46 research outputs found

    The effect of preventive vaccination on chickenpox incidence in Russia

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    Introduction. The significance of the chickenpox (CP) problem for public health and economy of Russia necessitated inclusion of CP vaccination in the regional immunization programs of some regions of the Russian Federation and in the vaccination schedule as an epidemic-response measure. The purpose of the study was to assess the effectiveness of CP vaccination to provide the rationale for recommendations on expansion of the national preventive vaccination schedule. Materials and methods. The vaccination effectiveness was assessed by comparison of the vaccination rates and CP incidence rates in 20062021 with the reference to the data collected from forms No. 2 and No. 5 of the National Statistical Monitoring in Russia and in its regions. Results and discussion. Before 2019, in some regions of Russia, CP vaccination of children within regional immunization programs and vaccination of risk groups within the vaccination schedule following the epidemic-response measures had hardly any effect on the epidemiological situation. The remote-work and stay-at-home policies during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 resulted in a decrease in the incidence and an increased number of individuals who did not have immunity against Varicella zoster, thus subsequently leading to the increased CP incidence in the country. However, the Central, Volga, and Siberian Federal Districts were able to avoid an increase in the CP incidence due to the significantly increased vaccination coverage among children in 20202021. At the same time, in most of the regions, less than 2% of children aged 16 years were vaccinated annually. The insufficient CP vaccination coverage in the regions having extensive experience of planned immunization of children led to the shift of the incidence towards older age groups and increased risk of development of congenital infection. Conclusion. To increase the effectiveness of CP preventive vaccination, it is recommended that the national vaccination schedule should include two-dose vaccination with the coverage of at least 90% of one-year-old children, while continuing immunization of older age individuals from the groups that are at risk of infection

    Encouraging employees to increase the labor intellectualization level as a factor of evolution of the intellectual capital

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    Rapid changes in the turbulent environment cause the emergence of a new paradigm for modern enterprise operation – new rules, principles and methods of management, and popularize the problems of labor intellectualization, which can be primarily solved on the basis of the development of individual intellectual capital. In everyday life, this means transformation of an "industrial enterprise" into an "intelligent enterprise", the development of which is based on information, knowledge and creativity of employees. Goal of the article is the analysis of the prospects of encouraging employees to increase the labor intellectualization level as a factor of evolution of the intellectual capital at domestic enterprises. Following the results of the study, the conclusion is drawn that the development of the individual intellectual capital at an enterprise is based on the simultaneous increase in the number of working days (during the year) intended for training and improving the employees’ skills in the economic practice of domestic economic entities and determining the place and sources of training for employees who are most capable of developing their "capital of competences". At the same time, the main vector for domestic enterprises development under the new management paradigm is based on the development of individual intellectual capital, the main aspects of formation of which should be borrowed from the experience of European countries.peer-reviewe

    Применение пятикомпонентной вакцины АаКДС-ИПВ/Hib в рамках национального календаря профилактических прививок

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    Background. As has been demonstrated by Russian and foreign experience the implementation of combined vaccines within national immunization schedule (NIS) reduces the overall number of injections, enhances vaccination commitment, and as consequence leads to higher vaccination coverage.Objective.Pharmacoeconomic analysis of planned immunization of children aged from 3 to 18 months with combined diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, haemophilus influenza b vaccine (DTaP/IPV/Hib) within Russian Federation NIS.Methods. Modelling; estimation economic method: cost analysis, budget impact analysis. Results. Only health system costs on four planned pentavalent vaccines requires application of 1 013 955 985 roubles. From the government and society perspective the change-over to combined vaccine allows to retrench 1 825 385 700 roubles for children aged from 3 to 18 months for all horizon period.Conclusion. According to budget impact analysis such change-over with controlling only health system costs will require extra expenses. According to government and society perspective (that means social and other expenditures not covered with health system budget) the implementation of scheme of 4-time combined vaccine injections for all cohort allows to reduce cost loading related to infectious disease burden. Present analysis indicated the advisability of pentavalent vaccine implementation for all children within Russian national immunization schedule.Обоснование. Как свидетельствует российский и зарубежный опыт, применение в рамках национального календаря профилактических прививок (НКПП) комбинированных вакцин снижает количество инъекций, повышая таким образом приверженность вакцинации и, как следствие, способствуя достижению более высокого охвата прививками.Цель исследования — фармакоэкономический анализ проведения плановой иммунизации детей от 3 до 18 мес комбинированной пятивалентной вакциной для профилактики дифтерии, коклюша, столбняка, полиомиелита, гемофильной инфекции типа b (АаКДС-ИПВ/Hib) в рамках НКПП Российской Федерации.Методы. Моделирование; экономические методы оценки: анализ затрат, анализ «влияния на бюджет».Результаты. При учете исключительно затрат системы здравоохранения сценарий с 4 плановыми прививками пятивалентной вакциной потребует расходования 1 013 955 985 руб. С позиции государства и общества, переход на использование комбинированной вакцины позволит сэкономить 1 825 385 700 руб. из расчета на всю популяцию детей от 3 до 18 мес за весь временной горизонт.Выводы. С позиции анализа «влияния на бюджет», переход с текущей схемы вакцинации к схеме с комбинированной вакциной при учете лишь затрат системы здравоохранения потребует дополнительного расхода средств. С учетом позиции государства и общества, то есть социальных и других расходов, не входящих в бюджет системы здравоохранения, применение схемы с вакцинацией всей когорты 4 дозами комбинированной вакцины позволит снизить финансовую нагрузку, связанную с бременем инфекционных заболеваний. Настоящий анализ показал целесообразность использования пятикомпонентной вакцины для всех детей в рамках отечественного национального календаря профилактических прививок

    Universal Situation as a Literary-Semantic Phenomenon: On the Example of Works by N.S. Leskov

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    The starting point of the research was the understanding of the fact that a literary work is created and exists in a particular social and cultural area and that a writer is guided by existential universals, eternal themes, motives, images, typological genre components and poetical means. The individual style of an author is revealed by the presentation of universal situations and his perception of them. In the works by N.S. Leskov the key universal situations are transfiguration of a person and the world by a righteous man, leaving home and a comeback, deception. The realization of a universal situation of transfiguration of the world and a man are impossible without some righteous activity performed by characters. Righteous characters are able to increase their spiritual grace and with the help of it to transfigure space and time, the world and mankind. The situation of leaving and coming back home is connected with Leskov’s idea that a home is a place which is full of peace, coziness. It correlates with the concept of a home in Russian culture and is the basis of the author’s world vision peculiarities. Referring to such situation the writer illustrates the degradation of a person who has lost his home as well as his renunciation of roots and loss of moral landmarks. The universal situation of deception in Leskov’s Christmas tales has an effect of a distorting mirror, a change in value landmarks (from material and spiritual), moral lesson that highlights the axiological perception of the writer. DOI: 10.5901/mjss.2015.v6n3s7p9


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    It is revealed that high-Mg lavas (MgO=11.0–15.8 wt. %) are spatially controlled by linear zones extending for more than 90 km and demonstrate chemically distinct differences from moderately-Mg compositions (MgO=3.0–11.0 wt. %), which occupy the isometric area of the Dariganga volcanic field. From the major and trace-element data on the rocks in the field under study, we have justified a petrogenetic mode of the uniform one-level mantle magmatism. Our model differs from the contrasting magmatism model of the processes that developed at two levels beneath the Hannuoba volcanic field. Based on tomography images showing the East Mongolian local low-velocity anomaly in the upper mantle, we suggest that magmatism of Type 1 occurred in the mantle sources at the asthenosphere–lithosphere boundary and the underlying asthenosphere as a reflection of a relatively weak mantle flow that may have ascended from a depth of ~250 km. Magmatism of Type 2 occurred in the isolated sources of the sublithospheric mantle and the asthenosphere–lithosphere boundary as an evidence on the initially strong mantle flow that may have ascended from a depth of ~410 km.Установлен пространственный контроль высокомагнезиальных вулканических пород (MgO=11.0–15.8 мас. %) линейными зонами протяженностью более 90 км и резкие отличия их химического состава от умеренно-магнезиальных (MgO=3.0–11.0 мас. %) пород, занимающих всю изометричную территорию вулканического поля Дариганга. При сравнительном анализе петрогенных и малых элементов пород этого поля обоснована петрогенетическая модель мантийного магматизма одного глубинного уровня, в отличие от модели контрастных магматических процессов, проявленных на двух глубинных уровнях под вулканическим полем Ханнуоба. С учетом томографических данных о наличии Восточно-Монгольской низкоскоростной аномалии в верхней мантии, предполагается, что магматизм первого типа получил развитие в источниках на границе астеносферы–литосферы и непосредственно нижележащей астеносферы как отражение относительно слабого мантийного потока, вероятно, поднимавшегося с глубины ~250 км. Магматизм второго типа возник в обособленных источниках подлитосферной мантии и границы астеносферы–литосферы как свидетельство изначально сильного мантийного потока, возможно, зародившегося на глубине ~410 км

    Studying the genetic diversity of the varicella-zoster virus in selected regions of the Russian Federation using high-throughput sequencing

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    Introduction. Varicella-zoster virus (VZV), the causative agent of the disease of the same name and herpes zoster, is phylogenetically divided into 8 clades, the distribution of which is characterized by geographic reference to certain regions of the world. For most countries, VZV clades circulating in their territories have been identified, however, such information is almost unavailable for Russia. The purpose of the study is to develop an effective method for VZV typing using high-throughput sequencing technologies to identify the prevalence of various VZV clades in Moscow, Moscow Region, and Stavropol Territory. Materials and methods. To genotype VZV, it is enough to refer to 7 nucleotide positions. Their unique combinations can be used to assign the virus to one of the clades. Short sections of nucleotide sequences of open reading frames were obtained using a developed set of primers. Results. A VZV genotyping technique has been developed and optimized. Using this technique, primary data on the distribution of VZV clades in the studied regions have been obtained. Thus, it has been established that in Moscow and a number of other regions, the 1st, 3rd, and 5th clades of VZV are predominantly distributed. Conclusion. The developed technique, including a primer panel and a genotyping algorithm, allows VZV typing in a short time while reducing specimen preparation costs and simultaneously increasing the number of specimens in one sequencing cycle. The results obtained using this assay allow us to assume that in Moscow, Moscow Region, Stavropol Territory, VZV, clades 1, 3, and 5 are the most represented ones. To confirm this hypothesis, it is necessary to include a larger number of clinical specimens in subsequent studies, including from other regions of the country

    Results of screening for antibodies to varicella-zoster virus in healthcare workers of a multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow

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    Introduction. Given the unfavorable epidemic situation with chickenpox and shingles in Russia, there is a high risk of virus introduction and spread in healthcare settings, including among medical staff who are not immune to varicella zoster virus (VZV). The objective of this study is to assess the immunity of employees of a multidisciplinary hospital in Moscow to VZV. Materials and methods. A selective screening study was carried out. Venous blood serum samples were taken from 1546 hospital employees as material for detection of IgG antibodies to VZV antigens using a commercial solid-phase enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) test system "Vecto VZV-IgG". All employees were questioned to obtain information about their infectious and vaccine history in relation to VZV. Results and discussion. Screening for antibodies to VZV in the hospital workers revealed that 6.3% of those workers are not immune to VZV. The proportion of seronegative individuals was the highest (12.6 ± 2.4%) in the age group of 29 years and younger. VZV seronegative healthcare workers were found in various departments, but the presence of non-immune individuals among the staff of the obstetrics and gynecology departments (6.5%) is of epidemiologic concern. The results of the survey showed that documented data on infection and vaccination history cannot be used to assess the protection of healthcare workers against VZV infection. Conclusion. The results of serologic screening for antibodies to VZV made it possible to identify a significant number of susceptible employees of the multidisciplinary hospital. In order to prevent the formation of multiple epidemic foci of varicella in medical organizations, it is advisable to include anti-VZV testing of medical staff in the state prevention programs with subsequent vaccination of non-immune individuals

    Разработка государственного вторичного эталона и стандартных образцов состава на основе жидкостной и газовой хроматографии

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    The article is devoted to the development of the state secondary measurement standard of mass fraction units and mass (molar) concentration of organic components in liquid and solid substances and materials based on gas and liquid chromatography. The composition of the state secondary measurement standard, as well as the results of evaluating metrological characteristics have been considered. The problem of ensuring the traceability of measurement results to SI units is given in the article. Two approaches are proposed for obtaining a unit from the state primary standard of mass (molar) fraction units and mass (molar) concentration of organic components in liquid and solid substances and materials based on liquid and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with isotopic dilution and gravimetry GET 208-2014: by comparing and using transfer standards. Examples of implementing the indicated approaches used during the development of reference materials of toxic substances, namely a certified reference material for composition of p,p-DDT (p,p-DDT, CRM of UNIIM) and a certified reference material for composition of benz(a)pyrene solution in acetonitrile (C20H12, CRM of UNIIM) are given. Results of determining metrological characteristics of reference materials including standard uncertainty due to characterization and standard uncertainties due to inhomogeneity, short and long-term instabilities are described.Статья посвящена разработке государственного вторичного эталона единиц массовой доли и массовой (молярной) концентрации органических компонентов в жидких и твердых веществах и материалах на основе газовой и жидкостной хроматографии. В работе представлен состав Государственного вторичного эталона, а также представлены результаты оценивания метрологических характеристик. Рассмотрена проблема обеспечения требования прослеживаемости результатов измерений до единиц СИ. Предложено два подхода получения единицы от Государственного первичного эталона единиц массовой (молярной) доли и массовой (молярной) концентрации органических компонентов в жидких и твердых веществах и материалах на основе жидкостной и газовой хромато-масс-спектрометрии с изотопным разбавлением и гравиметрии ГЭТ 208-2014: методом сличений и с помощью эталонов сравнения. Приведены примеры реализации указанных подходов, использованные в ходе разработки стандартных образцов токсичных веществ, а именно стандартного образца состава п,п-ДДТ (п,п-ДДТ СО УНИИМ) и состава раствора бенз(а)пирена в ацетонитриле (С20Н12 СО УНИИМ). Описаны результаты установления метрологических характеристик стандартных образцов, включая стандартную неопределенность, обусловленную способом определения аттестованного значения, а также стандартные неопределенности от неоднородности, кратковременной и долговременной нестабильности