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    Catalytic oxidation of organic sulfides by H2O2 in the presence of titanosilicate zeolites

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    [EN] Titanosilicate ferrierite zeolite (FER) and its delaminated form (ITQ-6), with various Si/Ti molar ratios, were synthetized and tested as catalysts for diphenyl sulfide (Ph2S) and dimethyl sulfide (DMS) oxidation with H2O2. The zeolites were characterized with respect to their chemical composition (ICP-OES), structure (XRD, UV-vis DRS) and texture (low-temperature N-2 adsorption-desorption). Titanium in the FER and ITQ-6 samples was present mainly in the zeolite framework with a significant contribution of titanium in the extraframework positions. Titanosilicate zeolites of FER and ITQ-6 series were found to be active catalysts of diphenyl and dimethyl sulfides oxidation by H2O2 to sulfoxides (Ph2SO/DMSO) and sulfones (Ph2SO2/DMSO2). The efficiency of these reactions depends on the porous structure of the zeolite catalysts - conversion of larger molecules of diphenyl sulfide was significantly higher in the presence of delaminated zeolite Ti-ITQ-6 due to the possibility of the interlayer mesopores penetration by reactants. On the other side diphenyl sulfide molecules are too large to be accommodated into micropores of FER zeolite. The efficiency of dimethyl sulfide conversion, due to relatively small size of this molecule, was similar in the presence of Ti-FER and Ti-ITQ-6 zeolites. For all catalysts, the organic sulfide conversion was significantly intensified under UV irradiation. It was suggested that Ti cations in the zeolite framework, as well as in the extraframework, species play a role of the single site photocatalysts active in the formation of hydroxyl radicals, which are known to be effective oxidants of the organic sulfides.The studies were carried out in the frame of project 2016/21/B/ST5/00242 from the National Science Centre (Poland). Part of the research was done with equipment purchased in the frame of European Regional Development Fund (Polish Innovation Economy Operational Program -contract no. POIG.02.01.00-12-023/08). U.D. acknowledges to the Spanish Government by the funding (MAT2017-82288-C2-1-P). The work was partially supported by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) within the TEAM project (POIR.04.04.00-00-3D74/16).Radko, M.; Rutkowska, M.; Kowalczyk, A.; Mikrut, P.; Swies, A.; Díaz Morales, UM.; Palomares Gimeno, AE.... (2020). Catalytic oxidation of organic sulfides by H2O2 in the presence of titanosilicate zeolites. 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