56 research outputs found

    Self-perception of body weight status by 13-year-olds with respect to the parents’ body mass index

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    WSTĘP. Prawidłowa ocena własnej masy ciała jest elementem zapobiegania i kontroli nadwagi i otyłości. Celem pracy była analiza adekwatności oceny własnej masy ciała przez 13-latków w Polsce w zależności od wskaźnika masy ciała (BMI) rodziców. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Analizy wykonano w 561-osobowej grupie 13-latków i ich rodziców. Badana grupa pochodziła z trzeciego etapu badań kohorty ogólnopolskiej reprezentatywnej grupy dzieci urodzonych w 1995 roku. Badanie wykonano metodą sondażu z wykorzystaniem ankiet dla dzieci i rodziców. Pomiary wysokości i masy ciała przeprowadziły pielęgniarki szkolne. W ocenie BMI 13-latków wykorzystano normy referencyjne Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia. Wskaźnik BMI rodziców obliczono na podstawie danych uzyskanych z ankiet. WYNIKI. Stwierdzono istotne statystycznie różnice w adekwatności oceny własnej masy ciała w zależności od płci (p < 0,001). Nieprawidłowo swoją masę ciała oceniło 36% dziewcząt i 38,5% chłopców. Chłopcy mieli tendencję do postrzegania siebie jako &#8222;za szczupłych&#8221;, a dziewczęta &#8212; jako &#8222;za grube&#8221;. Masa ciała obojga rodziców wpływała istotnie statystycznie (p = 0,002 w odniesieniu do matki i p = 0,016 w odniesieniu do ojca) na prawidłowość oceny własnej masy ciała przez dziewczęta. Ponad 2/3 dziewcząt z nadmiarem masy ciała, których rodzice byli otyli lub na granicy otyłości, oceniło swoją masę ciała jako prawidłową. WNIOSKI. Masa ciała rodziców wpływa na prawidłowość oceny masy ciała ich 13-letnich dzieci, zwłaszcza córek. Działania zapobiegawcze i interwencyjne, ukierunkowane na zmniejszenie masy ciała nastolatków, powinny być skierowane do całej rodziny i uwzględniać adekwatność oceny własnej masy ciała przez dzieci.INTRODUCTION. Adequate self-perception of body weight status is the element of prevention and control of overweight and obesity. The purpose of this study was to analyse the self-perception of body weight by 13-year-olds in Poland with respect to the parents&#8217; body mass index (BMI). MATERIAL AND METHODS. Analyses were performed on the sample of 561 adolescent and their parents. Subjects were identified in the third stage of prospective cohort of children born in 1995. This study was conducted with the use of questionnaires for children and parents. Anthropometric measurements of 13-year-olds were done by school nurses. WHO growth standards were used as BMI references. Parents&#8217; BMI was calculated on the basis of data obtained from the questionnaires. RESULTS. Significant gender differences in self-perception of body weight status were found (p < 0.001). The inadequate perception of body weight was demonstrated by 36% girls and 38.5% boys. Boys had a tendency to assess themselves as &#8220;to slim&#8221; and the girls as &#8220;too fat&#8221;. Parental BMI significantly influenced (p = 0.002 for mother and p = 0.016 for father) the accuracy of the perception of body weight by girls. More than 2/3 of overweight girls, whose parents was obese or near to obesity, assessed their weight as a normal. CONCLUSIONS. Parental BMI affected the adequacy of teenagers body weight self-assessment, particularly in relation to daughters. Prevention and interventions aiming to reduce body weight among adolescents should be addressed to the whole family and consider the adequacy of children&#8217;s body weight status self-assessment

    Protection, promotion and support of breast-feeding in Europe: progress from 2002 to 2007.

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    Objective To assess progress in the protection, promotion and support of breast-feeding in Europe. Design Data for 2002 and 2007 were gathered with the same questionnaire. Of thirty countries, twenty-nine returned data for 2002, twenty-four for 2007. Results The number of countries with national policies complying with WHO recommendations increased. In 2007, six countries lacked a national policy, three a national plan, four a national breast-feeding coordinator and committee. Little improvement was reported in pre-service training; however, the number of countries with good coverage in the provision of WHO/UNICEF courses for in-service training increased substantially, as reflected in a parallel increase in the number of Baby Friendly Hospitals and the proportion of births taking place in them. Little improvement was reported as far as implementation of the International Code on Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes is concerned. Except for Ireland and the UK, where some improvement occurred, no changes were reported on maternity protection. Due to lack of standard methods, it was difficult to compare rates of breast-feeding among countries. With this in mind, slight improvements in the rates of initiation, exclusivity and duration were reported by countries where data at two points in time were available. Conclusions Breast-feeding rates continue to fall short of global recommendations. National policies are improving slowly but are hampered by the lack of action on maternity protection and the International Code. Pre-service training and standard monitoring of breast-feeding rates are the areas where more efforts are needed to accelerate progress

    Breastfeeding in infancy, parenting practices in early adolescence and body mass of 13 year olds – analyses of relationships

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    Objective: To analyze relationships between breastfeeding duration, mothers’ parenting practices and body mass of thirteen years old. Subjects and methods: Prospective cohort of newborns identified after hospital birth and followed-up at 3 years and at 13 years was analyzed. At 3 years the mothers’ reports about breastfeeding were collected. Thirteen years old and their mothers filled up short version of Alabama Parenting Questionnaire. The group of 535 adolescents and their mothers was included in the analysis. Results: Thirteen years old which as a young children were breastfed for a long time evaluated their mother’s discipline and supervision in the most positive way. The risk of overweight for children brought up by mothers using inconsistent discipline was almost twice then for peers. Conclusion: Breastfeeding influence on children’s body mass can be mediated and improved by mother’s parenting practices.Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Contacto piel a piel al nacimiento

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    Cesárea humanizada

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