19 research outputs found

    Noise level correlates with manatee use of foraging habitats

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2007. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121 (2007): 3011-3020, doi:10.1121/1.2713555.The introduction of anthropogenic sound to coastal waters is a negative side effect of population growth. As noise from boats, marine construction, and coastal dredging increases, environmental and behavioral monitoring is needed to directly assess the effect these phenomena have on marine animals. Acoustic recordings, providing information on ambient noise levels and transient noise sources, were made in two manatee habitats: grassbeds and dredged habitats. Recordings were made over two 6-month periods from April to September in 2003 and 2004. Noise levels were calculated in one-third octave bands at nine center frequencies ranging from 250 Hz to 64 kHz. Manatee habitat usage, as a function of noise level, was examined during four time periods: morning, noon, afternoon, and night. Analysis of sightings data in a variety of grassbeds of equal species composition and density indicate that manatees select grassbeds with lower ambient noise for frequencies below 1 kHz. Additionally, grassbed usage was negatively correlated with concentrated boat presence in the morning hours; no correlation was observed during noon and afternoon hours. This suggests that morning boat presence and its associated noise may affect the use of foraging habitat on a daily time scale.This research was supported by a P.E.O. Scholar Award and National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship awarded to Jennifer Miksis

    Manatee (Trichechus manatus) vocalization usage in relation to environmental noise levels

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2009. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 (2009): 1806-1815, doi:10.1121/1.3068455.Noise can interfere with acoustic communication by masking signals that contain biologically important information. Communication theory recognizes several ways a sender can modify its acoustic signal to compensate for noise, including increasing the source level of a signal, its repetition, its duration, shifting frequency outside that of the noise band, or shifting the timing of signal emission outside of noise periods. The extent to which animals would be expected to use these compensation mechanisms depends on the benefit of successful communication, risk of failure, and the cost of compensation. Here we study whether a coastal marine mammal, the manatee, can modify vocalizations as a function of behavioral context and ambient noise level. To investigate whether and how manatees modify their vocalizations, natural vocalization usage and structure were examined in terms of vocalization rate, duration, frequency, and source level. Vocalizations were classified into two call types, chirps and squeaks, which were analyzed independently. In conditions of elevated noise levels, call rates decreased during feeding and social behaviors, and the duration of each call type was differently influenced by the presence of calves. These results suggest that ambient noise levels do have a detectable effect on manatee communication and that manatees modify their vocalizations as a function of noise in specific behavioral contexts.This research was supported by a P.E.O. Scholar Award and National Defense Science and Engineering Fellowship awarded to Jennifer Miksis

    Information theory analysis of Australian humpback whale song

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    Songs produced by migrating whales were recorded off the coast of Queensland, Australia, over six consecutive weeks in 2003. Forty-eight independent song sessions were analyzed using information theory techniques. The average length of the songs estimated by correlation analysis was approximately 100 units, with song sessions lasting from 300 to over 3100 units. Song entropy, a measure of structural constraints, was estimated using three different methodologies: (1) the independently identically distributed model, (2) a first-order Markov model, and (3) the nonparametric sliding window match length (SWML) method, as described by Suzuki et al. [(2006). “Information entropy of humpback whale song,” J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 119, 1849–1866]. The analysis finds that the song sequences of migrating Australian whales are consistent with the hierarchical structure proposed by Payne and McVay [(1971). “Songs of humpback whales,” Science 173, 587–597], and recently supported mathematically by Suzuki et al. (2006) for singers on the Hawaiian breeding grounds. Both the SWML entropy estimates and the song lengths for the Australian singers in 2003 were lower than that reported by Suzuki et al. (2006) for Hawaiian whales in 1976–1978; however, song redundancy did not differ between these two populations separated spatially and temporally. The average total information in the sequence of units in Australian song was approximately 35 bits/song. Aberrant songs (8%) yielded entropies similar to the typical songs

    Comparison of estimated 20-Hz pulse fin whale source levels from the tropical Pacific and Eastern North Atlantic Oceans to other recorded populations

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    D.H. was funded by the Office of Naval Research (Award: N00014-16-1-2364). J.M.O. was funded under Award: N00014-16-1-2860 also from the Office of Naval Research.Passive acoustic monitoring, mitigation, animal density estimation, and comprehensive understanding of the impact of sound on marine animals all require accurate information on vocalization source level to be most effective. This study focused on examining the uncertainty related to passive sonar equation terms that ultimately contribute to the variability observed in estimated source levels of fin whale calls. Differences in hardware configuration, signal detection methods, sample size, location, and time were considered in interpreting the variability of estimated fin whale source levels. Data from Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean and off Portugal in the Atlantic Ocean provided the opportunity to generate large datasets of estimated source levels to better understand sources of uncertainty leading to the observed variability with and across years. Average seasonal source levels from the Wake Island dataset ranged from 175 to 188 dB re 1 μPa m, while the 2007–2008 seasonal average detected off Portugal was 189 dB re 1 μPa m. Owing to the large inherent variability within and across this and other studies that potentially masks true differences between populations, there is no evidence to conclude that the source level of 20-Hz fin whale calls are regionally or population specific.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Fin whale density and distribution estimation using acoustic bearings derived from sparse arrays

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    D.V.H. and L.T. were funded by the Office of Naval Research (Grant Nos. N00014-14-1-0394 and N00014-16-1-2364). J.L.M.O. and J.A.V. were funded under Grant Nos. N00014-14-1-0397 and N00014-16-1-2860 also from the Office of Naval Research.Passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals is common, and it is now possible to estimate absolute animal density from acoustic recordings. The most appropriate density estimation method depends on how much detail about animals' locations can be derived from the recordings. Here, a method for estimating cetacean density using acoustic data is presented, where only horizontal bearings to calling animals are estimable. This method also requires knowledge of call signal-to-noise ratios, as well as auxiliary information about call source levels, sound propagation, and call production rates. Results are presented from simulations, and from a pilot study using recordings of fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) calls from Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) hydrophones at Wake Island in the Pacific Ocean. Simulations replicating different animal distributions showed median biases in estimated call density of less than 2%. The estimated average call density during the pilot study period (December 2007-February 2008) was 0.02 calls hr-1 km2 (coefficient of variation, CV: 15%). Using a tentative call production rate, estimated average animal density was 0.54 animals/1000 km2 (CV: 52%). Calling animals showed a varied spatial distribution around the northern hydrophone array, with most detections occurring at bearings between 90 and 180 degrees.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Underwater noise levels in UK waters

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    Underwater noise from human activities appears to be rising, with ramifications for acoustically sensitive marine organisms and the functioning of marine ecosystems. Policymakers are beginning to address the risk of ecological impact, but are constrained by a lack of data on current and historic noise levels. Here, we present the first nationally coordinated effort to quantify underwater noise levels, in support of UK policy objectives under the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Field measurements were made during 2013-2014 at twelve sites around the UK. Median noise levels ranged from 81.5-95.5 dB re 1 ÎĽPa for one-third octave bands from 63-500 Hz. Noise exposure varied considerably, with little anthropogenic influence at the Celtic Sea site, to several North Sea sites with persistent vessel noise. Comparison of acoustic metrics found that the RMS level (conventionally used to represent the mean) was highly skewed by outliers, exceeding the 97 th percentile at some frequencies. We conclude that environmental indicators of anthropogenic noise should instead use percentiles, to ensure statistical robustness. Power analysis indicated that at least three decades of continuous monitoring would be required to detect trends of similar magnitude to historic rises in noise levels observed in the Northeast Pacific

    Hybrid millidecade spectra: A practical format for exchange of long-term ambient sound data

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    This Letter proposes a frequency scaling for processing, storing, and sharing high-bandwidth, passive acoustic spectral data that optimizes data volume while maintaining reasonable data resolution. The format is a hybrid that uses 1 Hz resolution up to 455 Hz and millidecade frequency bands above 455 Hz. This hybrid is appropriate for many types of soundscape analysis, including detecting different types of soundscapes and regulatory applications like computing weighted sound exposure levels. Hybrid millidecade files are compressed compared to the 1 Hz equivalent such that one research center could feasibly store data from hundreds of projects for sharing among researchers globally