56 research outputs found

    Wspieranie umiejętności samooceny ucznia poprzez zastosowanie portfolio językowego na lekcji języka niemieckiego

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    Recenzowany tom jest pokłosiem konferencji zorganizowanej w dniach 24–25 października przez Koło Naukowe Glottodydaktyków, działające przy Katedrze Lingwistyki Stosowanej i Kulturowej UŁ. Organizatorzy konferencji zaproponowali bardzo atrakcyjny i ważny temat, który zainspirował jej uczestników do przygotowania artykułów skupionych wokół trzech grup zagadnień: dydaktyki języka, lingwistyki kulturowej i dialektologii. Ogromnie cieszy zainteresowanie młodych naukowców tematyką dydaktyczną i glottodydaktyczną oraz kulturową. Zamieszczone w tomie artykuły pokazują poszukiwania nowych metod nauczania, przy znajomości dotychczasowych osiągnięć w tej dziedzinie, w oparciu o wiedzę językoznawczą i z wykorzystaniem technologii informacyjnych. Cykliczne organizowanie takich konferencji jest ważną i cenną inicjatywą młodych językoznawców, dydaktyków i kulturoznawców

    Czy nefrotoksyczność po PRRT jest nadal poważnym problemem klinicznym? Analiza stopnia uszkodzenia nerek po terapii znakowanymi izotopowo analogami somatostatyny z zastosowaniem 90Y-DOTATATE i 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE

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    Introduction: The kidneys play an essential role in PRRT. The infusion of amino acids could reduce uptake in the kidney of radiolabelled peptides. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of kidney damage post PRRT. Material and methods: 53 patients, with disseminated neuroendocrine tumours (NET), received 3–5 cycles of up to a maximum 7.4 GBq/m2 calculated dose of 90Y-DOTATATE (n = 25) and 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE (n = 28). Creatinine levels were measured and glomerular filtration rates (GFR) were calculated. A mixed amino acid infusion was used for nephroprotection. Results: Patients treated with 90Y-DOTATATE had a mean creatinine level of 0.77 ± 0.19 mg/dL and a mean GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) of 103.6 ± 30.8. Patients treated with 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE had a mean creatinine level of 0.92 ± 0.33 mg/dL and a mean GFR of 84.7 ± 26.3. In the follow up, among patients treated with 90Y-DOTATATE and 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE, the mean GFR level at 12 months was 101.2 ± 31.3 v. 83.9 ± 25.2, at 24 months 80.2 ± 32.7 v. 77.2 ± 31.1, at 36 months 78.9 ± 42.1 v. 67.5 ± 9.7, and 48 months 59.7 ± 15.2 v. 72.6 ± 11.2. The mean yearly decrease in GFR was 4.5 mL in all treated patients; for patients treated with 90Y-DOTATATE and 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE it was 6.8 v. 3.0, respectively. Conclusions: 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE treatment induced statistically significantly less change in kidney function compared to 90Y-DOTATATE.Wstęp: Narządem krytycznym w leczeniu guzów neuroendokrynnych z zastosowaniem znakowanych radioizotopowo analogów somatostatyny (PRRT) są nerki. Działanie nefrotoksyczne można ograniczyć, podając roztwór aminokwasów w formie wlewu dożylnego. Celem pracy była analiza stopnia uszkodzenia nerek po PRRT w ciągu pierwszych czterech lat po leczeniu. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 53 chorych, z rozpoznanym rozsianym procesem neuroendokrynnym (NET). Chorzy otrzymali 7,4 GBq/m2 90Y-DOTATATE (n = 25) lub 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE (n = 28) w 3–5 cyklach. Radiofarmaceutyk podawano w trakcie wlewu i.v. roztworu aminokwasów. Oceniano stężenie kreatyniny, na podstawie którego obliczano wartość filtracji kłębuszkowej (GFR). Wyniki: Przed leczeniem w grupie chorych leczonych 90Y-DOTATATE stężenie kreatyniny wynosiło 0,77 ± 0,19 (mg/dl), natomiast GFR 103,6 ± 30,8 (ml/min/1,73 m2). W grupie leczonej 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE stężenie kreatyniny wynosiło 0,92 ± 0,33 i GFR 84,7 ± 26,3. Nie stwierdzono statystycznie znamiennej różnicy w wartościach badanych parametrów między obydwiema grupami. Po 12 miesiącach wartość GFR w grupie leczonej 90Y-DOTATATE i grupie leczonej 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE wynosiła odpowiednio: 101 ± 31,3 oraz 83,9 ± 25,2. Po 24 miesiącach odpowiednio: 80,2 ± 32,7 i 77,2 ± 31,1. Po 36 miesiącach odpowiednio 78,9 ± 42,1 i 67,5 ± 9,7. Po 48 miesiącach odpowiednio: 59,7 ± 15,2 i 72,6 ± 11,2. Średni spadek GFR dla wszystkich chorych wynosił 4,5 ml/rok, dla chorych leczonych 90Y-DOTATATE – 6,8 ml/rok, natomiast dla chorych leczonych 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE — 3,0 ml/rok Wnioski: Leczenie z zastosowaniem 90Y/177Lu-DOTATATE jest związane z istotnie mniejszym statystycznie uszkodzeniem czynności nerek w porównaniu do leczenia z zastosowaniem 90Y-DOTATATE

    Sequential sonographic features in neonatal renal vein thrombosis

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    Objectives: Renal vein thrombosis in newborns is a rare but serious and acute disease. Clinical representations of RVT can vary from discrete symptoms to life-threatening conditions. Therefore imaging, and in particular sonography, plays an important role in the diagnosis of RVT in neonates. Gray-scale, color and spectral/power Doppler ultrasound are all used in the diagnosis of RVT. Material and methods: We present retrospective sequential ultrasonic imaging of three patients (two term and one preterm infant) with findings characteristic of RVT. Results: Initial ultrasound diagnostic features include: renal enlargement, echogenic medullary streaks, lack of the flow pattern characteristic of arcuate vessels and subsequently loss of corticomedullary differentiation, reduced echogenicity around pyramids and echogenic band at the extreme apex of the pyramid. Higher resistance index or less pulsatile venous flow on the affected kidney are helpful Doppler signs. Conclusions: Knowledge and identification of specific features of each phase of the evolution of RTV seems essential to prompt diagnosis. We would like to highlight the evolution of specific sonographic features in each subsequent phase of RVT

    Rak rdzeniasty tarczycy — badanie PET/CT ze znakowanymi 68Ga analogami gastryny i somatostatyny

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      Case presentation: a 75-year-old man with a 10-year history of nodular goitre was referred for clinical evaluation. The ultrasound scan revealed enlarged thyroid right lobe almost fully filled with a heterogeneous nodule with numerous calcifications. Fine-needle aspiration biopsy suggested medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). Before the surgery the patient was referred to the nuclear medicine department and somatostatin receptor imaging (SRS; 68Ga-DOTATATE) with PET/CT was performed. The scan demonstrated an increased uptake within the right thyroid mass. Subsequent PET/CT with 68Ga-gastrin analogue (MG48) revealed the same indications as the SRS: an increased alveolar uptake in the right thyroid mass without the signs of lymph node metastases. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy and central lymph nodes dissection. Histopathology examination confirmed the presence of MTC with vascular invasion, but without lymph node metastases (pT3NoMx according to the 7th edition of the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual). Immunohistochemical staining revealed positive reaction to calcitonin and CD56, whereas the reaction to thyroglobulin remained negative. The Ki-67 was 1%. Staining for SSTR2 and CCK2 showed high cytoplasmic expression in both cases. Knowledge of the presence of CCK2 receptor in MTC patients may be an important indication for the choice of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. The presence of both the receptor types, cholecystokinin-2/gastrin and somatostatin, is possibly an interesting combination as far as the therapeutic target is concerned. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (1): 68–71)    W pracy przedstawiono opis 75-letniego mężczyzny z dziesięcioletnią historią wola guzkowego skierowanego do Kliniki w celu badań kontrolnych. W badaniu USG stwierdzono powiększenie prawego płata tarczycy, wypełnionego prawie całkowicie niejednorodnym guzkiem z licznymi zwapnieniami. W biopsji aspiracyjnej cienkoigłowej wysunięto podejrzenie raka rdzeniastego tarczycy (MTC). Przed zabiegiem pacjenta skierowano do Zakładu Medycyny Nuklearnej w celu scyntygrafii receptorów somatostatynowych (SRS; 68Ga-DOTATATE) wykonanej techniką PET/CT. W badaniu stwierdzono zwiększone gromadzenie znacznika w zmianie prawego płata tarczycy. Następnie wykonano badanie PET/CT z 68Ga-analogiem gastryny(MG48), stwierdzając podobnie jak w SRS, zwiększone gromadzenie znacznika w guzku prawego płata tarczycy, nie stwierdzono przerzutów do węzłów chłonnych. Wykonano całkowite wycięcie tarczycy i centralnych węzłów chłonnych. Badanie histopatologiczne potwierdziło obecność MTC z cechami inwazji naczyniowej, ale bez przerzutów do węzłów chłonnych (pT3NoMx według 7. edycji AJCC stopnia złośliwości). Barwienie immunohistochemiczne ujawniło pozytywną reakcję na kalcytoninę i CD56, podczas gdy reakcja Tg była negatywna. Ki-67 wynosiło 1%. Barwienie na obecność receptorów SSTR2 oraz CCK2 wykazało wysokie poziomy ekspresji cytoplazmatycznej, w obu przypadkach. Znajomość obecności receptora CCK2 u pacjentów z MTC może być ważna w trakcie wyboru procedur diagnostycznych i terapeutycznych. Obecność obu typów receptorów cholecystokininy-2/gastryny i somatostatyny potencjalnie może być wykorzystana w leczeniu celowanym. (Endokrynol Pol 2016; 67 (1): 68–71)

    Drought-related secondary metabolites of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) leaves and their metabolomic quantitative trait loci

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    Determining the role of plant secondary metabolites in stress conditions is problematic due to the diversity of their structures and the complexity of their interdependence with different biological pathways. Correlation of metabolomic data with the genetic background provides essential information about the features of metabolites. LC-MS analysis of leaf metabolites from 100 barley recombinant inbred lines (RILs) revealed that 98 traits among 135 detected phenolic and terpenoid compounds significantly changed their level as a result of drought stress. Metabolites with similar patterns of change were grouped in modules, revealing differences among RILs and parental varieties at early and late stages of drought. The most significant changes in stress were observed for ferulic and sinapic acid derivatives as well as acylated glycosides of flavones. The tendency to accumulate methylated compounds was a major phenomenon in this set of samples. In addition, the polyamine derivatives hordatines as well as terpenoid blumenol C derivatives were observed to be drought related. The correlation of drought-related compounds with molecular marker polymorphisms resulted in the definition of metabolomic quantitative trait loci in the genomic regions of single-nucleotide polymorphism 3101-111 and simple sequence repeat Bmag0692 with multiple linkages to metabolites. The associations pointed to genes related to the defence response and response to cold, heat and oxidative stress, but not to genes related to biosynthesis of the compounds. We postulate that the significant metabolites have a role as antioxidants, regulators of gene expression and modulators of protein function in barley during drought

    The influence of soybean extract on the expression level of selected drug transporters, transcription factors and cytochrome P450 genes encoding phase I drug-metabolizing enzymes

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    Objective: Soybean phytoestrogens, such as genistein and daidzein, reduce climacteric symptoms and the risk of certain chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Despite their widespread use in functional foods and dietary supplements, there is very little data available on their safety and herb-drug interactions, especially with antineoplastic agents. Hence, the aim of our study was to assess the effects of soybean extracts on the expression level of CYP genes and their transcriptional factors. We also investigated the effect of soybean on the mRNA level of transporters, such as P-glycoprotein (MDR1) and multidrug resistance-associated proteins (MRP1, MRP2). Materials and methods: Wistar rats were fed a standardized soybean extract (100 mg/kg, p.o.). cDNA was synthesized from total RNA isolated from different tissues (liver and intestinal epithelium) using reverse transcription. Gene expression level was analyzed by RT-PCR method. Results: We demonstrated a significant increase of CYP1A1 mRNA level (by 89%, p=0.002 and 125%, p=0.004) as compared with the control group. An increase of AHR and CAR expression after 10 days was also observed (by 60%, p0.05, respectively). Additionally, an inductive effect for CYP2D1 by 22% (p=0.008), Mdr1a by 267% (

    Improved procedures of Sc(OH)3 precipitation and UTEVA extraction for 44Sc separation

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    BACKGROUND: 44Sc is becoming attractive as a PET radionuclide due to its decay characteristics. It can be produced from 44Ca present in natural calcium with 2.08% abundance. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The targets were mostly prepared from natural CaCO3 or metallic calcium in the form of pellets. After irradiation they were dissolved in 3 M hydrochloric acid and 44Sc was separated from excess of calcium by precipitation of scandium hydroxide using ammonia. Alternatively, targets were dissolved in 11 M hydrochloric acid and 44Sc was separated by extraction chromatography on UTEVA resin. As the next step, in both processes 44Sc was further purified on a cation exchange resin. Initially, the separation procedures were developed with 46Sc as a tracer. Gamma spectrometry with a high purity germanium detector was used to determine the separation efficiency. Finally, the CaCO3 pellet with 99.2% enrichment in 44Ca was activated with protons via 44Ca(p,n)44Sc nuclear reaction. RESULTS: Altogether twenty two irradiations and separations were performed. The working procedures were developed and the quality of separated 44Sc solution was confirmed by radiolabeling of DOTATATE. The chemical purity of the product was sufficient for preclinical experiments. At the end of around 1 hour proton beam irradiation of CaCO3 pellet with 99.2% enrichment in 44Ca the obtained radioactivity of 44Sc was more than 4.8 GBq. CONCLUSION: 44Sc can be produced inexpensively with adequate yields and radionuclidic purity via 44Ca(p,n)44Sc nuclear reaction in small cyclotrons. The recovery yield in both investigated separation methods was comparable and amounted above 90%. The obtained 44Sc was pure in terms of radionuclide and chemical purity, as shown by the results of peptide radiolabeling

    Effect of Epilobium angustifolium and Serenoa repens extracts on regulation of non-genomic signaling pathway of kinases

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    Objectives: Changes of kinase activity of non-genomic cellular signaling pathway may influence the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy in case of hormone-dependent tumors. Our study investigated a possible interaction at the molecular level between an aqueous herbal extract of Epilobium angustifolium as well as a lipid-sterolic fruit extract of Serenoa repens and synthetic drugs used in the treatment of hormone-dependent cancers. Material and methods: E. angustifolium and Serenoa repens extracts were orally administered to testosteroneinduced rats for 21 days. Changes of RafA/Mapk3/Mapk1 mRNA levels were analyzed by real-time quantitative PCR using target specific primers. Results: The level of RafA mRNA slightly increased in rats receiving Epilobium angustifolium (p=0.076) and Serenoa repens (p=0.016) extracts. Administration of these extracts resulted in significantly elevated Mapk1 and Mapk3 transcripts in the investigated animals (

    Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor imaging with [Lys^{40}(Ahx-HYNIC-^{99m}Tc/EDDA)NH_2]-Exendin-4 for the diagnosis of recurrence or dissemination of medullary thyroid cancer : a preliminary report

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    Introduction. Epidemiological studies on medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) have shown that neither a change in stage at diagnosis nor improvement in survival has occurred during the past 30 years. In patients with detectable serum calcitonin and no clinically apparent disease, a careful search for local recurrence, and nodal or distant metastases, should be performed. Conventional imaging modalities will not show any disease until basal serum calcitonin is at least 150 pg/mL. The objective of the study was to present the first experience with labelled glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue [Lys40(Ahx-HYNIC-99mTc/EDDA)NH2]-exendin-4 in the visualisation of MTC in humans. Material and Method. Four patients aged 22–74 years (two with sporadic and two with MEN2 syndrome-related disseminated MTC) were enrolled in the study. In all patients, GLP-1 receptor imaging was performed. Results. High-quality images were obtained in all patients. All previously known MTC lesions have been confirmed in GLP-1 scintigraphy. Moreover, one additional liver lesion was detected in sporadic MTC male patient. Conclusions. GLP-1 receptor imaging with [Lys40(Ahx-HYNIC-99mTc/EDDA)NH2]-exendin-4 is able to detect MTC lesions. GLP-1 scintigraphy can serve as a confirmatory test in MTC patients, in whom other imaging procedures are inconsistent