113 research outputs found

    Oscillatory Behavior of Critical Amplitudes of the Gaussian Model on a Hierarchical Structure

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    We studied oscillatory behavior of critical amplitudes for the Gaussian model on a hierarchical structure presented by a modified Sierpinski gasket lattice. This model is known to display non-standard critical behavior on the lattice under study. The leading singular behavior of the correlation length ξ\xi near the critical coupling K=KcK=K_c is modulated by a function which is periodic in lnln(KcK)\ln|\ln(K_c-K)|. We have also shown that the common finite-size scaling hypothesis, according to which for a finite system at criticality ξ\xi should be of the order of the size of system, is not applicable in this case. As a consequence of this, the exact form of the leading singular behavior of ξ\xi differs from the one described earlier (which was based on the finite-size scaling assumption).Comment: 9 pages (REVTEX), 2 figures (EPS), Phys. Rev. E (accepted

    Characteristics of acric luvisol on Magleš limestones

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    Very deep soils with clearly differentiated two-layered profile physiography were studied on the limestones of the mountain Magleš. The very marked morphological differentiation of the profile is followed by significant textural differences and the variation of chemical characteristics of the soils. The profiles are 80-140 cm deep. The topsoil part of the solum, yellow-brown in colour, is 30-90 cm deep. Its textural class is silty-clay loam. Its chemical characteristics are very acid reaction and very low degree of base saturation. The relic (B) horizon is reddish brown in colour, and it is characterized by a very high percentage of the colloidal clay, it is highly plastic and it has a compact structure. Its reaction is mostly weak acid to neutral, and the degree of base saturation is very high. The study results confirm the hypothesis of a very high impact of the Aeolian process on the formation of deep two-layered profiles on Magleš limestones

    Edaphic potentials of beech forests on Brezovica

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    The study deals with the soils in the montane beech forest (Fagetum moesiacae montanum Jov. 53) in the management units "Juni Kuèaj II" and "Bogovina I", on the mountain massif Brezovica. Soil genesis in the beech forests of Brezovica, along with vegetation and relief, was affected by the character of parent rock. The study soils occur over two types of bedrock: limestone and argilloschist The soil types and sub-types are defined based on the profile morphology, parent rock and pedogenetic processes Two types of soil were analysed on limestone: black earth (calcomelanosol) and brown soil (calcocambisol). Two sub-types of black earth were defined: organomineral and brownised. There are two varieties of organomineral black earth: colluvial and lithic. Also two sub-types of brown soils were defined and: typical and illimerised. The soils on limestone are characterised by great spatial variability. Different combinations of soil formations occur on a small area. Soil combinations consist of two or three development phases, the most represented of which are the following: organomineral black earth - brownised black earth; organomineral black earth - brownised black earth - typical brown soil; typical brown soil - illimerised soil Typical brown soil is formed on argilloschists and it occurs in two forms: medium deep, medium skeletal acid brown soil and deep, poorly skeletal acid brown soil The most productive sites of the montane beech forest on Brezovica are deep acid brown soils and the soil combination: typical brown soil - illimerised soil on limestone

    Properties and production potential of cambic soils on andesite rocks in beech forests on Crni Vrh near Bor

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    Cambic soils were studied in the mountainous beech forest (Fagetum moesiacae montanum, Jov. 1976) (Tomić, 1992) in the region of the mountainous massif Crni Vrh near Bor. The soils were researched in two sample plots. The study soils were formed on andesite rocks in the monodominant community of beech and now they are under a strong impact of acid deposition pollutants which reach the zone of Crni Vrh from RTB Bor


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    This paper explains the process of using neural networks, as one of numerous data mining techniques, for the classification of electricity consumers. The processed data comprised more than a million recordings of electricity consumption for 21,643 consumers over the period of four years and eight months. Using a data subset (70% of the entire dataset), the network was trained for the classification of consumers according to the type of the electric meter they possess (single-rate or dual-rate) and the zone they live in (city or village). The network input data in both cases included: consumer code, reading period from-to, current and previous meter reading for both low and high tariff, dual and single rate tariff consumption for that period and their total amount, as independent variables, whereas the network output comprised dependent variable classes (zone or type of electric meter). The results show that a network created in this way can be trained so well that it achieves high precision when evaluated using the test dataset. Using the available recordings about electricity consumption, the type of the electric meter consumers possess and the zone they live in can be predicted with the accuracy of 77% and 82%, respectively. These findings can provide the basis for further research using other data mining techniques

    Production potential of the soil and the basic elements of productivity of the most widely spred sessil types in the u. N.P. „Đerdap”

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    This paper is on the results of the soil and its production potential in the types of forests of sessile oaks (Quercus petraea) in the area of the National Park „Đerdap” in the community units of Zlatica, Đerdap, Štrbačko korito, Desna reka and Kožica. There are the most widely spread types of the sprout forests of the sessile oaks in the research area, deep deluvium, luvisoil, eutric cambsoils, and a great number of subtypes of acid brown soil. Considering the fact that the production potential of the defined types of soil depends on the depth, skeleton and other physical characteristics which determine acception, keeping and moving of water and this means that the production value of the studied soils is in the direct correlation with physical-geographical conditions of the environment. Taking into account that solum is well developed and the low contents of skeleton, all the studied soil in the most widely spread types of sessile oaks in the area of N.P. „Đerdap”, are very productive natural habitats. The exception is acid brown soil, which characteristics vary as well as their production potential. Apart from a good production potential of the studied soils within this paper, sessile forests in the researched areas irrationally use production potential of the habitat. In the research area in the last 20 years, the processes of devitalizing and the appearance of decaying of sessile oaks are expressed. In the sessile forests of Serbia, there are forests of the production and protection character, and the structure of the sessile forests at global level is characterized by not normal state with domination of middle aged and in great extent mature withering ingredients, what is the main cause of insufficiently used good potential of the soil

    Major characteristics of mixed fir and beech virgin forests in the National park Biogradska Gora in Montenegro

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    In order to manage forest ecosystems at a sufficiently high biodiversity level it is necessary to study the ecological, structural and production characteristics of virgin forests. The research was directed towards identifying the characteristics of mixed fir and beech forests (Abieti-Fagetum s. lat.) in the area of the strict reserve of the National Park Biogradska Gora in Montenegro. Basic characteristics of these forests were researched in the process of definition of forest types. In this manner, it is for the first time that a realistic base for typological management of forests and forest ecosystems with similar ecological and structural characteristics was provided for the specific sites

    Correlation between p53 expression and clinical-pathological characteristics of gastric cancer

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    Backgraund/Aim. Gene p53, or “cell genome keeper”, has a preventive effect on the occurrence of genetic aberrations and prevents abnormal expansion of (tumor) cells. In gastric cancer cells in most cases we register high expression of mutated p53 gene, which correlates with prognosis and specific clinicalpathological characteristics of gastric cancer. Methods. Using the imunohistochemical method we determined the level of expression of p53 protein in 62 gastric cancers and 30 precancerous conditions (intestinal metaplasia of the stomach). We analyzed the relationship of the level of p53 expression and clinical pathological characteristics of gastric cancer. Results. Expression of p53 was positive in 42 (67.7%) tumor cases and in 7 (14.3%) cases of intestinal metaplasia. Expression of P53 and stomach cancer were in direct correlation (p = 0.000). Sensitivity for p53 in stomach cancer cases was 67.7% (42/62), and specifility was 76.7% (23/30). Expression of mutated p53 protein was in direct correlation with the invasion of lymph nodes (p = 0.034) and with invasion of blood vessels by carcinoma cells (p = 0.042). Conclusion. There is a direct correlation between p53 expression and gastric cancer and it indicates the ability of carcinoma cells to invade blood vessels