8 research outputs found

    nNOS regulates ciliated cell polarity, ciliary beat frequency, and directional flow in mouse trachea.

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    Clearance of the airway is dependent on directional mucus flow across the mucociliary epithelium, and deficient flow is implicated in a range of human disorders. Efficient flow relies on proper polarization of the multiciliated cells and sufficient ciliary beat frequency. We show that NO, produced by nNOS in the multiciliated cells of the mouse trachea, controls both the planar polarity and the ciliary beat frequency and is thereby necessary for the generation of the robust flow. The effect of nNOS on the polarity of ciliated cells relies on its interactions with the apical networks of actin and microtubules and involves RhoA activation. The action of nNOS on the beat frequency is mediated by guanylate cyclase; both NO donors and cGMP can augment fluid flow in the trachea and rescue the deficient flow in nNOS mutants. Our results link insufficient availability of NO in ciliated cells to defects in flow and ciliary activity and may thereby explain the low levels of exhaled NO in ciliopathies

    D53 is a novel endosomal SNARE-binding protein that enhances interaction of syntaxin 1 with the synaptobrevin 2 complex in vitro.

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    Synaptobrevin 2 (Sb2), syntaxin1 (Stx1), and synaptosomal-associated protein of 25 kDa (SNAP-25) are the main components of the soluble N -ethylmaleimide-sensitive fusion protein attachment protein receptor (SNARE) complex involved in fusion of synaptic vesicles with the presynaptic plasma membrane. We report the characterization of D53, a novel SNARE-binding protein preferentially expressed in neural and neuro-endocrine cells. Its two-dimensional organization, established by the hydrophobic cluster analysis, is reminiscent of SNARE proteins. D53 contains two putative helical regions, one of which includes a large coiled-coil domain involved in the interaction with Sb2 in vitro. Following subcellular fractionation, endogenous D53 was specifically detected in the membrane-containing fraction of PC12 cells, where it co-immunoprecipitated with Sb2. Analysis by confocal microscopy showed that, in these cells, endogenous D53 co-localized partially with the transferrin receptor in early endosomes. In vitro assays revealed that binding properties of D53 to Stx1 and Sb2 are comparable with those of SNAP-25. Furthermore, D53 forms Sb2/Stx1/D53 complexes in vitro in a manner similar to SNAP-25. We propose that D53 could be involved in the assembly or disassembly of endosomal SNARE complexes by regulating Sb2/Stx interaction

    Integrated microRNA and mRNA gene expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells in response to acute psychosocial stress: a repeated-measures within-subject pilot study

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    Objective!#!The impact of psychosocial stress on a variety of negative health outcomes is well documented, with current research efforts directed at possible mechanisms. Here, we focused on a potential mechanism involving differential expression of mRNA and microRNA in response to acute psychosocial stress. We utilized a validated behavioral paradigm, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST), to induce acute psychosocial stress in a cohort of volunteers. Stress reactivity was assessed repeatedly during the TSST using saliva samples that were analyzed for levels of cortisol. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells were extracted from blood drawn at baseline and at two time points following the stress paradigm. Total RNA was extracted, and mRNA and microRNA microarrays were utilized to assess within-subject changes in gene expression between baseline and the two post-stressor time points.!##!Results!#!For microarray gene expression analysis, we focused on 12 participants who showed a robust cortisol response to the task, as an indicator of robust HPA-axis activation. We discovered a set of mRNAs and miRNAs that exhibited dynamic expression change in response to the TSST in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, further characterizing the link between psychosocial stress and cellular response mechanisms