22 research outputs found

    The role of the university forest enterprise of the Technical University in Zvolen

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    The University Forest Enterprise (UFE) is a special-purpose facility at the Technical University in Zvolen (TUZVO). The UFE is aimed at the practical education of students, scientific research associated with all forestry activities, demonstration objects, and management of the forest fund. lt is thus possible to demonstrate several aspects of forestry such as forest management, management of forest reproductive material, silviculture, logging operations, forestry constructions and ameliorations, landscape management, game management, fishery, and beekeeping. To follow these goals, 67 permanent research plots, 18 temporary plots, and 103 demonstration objects are currently maintained at the territory of the enterprise, all connected to the network of excursion and demonstration paths. The UFE manages the forest land fund (9,729 ha) according to the needs of the Technical University, and with respect to the purpose of the enterprise, 80% of the forest area managed by the enterprise is classified into the category of specialpurpose forests. The forest land fund is composed of state-owned forest land as well as forest properties of other owners. Forest plant communities ofthe UFE belang to five altitudinal vegetation zones (298-1035 m above sea level). Broadleaved tree species evidently predominate. Due to the special focus of management, the UFE uses as much as possible the concepts of the close-to-nature silviculture. Due to varied natural conditions, it is possible to apply several silvicultural systems. The application of shelterwood and selection systems with maximum utilisation of the natural potential of indigenous tree species is strongly preferred

    Utjecaj šumskouzgojnih zahvata na strukturu i formiranje neprave srži u bukovim sastojinama

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    The issue of occurrence and size of red heart and the possibilities of its limitation in beech assortments have been researched in worldwide measures for a long time. There are many ecological, phenological, geological factors which more or less influence its formation. The results of a long-term research of different silvicultural treatment confirmed that a big crown of crop trees creates conditions to achieve the target diameter with a low assumption of red heart formation and so rises the quality and price of produced assortments. The different shaping of tree crowns on two investigated compartments had a significant impact on the size of dehydrated zone and subsequently on the frequency of red heart. On the contrary, it did not have a significant impact on the size of red heart, even though red hearts in the both investigated forest stands were small. We also found the different qualitative structure of assortments in both types of investigated compartments.Neprava srž (crveno srce) i poremećaji u rastu debla bukovih stabala glavni su fenomeni koji značajno utječu na kvalitetu sirovog drva, a time značajno smanjuju financijsku vrijednost izrađenih sortimenata (Bec ker et al 2005). U posljednje vrijeme velik broj autora istražuje utjecaj uzgajivačkih metoda (njege i obnove sastojina) na kvalitetu drvnih sortimenata s gledišta pojavnosti neprave srži. (Knoke 2003, Kudra et al. 2003, Prka 2003, Schmidt et al. 2005, Kadunc 2006). Ranija istraživanja pokazala su da dob sastojine, promjer debla i sastojinski oblik (Mahler a Höwecke 1991) imaju značajan utjecaj na veličinu i učestalost pojavnosti neprave srži. Održavanje aktivnog parenhima u stanju visoke vlažnosti na presjeku bukovog debla ovisno je o volumenu krošnje stabla. Intenzivne visoke prorede utječu na manju učestalost pojavnosti neprave srži, ako promatramo ciljani prsni promjer od 40 do 50 cm (Kudra et al. 2003, Kadunc 2006). Intenzivne visoke prorede utječu na ranije dostizanje ciljanog promjera debla. Postoji mnogo čimbenika koji utječu na nastanak i dinamiku širenja neprave srži u bukovim sastojinama. Zbog toga je cilj ovoga rada procijeniti utjecaj različitih šumskouzgojnih zahvata koji utječu na razvoj krošanja stabala, te tako i na pojavnost i raširenost neprave srži uz homogenost sljedećih čimbenika (vrsta sastojine, tip tla, dob, nagib terena, nadmorska visina i sl.). Kako bi se otklonio utjecaj navedenih čimbenika, odabrane su dvije sastojine koje se nalaze u neposrednoj blizini, dok su uzgojni zahvati u njima bili različiti. U sastojini na istraživačkoj plohi (CMT 513) 1980. godine postavljene su dvije trajne plohe (SPPs). Do 1980. godine bila je njegovana visokom proredom. Godine 1986. i 1991. u sastojini je izvršena selektivna proreda, a od 1991. do 2009. god. dva puta je izvršena preborna sječa u iznosu od 70–80 m3ha-1. Druga sastojina 514 b ima četiri trajne plohe (SPPs) koje su osnovane 1966. godine visokom proredom usmjerenom na maksimalno oslobađanje prostora krošanja odabranih stabala. Intenzitet proreda za razdoblje od 5 godina do 1991. godine bio je na razini 16–18 %. U toj je godini izvršena posljednja proreda s intenzitetom 24–26 % drvne zalihe. Dendrometrijske značajke stabala mjerene su 1986, 1991,1997, 2001. i 2009. godine. Iz obje je sastojine odabrano po 14 stabala starosti u rasponu od 93 do 111 godina (tablice 1 i 2). Nakon rušenja i rezanja kolutova (sekcioniranja debla) na čelima je izmjerena širina neprave srži (RH) i piravosti (DZ). Iz tablice 3 vidljivo je da se srednje vrijednosti volumena krošanja na istraživanim plohama značajno razlikuju s obzirom na različite metode prorede koje su provedene u protekle 23 godine. Iznimka je posljednje desetljeću 2001–2009. Srednja vrijednost volumena krošnje (razdoblje 1986–2001) za plohu CMT 513 23–35 % je veća nego na plohi CMT 514 b. Daljnje produkcijske značajke istraživanih sastojina vide se iz korelacijskih odnosa između visine stabla i prsnog promjera (slika 3) i između prsnog promjera i volumena krošnje (slika 4). S obzirom na veće srednje vrijednosti volumena krošanja tijekom razvoja, istraživačka ploha CMT 513 (tablica 3) imala je značajno niži stupanj pojavnosti neprave srži (RH) od pojavnosti na plohi 514b (slika 5). Isti faktor (tablica 3) nije značajno utjecao na udjel neprave srži (RH) (tablica 4). Iz tablice 4 također se može vidjeti da je razvoj krošnje utjecao na srednje vrijednosti udjela piravosti (DZ) (tablica 3). Niže vrijednosti veličine piravosti na istraživačkoj plohi CMT 513 prema plohi CMT 514 b (tablica 4) posljedica su prevencije oštećivanja debla, što je dovelo i do smanjenja pojavnosti neprave srži (RH). Starenjem kambija širina piravosti i bijelji na stablima na obje se istraživačke plohe linearno povećavala (tablica 5). Suprotno tomu, rastom debla (H) oba su se faktora smanjivali (tablica 5). Statistički značajne korelacijske zavisnosti također ukazuju na jak utjecaj navedenih faktora. Analizom kvalitete izrađenih sortimenata (slika 7) potvrđena je viša kvaliteta sortimenata s istraživačke plohe CMT 513 u klasama A i B (STN EN1316-1). Suprotno tomu, udjel klase C bio je značajno niži nego li u sastojini 514 b. Rezultati istraživanja potvrdili su da stablimično i dugotrajno uzgajanje bukve s krošnjom većom od polovice visine stabla u gornjoj etaži stvara preduvjete za postizanje željenog prsnog promjera od 45 do 50 cm (starost 100 do 110 godina) s vrlo malom pojavnosti neprave srži (RH). Stoga je uzgojne zahvate potrebno usmjeriti na formiranje kvalitetne donje trećine debla, koja prema Bachmanna (1990) predstavlja tek 60 % njegovog volumena, ali 90 % vrijednosti produkcije. Istraživana sastojina CMT 513 imala je značajno nižu učestalost pojavnosti neprave srži (RH) (slika 5). U usporedbi s literaturnim podacima (Mahler and Höwecke 1991) učestalost pojavnosti neprave srži (RH) bila je značajno niža pri sličnim faktorima starosti od 100-120 godina i prsnom promjeru 40–49 cm. Prema Prki (2003), koji je istraživao problematiku obnove bukovih sastojina, učestalost pojavnosti neprave srži bila je oko 50 %. Dobiveni rezultati zbog toga nas upućuju na pretpostavku da se i u zreloj dobi stabala može pozitivno utjecati na odnos širine bijelji i piravosti (DZ). Primjerenim uzgajivačkim zahvatima koji su usmjereni na povećanje volumena i kvalitete krošnje smanjit će se pojavnost neprave srži (tablica 4 i slika 5). To će imati i značajan utjecaj na povećanje kvalitete i cijene izrađenih sortimenata (slika 7)

    The role of the university forest enterprise of the Technical University in Zvolen

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    The University Forest Enterprise (UFE) is a special-purpose facility at the Technical University in Zvolen (TUZVO). The UFE is aimed at the practical education of students, scientific research associated with all forestry activities, demonstration objects, and management of the forest fund. lt is thus possible to demonstrate several aspects of forestry such as forest management, management of forest reproductive material, silviculture, logging operations, forestry constructions and ameliorations, landscape management, game management, fishery, and beekeeping. To follow these goals, 67 permanent research plots, 18 temporary plots, and 103 demonstration objects are currently maintained at the territory of the enterprise, all connected to the network of excursion and demonstration paths. The UFE manages the forest land fund (9,729 ha) according to the needs of the Technical University, and with respect to the purpose of the enterprise, 80% of the forest area managed by the enterprise is classified into the category of specialpurpose forests. The forest land fund is composed of state-owned forest land as well as forest properties of other owners. Forest plant communities ofthe UFE belang to five altitudinal vegetation zones (298-1035 m above sea level). Broadleaved tree species evidently predominate. Due to the special focus of management, the UFE uses as much as possible the concepts of the close-to-nature silviculture. Due to varied natural conditions, it is possible to apply several silvicultural systems. The application of shelterwood and selection systems with maximum utilisation of the natural potential of indigenous tree species is strongly preferred

    The Projective Line Over the Finite Quotient Ring GF(2)[xx]/x3x\langle x^{3} - x \rangle and Quantum Entanglement\\ II. The Mermin ``Magic" Square/Pentagram

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    6 pages, 5 figuresIn 1993, Mermin (Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 803--815) gave lucid and strikingly simple proofs of the Bell-Kochen-Specker (BKS) theorem in Hilbert spaces of dimensions four and eight by making use of what has since been referred to as the Mermin(-Peres) ``magic square" and the Mermin pentagram, respectively. The former is a 3×33 \times 3 array of nine observables commuting pairwise in each row and column and arranged so that their product properties contradict those of the assigned eigenvalues. The latter is a set of ten observables arranged in five groups of four lying along five edges of the pentagram and characterized by similar contradiction. An interesting one-to-one correspondence between the operators of the Mermin-Peres square and the points of the projective line over the product ring GF(2)GF(2){\rm GF}(2) \otimes \rm{GF}(2) is established. Under this mapping, the concept ``mutually commuting" translates into ``mutually distant" and the distinguishing character of the third column's observables has its counterpart in the distinguished properties of the coordinates of the corresponding points, whose entries are both either zero-divisors, or units. The ten operators of the Mermin pentagram answer to a specific subset of points of the line over GF(2)[xx]/x3x\langle x^{3} - x \rangle. The situation here is, however, more intricate as there are two different configurations that seem to serve equally well our purpose. The first one comprises the three distinguished points of the (sub)line over GF(2), their three ``Jacobson" counterparts and the four points whose both coordinates are zero-divisors; the other features the neighbourhood of the point (1,01, 0) (or, equivalently, that of (0,10, 1)). Some other ring lines that might be relevant for BKS proofs in higher dimensions are also mentioned

    Comparing close-to-naturesilviculture with processes in pristine forests: lessons from Central Europe

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    International audienceThe specific goals of this paper are the following:1. To determine, using beech-dominated pristine forests as anexample,themaindrivingforcesofgenerationrenewal intermsoflifecycledurationandspatialrenewalpatterns; 2. Toillustratecontrastinglightrequirementsduringrenewal by comparing pristine oak and beech forests; 3. To elucidate the lower limits of stocking and canopy openness for silvicultural renewal in small clusters based on pristine forest research; 4. Topresentanapproachforimplementingthesefindingsin a liberal and versatile forest managemen