190 research outputs found

    Why do Czech consumers purchase organic food?

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze empirically factors that explain organic food purchase behaviour, using data on a representative sample of inhabitants of Czech Republic. First, socio-demographic characteristics of organic food consumers are examined. Second, the motivational factors and barriers that affect purchase decision-making related to organic food are identified.The results of the study show that organic food is purchased more likely by younger households, households from larger cities and households with the highest income. Health-related beliefs, environmental beliefs, and normative beliefs have positive effect on organic food purchase. On the other hand, low trust in certification system, lack of information and perceived shorter shelf life of organics are the important barriers to organic food consumption

    A review of cutaneous toxicities from targeted therapies in the treatment of colorectal cancers

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    Currently there are three targeted therapies approved for the treatment of colorectal cancers. These include the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors, cetuximab and panitumumab, and the multikinase inhibitor regorafenib. It is important to understand and recognize the common presentations of cutaneous toxicity that result from these agents to effectively manage symptoms and prevent premature discontinuation of anticancer treatment

    Fyziologická a proteomická charakterizace vlivu abiotických stresů na ozimou formu brukve řepky olejky

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    in Czech language, Ph.D. thesis - Milan Urban, 2017 V některých letech je zemědělská produkce brukve řepky olejky - významné plodiny České republiky - ohrožena (kromě biotických stresů) mrazem či suchem. V prvním přehledovém článku jsme proto věnovali pozornost proteinům, které byly nalezeny ve studiích porovnávajících genotypy s různou mírou tolerance k abiotickým stresům. V tomto článku jsme se také zaměřili na aplikaci výsledků proteomických studií ve šlechtitelských programech a při zvyšování odolnosti plodin ke stresům obecně. Vlastní výsledky jsme pozorovali u chladově aklimovaných, nejarovizovaných rostlin řepky ve fázi listové růžice. V druhém článku jsme prokázali signifikantní vztah mezi mrazuvzdorností, akumulací dehydrinů a aklimací fotosyntetického aparátu u pěti odrůd řepky. Při porovnání s dřívějšími výsledky jsme pozorovali nejen specifickou akumulaci dehydrinu D97, ale i kvalitativní změny dalších dehydrinů. Tyto výsledky naznačují, že úroveň získané mrazuvzdornosti je závislá nejen na aklimaci fotosyntézy, ale i na vyšší akumulaci ochranných složek. Stres sucha (článek č. 3) byl navozen ve fázi prodlužování stonku před kvetením, což je fáze, ve které rostlina musí přijmout větší množství vody. Pozdní jarní přísušky před nebo během kvetení výrazně snižují výnos a kvalitu produkce....- Ph.D. thesis - Milan Urban, 2017 In some years, the agricultural production of oilseed rape, an important crop in the Czech Republic, is - besides biotic stress - facing the problem of damage caused by frost or drought. Together with special attention paid to proteins revealing responses between crop genotypes with differential abiotic stress tolerance levels we reviewed possible applications of proteomic results in crop breeding programs aimed at an improvement of crop stress tolerance (paper 1). For first original result, cold temperature was imposed upon non-vernalized plants in the stage of leaf rosette. The article (paper 2) shows a significant correlation between frost tolerance (FT), dehydrin (DHN) accumulation, and photosynthetic acclimation in five cultivars (cvs). Newly, the specific DHN D97 was shown to accumulate and other DHNs were shown to have qualitative differences in accumulation. These results imply that proper FT assessment is based on rapid photosynthetic acclimation together with higher accumulation of protective compounds. Drought stress (paper 3) was imposed in the water- demanding stem prolongation phase before flowering, because late-spring drought before and during flowering decreases the yield and seed quality significantly. This paper newly describes two water-uptake...Katedra experimentální biologie rostlinDepartment of Experimental Plant BiologyPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Brze paralelne molekularne simulacije

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    We have developed and built several clusters of Personal Computers (PCs) that we use to perform parallel molecular simulations of chemically, physically, and biologically relevant systems. We describe the distinguishing networking topology of our clusters that enable them to perform classical and quantum mechanical computer simulations faster than standard PC clusters. Several techniques that we have used in parallelizing simulation programs are described. We employed these clusters for simulations of several different molecular systems. Also the computational performance of these simulations on our PC clusters is presented.Razvijeno je i izgrađeno par grozdova osobnih računala (PC) za izvođenje paralelnih molekularnih simulacija raznih kemijskih, fizikalnih i biološki relevantnih sustava. Osebujna topologija umrežavanja ovih grozdova je, u odnosu na standardne PC grozdove, u stanju brže izvoditi klasične i kvantnomehaničke simulacije. Opisano je više tehnika za paraleliziranje simulacijskih programa koji su zatim primjenjeni na niz molekularnih sustava. Diskutirana je tako|er računalna učinkovitost simulacija na predlo`enim PC grozdovima

    Einfluss von verschiedenen Düngungssystemen auf Ertrag und Qualitätsparameter des Korns bei ökologisch angebautem Dinkel

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    In dieser Studie werden Erträge und ausgewählte Parameter der Kornqualität für ökologisch angebauten Spelzweizen (Dinkel) unter unterschiedlichen Düngungssystemen verglichen. Die Ertrags- und Qualitäts-Kennwerte wurden im Rahmen eines Langzeit-Versuchs erhoben, der in fünf Versuchsstationen in der Tschechischen Republik läuft. Der Tukey-Kramer Mittelwertsvergleich wurde für die statistische Prüfung verwendet. Der Test zeigte im Kornertrag statistisch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den unterschiedlichen Bewirtschaftungs-Strategien. Bei den Qualitätsparametern konnten hingegen keine statistisch signifikanten Unterschiede festgestellt werden

    RankspeQ: An R package platform for genotype characterization and performance-ranking based on MultispeQ measurements

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    With the new technologies in plant phenotyping, robust and reliable tools are still required to analyze large-scale and multivariate datasets. The RankspeQ is a novel R package developed to evaluate genotype performance and to support selection-driven decisions based on leaf traits and environment-related variables measured by the MultispeQ device. The presented software consists of 3 main functions: i) data cleaning, ii) computational trait- genotype ranking, and iii) comparison of accessions against grain yield or another crop trait. Optionally, the evaluation can be performed by alternative groups which can be defined by the user, such as genepools, families, among others. The software development as well as the data evaluation was made with datasets of Phaseolus spp. experiments. However, R code - with easy modifications - can be used on any other crop. This valuable tool helps to understand the hidden potential of MultispeQ equipment and - most - identify crop traits useful in genotype characterization in particular environments. The tool has direct potential for physiologists, breeders etc. as it identifies the best performing accessions. However, it also targets false positive results with low yield but high photosynthetic performance. We also propose to use a new efficiency index to calculate the ratio of incoming radiation for net photosynthesis in proportion to light dissipation processes. Further updates will include new algorithms (e.g. trait heritability), generalization to other species and a shiny interface to make the software user friendly

    Ekologické zemědělství, učebnice pro školy i praxi. I. díl. Základy EZ, agroenvironmentální aspekty a pěstování rostlin

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    První učebnice ekologického zemědělství v České republice. Obsahuje základy filosofie a praxe v ekologickém zemědělství, zaměřené na rostlinnou produkci a v samostatné kapitole informuje o biodynamickém zemědělství

    Using phenomics to identify and integrate traits of interest for better-performing common beans: A validation study on an interspecific hybrid and its Acutifolii parents

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    Evaluations of interspecific hybrids are limited, as classical genebank accession descriptors are semi-subjective, have qualitative traits and show complications when evaluating intermediate accessions. However, descriptors can be quantified using recognized phenomic traits. This digitalization can identify phenomic traits which correspond to the percentage of parental descriptors remaining expressed/visible/measurable in the particular interspecific hybrid. In this study, a line of P. vulgaris, P. acutifolius and P. parvifolius accessions and their crosses were sown in the mesh house according to CIAT seed regeneration procedures