84 research outputs found
Early Childhood Education Teachers’ Professional Development towards Pedagogical Leadership
Background: In recent years, early childhood education (ECE) has faced many reforms that have led to new requirements for pedagogy. Due to this evolution, there is, in turn, an increasing need to enhance the professional competence of ECE teachers through further training. Purpose: This article examines ECE teachers' interpretations of the changes in their pedagogical thinking during a further training course for ECE teachers in Finland. The aim of this qualitative research was to investigate the professional development that can be related to the further training. The context of the study was an 18-month long ECE teachers' further training course called 'Pedagogy of Early Childhood Education during Changing Practices'. Sample: The study involved 32 ECE teachers participating in the further training course. The data consisted of the written responses of the further training participants in respect of their interpretation of pedagogy. Design and methods: The research was carried out using a participatory action approach. The written data were collected from the teacher participants. Thematic analysis was firstly conducted inductively from the data. In the second phase, content analysis was applied using abductive reasoning. The theory-based content analysis was conducted using pedagogical leadership aspects of the theory of human capital. Results: The features of professional development that were identified were explored through the lens of pedagogical leadership and grouped into four dimensions: increased knowledge, awareness of the quality of previously implemented pedagogy, developmental skills, and ability to make the case for ECE pedagogy. Conclusions: The research identified connections and relationships between the further training and professional development in pedagogical leadership. The significance of and demand for a participatory action research approach to further training for ECE teachers are discussed.Peer reviewe
Suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan pedagogisen työn tutkimimen Layderin tutkimuskartan avulla
This study examines the experiences of early childhood teachers in their everyday pedagogical work. The data for this qualitative study consists of the diaries of early childhood teachers. Layder’s (1993) research map has been used to structure the theoretical background and provide an analytical frame to categorise the data. The results show that early childhood teachers’ work is complex and demanding, but they did encounter successes in their work. Certain common themes were identified on the levels of Layder’s research map. These themes, which were experienced both as successes and challenges, included laws and steering documents, values and attitudes, pedagogical principles and solutions, leadership, collaborative structures, interaction, professional self-conception and skills. The challenges in the teachers’ work were caused by differing professional values, a lack of discussion, and inoperative organisational structures and practices, among others.This study examines the experiences of early childhood teachers in their everyday pedagogical work. The data for this qualitative study consists of the diaries of early childhood teachers. Layder’s (1993) research map has been used to structure the theoretical background and provide an analytical frame to categorise the data. The results show that early childhood teachers’ work is complex and demanding, but they did encounter successes in their work. Certain common themes were identified on the levels of Layder’s research map. These themes, which were experienced both as successes and challenges, included laws and steering documents, values and attitudes, pedagogical principles and solutions, leadership, collaborative structures, interaction, professional self-conception and skills. The challenges in the teachers’ work were caused by differing professional values, a lack of discussion, and inoperative organisational structures and practices, among others.Peer reviewe
Multi-voiced development in Finnish early childhood education practices
Early childhood education (ECE) is the first step of a lifelong learning pathway. In Finland, the institutions of ECE have went through many chances in recent years and the ongoing development of policies and practices of young children’s educational system have been the focus of many projects and much research. In this paper researchers describe and analyse how dynamic development in regional development projects is implemented in teacher training programs, ECE field work and research in boundary spaces. The researchers describe the Finnish ECE system, its policies and practices to form a basis for the development project. Through that the basic principles of development are illustrated. The essential voices of participants of the project are introduced to form a picture of shared development goals, through opportunities and challenges, in multi-voiced community of education. Finally, the development work of ECE in the light of international knowledge of ECE is discussed. The findings of this research suggest that development in a multi-voiced community with different participators and organizations of the ECE can be successful and that the partnership approach can be development to create an active learning society of students, practical teachers and researchers.Peer reviewe
Sukupolvien kohtaamisia lasten ja vanhusten yhteisessä palvelukeskuksessa
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata lasten ja vanhusten yhteisen palvelukeskuksen toimintakulttuuria kahdesta eri näkökulmasta toimintakulttuuria erilaisina toimintakäytäntöinä ja kulttuuria merkityksenantona. Tutkimuksen toteutuskonteksti on yksityinen palvelukeskus, jossa lasten päiväkoti ja vanhusten asumis- ja tukipalveluja on sijoitettu samaan rakennukseen, osittain yhteisiin tiloihin. Toimintakulttuuria jäsennetään organisaatiokulttuurin käsittein. Tutkimuksessa painottuu varhaiskasvatuksen ja lasten näkökulma.
Tutkimuskohteena olevaa ilmiötä lähestytään yhteiskuntatieteellisesti suuntautuneen lapsuudentutkimuksen lähtökohdista käsin ja tutkimusmenetelmänä on etnografia. Aineisto on kerätty havainnoiden lasten ja vanhusten kohtaamisen tilanteita sekä haastatellen lapsia, vanhuksia, henkilökuntaa, johtoa sekä vanhempia.
Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että lasten ja vanhusten yhteisessä palvelukeskuksessa muodostui tiettyjä toimintakäytäntöjä. Keskeisiksi teemoiksi yhteisissä toimintakäytännöissä nousivat toiminnan suunnittelu ja organisointi, yhteiseen toimintaan osallistuminen sekä aika ja tila toiminnan määrittäjinä. Lapsilla ja vanhuksilla on yhteisessä palvelukeskuksessa useita mahdollisuuksia sekä suunniteltuihin että spontaaneihin kohtaamisen tilanteisiin. Lasten ja vanhusten välille kehittyi sosiaalisia suhteita, ja lasten ja vanhusten välillä oli sanallisen vuorovaikutuksen lisäksi runsaasti sanatonta vuorovaikutusta.
Sukupolvien yhteiselle toiminnalle annetuissa merkityksissä tuli esille lasten näkökulmasta muun muassa lapsen itsetunnon ja sosiaalisen kehityksen tukeminen sekä tiedon ja kulttuurin siirto. Vanhukset saivat elämäänsä sisältöä, ja heillä oli mahdollisuus kompetenssin tunteen säilyttämiseen. Henkilökunta koki työskentelyn lasten ja vanhusten yhteisessä palvelukeskuksessa sekä rikkautena että haasteena. Vanhemmat suhtautuivat myönteisesti lasten ja vanhusten yhteiseen toimintaan. Yhteisenä merkityksenä kaikille osapuolille tuloksissa tuli esille mahdollisuus yhteisöllisyyden kokemiseen.
Tutkimus antaa kokonaiskuvan lasten ja vanhusten yhteisen palvelukeskuksen toimintakulttuurista. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että lasten ja vanhusten yhteinen palvelukeskus on toimiva ja kehittämisen arvoinen varhaiskasvatuksen ja vanhusten palvelujen muoto.The purpose of this research is to depict the operational culture in a service center for children and elderly. This culture will be looked at from two different perspectives; operational culture as ways of acting and culture as meanings. The research has been conducted in a private service facility which includes a daycare center and a building for assisted living. Operational culture will be handled through concepts of organizational culture. The research focuses on early childhood education and children.
The phenomenon researched will be approached from the point of view of sociological childhood research and the research method is ethnography. The data is collected by observing different situations where children and elderly meet each other. Also interviews of the children, senior citizens as well as the personnel, management and parents have been used.
The results indicate that certain operational conventions were formed in the joint actions of children and senior citizens in a joint service center. The central themes in these practices were planning and organizing activities, taking part in joint activities and time and room in defining the activities. There are several possibilities both planned and spontaneous encounters for children and the aged in a joint service center. Social relationships were formed between children and the elderly, and in addition to verbal communication there was an abundance of non-verbal interaction.
As meanings of intergenerational activities from the children s perspective the importance was found in for example support children s self-confidence and social development and connecting to their culture. The elderly found more meaning for their lives and maintained a sense of competence. Personnel found that working at the service center was both challenging and enriching. Parents were positive about the joint activities for the children and the elderly. As an overall advantage for all parties concerned there was the possibility for sense of community.
The research gives a general view of the operational culture in the service center for children and the elderly. It also depicts the underlying meaning this type of culture brings to people. The results of this particular research lead to the conclusion that a service center for children and the elderly is a functioning form of early childhood education as well as services provided for the elderly. This structure is well worth developing
Interpretations of Mentoring during Early Childhood Education Mentor Training
This study examines how interpretations of mentoring by trainee mentors (TMs) changed over the course of a mentor training programme, and how this contributed to the TMs’ professional development. The context of the study was a mentor training programme for preschool teachers who mentor early childhood teacher students during their practicums. This article presents a thematic content analysis of qualitative narrative data gathered from the TMs’ narrative writings on the mentor training programme (N=36) and the TMs’ contributions at one focus group interview (N=5). The findings suggest that the TMs’ interpretations produced two main themes. First, changes in the interpretations were recognized concerning the task of mentoring, learning, and the relationship of the mentor and the student. Secondly, the TMs gained in confidence and expertise. The TMs thus developed their professional identity as mentors. Mentor training prepared the TMs for the mentoring process
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