7 research outputs found

    Study of Saiga Horn Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography with Mass Spectrometry

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    The saiga horns have been investigated the using of modern analytic methods. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with mass-spectrometric (MS and MS/MS) detection and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) were used. It could be concluded that basic proteins of the saiga horns are keratins and collagen. The basic representation protein in all samples is keratin type I microfibrillar (from sheep), keratin type II microfibrillar (from sheep), collagen type I (α1) (from bovine) and collagen type I (α2) (from bovine). Free amino acids we determined in all samples are nontreated by enzyme

    Posttranslational modification of proteins - their analysis and physiological aspects

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    This thesi s is eoneerned with the deteetion of posttranslational modifieation of proteins. These proteins are identified using liquid ehromatography and eapillary eleetrophoresis, their eoupling and eoupling to mass speetrometry. The first part of the theoretieal ehapter is devoted to the strueture, classifieation and metabolits ehanges of proteins in the human body. Major attention is foeused on eollagen, its strueture and individual eollagen types. The seeond part eonsiders the problems of nonenzymatie glyeation and its influenee on the body and engage in produets of posttranslational modifieation. The third part summarizes the individual separation proeedures and analysis of posttranslationaly modified proteins. The seeond ehapter deseribes experimental parameters, including ehemieals, instrumentation, materials and methods. The preparation of individual samples is also deseribed. All results and findings are summarized and diseussed in the last ehapter. This ehapter is divided in two parts. The first part foeuses on problems of in vivo experiments. The seeond part foeuses on problems of in vitro experiments. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Posttranslational modification of proteins - their analysis and physiological aspects

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    This thesi s is eoneerned with the deteetion of posttranslational modifieation of proteins. These proteins are identified using liquid ehromatography and eapillary eleetrophoresis, their eoupling and eoupling to mass speetrometry. The first part of the theoretieal ehapter is devoted to the strueture, classifieation and metabolits ehanges of proteins in the human body. Major attention is foeused on eollagen, its strueture and individual eollagen types. The seeond part eonsiders the problems of nonenzymatie glyeation and its influenee on the body and engage in produets of posttranslational modifieation. The third part summarizes the individual separation proeedures and analysis of posttranslationaly modified proteins. The seeond ehapter deseribes experimental parameters, including ehemieals, instrumentation, materials and methods. The preparation of individual samples is also deseribed. All results and findings are summarized and diseussed in the last ehapter. This ehapter is divided in two parts. The first part foeuses on problems of in vivo experiments. The seeond part foeuses on problems of in vitro experiments. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org

    Application of HPLC to the study of steroid metabolism

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    Byly zkoumány metody hydrolýzy a extrakce steroidů z tkáně. Pro analýzu steroidů byla vyvinuta separační soustava využívající chromatografické dělení ve spojení s hmotnostním spektrometrem.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    SPME in bioanalysis

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    Autorka v práci uvádí přehled nejčastěji stanovovaných léčiv a tišících prostředků, metody zpracování biologických vzorků, podmínky mikroextrakce tuhou fází, optimalizace SPME a použité typy SPME vláken.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The effect of the changed amylose and amylopectin ratio on the selected qualitative parameters in spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) grain

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    In 2008-2011, grain yield and chemical composition were assessed in a set of spring barley genotypes with standard and changed amylose/amylopectin ratio (non-waxy and waxy, respectively) at two locations (Kroměříž, Žabčice). Genotypic as well as environmental effects were important for the variations in contents of chemical compounds. The waxy genotypes had statistically significantly higher levels of β-glucans and protein (6.9% d.m., 12.1% d.m., respectively) than genotypes with the standard starch character (5.4% d.m., 11.5% d.m., respectively). The hull-less waxy genotype KM2619.413.4 was statistically significantly different from all other genotypes in the set due to its highest content of β-glucans (10.80% d.m.). We found statistically significant differences between genotypes divided by the type of grain (hulled vs. hull-less) and also by the starch character (standard vs. waxy) in average starch contents as follows: hull-less genotypes with the standard starch composition (64.8% d.m.) > hull-less waxy genotypes (63.7% d.m.) > hulled genotypes with standard starch composition (61.4% d.m.) > hulled waxy genotypes (60.0% d.m.). Genotypes with elevated grain constituents (higher starch and BG contents) could be important from the point of a prospective use of barley for food production as was already found for example in the hulless waxy genotypes KM2645.412.3.4.6 (63.7% and 8.0%, respectively) and KM2551.469.1-2 (64.1% and 7.0%, respectively)