354 research outputs found

    Design and test of a magnetic thrust bearing

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    A magnetic thrust bearing can be employed to take thrust loads in rotating machinery. The design and construction of a prototype magnetic thrust bearing for a high load per weight application is described. The theory for the bearing is developed. Fixtures were designed and the bearing was tested for load capacity using a universal testing machine. Various shims were employed to have known gap thicknesses. A comparison of the theory and measured results is presented

    Evolution of the vertebrate corneal stroma

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    Although the cornea is the major refractive element of the eye, the mechanisms controlling corneal shape and hence visual acuity remain unknown. To begin to address this question we have used multiphoton, non-linear optical microscopy to image second harmonic generated signals (SHG) from collagen to characterize the evolutionary and structural changes that occur in the collagen architecture of the corneal stroma. Our studies show that there is a progression in complexity of the stromal collagen organization from lower (fish and amphibians) to higher (birds and mammals) vertebrates, leading to increasing tissue stiffness that may control shape. In boney and cartilaginous fish, the cornea is composed of orthogonally arranged, rotating collagen sheets that extend from limbus to limbus with little or no interaction between adjacent sheets, a structural paradigm analogous to 'plywood'. In amphibians and reptiles, these sheets are broken down into broader lamellae that begin to show branching and anastomosing with adjacent lamellae, albeit maintaining their orthogonal, rotational organization. This paradigm is most complex in birds, which show the highest degree of lamellar branching and anastomosing, forming a 'chicken wire' like pattern most prominent in the midstroma. Mammals, on the other hand, diverged from the orthogonal, rotational organization and developed a random lamellar pattern with branching and anastomosing appearing highest in the anterior stroma, associated with higher mechanical stiffness compared to the posterior stroma

    Unbiased method for spectral analysis of cells with great diversity of autofluorescence spectra

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    Autofluorescence is an intrinsic feature of cells, caused by the natural emission of light by photo-excitatory molecular content, which can complicate analysis of flow cytometry data. Different cell types have different autofluorescence spectra and, even within one cell type, heterogeneity of autofluorescence spectra can be present, for example, as a consequence of activation status or metabolic changes. By using full spectrum flow cytometry, the emission spectrum of a fluorochrome is captured by a set of photo detectors across a range of wavelengths, creating an unique signature for that fluorochrome. This signature is then used to identify, or unmix, that fluorochrome's unique spectrum from a multicolor sample containing different fluorescent molecules. Importantly, this means that this technology can also be used to identify intrinsic autofluorescence signal of an unstained sample, which can be used for unmixing purposes and to separate the autofluorescence signal from the fluorophore signals. However, this only works if the sample has a singular, relatively homogeneous and bright autofluorescence spectrum. To analyze samples with heterogeneous autofluorescence spectral profiles, we setup an unbiased workflow to more quickly identify differing autofluorescence spectra present in a sample to include as “autofluorescence signatures” during the unmixing of the full stained samples. First, clusters of cells with similar autofluorescence spectra are identified by unbiased dimensional reduction and clustering of unstained cells. Then, unique autofluorescence clusters are determined and are used to improve the unmixing accuracy of the full stained sample. Independent of the intensity of the autofluorescence and immunophenotyping of cell subsets, this unbiased method allows for the identification of most of the distinct autofluorescence spectra present in a sample, leading to less confounding autofluorescence spillover and spread into extrinsic phenotyping markers. Furthermore, this method is equally useful for spectral analysis of different biological samples, including tissue cell suspensions, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and in vitro cultures of (primary) cells.</p

    Comparative kinome analysis to identify putative colon tumor biomarkers

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    Kinase domains are the type of protein domain most commonly found in genes associated with tumorigenesis. Because of this, the human kinome (the protein kinase component of the genome) represents a promising source of cancer biomarkers and potential targets for novel anti-cancer therapies. Alterations in the human colon kinome during the progression from normal colon (NC) through adenoma (AD) to adenocarcinoma (AC) were investigated using integrated transcriptomic and proteomic datasets. Two hundred thirty kinase genes and 42 kinase proteins showed differential expression patterns (fold change ≥ 1.5) in at least one tissue pair-wise comparison (AD vs. NC, AC vs. NC, and/or AC vs. AD). Kinases that exhibited similar trends in expression at both the mRNA and protein levels were further analyzed in individual samples of NC (n = 20), AD (n = 39), and AC (n = 24) by quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR. Individual samples of NC and tumor tissue were distinguishable based on the mRNA levels of a set of 20 kinases. Altered expression of several of these kinases, including chaperone activity of bc1 complex-like (CABC1) kinase, bromodomain adjacent to zinc finger domain protein 1B (BAZ1B) kinase, calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit delta (CAMK2D), serine/threonine-protein kinase 24 (STK24), vaccinia-related kinase 3 (VRK3), and TAO kinase 3 (TAOK3), has not been previously reported in tumor tissue. These findings may have diagnostic potential and may lead to the development of novel targeted therapeutic interventions for colorectal cancer

    A proposal for a coordinated effort for the determination of brainwide neuroanatomical connectivity in model organisms at a mesoscopic scale

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    In this era of complete genomes, our knowledge of neuroanatomical circuitry remains surprisingly sparse. Such knowledge is however critical both for basic and clinical research into brain function. Here we advocate for a concerted effort to fill this gap, through systematic, experimental mapping of neural circuits at a mesoscopic scale of resolution suitable for comprehensive, brain-wide coverage, using injections of tracers or viral vectors. We detail the scientific and medical rationale and briefly review existing knowledge and experimental techniques. We define a set of desiderata, including brain-wide coverage; validated and extensible experimental techniques suitable for standardization and automation; centralized, open access data repository; compatibility with existing resources, and tractability with current informatics technology. We discuss a hypothetical but tractable plan for mouse, additional efforts for the macaque, and technique development for human. We estimate that the mouse connectivity project could be completed within five years with a comparatively modest budget.Comment: 41 page

    Justice and feelings: Toward a new era in justice research

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    In this special issue, the relationship between feelings and justice and its consequences are highlighted. Five articles discuss the role that affect, feelings, and emotions play in justice processes across a variety of social settings. In the present introductory article, the position of past and present justice research in relationship to these topics is briefly reviewed. In addition, reasons are outlined to show why a focus on these issues may be pivotal for a better understanding of social justice and how this may pave the way for a new, more process-oriented era in social justice research, focusing more on “hot” cognitive aspects as they pertain to social justice concerns

    Editing of hnRNP K protein mRNA in colorectal adenocarcinoma and surrounding mucosa

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    The heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K (hnRNP K) protein is an RNA-binding protein involved in many processes that compose gene expression. K protein is upregulated in the malignant processes and has been shown to modulate the expression of genes involved in mitogenic responses and tumorigenesis. To explore the possibility that there are alternative isoforms of K protein expressed in colon cancer, we amplified and sequenced K protein mRNA that was isolated from colorectal cancers as well as from normal tissues surrounding the tumours. Sequencing revealed a single G-to-A base substitution at position 274 that was found in tumours and surrounding mucosa, but not in individuals that had no colorectal tumour. This substitution most likely reflects an RNA editing event because it was not found in the corresponding genomic DNAs. Sequencing of RNA from normal colonic mucosa of patients with prior resection of colorectal cancer revealed only the wild-type K protein transcript, indicating that G274A isoform is tumour related. To our knowledge, this is the first example of an RNA editing event in cancer and its surrounding tissue, a finding that may offer a new diagnostic and treatment marker

    Expression of pendrin in benign and malignant human thyroid tissues

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    The Pendred syndrome gene (PDS) encodes a transmembrane protein, pendrin, which is expressed in follicular thyroid cells and participates in the apical iodide transport. Pendrin expression has been studied in various thyroid neoplasms by means of immunohistochemistry (IHC), Western blot and RT–quantitative real-time PCR. The expression was related to the functional activity of the thyroid tissue. Follicular cells of normal, nodular goitre and Graves' disease tissues express pendrin at the apical pole of the thyrocytes. In follicular adenomas, pendrin was detected in cell membranes and cytoplasm simultaneously in 10 out of 15 cases. Pendrin protein was detected in 73.3 and 76.7% of the follicular (FTC) and papillary (PTC) thyroid carcinomas, respectively, where pendrin was solely localised inside the cytoplasm. An extensive intracellular immunostaining of pendrin was observed in six out of 11 (54.5%) of positive FTCs and 19 out of 23 (82%) of PTCs. Focal reactivity was detected in one follicular- and three papillary carcinomas, whereas pendrin protein was absent in three of 15 FTC and four of 30 PTC; mRNA of pendrin was detected in 92.4% of thyroid tumours. The relative mRNA expression of pendrin was lower in cancers than in normal thyroid tissues (P<0.001). The pendrin protein level was found to parallel its mRNA expression, which was not, however, related to the tumour size and tumour stage. In conclusion, pendrin is expressed in the majority of differentiated thyroid tumours with high individual variability but its targeting to the apical cell membrane is affected

    NrCAM, a neuronal system cell-adhesion molecule, is induced in papillary thyroid carcinomas

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    NrCAM (neuron-glia-related cell-adhesion molecule) is primarily, although not solely, expressed in the nervous system. In the present study, NrCAM expression was analysed in a series (46) of papillary thyroid carcinomas (PTCs) and paired normal tissues (NT). Quantitative reverse transcriptase (QRT)-PCR revealed that NrCAM expression was upregulated in all PTCs compared to normal thyroid, whatever the stage or size of the primary tumour. NrCAM transcript levels were 1.3- to 30.7-fold higher in PTCs than in NT. Immunohistochemistry (IHC) confirmed that the expression of NrCAM was considerably higher in tumours (score 2+/3+) than in adjacent normal paratumoural thyroid tissue. The NrCAM protein was detected in all but three (93.3%) PTC samples, and it was mainly cytoplasmic; in some cases there was additional membranous localisation – basolateral and partly apical. In the normal thyroid and tissues surrounding tumours, focal NrCAM immunolabelling was seen only in follicles containing tall cells, where staining was restricted to the apical pole of thyrocytes. Western blot analysis corroborated the QRT–PCR and IHC results, showing higher NrCAM protein levels in PTCs than in paired NT. The level of overexpression of the NrCAM mRNA in tumourous tissue appeared to be independent of the primary tumour stage (pT) or the size of the PTC. These data provide the first evidence that NrCAM is overexpressed in human PTCs at the mRNA and protein levels, whatever the tumour stage. Thus, the induction and upregulation of NrCAM expression could be implicated in the pathogenesis and behaviour of papillary thyroid cancers
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