7 research outputs found

    Verificação do cumprimento dos requisitos legais de rotulagem de géneros alimentícios disponíveis ao consumidor final para o período 2007-2011 (1º semestre)

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar apresentada à Universidade AbertaA rotulagem dos géneros alimentícios é um importante elo entre o fabricante/distribuidor e o consumidor. No entanto, com a globalização do comércio e a livre circulação de mercadorias no espaço europeu constata-se que, muito embora existam requisitos legais para a rotulagem dos alimentos, os consumidores apresentam dificuldades na sua compreensão e utilização, o que poderá causar algum ceticismo na consulta da rotulagem dos alimentos, por vezes agravado pela não conformidade da rotulagem face à Legislação vigente. O presente estudo procurou compreender o tipo de incumprimentos legais verificados em diferentes categorias de alimentos, no período de 2007 a 2011 (1º semestre), bem como avaliar as menções expressas na rotulagem através da caracterização global das amostras quanto à sua suscetibilidade de risco para a saúde do consumidor, passível de indução em erro do consumidor e imprecisões de rotulagem. Para o efeito, foram avaliadas 8.549 amostras, das quais 432 são não conformes, tendo-se identificado e analisado 164 amostras que apresentavam rótulos não conformes, colhidas no âmbito do Plano Nacional de Colheita de Amostras da Autoridade de Segurança Alimentar e Económica, no período de 2007 a 2011 (1º semestre). Os resultados da análise efetuada indicaram que dos vários grupos de alimentos analisados, os grupos das “carnes e produtos cárneos”, “leite e produtos à base de leite”, e “alimentos prontos para consumo” foram os que apresentaram maior número de amostras com rótulos não conformes. Relativamente à caracterização global das amostras tendo em conta as infrações, verificou-se que metade (51%) correspondia a rótulos com menções suscetíveis de indução em erro, seguidas das imprecisões de rotulagem (40%). As amostras não conformes, consideradas suscetíveis de risco, corresponderam a 9% do total. O grupo das “carnes e produtos cárneos” e “leite e produtos à base de leite” foram os que apresentaram maior número de amostras suscetíveis de indução em erro. O grupo de “alimentos prontos para consumo” foi o que apresentou maior número de amostras consideradas suscetíveis de risco. Em relação às infrações verificadas, destacam-se as indicações em falta, seguidas de denominações de venda que não correspondiam ao produto, as indicações obrigatórias não traduzidas em português, e do uso incorreto de alegações nutricionais. Quanto às amostras consideradas suscetíveis de risco, evidenciam-se a não indicação de alérgenos e/ou ingredientes potencialmente prejudiciais ao consumidor. No caso das amostras consideradas suscetíveis de indução em erro do consumidor destacam-se os casos das amostras com denominações de venda que não correspondem ao produto ou aos ingredientes declarados, o uso incorreto de alegações nutricionais/saúde, bem como o uso menções de valorização do produto indevidas (artesanal/tradicional).Foodstuff labeling is an important link between food and consumers. However, due to the trade globalization and market circulation inside EU and albeit there are legal requirements for food labeling consumers present difficulties in its comprehension and usage which may cause skepticism, aggravated by the presence in the market of sime food labelings that do not comply with the law. This study aimed to understand the type of legal non-compliances in different food categories, between 2007 and 2011 (1st semester) and also the consumer’s health risk associated to the mentions on the labeling, the possibility for error-inducing and labeling imprecision, through global sample characterization. Out of 8,549 food samples, of which 432 are non-compliant, 164 were identified as presenting non-compliant labelling. All samples were collected under the National Sampling Plan of the Portuguese Food and Economic Safety Authority, between 2007 and 2011 (1st semester). Results showed the “meat and meat products”, “milk and dairy products” and “ready to eat food” were the groups with more non-compliant labels. Relatively to the offenses, half of them (51%) were associated with error-inducing mentions, followed by labeling imprecision (40%). Nine percent were non-compliant samples with a potential risk for consumer’s health. “Meat and meat products” and “milk and dairy products” were the groups with more error-inducing samples. “Ready to eat food” was the group with more samples associated with a potential risk for the consumers. The detected offenses were related mostly with incomplete mentions, followed by customary names not corresponding to the products, mandatory mentions not translated to Portuguese and the incorrect use of nutritional claims. For the samples associated with a potential risk for the consumers the lack of the mention of allergens or other potentially harmful ingredients for the consumers stood out. For the error-inducing samples the major issues were the samples with customary names not corresponding to the products or ingredients listed, the incorrect use of nutritional or health claims and the use of mentions to increase product’s value (handcrafted/traditional).

    Colóquio: Fraude alimentar: contextualização, causas e medidas ao seu combate

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    No âmbito do curso de Mestrado em Ciências do Consumo Alimentar (MCCA)/DCeT decorreu o Colóquio: "Fraude alimentar: contextualização, causas e medidas ao seu combate ", contando com a participação de um representante da ASAE, e da CENTROMARCA, tendo sido parcialmente emitido na Emissão UAb n.º 114 (minutos:1:02-7:58 )N/

    Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements for food labelling in Portugal

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    Introduction The labelling of foodstuffs is an important communication tool between the manufacturer/retailer and the consumer. However, some economic operators recognize that although food products’ front of package information adds value to their business; it risks hindering the sales of some food categories, especially the less healthy ones. Aim The aim of this study was to characterize the type of legal infringements associated with the labelling practices for foodstuffs sold on the Portuguese market, based on official audits developed by the National Food Safety Authority. Methods All samples were collected under the National Sampling Plan of the Portuguese Food and Economic Safety Authority, between 2007 and 2011, with a total of 8,549 food products under evaluation. Results After evaluation of the label and laboratory testing, 432 were identified as non-compliant, from which 164 were identified as presenting non-compliant labelling. “Meat and meat products”, “milk and dairy products” and “ready to eat food” were the groups with more non-compliant labels. Relatively to the offenses, 51% were associated with error-inducing mentions, followed by labelling imprecision (40%) and 9% were non-compliant samples with a potential risk for consumer’s health. The detected offenses were related mostly with incomplete mentions, followed by names not corresponding to the product, mandatory mentions not translated to Portuguese and the incorrect use of nutritional claims. Discussion/conclusions It is essential to promote specific training on food labelling rules aimed at economic operators and employees, in order to reduce the number of offenses of this nature

    Food regulations and enforcement in Portugal

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    This work aims to provide an introduction to food regulation and enforcement systems in Portugal, especially regarding the Portuguese country profile and organization of the competent authorities in the official control of foodstuffs, particularly the Food Safety and Economic Authority. This is a law enforcement body with police powers, responsible for the inspection of economic activity and the official control of foodstuffs, ensures risk assessment, risk management and risk communication. It also provides an overview of the food fraud framework in Europe and Portugal, considering the powers of the Portuguese Authorities and the measures to combat food fraud.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The reporting of food fraud by daily printed media: the portuguese case study

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    Food fraud may be under the attention of the media because the food fraud phenomenon is growing as the food chains become more diverse and more global to meet the demands of growing urban populations. The aim of this exploratory study was to characterize the nature of the reporting of food fraud in news from the major daily Portuguese newspapers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio