8 research outputs found

    The optimization of radiation protection composition

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    The aim of this work is to develop an algorithm of design of homogeneous composition of the radiation protective materials (RPM) for the optimization of radiation protection. Used for the investigation were the homogeneous radiation protective materials such as Abris, the production technology of which allows to obtain the desired concentration of fillers. The estimation of weakening ability of radiation protective material containing from 20 to 80% of barite, lead, tungsten, was carried out using high-precision calculation codes. To verify the results of calculations the experimental study of protective properties of Abris material with different concentrations of filling was carried out. Five sources of gamma radiation (60Co, 58Co, 198Au, 54Mn, 24Na) with characteristic energies of radiation were produced in IVV-2M research reactor for the experiment. A specially designed experimental installation and measuring device DKS-AT1123 were used. As a result of the research it was obtained the calculated dependency of radiation weakening coefficient for specific for different cases radioactive sources for the various compositions and thicknesses of the RPM. These data become initial for the optimization of radiation protection. Conclusions. 1. The design of RPM of homogeneous composition has considerable potential in the implementation of the radiation protection optimization principle. 2. A comparison oft he results of conducted studies of the gamma radiation dose weakening coefficient with homogeneous radiation protective materials of Abris RZ type depending on the composition and thickness showed that the difference between the experimental data and the values obtained by calculation does not exceed 5%. 3. The technology of production of Abris type homogeneous PRM allows to provide the required protective properties for the specific exposure conditions (composition of radioactive pollution)

    Retrenchment and Punctured Simulation

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    Some of the shortcomings of using refinement alone as the means of passing from high level simple models to actual detailed implementations are reviewed. Retrenchment is presented as a framework for ameliorating these. In retrenchment the relationship between an abstract operation and its concrete counterpart is mediated by extra predicates, allowing most particularly the description of non-refinement-like properties, and the mixing of I/O and state aspects in the passage between levels of abstraction. Stepwise simulation is introduced as the reference point for discussing the broader semantic issues surrounding retrenchment. Punctured simulation is introduced as a naturally occurring phenomenon implicit in the ability of retrenchments to describe of non-refinement-like properties. Two special cases of retrenchment, simple simulable retrenchment and memoryless regular retrenchment are introduced. Both enjoy a unique domain property for large maximal punctured simulations, and the forme..

    Use of Pyrrolylazines As Activators of Heat Shock Protein Synthesis

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    FIELD: chemistry; pharmaceuticals. SUBSTANCE: invention relates to activators of the synthesis of heat shock proteins. The following is disclosed: the use of a compound selected from the group of 9-(5-hydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)-10-methylacridinium iodide, 4-(5-bromo-1H-indol-3-yl)-2-chloropyrimidine, 4-(5-bromo-1H-indol-3-yl)quinazoline and 3-(5-phenyl-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)quinoxalin-2(1H)-one to activate the synthesis of heat shock proteins, as well as compound 9-(5-hydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)-10-methylacridinium iodide and 4-(5-bromo-1H-indol-3-yl)quinazoline as activators of heat shock protein synthesis. EFFECT: use of the invention makes it possible to effectively activate the synthesis of heat shock proteins. 3 cl, 8 dwg, 4 ex.Программа предназначена для эмуляции системы литий-ионных батарей в среде LabView и управления оборудованием, имитирующим поведение батареи. Программа может использоваться для безопасного тестирования и проверки разработанного зарядного устройства, поскольку она может имитировать динамику батареи. Кроме того, её можно использовать для обучения студентов динамической эмуляции и изучения характеристик заряда батареи в режиме реального времени. Программа позволяет пользователю с помощью интерфейса передней панели задать параметры батареи, которые необходимо эмулировать, организовать контроль тока, установить ограничение напряжения и тока, настроить каналы связи и калибровки датчиков. Программа взаимодействует с оборудованием с помощью карты ввода/вывода NI-DAQ и управляет преобразователем, который работает как эмулятор аккумулятора. Тип ЭВМ: IBM PC-совмест. ПК; ОС: Windows XP и выше

    Provisioning behaviour of macaroni penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus

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    Understanding how parental expenditure reflects food availability and influences reproductive output is a key part of studies of breeding performance. Provisioning behaviour is an important aspect of parental expenditure. We show that Macaroni Penguins Eudyptes chrysolophus have clear sex-specific differences in provisioning behaviour. Females provision chicks throughout rearing and at higher rates than males, which only participate in the later stages. Female provisioning is consistent throughout chick-rearing and appears to relate to a threshold rate governing whether or not chicks survive. The additional expenditure by males (but not females) during the creche period influenced chick growth and fledging mass of survivors. We suggest a very simple model to account for these sex-specific differences and effects. Interannual variation in parental expenditure resulted in differences in reproductive output between years. Years of lowest expenditure resulted in lowest growth rate of chicks, Sex-specific differences in provisioning were similar among years, however, with a consistent proportion of expenditure by males

    Retrenchment, Refinement and Simulation

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    Retrenchment is introduced as a liberalisation of refinement intended to address some of the shortcomings of refinement as sole means of progressing from simple abstract models to more complex and realistic ones. In retrenchment the relationship between an abstract operation and its concrete counterpart is mediated by extra predicates, allowing the expression of non-refinement-like properties and the mixing of I/O and state aspects in the passage between levels of abstraction. Modulated refinement is introduced as a version of refinement allowing mixing of I/O and state aspects, in order to facilitate comparison between retrenchment and refinement, and various notions of simulation are considered in this context. Stepwise simulation, the ability of the simulator to mimic a sequence of execution steps of the simulatee in a sequence of equal length is proposed as the benchmark semantic notion for relating concepts in this area

    Syntaxonomy and biogeography of the Irano-Turanian mires and springs

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    Aims: To develop the first comprehensive syntaxonomic classification for patchy montane mire and spring vegetation across the Irano-Turanian phytogeographical region in Iran, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan and to explore the effects of the main environmental and geographic gradients on their distribution. Location: Alborz Mountain range (Iran), Pamir-Alai Mountains (Tajikistan) and Tian Shan Mountains (Kyrgyzstan); total area of about 3,000,000 km2. Methods: A database of 1,015 vegetation relevés including a total of 675 vascular and bryophyte taxa was established, covering the large mountains ranges of the Irano-Turanian regions in Iran, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, at altitude ranging from 1,300 to 4,505 m a.s.l. A semi-supervised k-means analysis was performed. Additional analyses were carried out to show differences among predefined vegetation groups in terms of phytogeographical, climatic and compositional factors. Results: Two large groups of mire communities, referable to mires and springs were identified. Twenty associations, one subassociation and four alliances of these wetlands, belonging to three orders and three classes, were defined. Among them, ten associations, one subassociation and two alliances were formally described as new syntaxa. Moreover, a new order Caricetalia orbicularis, that comprises phytogeographically unique vegetation of the Irano-Turanian mires, is proposed. Conclusions: Based on our results and comparison between the Irano-Turanian and other phytogeographical regions, we propose a first comprehensive syntaxonomic synopsis for the IranoTuranian mires and springs. Despite some identical character species and their vicariant nature, the Irano-Turanian, Euro-Siberian and Mediterranean mires and springs show considerable compositional differences. Irano-Turanian wetlands contain a large and distinct set of endemic plant species, which are mixed with Euro-Siberian species in the west and north, but predominate in the eastern locations. They have patchy pattern and scattered distribution and serve as inland hotspots of wetland vegetation in the vast dry landscape of SW and Central Asia