556 research outputs found

    Lifting connections to the r-jet prolongation of the cotangent bundle

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    We show that the problem of finding all Mfm -natural operators C : Q "M QJ r T ∗ lifting classical linear connections ∇ on m-manifolds M into classical linear connections CM (∇) on the r-jet prolongation J r T ∗M of the cotangent bundle T ∗M p of M can be reduced to that of finding all Mfm -natural operators D : Q "M® T ⊗ q ® T ∗ sending classical linear connections ∇ on M into tensor fields DM (∇) of type (p, q) on M

    Government and Online Data: Creation, Access, Preservation

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    From the 1790 Census to the present, the US government has been a major user, producer, and distributor of data. Through its agencies and departments, it creates data; through funding, grants, and data sharing mandates, it makes research data accessible; through the FDLP and various agency platforms, it circulates and stores data online. This presentation discusses the implications of Government’s role in data creation, online access, and preservation. What are the potential strengths and weaknesses of this relationship, and how can librarians prepare for the future of data creation, preservation, and access? Special attention given to: Federal Data Mandates; Online Sources of Government Data; Challenges to Preservation and Access

    Natural operators lifting functions to cotangent bundles of linear higher order tangent bundles

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    summary:The author studies the problem how a map L:M\to\bbfR on an nn-dimensional manifold MM can induce canonically a map A_M(L):T^* T^{(r)}M\to \bbfR for rr a fixed natural number. He proves the following result: ``Let A:T(0,0)T(0,0)(TT(r))A: T^{(0,0)}\to T^{(0,0)}(T^* T^{(r)}) be a natural operator for nn-manifolds. If n3n\ge 3 then there exists a uniquely determined smooth map H: \bbfR^{S(r)}\times \bbfR\to\bbfR such that A=A(H)A= A^{(H)}.''\par The conclusion is that all natural functions on TT(r)T^* T^{(r)} for nn-manifolds (n3)(n\ge 3) are of the form {H(λM0,1,,λMr,0)}\{H\circ(\lambda^{\langle 0,1\rangle}_M,\dots, \lambda^{\langle r,0\rangle}_M)\}, where H\in C^\infty(\bbfR^r) is a function of rr variables

    Natural liftings of foliations to the rr-tangent bunde

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    summary:Let FF be a pp-dimensional foliation on an nn-manifold MM, and TrMT^r M the rr-tangent bundle of MM. The purpose of this paper is to present some reltionship between the foliation FF and a natural lifting of FF to the bundle TrMT^r M. Let Lqr(F)L^r_q (F) (q=0,1,,r)(q=0, 1, \dots, r) be a foliation on TrMT^r M projectable onto FF and Lqr={Lqr(F)}L^r_q= \{L^r_q (F)\} a natural lifting of foliations to TrMT^r M. The author proves the following theorem: Any natural lifting of foliations to the rr-tangent bundle is equal to one of the liftings L0r,L1r,,LnrL^r_0, L^r_1, \dots, L^r_n. \par The exposition is clear and well organized

    Product preserving bundle functors on fibered manifolds

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    summary:The complete description of all product preserving bundle functors on fibered manifolds in terms of natural transformations between product preserving bundle functors on manifolds is given

    The natural affinors on (JrT)(J^rT^*)^*

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    summary:For natural numbers rr and n2n\ge 2 a complete classification of natural affinors on the natural bundle (JrT)(J^rT^*)^* dual to rr-jet prolongation JrTJ^rT^* of the cotangent bundle over nn-manifolds is given

    Canonical 1-forms on higher order adapted frame bundles

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    summary:Let (M,F)(M,\mathcal{F}) be a foliated m+nm+n-dimensional manifold MM with nn-dimensional foliation F\mathcal{F}. Let VV be a finite dimensional vector space over R\mathbf{R}. We describe all canonical ({\mathcal{F}}\mbox {\it ol}_{m,n}-invariant) VV-valued 11-forms Θ ⁣:TPr(M,F)V\Theta \colon TP^r(M,{\mathcal{F}}) \rightarrow V on the rr-th order adapted frame bundle Pr(M,F)P^r(M,\mathcal{F}) of (M,F)(M,\mathcal{F})

    The natural affinors on some fiber product preserving gauge bundle functors of vector bundles

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    summary:We classify all natural affinors on vertical fiber product preserving gauge bundle functors FF on vector bundles. We explain this result for some more known such FF. We present some applications. We remark a similar classification of all natural affinors on the gauge bundle functor FF^* dual to FF as above. We study also a similar problem for some (not all) not vertical fiber product preserving gauge bundle functors on vector bundles