24 research outputs found
The pollen beetle is one of the most important pests of the rape fields in Hungary. Profound knowledge in the biology and ecology of it is required to make the plant protection treatments more effi cient. A study was carried out in 2002 with an objective to explore the possible differences among the various species of genus Meligethes in their overwintering customs. During my research of overwintering I studied places with different conditions. Leaf samples which fell
to the ground were collected to establish the most preferable type of wintering layer. Then the samples were placed in separator bags, which made it possible to observe the emergence of the beetles in early spring. My results show that four species were found in the samples: Meligethes aeneus Fabricius, 1775, Meligethes coracinus Sturm, 1845, Meligethes viridescens Fabricius, 1787 and Meligethes picipes Sturm, 1845. I did not fi nd decisive differences on how these species select their wintering places, yet there was a main divergence
in the period of time in their emergence. It was discovered that Meligethes aeneus preceded the three other related species
Hazai szőlőültetvények virológiai vizsgálata = Study of the virus infection of the Hungarian vineyards
Új csoportosításra kerültek a Magyarországon eddig leírt szőlővírus kórokozók. 1) vírusos leromlása 2) levélsodródás 3) látens foltosság 4) faszöveti barázdáltság 5) szőlő vonalas és gyűrűs mintázottsága 6) szőlő vonalas mintázottsága 7) vírusszerű megbetegedések. Szerológiai felmérések során a 277 mintából 76 minta volt pozitív. A Nepovírusok közül a korábbi előforduláshoz képest alacsonyabb arányban 4 előfordulását igazoltuk GFLV, ArMV, TBRV, GCMV. A GLRaV-1, -2 -3 aránya hasonló volt a Nepovírusokéhoz. Jelentős GFKV fertőzöttséget állapítottunk meg. 15 Komplex fertőzést találtunk. 4 GLRaV-3 és 1 GLRaV-1 izolátum HSP70 szakaszát vizsgáltuk molekuláris módszerekkel. A 3.5., 4.2 és a 2.2. jelű izolátumok a 2. számú GLRaV 3 csoportba sorolhatók. Az 1.4 jelzésű a dendrogram adatai alapján a 4. számú csoportba tartozik. A GLRaV-1 izolátum az „E” csoportba tartozik. A vizsgált izolátumok génbaki azonosítói (HE794021, HE794022, HE794023, HE794024, HE794025). A szőlő ültetvényben gyűjtött Aristolochia clematitis levélminták esetében az elvégzett elektronmikroszkópos és molekuláris vizsgálatok eredményeképpen a TSWV fertőzést azonosítottunk, ami ennek a kórokozónak Magyarországon új gazdanövénye, és járványtani szerepe is feltételezhető. | New classification of grapevine viruses, occurring in Hungarian vineyards, has been made according to the symptoms and recent molecular data. 1) virus degeneration, 2) leaf roll, 3) fleck, 4) rugose wood, 5) yellow mottle, 6) line pattern, 7) virus like diseases (enation, vein necrosis and vein mosaic). Among 277 samples, seventy- six gave positive results in the serological tests. Among the Nepovirus group four viruses could be detected, but the occurrence of GFLV, ArMV, TBRV, GCMV were not so frequent, than it was thought earlier. The ratio of GLRaV-1, -2 and -3 were similar, as in case of Nepoviruses. High infection rates of GFKV were detected. One GLRaV-1 and three GLRaV-3 isolates were characterised by molecular methods. The molecular data were run in a phylogenetic analyis in which the HSP70h genes of a large number of isolates from elsewhere in the world were included. The phylogenetic trees showed that the four Hungarian isolates 2.2, 3.5 and the 4.2. isolates could be inserted into the earlier classified five groups of foreign GLRaV-3 isolates into the group Nr. 2., but the isolate 1.4 belonged to the group Nr. 4. The GLRaV-1 CSE.6.4.1 isolate belonged to the earlier created group “E”. These sequence dates get into the Gene bank (HE794021, HE794022, HE794023, HE794024, HE794025). On bases of electronmicroscopic and molecular studies Aristolochia clematitis found in vineyards, which proved to be infected with TSWV