41 research outputs found
The chemical composition of the tetrahedrite from the barite deposit Dubrave - Dugi Dol, south of the town KreŔevo, Bosnia, hosted by Devonian Dolomite is as follows: (Cu10,65Ag0,073Hg0,03)10,75(Fe0,81Zn0,94)1,75(Sb3,57As0,34Bi0,004)3,91S13,00.
Cation proportions are: Me2+ :Me3+ :S = 3.20:1.00:3.33. The 34S = -10.91 %o. The calculated formula is in good correspondence with the compositions of other analyzed tetrahedrites from the whole Middle Bosnian Schist Mountains. These results as those of the fluid inclusion studies of gangue minerals suggests the generation of tetrahedrites from highly homogenized, hot (190-310 C), high saline (24.2-26.3 wt% NaCl equiv.) mineralizing solutions generated by mixing of ascending deep seated upper mantle (Hg, F, Cu-bearing) and metamorphogenic lower crust (Zn, Fe, Ag, Au-bearing) fluids with descending highly evolved Upper Permian saline formation waters. The obtained data exclude the applicability of the fractional crystallization generation model.Kemijski sastav tetraedrita iz baritnog ležiÅ”ta Dubrave - Dugi Dol, KreÅ”evo, Bosna je slijedeÄi: (Cu10,65Ag0,073Hg0,03)10,75(Fe0,81Zn0,94)1,75 (Sb3,57As0,34Bi0,004)3,91S13,00.
Odnos kationa je: Me2+ :Me3+ :S = 3.20:1.00:3.33. 34S = -10.91 %o. Formula tetraedrita se vrlo dobro uklapa u opÄi raspon sastava analiziranih tetraedrita iz cijelog podruÄja Srednjobosanskih Å”kriljavih planina. Navedeni rezultati kao i rezultati studije fluidnih inkluzija minerala jalovine upuÄuju na postanak tetraedrita iz vrlo homogeniziranih, vruÄih (190-310 C), jako slanih (24.2-26.3 wt%NaCl equ.) mineralizirajuÄih otopina generiranih mijeÅ”anjem uzlaznih, duboko smjeÅ”tenih u gornjem omotaÄu (nosilaca Hg, F, Cu) i metamorfogenih iz donjeg dijela kore (nosilaca Zn, Fc, Ag, Au) sa silaznim, jako slanim formacijskim vodama gornjopermskog evaporitnog horizonta. Dobiveni analitiÄki rezultati iskljuÄuju primjenu modela frakcione kristalizacije za genezu tetraedrita
Etiology of depression
Danas je prihvaÄena hipoteza da je patofizioloÅ”ki mehanizam nastanka depresije heterogen i da usprkos brojnim istraživanjima, joÅ” uvijek se precizno ne znaju svi etioloÅ”ki procesi koji su u podlozi ovog poremeÄaja. BioloÅ”ki, psiholoÅ”ki i socijalni faktori su najviÅ”e doprinijeli shvaÄanju depresivnog poremeÄaja, a nova istraživanja na podruÄju genetike, slikovnih prikaza mozga i molekularne biologije objaÅ”njavaju utjecaj stresa i životnih okolnosti na gene i neurobioloÅ”ke procese mozga. BioloÅ”ke teorije objaÅ”njavaju nastanak depresije poremeÄajem ravnoteže monoamina, hipotalamo-hipofizno-nadbubrežna žlijezda osi i glutamata a podupiru ih nalazi mozgovnih slikovnih tehnika. PsiholoÅ”ki je pristup usmjeren na krivnju, potisnutu ljutnju, nisko samopoÅ”tovanje, nesposobnost zamiÅ”ljanja buduÄnosti i pesimizam kao karakteristike depresivnog pogleda na svijet. DruÅ”tvene teorije naglaÅ”avaju gubitak kao presudni pokretaÄ depresije, koji pojaÄavaju poteÅ”koÄe u meÄuljudskim odnosima, a sve to prati osjeÄaj nezadovoljavajuÄeg druÅ”tvenog djelovanja i potpore. Predrasude i druÅ”tvena iskljuÄenost poveÄavaju vjerojatnost aktiviranja depresivnih simptoma.Based on current knowledge the pathophysiology of depressive disorder is believed to be heterogeneous, and despite numerous studies the exact etiological processes are still unknown. Biological, psychological and social factors have
influenced depressive disorder, but new research in genetics, neuroimaging and molecular biology have clarified some of the relationships between these factors, particularly in the modulation of stress and life events on neurobiologic processes.
Biological theories explain the imbalance of monoamines, hypothalamicāpituitaryāadrenal axis and glutamate followed by neuroimaging proof. Psychological factors include guilt, repressed anger, low self-esteem, inability to imagine the future and
pessimistic view of the world. Social theories emphasize loss as a major trigger of depression which can be aggravated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, which are followed by sense of inadequate social functioning and deprivation of
social support. Prejudice and social exclusion can increase the risk of developing depressive symptoms
Etiology of depression
Danas je prihvaÄena hipoteza da je patofizioloÅ”ki mehanizam nastanka depresije heterogen i da usprkos brojnim istraživanjima, joÅ” uvijek se precizno ne znaju svi etioloÅ”ki procesi koji su u podlozi ovog poremeÄaja. BioloÅ”ki, psiholoÅ”ki i socijalni faktori su najviÅ”e doprinijeli shvaÄanju depresivnog poremeÄaja, a nova istraživanja na podruÄju genetike, slikovnih prikaza mozga i molekularne biologije objaÅ”njavaju utjecaj stresa i životnih okolnosti na gene i neurobioloÅ”ke procese mozga. BioloÅ”ke teorije objaÅ”njavaju nastanak depresije poremeÄajem ravnoteže monoamina, hipotalamo-hipofizno-nadbubrežna žlijezda osi i glutamata a podupiru ih nalazi mozgovnih slikovnih tehnika. PsiholoÅ”ki je pristup usmjeren na krivnju, potisnutu ljutnju, nisko samopoÅ”tovanje, nesposobnost zamiÅ”ljanja buduÄnosti i pesimizam kao karakteristike depresivnog pogleda na svijet. DruÅ”tvene teorije naglaÅ”avaju gubitak kao presudni pokretaÄ depresije, koji pojaÄavaju poteÅ”koÄe u meÄuljudskim odnosima, a sve to prati osjeÄaj nezadovoljavajuÄeg druÅ”tvenog djelovanja i potpore. Predrasude i druÅ”tvena iskljuÄenost poveÄavaju vjerojatnost aktiviranja depresivnih simptoma.Based on current knowledge the pathophysiology of depressive disorder is believed to be heterogeneous, and despite numerous studies the exact etiological processes are still unknown. Biological, psychological and social factors have
influenced depressive disorder, but new research in genetics, neuroimaging and molecular biology have clarified some of the relationships between these factors, particularly in the modulation of stress and life events on neurobiologic processes.
Biological theories explain the imbalance of monoamines, hypothalamicāpituitaryāadrenal axis and glutamate followed by neuroimaging proof. Psychological factors include guilt, repressed anger, low self-esteem, inability to imagine the future and
pessimistic view of the world. Social theories emphasize loss as a major trigger of depression which can be aggravated with difficulties in interpersonal relationships, which are followed by sense of inadequate social functioning and deprivation of
social support. Prejudice and social exclusion can increase the risk of developing depressive symptoms
Acute thrombosis of portal, lienal, superior mesenteric and inferior mesenteric veins as a rare complication of COVID-19
Krajem 2019. godine je prvi put izoliran SARS-CoV-2 s bolesnika iz respiratornog sustava, meÄutim kako se pandemija COVID-19 bolesti Å”irila svijetom pored respiratornih simptoma uoÄena je poveÄana sklonost zgruÅ”avanju krvi kod bolesnika s težim oblikom infekcije. U ovom prikazu sluÄaja radi se o mladom bolesniku bez komorbiditeta, koji se javlja u hitnu službu zbog bolova u trbuhu. Fizikalnim pregledom, laboratorijskom i slikovnom
obradom uoÄena je akutna tromboza vene porte, vene lienalis i obje mesenteriÄne vene. Obzirom na potrebu hospitalizacije uÄinjen je bris nazofarinksa na SARS-CoV-2 koji je doÅ”ao pozitivan. LijeÄen je u jedinici intenzivne medicine COVID-19 oboljelih bolesnika KliniÄke bolnice Dubrava (PRIC) niskmolekularnim heparinom u terapijskoj dozi te je po pristizanju negativnog PCR nalaza na SARS-CoV-2 premjeÅ”ten na Zavod za hematologiju gdje su iskljuÄili najÄeÅ”Äe poremeÄaje zgruÅ”avanja krvi i s kojeg je dobrog opÄeg stanja otpuÅ”ten iz bolnice.Since the first SARS-CoV-2 case in humans wasreported at the end of 2019, a pandemic of COVID-19 disease spread around theworld, causing not only respiratory symptoms, but also a hypercoagulable statein some patients with severe forms of infection. In this case report we present a young male patient with nocomorbidities, who presents in the ER with severe abdominal pain. Physical examination,laboratory tests and imaging showed
acute portal, splenic and mesenteric veinthrombosis. After he had been hospitalised the nasopharyngeal swab was positivefor SARS-CoV-2. He was treated in ICU UH Dubrava for COVID-19 patients (PRIC) withtherapeutic doses of low molecular weight heparin, and when the PCR swab forSARS-CoV-19 was negative, he was transferred to Haematology ward where theyperformed tests and excluded some of the most common diseases
associated withhypercoagulability, and in a good condition he was discharged from thehospital
Soil properties in beech-fir forests on Mt. Medvednica (NW Croatia)
Background and Purpose: Beech-fir forests in Croatia have very broad edaphic amplitude. On Mt. Medvednica they are predominantly developed on dystric cambisol, but also, to a smaller extent, on several other soil types. The purpose of this paper was to investigate soil properties in these forests and establish relations with pedogenetic factors, and especially with the bedrock and the relief.
Materials and Methods: Research was based on the study of 14 soil profiles and soil samples from the horizons, and on the analysis of 39 composite samples from the surface 5 cm of soil. The following parameters were assessed from the samples: pH in water and 0.01MCaCl2, the carbonate content, and the content of biogenic elements Org C., TotalN, P,K, Ca and Mg, as well as the texture of profile samples.
Results: Dominant soils in beech-fir forests on Medvednica are dystric
cambisol and eutric cambisol. Most of the profiles are situated on moderately steep and steep slopes, so their A-horizon is colluvially influenced. All profiles were shallower than 100 cm, except for the stagnosol profile. The most variable parameter in the surface 5 cm was organic carbon, ranging from 40.9 to 367.2 g kgā1, whereas the pH value measured in water suspension oscillated between 3.69 and 7.21 and corresponded with the calcium content in the soil, with carbonate substrates in the central part of the range and with carbonate quantity in the soil.
Conclusions: The distribution range of beech-fir forests on Mt. Medvednica is highly complex both from the pedogenetic and pedophysiographic aspect. It provides a good basis for the application of more complex models of spatial prediction of soil properties, but also for phytocoenological and ecological management profiling of beech-fir forests
Epidemiological characteristics, baseline clinical features, and outcomes of critically ill patients treated in a coronavirus disease 2019 tertiary center in continental Croatia
Aim To describe epidemiological characteristics and base
line clinical features, laboratory findings at intensive care
unit (ICU) admission, and survival rates of critically ill coro
navirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients treated at a ter
tiary institution specialized for COVID-19 patients.
Methods This retrospective study recruited 692 patients
(67.1% men). Baseline demographic data, major comorbid
ities, anthropometric measurements, clinical features, and
laboratory findings at admission were compared between
survivors and non-survivors.
Results The median age was 72 (64-78) years. The median
body mass index was 29.1 kg/m
. The most relevant comor
bidities were diabetes mellitus (32.6%), arterial hyperten
sion (71.2%), congestive heart failure (19.1%), chronic kid
ney disease (12.6%), and hematological disorders (10.3%).
The median number of comorbidities was 3 and median
Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) was 5. A total of 61.8%
patients received high-flow nasal oxygen therapy (HFNO)
and 80.5% received mechanical ventilation (MV). Median
duration of HFNO was 3, and that of MV was 7 days. ICU
mortality rate was 72.7%. Survivors had significantly lower
age, number of comorbidities, CCI, sequential organ failure
assessment score, serum ferritin, C-reactive protein, D-dim
er, and procalcitonin, interleukin-6, lactate, white blood cell,
and neutrophil counts. They also had higher lymphocyte
counts, Pa
ratio, and glomerular filtration rate at ad
mission. Length of ICU stay was 9 days. The median surviv
al was 11 days for mechanically ventilated patients, and 24
days for patients who were not mechanically ventilated.
Conclusion The parameters that differentiate survivors
from non-survivors are in agreement with published data.
Further multivariate analyses are warranted to identify in
dividual mortality risk factor
Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic ā towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā identity and Their Demise: Summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research
Älanak donosi pregled aktivnosti i preliminarne rezultate arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja srednjopaleolitiÄkih nalaziÅ”ta u Dalmaciji te geoloÅ”kih istraživanja u okviru kojih su provedena buÅ”enja potencijalnih nalaziÅ”ta. Aktivnosti su ostvarene provedbom druge i treÄe godine projekta Kasni musterijen na istoÄnom Jadranu ā temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Terenski je rad najveÄim dijelom bio usmjeren na nastavak istraživanja Velike peÄine u KliÄevici i podvodnoga paleolitiÄkog nalaziÅ”ta KaÅ”tel Å tafiliÄ ā Resnik. Provedeno je takoÄer probno istraživanje jednog nalaziÅ”ta u zaleÄu KaÅ”tela (GiljanoviÄi/KaranuÅ”iÄi) i geoloÅ”ka buÅ”enja.The paper reports on the activities and preliminary results of archaeological research of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Dalmatia and geological research consisting of drilling at potential sites. The activities were carried out within the framework of the second and third years of the research project Late Mousterian in the Eastern Adriatic ā towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā identity and their demise, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The fieldwork mostly focused on the continuation of excavation at Velika peÄina in KliÄevica and research at underwater Palaeolithic site of KaÅ”tel Å tafiliÄ ā Resnik, in addition to the test excavation of a site in the hinterland of KaÅ”tela (GiljanoviÄi/KaranuÅ”iÄi) and geological drillings
Project Late Mousterian in the eastern Adriatic ā towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā identity and Their Demise: Summary of the 2nd and 3rd years of research
Älanak donosi pregled aktivnosti i preliminarne rezultate arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja srednjopaleolitiÄkih nalaziÅ”ta u Dalmaciji te geoloÅ”kih istraživanja u okviru kojih su provedena buÅ”enja potencijalnih nalaziÅ”ta. Aktivnosti su ostvarene provedbom druge i treÄe godine projekta Kasni musterijen na istoÄnom Jadranu ā temelj za razumijevanje identiteta kasnih neandertalaca i njihovog nestanka Hrvatske zaklade za znanost. Terenski je rad najveÄim dijelom bio usmjeren na nastavak istraživanja Velike peÄine u KliÄevici i podvodnoga paleolitiÄkog nalaziÅ”ta KaÅ”tel Å tafiliÄ ā Resnik. Provedeno je takoÄer probno istraživanje jednog nalaziÅ”ta u zaleÄu KaÅ”tela (GiljanoviÄi/KaranuÅ”iÄi) i geoloÅ”ka buÅ”enja.The paper reports on the activities and preliminary results of archaeological research of Middle Palaeolithic sites in Dalmatia and geological research consisting of drilling at potential sites. The activities were carried out within the framework of the second and third years of the research project Late Mousterian in the Eastern Adriatic ā towards understanding of late Neanderthalsā identity and their demise, funded by the Croatian Science Foundation. The fieldwork mostly focused on the continuation of excavation at Velika peÄina in KliÄevica and research at underwater Palaeolithic site of KaÅ”tel Å tafiliÄ ā Resnik, in addition to the test excavation of a site in the hinterland of KaÅ”tela (GiljanoviÄi/KaranuÅ”iÄi) and geological drillings
Bacterial superinfections in critically ill COVID-19 patients ā experiences from University Hospital Dubrava tertiary COVID-19 center
Cilj istraživanja: Utvrditi incidenciju najÄeÅ”Äih bakterijskih superinfekcija, distribuciju uzroÄnika ovisno o sijelu infekcije, demografske podatke, relevantne laboratorijske i kliniÄke parametre te ishode lijeÄenja kritiÄno oboljelih bolesnika lijeÄenih u tercijarnom regionalnom centru specijaliziranom za lijeÄenje COVID-19 bolesnika PRIC KB Dubrava. Ispitanici i metode: Provedeno je retrospektivno opservacijsko ispitivanje te su podaci skupljeni pregledom povijesti bolesti u bolniÄkom informacijskom sustavu (BIS, In2, Zagreb) pacijenata lijeÄenih u jedinicama intenzivne medicine PRIC-IC KB Dubrava tijekom razdoblja od 01. ožujka 2020. do 01. veljaÄe 2021. Skupljeni podaci analizirani su u statistiÄkom programskom paketu jamovi. Rezultati: Od ukupno 692 pacijenta, 383 je razvilo bakterijsku ili gljiviÄnu superinfekciju. Njih 305 je razvilo pneumoniju, 133 bakterijemiju a 120 urinarnu infekciju. 66,3% pacijenata bilo je muÅ”kog spola, te su ÄeÅ”Äe primani sa bolniÄkih odjela i JIM-ova drugih bolnica. Od 305 pacijenata sa pneumonijom 295 je bilo mehaniÄki ventilirano te je razvilo VAP. Kod pacijenata koji nisu razvili bakterijemiju primjeÄen je porat omjera neutrofili leukociti, te limfopenija i pad vrijednosti CRP-a. Urinarna infekcija ÄeÅ”Äa je kod žena. U sve tri skupine, pacijenti su imali produljen period boravka u JIM-u i u bolnici. ZakljuÄci: Incidencija bakterijskih superinfekcija u kritiÄno oboljelih COVID-19 pacijenata vrlo je visoka i iznosi 55,3%. NajÄeÅ”Äe bakterijske superinfekcije su VAP, bakterijemija i urinarna infekcija. NajÄeÅ”Äi uzroÄni patogeni su MDR bakterije. Pacijenti sa sekundarnom infekcijom imaju dulji period boravka u JIM. PoveÄanje omjera neutrofili / limfociti i progresija limfopenije povezane su sa nepovoljnim kliniÄkim ishodima.Goal: To determine incidence of bacterial superinfections, causative pathogens demographic data, relevant laboratory parameters and outcomes in critically ill COVID-19 patients treated in primary respiratory intensivist center (PRIC) UH Dubrava. Patients and methods: In this retrospective observational study, clinical and laboratory data of 692 critically ill patients treated in PRIC UH Dubrava between March 1st 2020. and February 1st
2021. was collected using the hospital information system software (BIS) and statistical analysis was performed using the jamovi statistical package. Results: Out of 692 patients admitted to the ICU, 383 acquired bacterial or fungal superinfections. 305 acquired pneumonia, 133 bloodstream infections and 120 urinary infections. 66.3% of patients were males, and bacterial superinfections were more common in patients admitted from hospital wards or external ICUs. Out of 305 patients with pneumonia, 295 were receiving mechanical ventilation and satisfied the criteria for ventilator associated pneumonia. Patients with bloodstream infections maintained elevated neutrophil lymphocyte ratio, lymphopenia and elevated CRP levels on day 7 compared to those without BSI. Urinary infections were more common in females, and did not have an effect on outcomes. All patients that developed superinfections had prolonged ICU and hospital stay. Conclusion: Incidence of bacterial superinfections in critically ill COVID-19 patients is 55.3%. Most common infections are ventilator associated pneumonia, bloodstream infections and urinary infections. Most common pathogens are multi-drug resistant pathogens. Patients with bacterial superinfections have longer ICU and hospital stay, and in these patients, persistent elevation of NLR ratio and worsening of lymphopenia are characteristic for patients with worse outcomes