION: The strong synergism among the three drugs found in the preclinical setting was confirmed in terms of both clinical activity and hematological toxicity. Our results seem to indicate that the GAT regimen is effective in anthracycline-naïve metastatic breast cancer and provides a feasible chemotherapeutic option in this clinical setting

    A pragmatic approach improves the clinical management of stage IV gastric cancer: Comparison between the Meta-Gastro results and the GIRCG's retrospective series

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    Introduction: The Italian Research Group for Gastric Cancer developed a prospective database about stage IV gastric cancer, to evaluate how a pragmatic attitude impacts the management of these patients. Materials and methods: We prospectively collected data about metastatic gastric cancer patients thanks to cooperation between radiologists, oncologists and surgeons and we analyzed survival and prognostic factors, comparing the results to those obtained in our retrospective study. Results: Three-hundred and eighty-three patients were enrolled from 2018 to September 2022. We observed a higher percentage of laparoscopic exploration with peritoneal lavage in the prospective cohort. In the registry only 3.6 % of patients was submitted to surgery without associated chemotherapy, while in the retrospective population 44.3 % of patients were operated on without any chemotherapy. At univariate and multivariate analyses, the different metastatic sites did not show any survival differences among each other (OS 20.0 vs 16.10 vs 16.7 months for lymphnodal, peritoneal and hepatic metastases, respectively), while the number of metastatic sites and the type of treatment showed a statistical significance (OS 16,7 vs 13,0 vs 4,5 months for 1, 2 and 3 different metastatic sites respectively, p &lt; 0.001; 24,2 vs 12,0 vs 2,5 months for surgery with/without chemotherapy, chemotherapy alone and best supportive treatment respectively, p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: Our data highlight that the different metastatic sites did not show different survivals, but survival is worse in case of multiple localization. In patients where a curative resection can be achieved, acceptable survival rates are possible. A better diagnostic workup and a more accurate staging impact favorably upon survival

    A targeted proteomics approach to amyloidosis typing

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    Background: Amyloidosis is a life threatening disease caused by deposition of various types of blood serum proteins in organs and tissues. Knowing the type of protein involved is the basis of a correct diagnosis and personalized medical treatment. While the classical approach uses immunohistochemistry, in recent years, laser micro-dissection, followed by high resolution LC-MS/MS, has been shown to provide superior diagnostic sensitivity and specificity. This techniques, however, is only available at major reference proteomics centers. // Objective: To perform clinical amyloid protein typing using low-resolution mass spectrometry and no laser micro dissection (LMD), we developed a targeted proteomics approach for the determination of both frequently encountered amyloid proteins (i.e., κ and -λ immunoglobulin light chains and transthyretin (TTR)) and specific reference proteins (i.e., actin (A) for cardiac muscle tissue, or fatty acid binding protein 4 (FBP4) for subcutaneous adipose tissue) in histologic specimens. // Method: Small tissue fragments and/or histological sections were digested to yield a protein mixture that was subsequently reduced, alkylated and trypsinized to obtain a peptide mixture. After SPE purification and LC separation, proteotypic peptides were detected by their MRM transitions. // Results: The method showed high specificity and sensitivity for amyloid protein proteotypic peptides. LODs were 1.0, 0.1, 0.2 picomoles in cardiac muscle tissue (CMT) and 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 picomoles in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) for TTR, κ-, and λ-LC proteins, respectively. Amyloid to tissue-specific protein signal ratios correlated with the presence of amyloid deposits in clinical samples. // Conclusions: This targeted proteomics approach enables sensitive and specific discrimination of amyloidosis affected tissues for the purpose of clinical research

    Why do paediatricians prescribe antibiotics? Results of an Italian regional project

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To investigate determinants of antibiotic prescription in paediatric care, as a first step of a multilevel intervention to improve prescribing for common respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in a northern Italian region with high antibiotic prescription rate.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A two-step survey was performed: in phase I, knowledge, and attitudes were explored involving all family and hospital paediatricians of Emilia-Romagna and a sample of parents. In phase II, patient care practices were explored in a stratified random sample of visits, both in hospitals and family physician's clinics; parent expectations were investigated in a sub-sample of these visits.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Out of overall 4352 visits for suspected RTIs, in 38% of children an antibiotic was prescribed. Diagnostic uncertainty was perceived by paediatricians as the most frequent cause of inappropriate prescription (56% of 633 interviewed paediatricians); but, rapid antigen detecting tests was used in case of pharyngitis/pharyngotonsillitis by 36% and 21% of family and hospital paediatricians only. More than 50% of paediatricians affirmed to not adopt a "wait and see strategy" in acute otitis. The perceived parental expectation of antibiotics was not indicated by paediatricians as a crucial determinant of prescription, but this perception was the second factor most strongly associated to prescription (OR = 12.8; 95% CI 10.4 - 15.8), the first being the presence of othorrea. Regarding parents, the most important identified factors, potentially associated to overprescribing, were the lack of knowledge of RTIs and antibiotics (41% of 1029 parents indicated bacteria as a possible cause of common cold), and the propensity to seek medical care for trivial infections (48% of 4352 children accessing ambulatory practice presented only symptoms of common cold).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A wide gap between perceived and real determinants of antibiotic prescription exists. This can promote antibiotic overuse. Inadequate parental knowledge can also induce inappropriate prescription. The value of this study is that it simultaneously explored determinants of antimicrobial prescribing in an entire region involving both professionals and parents.</p

    Randomized phase II study with two gemcitabine- and docetaxel-based combinations as first-line chemotherapy for metastatic non-small cell lung cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Docetaxel and gemcitabine combinations have proven active for the treatment of non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The aim of the present study was to evaluate and compare two treatment schedules, one based on our own preclinical data and the other selected from the literature.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients with stage IV NSCLC and at least one bidimensionally-measurable lesion were eligible. Adequate bone marrow reserve, normal hepatic and renal function, and an ECOG performance status of 0 to 2 were required. No prior chemotherapy was permitted. Patients were randomized to arm A (docetaxel 70 mg/m<sup>2</sup>on day 1 and gemcitabine 900 mg/m<sup>2 </sup>on days 3–8, every 3 weeks) or B (gemcitabine 900 mg/m2 on days 1 and 8, and docetaxel 70 mg/m2 on day 8, every 3 weeks).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The objective response rate was 20% (95% CI:10.0–35.9) and 18% (95% CI:8.6–33.9) in arms A and B, respectively. Disease control rates were very similar (54% in arm A and 53% in arm B). No differences were noted in median survival (32 vs. 33 weeks) or 1-year survival (33% vs. 35%). Toxicity was mild in both treatment arms.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results highlighted acceptable activity and survival outcomes for both experimental and empirical schedules as first-line treatment of NSCLC, suggesting the potential usefulness of drug sequencing based on preclinical models.</p> <p>Trial registration number</p> <p>IOR 162 02</p