18 research outputs found

    The Impact of the Choice of Evaluation Criteria and the Type of Tender on the Awarding Public Contracts (in the Case of Construction Contracts at the Local Level in the Czech Republic)

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    Public procurement may be examined from different perspectives. Using the Czech Republic as an example, this study is devoted to examining the impact of decisions made by the contracting authority regarding a public tender on the tender process itself and on the outcomes of the tender. The contracting authority addresses a number of decision-making issues regarding public procurements. For example, it needs to decide between two types of criteria (choosing between a single-criterion evaluation or rather opting for several evaluation criteria). At the same time, the authority is free to choose among different types of award procedures while adhering to certain restrictions imposed by the Act on Public Contracts. Using a sample of 1,027 construction work contracts awarded in the Czech Republic, the study examines, in more detail, the impacts of individual choices made by the contracting authority (namely the type of evaluation criteria chosen and the type of procedure for awarding contracts) on the estimated and final price of public contracts. Recommendations on how to streamline the process of public procurement can be drawn from conclusions from the empirical analysis

    Theory and Practice of the Public Sector Savings: The Case of Czech Regions

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    <p>In recent years, the necessity to allocate resources in economically rational ways has been amplified in the context of budget austerity measures and the overall tendency for balanced public budgets. Under these long-term circumstances, political leaders and public sector managers will be motivated to allocate available resources in economic, effective and purposeful ways, thus reducing waste of resources and seeking rational savings. The study shows some ways of achieving that goals by finding rational savings in the performance of delegated central government administration. The study analyzes expenditures and revenues for those tasks of central government administration that are delegated to regions in the Czech Republic. Based on the proposed theoretical concept of public sector savings and on the analysis of secondary and primary data, it assesses possibilities for achieving regional savings in delegated central government administration. Calculations based on empirical data demonstrate that regional governments have space for internal savings; benchmarking comparison and simulations confirm the possibilities for reducing waste of resources and achieving rational savings. Total calculated savings for all regions (for the year 2009) range between EUR 16 million and 29 million according to simulations, and the highest savings would be achieved by Central Bohemia.</p

    Strategic Public Management - Selected Experiences with BSC Implementation

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    <p>Elements associated with modern approaches towards public management have been gaining ground in various forms in the Czech public administration, especially in the last decade. They reflect the priorities of the public administration reform and the enhanced opportunities for co-financing the implementation of new management tools from European funds. This article summarizes the experience of strategic management, based on the analysis of secondary sources and on the experience of one of the authors who has worked as manager in several public administration/public sector institutions. In the practical part, the article focuses on the potential and limits of implementation of the Balanced Scorecard using the practical experience together with the implementation of this instrument at the level of city and ministry.</p

    Human Resoures in Dynamics Model of Museum

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    Významnou součástí každé organizace veřejného i soukromého sektoru jsou lidé, které nelze chápat pouze jako jeden ze zdrojů pro danou organizaci, ale je potřebné na ně nahlížet jako na faktor, který se podílí na úspěchu celé organizace. Článek se zabývá otázkou, jaké místo zaujímají lidské zdroje v organizaci typu muzeum. Jako nástroj zkoumání těchto zdrojů využívá pohledu systémové dynamiky, na jejímž základě je vytvořen model, který umožňuje zkoumat organizaci jako systém vzájemně propojených a na sebe reagujících prvků. Tento dynamický model tak umožňuje odkrývat strukturní vzorce v systému muzea a pomáhá řešit otázku, jak účinně lidské zdroje využívat pro posílení všech hlavních funkcí muzea, tedy funkce paměťové, didaktické i zážitkové.The people are the crucial component of every organization of public or private sector. They are not only the one of the sources for the organization, but it is important to see them as the factor which participates on the success of the organization. The article deals with the question what position have the people in the organization as the museum. The system dynamics is used as the tool for research of this source in the article. The discipline of system dynamics helps us to create the model which enables to search the organization as the system of interconnected and reacted elements to each other. This dynamical model helps us to uncover the structural patterns in the system of the museum and helps to solve the question what is the efficient way for usage of the human resources for the strengthening the all of the main functions of museum – we mean the memory, didactic and entertainment functions

    Do the data on municipal expeditures in the Czech republic imply incorrectness in their management?

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    Limited public resources confront public administration bodies with the question of how to handle them in an economically rational manner. Audit of public expenditures necessitates an ongoing creation and modi fi cation of an effective control system. Such a system is made up by subsystems of a formal (accounting and documentation) and economic control, responsible for monitoring the ef fi ciency, effectiveness and economy of managing public expenditures. Signi fi cance of such interconnection rests in the fact that the formal control may signal possible improper management of public expenditures. This may become a stimulus for the economic control subsystem to verify the effectiveness, ef fi ciency and economy of outlaid expenditures. For identi fi cation purposes related to potential accounting and record-keeping incorrectnesses in the management of public expenditures is proposed adoption of Benford’s Law (Benford’s test). Benford’s test is applied on municipal expenditure data for the year 2012. Data represent sums of public expenditures in the structure of the statement of budgetary execution and control speci fi ed by the Regulation of the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic No. 323/2002 Coll. For the data analysis there were used statistical methods, hypothesis testing, linear regressions and comparisons. Although the empirical analysis points at a limited use of Benford’s test in the conditions of municipal expenditures in the Czech Republic (mainly due to the instability of results and unavailability of suitable data), the analysis showed that Benford’s test can be adopted as a supporting tool, suitable for building into the control system of public expenditures. It is one of the ways to increase the effectiveness of a complex control of public expenditures

    The Dynamic Model of the Development of the Municipality

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    Článek se zabývá problematikou využití dynamického pojetí metody Balanced Scorecard. Nejprve je představena metoda Balanced Scorecard. Dalším specifikem je představení této metody pro její použití na municipální úrovni. Její použití je dokumentováno na příkladu města Vsetína v České republice, které bylo jedním z prvních českých měst využívající Balanced Scorecard pro podporu svého rozvoje. Simulované modely jsou následně komparovány se statistickými údaji popisujícími situaci v okrese Vsetín.The article deals with the issue of the use of the dynamic concept of the Balanced Scorecard method. The Balanced Scorecard method is presented in the first. Another specific feature is the performance of this method for its use at the municipal level. The use of this method is documented in the example of the Town of Vsetín in the Czech Republic. This town has been one of the first towns in the Czech Republic using the Balanced Scorecard method for the support of its development. The simulated models are consequently compared with the statistical data describing the situation in the district of Vsetín

    The Usage of System Dynamics in Area of Culture - Example of Museum

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    Místní nebo ústřední vláda je zřizovatelem přibližně 80 % všech muzeí. Pokud vezmeme v úvahu, že celá veřejná správa je pod velkým tlakem, který souvisí se snižováním disponibilních prostředků v rozpočtu. Tento fiskální stres se poté přesouvá na kulturní instituci (tedy i muzeum). To je potom důvodem, proč je velmi důležité hledat nástroje, které pomohou s optimalizací aktivit těchto institucí. Systémová dynamika je jedním z možných nástrojů pro tuto optimalizaci aktivit muzea, pro hledání racionálních úspor nebo zlepšování vlastních aktivit. V článku se vychází z přístupů teorie veřejné ekonomiky (zejména tedy teorie New Public Managementu).The local or central government establishes almost 80 % of museums. If we take into account that the whole public administration is under large pressure in terms of reduction of the budgetary expenditures, this stress turns out to cultural institutions and museums as well. This is the reason why is very important to look for the tools which can help us to optimize the activities of these institutions. The system dynamics is one of the possible tools for optimization of activities of the museum, for searching the rational savings or improving the activities. We come from the theory of public economics (especially theory of New Public Management) by the processing this article

    The Usage of System Dynamics in Area of Culture - Example of Museum

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    Místní nebo ústřední vláda je zřizovatelem přibližně 80 % všech muzeí. Pokud vezmeme v úvahu, že celá veřejná správa je pod velkým tlakem, který souvisí se snižováním disponibilních prostředků v rozpočtu. Tento fiskální stres se poté přesouvá na kulturní instituci (tedy i muzeum). To je potom důvodem, proč je velmi důležité hledat nástroje, které pomohou s optimalizací aktivit těchto institucí. Systémová dynamika je jedním z možných nástrojů pro tuto optimalizaci aktivit muzea, pro hledání racionálních úspor nebo zlepšování vlastních aktivit. V článku se vychází z přístupů teorie veřejné ekonomiky (zejména tedy teorie New Public Managementu).The local or central government establishes almost 80 % of museums. If we take into account that the whole public administration is under large pressure in terms of reduction of the budgetary expenditures, this stress turns out to cultural institutions and museums as well. This is the reason why is very important to look for the tools which can help us to optimize the activities of these institutions. The system dynamics is one of the possible tools for optimization of activities of the museum, for searching the rational savings or improving the activities. We come from the theory of public economics (especially theory of New Public Management) by the processing this article