57 research outputs found

    Influence of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on clinical and biochemical effects of methylene blue in pentylenetetrazole-evoked convulsions

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    Background/Aim. Despite years of research in a number of experimental models the question whether nitric oxide (NO) and methylene blue (MB) have pro- or anticonvulsant effects remains to be fully resolved. Methods. In adult Wistar rats the influence of a nonselective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (LNAME, 10Āµg) on clinical and biochemical effects of MB (10Āµg) given before the intraperitoneally administered chemical convulsant pentylenetetrazole (PTZ, 80 mg/kg) was examined. MB and L-NAME were applied intracerebroventricularly. PTZ application was followed by a 4- minute observation time, after which rats were sacrificed and elements of oxido-reductive balance were measured in a crude mitochondrial fraction of forebrain cortex, hippocampus and striatum. Results. Convulsive responses (forelimb dystonia - FLD, generalised clonic- and clonic-tonic convulsions - GCC and GCTC respectively) were observed in all rats received PTZ, together with significantly decreased lipid peroxidation in the forebrain cortex and striatum and increased superoxide dismutase activity in the hippocampus, in comparison to controls (saline treated). It was registered anticonvulsant effects of L-NAME pretreatment. However, these effects were insignificant. In the hippocampus of these animals there was decreased lipid peroxidation (p < 0.01, p < 0.05 vs saline-treated and PTZ-treated rats, respectively) and reverted PTZ-induced increase of superoxide dismutase activity. But MB individually pretreatment significantly decreased the incidence of CTCs and GCCs (FLD: p = 0.0513), prolonged the convulsive latent time for FLD, GCTCs and GCCs, in all the examined brain regions increased lipid peroxidation and decreased the level of superoxide anion. Administration of L-NAME 10 minutes before MB reverted all MB-evoked clinical and biochemical effects. Conclusion. Methylene blue applied individually before PTZ has strong anticonvulsant effects that were eliminated by L-NAME pretreatment. These effects and changed biochemical parameters in the brains of animals treated by L-NAME before MB in comparison to MBtreated group suggest involvement of NO in MB's effects in the animal model of PTZ-evoked convulsions.Uvod/Cilj. I pored viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg istraživanja na različitim eksperimentalnim modelima, nije potpuno odgovoreno na pitanje da li azot-oksid (NO) i metilen plavo (MP) deluju konvulzivno ili antikonvulzivno. Metode. Na odraslim pacovima Vistar soja ispitivan je uticaj NG-nitro-L-arginin metil estra (L-NAME, 10 Āµg), neselektivnog inhibitora azot oksid sintaze, na kliničke i biohemijske efekte metilen plavog (MP, 10 Āµg) datog intracerebroventrikularno pre hemijskog konvulziva pentilentetrazola (PTZ, 80 mg/kg), primenjenog intraperitonealno. Pacovi su posmatrani četiri minuta posle davanja PTZ-a, posle čega su žrtvovani i u neprečiŔćenoj mitohondrijskoj frakciji prednjeg mozga, hipokampusa i strijatuma određivani su parametri oksidoreduktivne ravnoteže. Rezultati. Posle primene PTZ-a, konvulzivni odgovor (distonija prednjih nogu - DPN, generalizovane klonične - GKK i generalizovane kloničnotonične konvulzije - GKTK) bio je ispoljen kod svih životinja, kao i statistički značajno sniženje lipidne peroksidacije u kori prednjeg mozga i strijatuma, i povećanje aktivnosti superoksid dizmutaze (SOD) u hipokampusu, u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (dobila fizioloÅ”ki rastvor NaCl). Registrovani su antikonvulzivni efekti L-NAME koji nisu bili statistički značajni. U hipokampusu ovih životinja bila je snižena lipidna peroksidacija (p < 0,01 u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom, p < 0,05 u poređenju sa životinjama koje su dobile PTZ), kao i aktivnost SOD u poređenju sa životinjama koje su dobile PTZ. Samo metilen plavo dovelo je do statistički značajnog smanjenja incidencije GKK I GKTK (DPN: p = 0,0513), produžilo je latentni period DPN, GKK i GKTK, a u svim ispitivanim strukturama mozga bila je povećana lipidna peroksidacija i smanjen nivo superoksidnog anjona. Svi klinički i biohemijski efekti izazvani primenom MP u potpunosti su odstranjeni primenom L-NAME 10 minuta pre davanja MP. Zaključak. Metilen plavo, dat samostalno pre PTZ, ispoljio je snažne antikonvulzivne efekte. Nestanak ovih efekata i izmenjeni biohemijski parametri u mozgovima pacova koji su pre MP dobili L-NAME, sugeriÅ”u da je NO uključen u efekte MP ispoljene na životinjskom modelu konvulzija izazvanih primenom PTZ-a.nul

    Nitric oxide (NO) and an NMDA receptor antagonist in pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions

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    Controversy about proconvulsant and anticonvulsant nitric oxide (NO) effects and the place of oxidative stress in convulsions, are still a matter of research. We investigated the interaction between 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV), a competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist and Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nonselective nitric oxide synthase (NOS) antagonist, in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced convulsions. Pentylenetetrazole was applied to adult Wistar rats intraperitoneally (ip) in a single dose of 80 mg/kg, and L-NAME (10 Āµg/10 Āµl) or APV (20 Āµg/10 Āµl) intracerebroventricularly (icv), 30 and 10 minutes before PTZ, respectively. In the same manner, another group received both antagonists. Control animals were given 0.9% saline. Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester exerted a weak anticonvulsant effect, preventing generalized clonic (GCC) and clonic-tonic convulsions (CTC) in 17% of cases. With APV protection against GCC and CTC was 100%, forelimb dystonia (FLD) was decreased in 33% of cases, and time to onset of all convulsive patterns was prolonged (p<0.05 to 0.01). All effects of APV, except in CTC, were reversed by L-NAME applied prior to APV. In APV-PTZ treated animals, superoxide anion content was increased in the forebrain cortex, striatum and hippocampus, without an overwhelmed antioxidative superoxide dismutase (SOD) defense system in the other treatments. When the APV-PTZ group was treated with L-NAME, both SOD activity and superoxide anion content were additionally decreased indicating that the NOS-NO system was involved in the metabolism of superoxide anions. It is suggested that clinical and biochemical effects of NO strongly depend upon the pretreatment and might lead to a wrong impression of NO contradictory activity.Kontroverzni nalazi o prokonvulzivnim kao i antikonvulzivnim efektima azot oksida (NO) i značaju oksidativnog stresa u konvulzijama, i dalje su predmet istraživanja. U konvulzijama izazvanim primenom pentilentetrazola (PTZ) ispitivali smo interakciju između 2-amino-5-fosfovalerinske kiseline (APV) kompetitivnog antagoniste N-metil-D-aspartat (NMDA) receptora i Nw-nitro-L-arginin metil estra (L-NAME), neselektivnog antagoniste azot oksid sintaze (NOS). Odraslim pacovima Wistar soja, PTZ je ubrizgavan intraperitonealno (ip) u jednoj dozi od 80 mg/kg. Ostale supstance, L-NAME (10 Āµg/10 Āµl) i APV (20 Āµg/10 Āµl), primenjivale su se intracerebroventrikularno (icv), i to L-NAME 30, a APV 10 minuta pre PTZ. Po istom vremenskom principu, jedna grupa dobila je oba antagonista, a kontrolna fizioloÅ”ki rastvor NaCl. Nw-nitro-L-arginin metil estar ispoljio je slabo antikonvulzivno dejstvo, smanjujući incidenciju generalizovanih kloničnih (GCC) i klonično-toničnih konvulzija (CTC) za 17%. Za razliku od L-NAME, APV je sprečila nastanak GCC i CTC kod svih životinja (100%), a incidencija klonusa prednjih nogu (FLD) smanjena je za 33%. Istovremeno primenom APV produženo je vreme od aplikacije PTZ do pojave svih konvulzivnih tipova (p<.05 do 0.01). Primenom L-NAME pre APV, umanjeni su efekti APV, pri čemu je doÅ”lo do povećanja incidencije FLD i GCC za 16% odnosno 50%. U kori prednjeg mozga, strijatumu i hipokampusu, životinja koje su dobile APV+PTZ, doÅ”lo do povećanja koncentracije superoksidnog anjona. Aktivnost superoksid dizmutaze ne prati ovaj skok. Njen dodatni pad u grupi tretiranoj sa L-NAME pre APV+PTZ, ukazuje da je sistem NOS-NO uključen u metabolizam superoksidnog anjona. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da klinički i biohemijski efekti NO u velikoj meri zavise od prethodno primenjenih supstanci i promena izazvanih njima, Å”to može da doprinose sticanju pogreÅ”nog utiska o kontradiktornim dejstvima NO.nul

    An austempering study of ductile iron alloyed with copper

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    Austempered ductile iron (ADI) has proved to be an excellent material as it possesses attractive properties: high strength, ductility and toughness are combined with good wear resistance and machinability. These properties can be achieved upon adequate heat treatment which yields the optimum microstructure for a given chemical composition. In this paper the results of an investigation the austempering of ADI alloyed with 0.45 % Cu for a range of times and temperatures are reported. The microstructure and fracture mode developed throughout these treatments have been identified by means of light and scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis. It was shown that the strength, elongation and impact energy strongly depend on the amounts of bainitic ferrite and retained austenite. Based on these results, and optimal processing window was established

    Tourism as an Approach to Sustainable Rural Development in Post-Socialist Countries: A Comparative Study of Serbia and Slovenia

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    The research deals with the sustainable development of the Serbian and Slovenian countryside, under the influence of tourism progress. The article identifies the main rural tourism competitiveness in Serbia and Slovenia, as one of the essential factors of rural development in both countries, analyzing the main contributions and making a series of proposals to guide the future research agenda. The aim of the paper is to clarify around one obviously defined objectiveā€”to point out the competitiveness of sustainable rural tourism in typical post-socialist settings. The data for this study were collected using the Integrated Model of Destination Competitiveness to observe Serbian and Slovenian competitiveness in tourism. Determinants were assessed using a survey evaluating four demanding factors and 20 supporting factors, based upon a five-point Likert Scale. The results indicated that the friendliness of residents towards visitors, easy communication between them, together with quality of infrastructure and health facilities show the highest level of statistical correlation. These are the main propositions to start an initiative for the authorities in local communities to actively participate in sustainable rural development. The findings provide tourism stakeholders with relevant respondentsā€™ perceptions pertaining to the tourism development in non-urban areas

    Heavy metals concentration in soils from parks and green areas in Belgrade

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    The current study included the investigation of several metals and their distribution in urban soils from parks and green areas in the city of Belgrade. The soils were sampled in January and February 2008. The concentrations of Cd, Co, Cu, Pb, Mn and Zn were measured, as well as the pH values and organic matter contents. The obtained results showed that there was a significant level of contamination in some samples, especially with lead, and that it was most probably caused by anthropogenic activities, mostly from traffic. The results were compared with the National legislation and Netherlands standards. Also, the recent results were compared with the data from previous work and it was concluded that there has been a certain increase of the Pb concentration in the past three years. The level of pollution in playground soil was very high and each analyzed sample exceeded the Dutch target value for Cd, Co and Pb

    Correction to: Redox Status and Antioxidative Cofactor Metals Influence Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Colloid Goiter (Biological Trace Element Research, (2020), 197, 2, (349-359), 10.1007/s12011-019-01995-x)

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    Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the endocrine neoplasm that occurs the most often worldwide, and its molecular pathophysiology is still not well characterized. Redox status is recognized as an important factor of carcinogenesis, but its influence on the PTC's clinical course needs to be better elucidated. The aim of this research was to determine the tissue redox status of 65 PTC and 45 colloid goiter (CG) patients together with antioxidative cofactor metal profiling. The malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration was used to access the prooxidation level, while antioxidant mechanisms were estimated by assaying the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione reductase (GR). The antioxidative cofactor metals included quantification of Se, Cu, Zn, and Mn concentration. PTC tissues had normal prooxidation levels and increased GPx and GR activity. The activity of SOD has been significantly reduced in multicentric PTC dissemination and increased in smokers. SOD activity was directly dependent on MDA levels in CG tissues. CG patients with retrosternal goiter had reduced MDA concentration and SOD activity. Numerous correlations between redox parameters in PTC tissues reveal good co-activation of antioxidative mechanisms and cooperative response on prooxidation. PTC tissues had decreased Se levels and increased concentration of Cu and Mn in comparison to other tissues. MDA concentration and SOD activity were significant predictors of PTC's multicentric dissemination and for the existence of lymph node metastases, respectively. Particularly, the concentration of Cu predicted the retrosternal localization in CG patients. Significant findings presented in this study provide a possibility for development of novel prognostic molecular biomarkers of PTC and CG.The contribution corrects an equation from the paper: Rovcanin, B.; Stojsavljevic, A.; Kekic, D.; Gopcevic, K.; Manojlovic, D.; Jovanovic, M.; Knezevic, S.; Zivaljevic, V.; Diklic, A.; Paunovic, I. Redox Status and Antioxidative Cofactor Metals Influence Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and Colloid Goiter. Biol Trace Elem Res 2020, 197 (2), 349ā€“359. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-019-01995-x

    Influence of NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester on clinical and biochemical effects of methylene blue in pentylenetetrazole-evoked convulsions

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    Background/Aim. Despite years of research in a number of experimental models the question whether nitric oxide (NO) and methylene blue (MB) have pro- or anticonvulsant effects remains to be fully resolved. Methods. In adult Wistar rats the influence of a nonselective inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (LNAME, 10Āµg) on clinical and biochemical effects of MB (10Āµg) given before the intraperitoneally administered chemical convulsant pentylenetetrazole (PTZ, 80 mg/kg) was examined. MB and L-NAME were applied intracerebroventricularly. PTZ application was followed by a 4- minute observation time, after which rats were sacrificed and elements of oxido-reductive balance were measured in a crude mitochondrial fraction of forebrain cortex, hippocampus and striatum. Results. Convulsive responses (forelimb dystonia - FLD, generalised clonic- and clonic-tonic convulsions - GCC and GCTC respectively) were observed in all rats received PTZ, together with significantly decreased lipid peroxidation in the forebrain cortex and striatum and increased superoxide dismutase activity in the hippocampus, in comparison to controls (saline treated). It was registered anticonvulsant effects of L-NAME pretreatment. However, these effects were insignificant. In the hippocampus of these animals there was decreased lipid peroxidation (p < 0.01, p < 0.05 vs saline-treated and PTZ-treated rats, respectively) and reverted PTZ-induced increase of superoxide dismutase activity. But MB individually pretreatment significantly decreased the incidence of CTCs and GCCs (FLD: p = 0.0513), prolonged the convulsive latent time for FLD, GCTCs and GCCs, in all the examined brain regions increased lipid peroxidation and decreased the level of superoxide anion. Administration of L-NAME 10 minutes before MB reverted all MB-evoked clinical and biochemical effects. Conclusion. Methylene blue applied individually before PTZ has strong anticonvulsant effects that were eliminated by L-NAME pretreatment. These effects and changed biochemical parameters in the brains of animals treated by L-NAME before MB in comparison to MBtreated group suggest involvement of NO in MB's effects in the animal model of PTZ-evoked convulsions.Uvod/Cilj. I pored viÅ”egodiÅ”njeg istraživanja na različitim eksperimentalnim modelima, nije potpuno odgovoreno na pitanje da li azot-oksid (NO) i metilen plavo (MP) deluju konvulzivno ili antikonvulzivno. Metode. Na odraslim pacovima Vistar soja ispitivan je uticaj NG-nitro-L-arginin metil estra (L-NAME, 10 Āµg), neselektivnog inhibitora azot oksid sintaze, na kliničke i biohemijske efekte metilen plavog (MP, 10 Āµg) datog intracerebroventrikularno pre hemijskog konvulziva pentilentetrazola (PTZ, 80 mg/kg), primenjenog intraperitonealno. Pacovi su posmatrani četiri minuta posle davanja PTZ-a, posle čega su žrtvovani i u neprečiŔćenoj mitohondrijskoj frakciji prednjeg mozga, hipokampusa i strijatuma određivani su parametri oksidoreduktivne ravnoteže. Rezultati. Posle primene PTZ-a, konvulzivni odgovor (distonija prednjih nogu - DPN, generalizovane klonične - GKK i generalizovane kloničnotonične konvulzije - GKTK) bio je ispoljen kod svih životinja, kao i statistički značajno sniženje lipidne peroksidacije u kori prednjeg mozga i strijatuma, i povećanje aktivnosti superoksid dizmutaze (SOD) u hipokampusu, u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom (dobila fizioloÅ”ki rastvor NaCl). Registrovani su antikonvulzivni efekti L-NAME koji nisu bili statistički značajni. U hipokampusu ovih životinja bila je snižena lipidna peroksidacija (p < 0,01 u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom, p < 0,05 u poređenju sa životinjama koje su dobile PTZ), kao i aktivnost SOD u poređenju sa životinjama koje su dobile PTZ. Samo metilen plavo dovelo je do statistički značajnog smanjenja incidencije GKK I GKTK (DPN: p = 0,0513), produžilo je latentni period DPN, GKK i GKTK, a u svim ispitivanim strukturama mozga bila je povećana lipidna peroksidacija i smanjen nivo superoksidnog anjona. Svi klinički i biohemijski efekti izazvani primenom MP u potpunosti su odstranjeni primenom L-NAME 10 minuta pre davanja MP. Zaključak. Metilen plavo, dat samostalno pre PTZ, ispoljio je snažne antikonvulzivne efekte. Nestanak ovih efekata i izmenjeni biohemijski parametri u mozgovima pacova koji su pre MP dobili L-NAME, sugeriÅ”u da je NO uključen u efekte MP ispoljene na životinjskom modelu konvulzija izazvanih primenom PTZ-a.nul

    Nitric oxide (NO) and an NMDA receptor antagonist in pentylenetetrazole-induced convulsions

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    Controversy about proconvulsant and anticonvulsant nitric oxide (NO) effects and the place of oxidative stress in convulsions, are still a matter of research. We investigated the interaction between 2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV), a competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist and Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME), a nonselective nitric oxide synthase (NOS) antagonist, in pentylenetetrazole (PTZ)-induced convulsions. Pentylenetetrazole was applied to adult Wistar rats intraperitoneally (ip) in a single dose of 80 mg/kg, and L-NAME (10 Āµg/10 Āµl) or APV (20 Āµg/10 Āµl) intracerebroventricularly (icv), 30 and 10 minutes before PTZ, respectively. In the same manner, another group received both antagonists. Control animals were given 0.9% saline. Nw-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester exerted a weak anticonvulsant effect, preventing generalized clonic (GCC) and clonic-tonic convulsions (CTC) in 17% of cases. With APV protection against GCC and CTC was 100%, forelimb dystonia (FLD) was decreased in 33% of cases, and time to onset of all convulsive patterns was prolonged (p<0.05 to 0.01). All effects of APV, except in CTC, were reversed by L-NAME applied prior to APV. In APV-PTZ treated animals, superoxide anion content was increased in the forebrain cortex, striatum and hippocampus, without an overwhelmed antioxidative superoxide dismutase (SOD) defense system in the other treatments. When the APV-PTZ group was treated with L-NAME, both SOD activity and superoxide anion content were additionally decreased indicating that the NOS-NO system was involved in the metabolism of superoxide anions. It is suggested that clinical and biochemical effects of NO strongly depend upon the pretreatment and might lead to a wrong impression of NO contradictory activity.Kontroverzni nalazi o prokonvulzivnim kao i antikonvulzivnim efektima azot oksida (NO) i značaju oksidativnog stresa u konvulzijama, i dalje su predmet istraživanja. U konvulzijama izazvanim primenom pentilentetrazola (PTZ) ispitivali smo interakciju između 2-amino-5-fosfovalerinske kiseline (APV) kompetitivnog antagoniste N-metil-D-aspartat (NMDA) receptora i Nw-nitro-L-arginin metil estra (L-NAME), neselektivnog antagoniste azot oksid sintaze (NOS). Odraslim pacovima Wistar soja, PTZ je ubrizgavan intraperitonealno (ip) u jednoj dozi od 80 mg/kg. Ostale supstance, L-NAME (10 Āµg/10 Āµl) i APV (20 Āµg/10 Āµl), primenjivale su se intracerebroventrikularno (icv), i to L-NAME 30, a APV 10 minuta pre PTZ. Po istom vremenskom principu, jedna grupa dobila je oba antagonista, a kontrolna fizioloÅ”ki rastvor NaCl. Nw-nitro-L-arginin metil estar ispoljio je slabo antikonvulzivno dejstvo, smanjujući incidenciju generalizovanih kloničnih (GCC) i klonično-toničnih konvulzija (CTC) za 17%. Za razliku od L-NAME, APV je sprečila nastanak GCC i CTC kod svih životinja (100%), a incidencija klonusa prednjih nogu (FLD) smanjena je za 33%. Istovremeno primenom APV produženo je vreme od aplikacije PTZ do pojave svih konvulzivnih tipova (p<.05 do 0.01). Primenom L-NAME pre APV, umanjeni su efekti APV, pri čemu je doÅ”lo do povećanja incidencije FLD i GCC za 16% odnosno 50%. U kori prednjeg mozga, strijatumu i hipokampusu, životinja koje su dobile APV+PTZ, doÅ”lo do povećanja koncentracije superoksidnog anjona. Aktivnost superoksid dizmutaze ne prati ovaj skok. Njen dodatni pad u grupi tretiranoj sa L-NAME pre APV+PTZ, ukazuje da je sistem NOS-NO uključen u metabolizam superoksidnog anjona. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da klinički i biohemijski efekti NO u velikoj meri zavise od prethodno primenjenih supstanci i promena izazvanih njima, Å”to može da doprinose sticanju pogreÅ”nog utiska o kontradiktornim dejstvima NO.nul

    Brevibacillus laterosporus strains BGSP7, BGSP9 and BGSP11 isolated from silage produce broad spectrum multi-antimicrobials

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    Bacteria active against multi-drug resistant pathogens, isolated by direct selection of colonies from clover silage samples, produce zones of inhibition against two Gram-negative (Klebsiella pneumoniae Ni9 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa MMA83) and two Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923 and Listeria monocytogenes ATCC19111) pathogens. Isolates BGSP7, BGSP9, BGSP11 and BGSP12 produced the largest zones of inhibition against all four pathogens when grown in LB broth with aeration at 37 degrees C. Isolates BGSP7, BGSP9, BGSP11 and BGSP12 were identified as Brevibacillus laterosporus and pulsed field gel electrophoresis and extracellular protein profiles showed that three different strains (BGSP7, BGSP9 and BGSP11) were isolated. A semi-native SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) gel overlay assay showed that BGSP7 and BGSP9 produce small antimicrobial molecules of about 1.5 kDa, while BGSP11 produces antimicrobial molecules of 1.5 and 6 kDa active against S. aureus ATCC25923. Amino acid analysis of two antimicrobial molecules (1583.73 Da; from BGSP7 and 1556.31 Da; from BGSP11) revealed that they have a similar composition and differ only by virtue of the presence of a methionine which is present only in BGSP11 molecule. Genome sequencing of the three isolates revealed the presence of gene clusters associated with the production of non-ribosomally synthesized peptides (brevibacillin, bogorol, gramicidin S, plipastatin and tyrocin) and bacteriocins (laterosporulin, a lactococcin 972-like bacteriocin, as well as putative linocin M18, sactipeptide, UviB and lantipeptide-like molecules). Ultimately, the purification of a number of antimicrobial molecules from each isolate suggests that they can be considered as potent biocontrol strains that produce an arsenal of antimicrobial molecules active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative multi-resistant pathogens, fungi and insects
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