2,209 research outputs found

    The measurement of aircraft performance and stability and control after flight through natural icing conditions

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    The effects of airframe icing on the performance and stability and control of a twin-engine commuter-class aircraft were measured by the NASA Lewis Research Center. This work consisted of clear air tests with artificial ice shapes attached to the horizontal tail, and natural icing flight tests in measured icing clouds. The clear air tests employed static longitudinal flight test methods to determine degradation in stability margins for four simulated ice shapes. The natural icing flight tests employed a data acquisition system, which was provided under contract to NASA by Kohlman Systems Research Incorporated. This system used a performance modeling method and modified maximum likelihood estimation (MMLE) technique to determine aircraft performance degradation and stability and control. Flight test results with artificial ice shapes showed that longitudinal, stick-fixed, static margins are reduced on the order of 5 percent with flaps up. Natural icing tests with the KSR system corroborated these results and showed degradation in the elevator control derivatives on the order of 8 to 16 percent depending on wing flap configuration. Performance analyses showed the individual contributions of major airframe components to the overall degration in lift and drag

    The stomach acts as a barrier against Salmonella in pigs fed a meal diet

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    Finishing pigs fed a coarsely ground meal (CGM) diet showed increased in vitro death rate of Salmonella in the gastric content and a reduced number of enterobacteria in the small intestine and caecum compared with a finely ground and pelleted diet (FGP). The CGM diet resulted moreover in a slower gastric emptying rate, increased the DM content and established a pH-gradient in the stomach. This affected the microbiota in the gastric digesta resulting in more lactic acid bacteria and fewer enterobacteria. Consequently Salmonella bacteria are killed in the stomach and do not enter and proliferate in other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Furthermore the time after feeding a meal is of importance to whether or not Salmonella bacteria will survive transit through the stomach

    X-ray tomography data of compression tested unidirectional fibre composites with different off-axis angles

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    This data article contains lab-based micro-computed tomography (μCT) data of unidirectional (UD) non-crimp fabric (NCF) carbon fibre reinforced composite specimens that have been deformed by compression. The specimens contain UD fibres with off-axis angles of 0\ub0, 5\ub0, 10\ub0, 15\ub0 and 20\ub0 and the compression testing induces kink-band formation. This data formed the basis for the analysis of the influence of in-plane shear on kink-plane orientation as reported in Wilhelmsson et al. (Wilhelmsson et al., 2019)

    The role of E1-E2 interplay in multiphonon Coulomb excitation

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    In this work we study the problem of a charged particle, bound in a harmonic-oscillator potential, being excited by the Coulomb field from a fast charged projectile. Based on a classical solution to the problem and using the squeezed-state formalism we are able to treat exactly both dipole and quadrupole Coulomb field components. Addressing various transition amplitudes and processes of multiphonon excitation we study different aspects resulting from the interplay between E1 and E2 fields, ranging from classical dynamic polarization effects to questions of quantum interference. We compare exact calculations with approximate methods. Results of this work and the formalism we present can be useful in studies of nuclear reaction physics and in atomic stopping theory.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Demonstration of synchronised scanning Lidar measurements of 2D velocity fields in a boundary-layer wind tunnel

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    This paper combines the currently relevant research methodologies of scaled wind turbine model experiments in wind tunnels with remote-sensing short-range WindScanner Lidar measurement technology. The wind tunnel of the Politecnico di Milano was equipped with three wind turbine models and two short-range WindScanner Lidars to demonstrate the benefits of synchronised scanning Lidars in such experimental surroundings for the first time. The dual- Lidar system can provide fully synchronised trajectory scans with sampling time scales ranging from seconds to minutes. First, staring mode measurements were compared to hot wire probe measurements commonly used in wind tunnels. This yielded goodness of fit coefficients of 0.969 and 0.902 for the 1 Hz averaged u- and v-components of the wind speed, respectively, validating the 2D measurement capability of the Lidar scanners. Subsequently, the measurement of wake profiles on a line as well as wake area scans were executed to illustrate the applicability of Lidar scanning to measuring small scale wind flow effects. The downsides of Lidar with respect to the hot wire probes are the larger measurement probe volume and the loss of some measurements due to moving blades. In contrast, the benefits are the high flexibility in conducting both point measurements and area scanning, and the fact that remote sensing techniques do not disturb the flow while measuring. The research campaign revealed a high potential for using short-range WindScanner Lidar for accurately measuring small scale flow structures in a wind tunnel

    FELASA recommendations for the rehoming of animals used for scientific and educational purposes

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    Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and the Council of 22 September 2010 states that at the end of a procedure, the most appropriate decision on the future of an animal previously used or intended for use in scientific procedures should be taken on the basis of animal welfare and potential risks to the environment. Member States may allow animals to be rehomed provided the health of the animal allows it, there is no danger to public health, animal health or the environment and if appropriate measures have been taken to safeguard the wellbeing of the animal. In countries where rehoming is permitted, it is the responsibility of the Animal Welfare Body to advise on a rehoming scheme which must include appropriate socialization in order to help facilitate successful rehoming, avoid unnecessary distress to the animals and guarantee public safety. This paper reviews the EU legislation, existing guidance, current literature and best practice to define rehoming, sets out general considerations for rehoming laboratory animals including socialization and provides practical advice on the steps required in a rehoming scheme. For those species most frequently rehomed, more detailed species-specific sections are included