60 research outputs found

    Critical success factors in a dashboard implementation project : Case: Division-level dashboard implementation in Group Plc

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    The purpose of this thesis was to study a dashboard implementation project and the critical success factors that are related to the success of the project. Dashboards are tools for reporting and performance management that can be used to provide critical information to decision-makers in a visual and interactive format. Critical success factors were chosen as the focus for the study because of a lack of former research on their use with dashboards. The study is a qualitative case study and it was conducted in one division of a large manufacturing company. The division was in the process of implementing a new dashboard. Data was gathered through taking part in the implementation project and by interviewing project members and other stakeholders. The analysis of the critical success factors was conducted by comparing them to the factors found from earlier dashboard literature, as well as from other technology implementation literature e.g. the balanced scorecard. The aim was to find out which factors are the most critical ones, why they are critical and what does dashboard implementation mean for an organization. As a result a framework of 17 critical success factors was created. The results indicate that in terms of critical success factors, dashboard implementation shares many similarities with other technology implementation projects. The most often mentioned factors from earlier literature – such as top management support, user involvement and data quality – are also critical in dashboard implementation. User acceptance is the most important issue in technology implementation, and most of the success factors are related to gaining it. Focusing solely on technological factors will lead to problems especially for a tool that is meant for wide use. Factors related to visualization and how quickly information can be relayed to users are of special importance for dashboards. While the case project was small budget-wise, the tool is expected to bring significant improvements to working and reporting practices through e.g. automation and standardization. The increase in the type of technology the dashboard represents is seen as inevitable in the organization. Implementing a dashboard is an extensive project, and defining critical factors in all the different phases of the project may help the organization to succeed better

    Livestriimauksen verotukselliset lähtökohdat ja verotusmenettely Suomen verotuslainsäädännön näkökulmasta

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    Tämä tutkimus keskittyy oikeusdogmaattisia tapoja hyödyntäen livestriimauksena tunnetun ilmiön tutkimiseen vero-oikeudellisesta näkökulmasta. Keskeisiä piirteitä tutkielmassa ovat mm. livestriimauksen myötä ansaitun tulon tyypin jaottelu sekä tulkinta, tulon ennakkoperintätilanteet ja tulotietojen ilmoittamisvelvollisuudet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on pyrkiä tunnistamaan ne legaalit merkityssisällöt, jotka vaikuttavat edellä mainittuihin kohtiin. Tutkimus on vero-oikeudellisesta näkökulmasta tärkeä mm. siksi, että ennakkoperinnän suorittamisen vastuut ja verovelvoitteet poikkeavat merkittävästi toisistaan riippuen tulon tyypistä. Fiskaalisesta näkökulmasta katsoen tutkimus on merkittävä, sillä livestriimaus uutena ansaintamallina on vielä herkkä verovälttelylle. Tutkimus on myös ajankohtaisesti merkittävä livestriimauksen ollessa kasvava trendi nykypäivänä, josta on vähän oikeuskäytäntöä olemassa. Livestriimaus, lyhyemmin striimaus, on eräänlainen tiedonsiirtotapa, jossa mediasisältöä voidaan lähettää internetissä, esimerkiksi etäpalvelimen välityksellä, katsottavaksi reaaliajassa. Livestriimaus on kasvattanut suosiotaan valtavasti viime vuosina, ja yksi striimaamisen suosituimmista muodoista on nk. pelistriimaus. Erilaiset internetin suoratoistopalvelut kuten esimerkiksi Twitch, Mixer ja YouTube ovat onnistuneet keräämään alustoilleen miljoonia katsojia, jonka ansiosta striimaamisesta onkin tullut miljoonabisnes. Striimaamisen suosion kasvaessa yhä useampi henkilö ryhtyy itse striimaajiksi potentiaalisen elannon tienaamisen toivossa. Livestriimaaja voi ansaita tulonsa monella eri tapaa. Ansaintamalleihin vaikuttavat mm. toimintaympäristö sekä kolmansien osapuolien kanssa tehdyt sopimukset. Tuloja striimaaja ansaitsee esimerkiksi livelähetysten katsojien antamista lahjoituksista, katsojien tekemistä tilaajamalliin perustuvista tilaajatuloista sekä esimerkiksi kolmannen osapuolen kanssa tehdyistä sopimuksiin perustuvista sponsori- ja mainostuloista. Nämä tulot sisältävät piirteitä eri tulon tyypeistä ja ne voidaan tilanteesta riippuen tulkita Suomen verotuslainsäädäntö ja Verohallinnon ohjeet huomioiden mm. työkorvaukseksi, palkaksi, tai muun tulonhankkimistoiminnan tuloksi. Asian tarkastelussa keskiöön on nostettu tulon tyypin lisäksi ennakkoperintätilanteet, tulotietojen ilmoittaminen ja rahankeräyslaki sekä edellä mainittuihin kohtiin liittyvät ongelmatilanteet. Työssä on huomioitu myös ulkomaisten veroviranomaisten verotuskäytäntöjä

    Puriiniviestintä pahanlaatuisissa keuhkojen verisuonimuutoksissa

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    Irreversible vascular remodeling has a central role in a variety of pathophysiological conditions including pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Hypoxia and inflammation are prominent features in PAH, along with hyperplasia and hypertrophy of vessel wall layers. Although, endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction is thought to drive the multiple forms of vascular remodeling, the origins of this phenomenon are poorly understood. Extracellular ATP and its metabolites are important regulators of vascular tone, permeability, and homeostasis. Yet little is known about their role in pathological vascular remodeling. By using chronic hypoxia and PAH animal models as well as human PAH patient samples, this study was undertaken to evaluate the catalytic activities and expression levels of nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase-1 (NTPDase1, otherwise known as CD39) and other purine-converting ectoenzymes with a primary focus on vascular EC. For this purpose we employed thin-layer chromatographic enzyme assays with 3H-labelled nucleotide substrates, in combination with various immunoassays and qPCR. In addition we have developed a highly sensitive assay for simultaneous sensing of extracellular ATP and its metabolites and also a novel method for measuring CD39 activity in modeled to in vivo conditions. In functional assays, cells or animals were stimulated through purine signaling pathways and proliferation, apoptosis, permeability, and DNA damage were assayed. Our results clearly demonstrated that the activity of CD39 was downregulated in chronic hypoxia, monocrotaline induced animal models of PAH and in human PAH patients. Attenuated enzyme activities could create a niche in the vasculature where ATP levels were increased and adenosine levels were decreased. Even a small increase in ATP concentration was enough to induce an apoptosis-resistant, hyper-proliferative, and DNA-damageresistant phenotype in ECs of pulmonary origin. The observed effects were at least partly dependent on P2Y11 receptor activation. In addition, we found that low ATP concentrations could induce pulmonary smooth muscle cell proliferation and migration. Interestingly, we found that small apelin peptide could directly restore the downregulated CD39 activity. This study implies that purinergic signaling, ATP mediated cell activation in particular, plays a truly significant role in pathological vascular remodeling, and that it could be used as a therapeutic target. Moreover, purinergic signaling pathways could be used before vascular injury to precondition EC against irradiation or chemotherapy induced DNA damage.Verisuonen seinämän paksuuntuminen ja lopulta suonen umpeutuminen johtaa vakaviin ja vaikeasti hoidettaviin verisuonisaurauksiin. Tätä verisuonten paksuuntumista nähdään erityisesti keuhkoverenpainetaudissa, valtimonkovettumataudissa sekä diabetespotilailla, joilla on usein heikentynyt valtimoverenkierto. Keuhkoverenpainetaudin ainoa parantava hoito on sydämen ja keuhkojen siirto. Keuhkoverenpainetauti voi kehittyä ikään ja sukupuoleen katsomatta mutta yleisin potilasryhmä on keski-ikäiset naiset. Diagnoosin jälkeen keskimääräinen eiliniänodote lääkityksellä on noin kymmenen vuotta. Keuhkoverenpainetauti on perinnöllinen ja yhteydessä tiettyihin toisiin sairauksiin, mutta se voi kehittyä myös satunnaisesti, jolloin puhutaan taudin idiopaattisesta muodosta. Idiopaattisen muodon taustalla olevaa syytä on pitkään tutkittu ja yksi vahvimmista teorioista on toimintahäiriö verisuonia sisäpuolelta päällystävissä endoteelisoluissa. Toiminnan häiriö tuo endoteelisoluille syöpäsolujen kaltaisia ominaisuuksia, jolloin solut jakaantuvat hallitsemattomasti eivätkä kuole saman mekanismin mukaisesti kuin terveet endoteelisolut. Kaikki solut tarvitsevat korkeaenergisiä adenosiniinitrifosfaattimolekyylejä (ATP) erilaisiin solun sisäisiin aineenvaihdunnan prosesseihin sekä DNA:n rakennusaineeksi. Evolutiivisista syistä solut käyttävät ATP:ia myös solujen väliseen viestintään. Solut vapauttavat pieniä määriä ATP:ia solun ulkopuolelle, jossa se voi vaikuttaa sitä vapauttaneeseen soluun sekä naapurisoluihin sitoutumalla sille tarkoitettuihin reseptoreihin. Jotta signaali vaimenisi, kun viesti on välitetty, täytyy solun ulkopuolinen ATP pilkkoa tehokkaasti erilaisten entsyymien toimesta. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä tutkimme solun ulkoisen ATP:n osuutta näissä vakavissa verisuonimuutoksissa. Potilasmateriaalin ja eläinmallien avulla saimme selville, että ATP:ia pilkkovan entsyymi CD39:n pitoisuus on vähentynyt paksuuntuneissa suonissa. Tämä entsyymiaktiivisuuden lasku lisää solun ulkoisen ATP:n määrää sekä pidentää signaalin kestoa, mikä lisää solujen kasvua, liikkuvuutta sekä solukuoleman vastustusta. Uusia hoitomuotoja etsiessämme löysimme mielenkiintoisen ATP-reseptorin (P2Y11), jolla ATP:n vaikutukset voitiin vaimentaa, sekä apeliinipeptidin, jolla ATP:ia pilkkovan CD39:n aktiivisuutta voitiin lisätä. Havaitsimme, että lyhytaikainen endoteelisolujen ATP-aktivointi voisi olla hyödyllistä, sillä ATP suojaa endoteelisoluja syöpähoitojen aiheuttamilta DNA-vaurioilta. Syövästä selvinneillä tavataan usein syöpähoidoista johtuvia vakavia verisuonimuutoksia, mutta tervettä kudosta suojaavilla esikäsittelyillä näitä tapauksia voitaisiin vähentää

    Incidence of Neonatal Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip and Late Detection Rates Based on Screening Strategy A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    IMPORTANCE Universal ultrasonographic screening for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) has gained increasing popularity despite the lack of benefit in terms of reducing the rates of late-detected cases (age >= 12 weeks) in randomized clinical trials.OBJECTIVE To report the reported incidence of DDH in the English scientific literature and compare rates of late-detected cases in settings with different DDH screening strategies.DATA SOURCES PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were searched on November 25 and 27, 2021. No time filters were used in the search.STUDY SELECTION All observational studies reporting the incidence of early-detected or late-detected (age >= 12 weeks) DDH were included. Non-English reports were excluded if the abstract did not include enough information to be included for analysis.DATA EXTRACTION AND SYNTHESIS The number of newborns screened and the detection rates were extracted. Meta-analysis calculated the pooled incidence of DDH per 1000 newborns with 95% CIs using a random- or fixed-effects model. This study is reported according to the PRISMA and MOOSE guidelines.MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The main outcome measures were early detection, early treatment, late detection, and operative treatment incidences.RESULTS A total of 1899 studies were identified. 203 full texts were assessed, and 76 studies with 16 901079 infants were included in final analyses. The early detection rate was 8.4 (95% CI. 4.8-14.8) infants with DDH per 1000 newborns with clinical screening, 4.4(95% CI, 2.4-8.0) infants with DDH per 1000 newborns with selective ultrasonographic screening, and 23.0 (95% CI, 15.7-33.4) infants with DDH per 1000 newborns with universal ultrasonographic screening. Rates for nonoperative treatment were 5.5 (95% CI, 2.1-14) treatments per 1000 newborns with clinical screening, 3.1(95% CI, 2.0-4.8) treatments per 1000 newborns with selective ultrasonographic screening, and 9.8 (95% CI, 6.7-14.4) treatments per 1000 newborns with universal ultrasonographic screening. The incidence of late-detected DDH was 0.5 (95% CI, 0.2-1.5) infants with DDH per 1000 newborns with clinical screening, 0.6 (95% CI. 0.3-1.3) infants with DDH per 1000 newborns with selective ultrasonographic screening, and 0.2 (95% CI, 0.0-0.8) infants with DDH per 1000 newborns with universal ultrasonographic screening. The corresponding incidences of operative treatment were 0.2 (95% CI, 0.0-0.9) operations per 1000 newborns with clinical screening, 0.5 (95% CI, 0.4-0.7) operations per 1000 newborns with selective ultrasonographic screening, and 0.4(95% CI, 0.2-0.7) operations per 1000 newborns with universal ultrasonographic screening.CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This meta-analysis found that early detection rates and nonoperative treatments were higher with universal screening. The late detection and operative treatment rates with universal screening were similar to those among selectively and clinically screened newborns. Based on these results, universal screening may cause initial overtreatment without reducing the rates of late detection and operative treatment.Peer reviewe

    Thymosin beta 4 treatment improves left ventricular function after myocardial infarction and is related to Up-regulation of chitinase 3-like-1 in mice

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    Thymosin beta 4 is a promising agent in preclinical regenerative and cardioprotection research. After myocardial injury it improves cell survival, reduces inflammation and activates epicardial progenitor cells. The peptide is also involved in cardiac purinergic signaling.Peer reviewe

    Gelatine matrix with human thrombin decreases blood loss in adolescents undergoing posterior spinal fusion for idiopathic scoliosis A MULTICENTRE, RANDOMISED CLINICAL TRIAL

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    Aims In a multicentre, randomised study of adolescents undergoing posterior spinal fusion for idiopathic scoliosis, we investigated the effect of adding gelatine matrix with human thrombin to the standard surgical methods of controlling blood loss. Patients and Methods Patients in the intervention group (n = 30) were randomised to receive a minimum of two and a maximum of four units of gelatine matrix with thrombin in addition to conventional surgical methods of achieving haemostasis. Only conventional surgical methods were used in the control group (n = 30). We measured the intra-operative and total blood loss (intra-operative blood loss plus post-operative drain output). Results Each additional hour of operating time increased the intra-operative blood loss by 356.9 ml (p <0.001) and the total blood loss by 430.5 ml (p <0.001). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that the intervention significantly decreased the intra-operative (-171 ml, p = 0.025) and total blood loss (-177 ml, p = 0.027). The decrease in haemoglobin concentration from the day before the operation to the second post-operative day was significantly smaller in the intervention group (-6 g/I, p = 0.013) than in the control group. Conclusion The addition of gelatine matrix with human thrombin to conventional methods of achieving haemostasis reduces both the intra-operative blood loss and the decrease in haemoglobin concentration post-operatively in adolescents undergoing posterior spinal fusion for idiopathic scoliosis. Take home message: A randomised clinical trial showed that gelatine matrix with human thrombin decreases intra-operative blood loss by 30% when added to traditional surgical haemostatic methods in adolescents undergoing posterior spinal fusion for idiopathic scoliosis.Peer reviewe

    Different strategies, equivalent treatment approaches in terms of mortality in four university hospitals: a retrospective multicenter study of gastroschisis in Finland

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    Purpose: Optimal treatment of gastroschisis is not determined. The aim of the present study was to investigate treatment methods of gastroschisis in four university hospitals in Finland.Methods: The data of neonates with gastroschisis born between 1993 and 2015 were collected. The primary outcomes were short and long-term mortality and the length of stay (LOS). Statistical analyses consisted of uni- and multivariate models.Results: Total of 154 patients were included (range from 31 to 52 in each hospital). There were no statistically significant differences in mortality or LOS between centers. Significant differences were observed between the hospitals in the duration of mechanical ventilation (p = 0.046), time to full enteral nutrition (p = 0.043), delay until full defect closure (p = 0.003), central line sepsis (p = 0.025), abdominal compartment syndrome (p = 0.018), number of abdominal operations during initial hospitalization (p = 0.000) and follow-up (p = 0.000), and ventral hernia at follow-up (p = 0.000). In a Cox multivariate analysis, the treating hospital was not associated with mortality.Conclusion: There were no differences in short or long-term mortality between four university hospitals in Finland. However, some inter-hospital variation in postoperative outcomes was present.</p