71 research outputs found

    Education, Human Capital and Competitiveness of Small Open Economies (Case of Georgia)

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    Education policy, which must ensure the formation of human capital and sustainable economic growth of countries, is of a par+ticular importance for small open economies. The purposefulness of the education costs for the states having restored their independence not long ago is associated with certain risks. The goal of the work is to analyze the competitiveness of small developing economies in the context of expenditures borne for the formation of human capital. Improving a country's competitiveness is always desirable, as it gives new opportunities to the society both, at personal and microeconomic and macroeconomic levels. In terms of modern technical and technological changes, small economies are unable to improve their competitiveness without permanent improvement of human capital. There is quite a close association between human capital quality and labor productivity, while labor productivity is influenced by the achievements in the field of education. The study accomplished within the scope of the present work considers such indicators as GPD per capita, education costs, net migration, average incomes, etc. The quantitative analysis is based on the use of regressive models. The causal factors were determined mainly by using the qualitative analysis. Traditionally, Georgia is a country prone to education what must have been an advantage of the country. The paper shows how much the country with a small economy could maintain qualified labor and ensure the economic growth, how much the country's competitiveness and human capital changed. The gained results and experience must be interesting and useful for other small open economies

    Questions of Introducing and Teaching International Standards in Georgia

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    AbstractIn terms of perfecting the market economy system in the country, introducing and exploiting the mechanisms of accounting and reporting facilitating the economic relations between the countries and making the economic results comparable is problematic. Many countries had or still have a similar problem. Georgia tried to solve this problem by the combined actions of the legislative and executive bodies. Changes in this direction have posed certain problems to the academic sector, too, and solving them has become quite urgent. This complex of problems has become the subject of the present study. The goal of the study is to consider the role of international accounting standards in Georgian economic system. Global economy has accelerated the need to move toward global accounting standards. Implementation of the international standards helps the countries to save on financial, human or other resources. Engaging in such a process is particularly beneficial for the countries with scarce resources. With their intellectual resources and by considering their past experience, they can make a valuable contribution to the international cooperation. Consequently, the purpose of the study was further specified to orient on the questions of introducing and teaching the international standards, identifying future trends in this direction, particularly for small countries like Georgia is, and demonstrating the positive role of the academic sector in this process. Georgia was successful in harmonizing the technical and professional standards in accounting and audit with the international standards. Several governmental and non-governmental organizations are participants of this process, namely the Parliament of Georgia (drafting the relevant legislative acts), Georgian Federation of Professional Accountants and Auditors (GFPAA), Accounting Standards Commission, Auditorial Activity Council and others. Conclusion is that it is both timely and necessary to converge and harmonize global (world) and local (country) standards into a single set of Global Accounting Standards. This will lead to a more stabilized and prosperous world economy, also it will help to resolve many of the world's financial reporting problems

    Some Peculiarities of the Development of Small Economies

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    In terms of intense globalization, the development of economics acquires certain peculiarities. National, regional and international interests intersect and much effort is needed to avoid conflicts, support the development and strengthening of the country. Small scales of economy have a certain affect on the limited resources, and therefore, some extra stimuli to make the development permanent and irreversible are needed. In this respect, direct foreign investments can be prioritized. When describing the association between the GDP and direct foreign investments, the reliability and methods of calculation of statistical data must be considered. In addition, the question as how reasonable it is to make direct foreign investments in some or other field is to be considered. Thorough understanding of the problem and foreseeing the prospects gives the countries with small open economies a chance to develop their national production in the way to support the improvement of the country’s competitiveness

    ჯანდაცვის სისტემის წარმატებული რეფორმები: თურქეთის მაგალითი

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    Introduction. Abortion is still considered as a one of the most required medical service in low-and middle-income countries which is influenced by social factors. The purpose of this research is to reveal correlation between abortion rate and different type of social determinants in Georgia and to determine women’s knowledge and attitude around abortion. Methodology. Using of a pre-made questionnaire and quantitative research methods the randomly selected women of reproductive age were interviewed. As a survey objects was selected women of reproductive age (18-49 year). Results. social determinants, like level of income, different type of availability of primary health care services (geographical, financial, cultural, linguistic, etc), level of education, living environment and other factors has an impact on the abortion rate. women of reproductive age have insufficient information about negative sides of abortion and their attitude around this topic is quite loyal. Recommendations. It is important to enhance the culture of providing family planning services, support of the state and medical personnel to raise the level of awareness and education of women of reproductive age about possible side effects and complications after abortion. The state should ensure that education about sexual and reproductive health need to be provided from school age.შესავალი. აბორტი  დაბალ და საშუალო შემოსავლიან ქვეყნებში კვლავაც რჩება ხშირად მოთხოვნად სამედიცინო სერვისად, რომელზეც გავლენას ახდენენ სოციალური ფაქტორები. კვლევის მიზანია კორელაციის გამოვლენა აბორტის მაჩვენებელსა და სხვადასხვა სახის სოციალურ დეტერმინანტს შორის საქართველოში და აბორტის მიმართ ქალთა ცოდნა-დამოკიდებულების შეფასება. მეთოდოლოგია. რაოდენობრივი კვლევის მეთოდის ფარგლებში წინასწარ შედგენილი კითხვარის საშუალებით, გამოკითხულ იქნა შემთხვევითი შერჩევის წესით შერჩეული  რეპროდუქციული ასაკის ქალბატონები. კვლევის ობიექტად შერჩეულ იქნა რეპროდუქციული ასაკის (18-49 წელი) ქალბატონები. შედეგები. აბორტის მაჩვენებელზე გავლენას ახდენენ ისეთი სოციალური დეტერმინანტები, როგორიცაა, შემოსავლის დონე, ჯანდაცვის სერვისებზე ხელმისაწვდომობა (გეოგრაფიული, ფინანსური, კულტურული, ლინგვისტური და სხვ), განათლება, საცხოვრებელი გარემო. რეპროდუქციული ასაკის ქალბატონები არასაკმარისად არიან ინფორმირებულნი აბორტის უარყოფითი მხარეების შესახებ. ქალთა დამოკიდებულება აბორტის ოპერაციის მიმართ საკმაოდ ლოიალურია. რეკომენდაციები. მნიშვნელოვანია ოჯახის დაგეგმვის სერვისების მიწოდების კულტურის ამაღლება, სამედიცინო პერსონალისა და სახელმწიფოს ჩართულობის გაზრდა აბორტის შემდგომი შესაძლო გვერდითი მოვლენებისა და გართულებების შესახებ რეპროდუქციული ასაკის ქალთა ცნობიერების და განათლების დონის ამაღლებაში.  სახელმწიფომ უნდა უზრუნველყოს სექსუალური და რეპროდუქციული ჯანმრთელობის შესახებ განათლების მიცემა სკოლის ასაკიდანვე

    Management of MDR-TB in HIV co-infected patients in Eastern Europe: Results from the TB:HIV study

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    Objectives Mortality among HIV patients with tuberculosis (TB) remains high in Eastern Europe (EE), but details of TB and HIV management remain scarce. Methods In this prospective study, we describe the TB treatment regimens of patients with multi-drug resistant (MDR) TB and use of antiretroviral therapy (ART). Results A total of 105 HIV-positive patients had MDR-TB (including 33 with extensive drug resistance) and 130 pan-susceptible TB. Adequate initial TB treatment was provided for 8% of patients with MDR-TB compared with 80% of those with pan-susceptible TB. By twelve months, an estimated 57.3% (95%CI 41.5\u201374.1) of MDR-TB patients had started adequate treatment. While 67% received ART, HIV-RNA suppression was demonstrated in only 23%. Conclusions Our results show that internationally recommended MDR-TB treatment regimens were infrequently used and that ART use and viral suppression was well below the target of 90%, reflecting the challenging patient population and the environment in which health care is provided. Urgent improvement of management of patients with TB/HIV in EE, in particular for those with MDR-TB, is needed and includes widespread access to rapid TB diagnostics, better access to and use of second-line TB drugs, timely ART initiation with viral load monitoring, and integration of TB/HIV care

    Strategies for Solving Tasks by Blind : Characteristics of Mental Images, thus Strategies for Handling Tasks by Blind Adults

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    The thesis is based on a research, which was held in Georgia in the autumn 2010. The research question is: what characterizes mental images, thus strategies for handling ADL by blind adults? The thesis discusses various strategies used by blind adults to solve daily tasks. The study’s main focuses are morning routine and personal hygiene. Three groups of blind adults and their use of mental images, thus strategies for solving daily tasks are compared to one another. The results show, that congenitally blind persons use haptic mental imagery and their strategies are based on the haptic images. Whereas, newly blind persons use visual images and combine them with spatial images. However, adventitiously blind persons seem to be dealing with daily tasks by using both, haptic and spatial images in addition to the visual remembrance of objects and environment. Moreover, ones having had training in particular activities have better strategies for solving activities of daily living, than those without any training. Generally, all of the groups the most efficiently solve tasks, which naturally require touch. For example, describing texture of clothing and making bed. In contrast, shaving face, combing hair or brushing teeth seems more difficult for several of the participants, as one uses a mediator in such activities, e.g. hand does not necessarily touch face, hair or tooth paste in these activities. Hence, such tasks do not provide basis for having good haptic strategies for solving them. However, congenitally blind persons do not face such challenges, as they have been used to relying on touch since childhood. Similarly, adventitiously blind_ trained or haptically precued persons find strategies for handling activities of daily living. The study further shows, that passage of years does not necessarily help late blind persons to adapt to blindness and acquire new skills for solving tasks, but the training does


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    Purpose: the purpose of the study is to critically evaluate US cyber security policy using a qualitative and comparative approach, the disadvantages that the country faces in the sphere of Cyber Security and identify what mechanisms and developments will Improve Cyber Security Policy to help overcome the challenges in response to Russian Cyberaggression. The methodological basis of the research comprises philosophical, ideological, general scientific and special methods. Results: cybercrime is recognized as the most threatening and dangerous crime of the 21st century, the more the consumer relies on information and communication technologies, the more cyber threats increase thus becoming greatest threat for countries national defense. Also there is lack of regulation in cyberwar that constitutes global threat. The author exemines the effectivness of the measures taken by the US and EU countries taken during or after the attacks. Discussion: improvement of the National Cyber defense strategy, search for actions to be taken while dealing with cyber attacks.Сьогодні особливої уваги потребує проблема злочинів, вчинених із використанням новітніх технологій, які можуть завдати великої шкоди національній обороні та безпеці, економічній системі та добробуту суспільства. У своїй статті автор зазначає, що на відміну від суші, моря, повітря і космосу, кіберпростір – це створена людиною цифрова мережа, яка використовується для генерації, зміни, зберігання або передачі інформації. Кібербезпека означає поєднання заходів щодо запобігання, виявлення, реагування та відновлення, які забезпечують конфіденційність, цілісність і доступність інформації, що зберігається та передається в електронному вигляді. У XXI столітті, де інформаційно-комунікаційні технології швидко розвиваються, жити щоденним життям без кібербезпеки майже неможливо. Кіберзлочинність стала однією з головних світових загроз, вона проявила себе як найбільший виклик, із яким стикаються безпосередньо сучасні країни та їх відповідна стабільність. Саме тому, на думку автора статті, кіберзлочинність визнана найбільш загрозливим і небезпечним злочином XXI століття. Метою дослідження є надання критичної оцінки політиці кібербезпеки США, виявлення недоліків, з якими стикається країна у цій сфері, та визначення механізмів і розробок, які б покращили політику кібербезпеки для подолання викликів у відповідь на російську кіберагресію, від якої страждають багато країн. Методологічну основу дослідження склали філософські, ідеологічні, загальнонаукові та спеціальні методи. Результатом дослідження став аналіз кіберзлочинності як найбільш загрозливого і небезпечного злочину XXI століття. У своїй статті автор дійшов думки про те, що чим більше споживач покладається на інформаційно-комунікаційні технології, тим більше зростає кіберзагроза, тим самим стає більшою загроза для національної оборони країн. Крім того, як зазначає автор, в кібервійні немає регулювання, а це, в свою чергу, становить глобальну загрозу. Автор демонструє ефективність заходів, які вживають країни США та країни ЄС під час або після відповідних нападів. Також у статті дискусія торкається вдосконалення національної стратегії кіберзахисту, пошуку дій, які слід вжити під час боротьби з кібератаками. Автор наголошує й на тому, що хоча Сполучені Штати Америки посилили свою кібер-політику з 2016 року та ввели агресивні санкції проти нападників, кількість кіберзлочинностей все ще зростає