264 research outputs found

    Aesthetics-based classification of geological structures in outcrops for geotourism purposes: a tentative proposal

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    The current growth in geotourism requires an urgent development of classifications of geological features on the basis of criteria that are relevant to tourist perceptions. It appears that structure-related patterns are especially attractive for geotourists. Consideration of the main criteria by which tourists judge beauty and observations made in the geodiversity hotspot of the Western Caucasus allow us to propose a tentative aesthetics-based classification of geological structures in outcrops, with two classes and four subclasses. It is possible to distinguish between regular and quasi-regular patterns (i.e., striped and lined and contorted patterns) and irregular and complex patterns (paysage and sculptured patterns). Typical examples of each case are found both in the study area and on a global scale. The application of the proposed classification permits to emphasise features of interest to a broad range of tourists. Aesthetics-based (i.e., non-geological) classifications are necessary to take into account visions and attitudes of visitors

    Analysis of spatial humus distribution in virgin and arable Chernozems in the eroding landscapes

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    A statistical assessment of data on the content and spatial distribution of humus in virgin and arable Chernozems on slopes in the south of the forest-steppe zone of the Central Russian Upland was performed. The greatest number of statistically significant differences between arable and virgin Chernozems was found for the upper soil layer (0–20 cm

    Mechanochemistry and solubilization of drugs

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    The results on solubilization of poorly water-soluble drugs, indomethacin, piroxicam, and meloxicam, with the help of mechanochemical methods are presented. The mechanocomposites of the drugs with various excipients, including soluble polymers and non-soluble fine porous inorganic oxides, were obtained by co-grinding using vibrational and planetary centrifugal mills. The samples obtained revealed higher release rate and apparent solubility of the drugs with respect to the initial ones. Nevertheless, in some cases, e.g. for composites of piroxicam with alumina and ferric oxide, decreasing the release rate and solubility of the drug was observed suggesting the formation of poorly soluble strong drug - carrier associates

    Inflammatory pain and corticosterone response in infant rats: effect of 5-HT1A agonist buspirone prior to gestational stress

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    Our researches have shown that gestational stress causes exacerbation of inflammatory pain in the offspring; the maternal 5-HT1A agonist buspirone before the stress prevents the adverse effect. The serotonergic system and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are closely interrelated. However, interrelations between inflammatory pain and the HPA axis during the hyporeactive period of the latter have not been studied. The present research demonstrates that formalin-induced pain causes a gradual and prolonged increase in plasma corticosterone level in 7-day-old male rats; twenty-four hours after injection of formalin, the basal corticosterone level still exceeds the initial basal corticosterone value. Chronic treatments of rat dams with buspirone before restraint stress during gestation normalize in the offspring pain-like behavior and induce during the acute phase in the formalin test the stronger corticosterone increase as compared to the stress hormonal elevation in animals with other prenatal treatments. Negative correlation between plasma corticosterone level and the number of flexes+shakes is revealed in buspirone+stress rats. The new data enhance the idea about relativity of the HPA axis hyporeactive period and suggest that maternal buspirone prior to stress during gestation may enhance an adaptive mechanism of the inflammatory nociceptive system in the infant male offspring through activation of the HPA axis peripheral link

    Радіометричний модуляційний вимірювач інтенсивності оптичного випромінювання

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    Introduction. The paper proposed a block diagram of radiometric measuring the intensity of optical radiation from modulation conversion parameter input . To assess the intensity of use periodically comparing the reference signal (shaded) and measurement (open) photodi-odes. Studies. The proposed radiometric modulation meter provides increased sensitivity and measurement accuracy by reducing the influence of dark current measurement and reference photodiodes and compensation intrinsic noise measuring channel through their periodic anti-phase comparison.В статье предложена структурная схема радиометрического измерителя интенсивности оптического излучения на основе модуляционного преобразования параметра входного сигнала. Для оценки интенсивности используется периодическое сравнения сигналов опорного (затемнен-ного) и измерительного (открытого) фотодиодов. Предложенный радиометрический модуляционный измеритель обеспечивает повышение чувствительности и точности измерения за счет уменьшения влияния темнового тока измерительного и опорного фотодиодов и компенсации собственных шумов измерительного канала путем их периодического противофазное сравнения.В статті запропонована структурна схема радіометричного вимірювача інтенсивності оптичного випромінювання на основі модуляційного перетворення параметра вхідного сигналу. Для оцінки інтенсивності використовується періодичне порівняння сигналів опорного (затемненого) та вимірювального (відкритого) фотодіодів. Запропонований радіометричний модуляційний вимірювач забезпечує підвищення чутливості та точності вимірювання за рахунок зменшення впливу темнового струму вимірювального і опорного фотодіодів та компенсаціі власних шумів вимірювального каналу шляхом їх періодичного протифазного порівняння

    Effect of waste materials on acoustical properties of semi-dense asphalt mixtures

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    Among the urban societal burdens rolling noise generation from tire pavement interaction and urban waste stand apart. Many urban waste materials can be used in pavements with comparable mechanical performance. Noise-related pavement characteristics such as porosity, sound absorption and surface texture, were measured for semi-dense low noise pavement mixtures using urban waste materials namely: recycled concrete aggregates, crumb rubber, polyethylene terephthalate and polyethylene. The results show that the use of these materials is a viable sustainable option for low noise pavements, however that may affect the noise reduction properties. With values around 0.2 at 1000 Hz, the sound absorption of all the mixtures is relatively low and the use of mean profile depth (MPD) alone is not enough to characterize the noise reduction properties. Surface texture was altered in different degrees depending on the waste material used. The results presented can aid in policy pertaining to noise abatement and waste reduction

    Copolymer of chitosan with acrylamide: electron beam stimulated synthesis, structure and properties

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    The aim of this research was to obtain the grafted copolymer of chitosan with acrylamide using the electron beam irradiation. Radiation dose was varied from 6 to 160 kGy. The highest yield of the product was observed at radiation dose of 12–40 kGy. Further increase in the dose caused a decrease in the product yield as well as its solubility in water. Using gel permeation chromatography, it was confirmed that unreacted chitosan remained in the product. NMR study of the water-soluble part of the product obtained under the doses of 6, 12, and 20 kGy showed that the length of the side chains of grafted acrylamide was about 2 elementary units. Investigation of chitosan solutions by means of dynamic light scattering revealed the presence of chitosan agglomerates in the solution. The possibility of obtaining dense films was demonstrated. Mechanical treatment of the copolymer in the ball mill caused an increase in the solubility of the samples obtained even at radiation doses of 80 and 160 kGy. It was determined by means of chromatographic methods that there were no products with low molecular weight in the ball-milled product, and unreacted chitosan did not undergo mechanocracking during the mechanical treatment

    Радиометрическая оценка качества диэлектрических материалов

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    При конструюванні продукції спеціального призначення виникає необхідність на отримання інформації неруйнівними методами про стан та якість виробів, в тому числі типу матеріалу, товщини, цілісності, наявності дефектів тощо. Контроль цих характеристик без втручання в матеріал, можна зробити за допомогою вимірювання електромагнітного випромінювання (ЕМВ). ЕМВ має властивості проходити через діелектричні матеріали, а також і випромінюватися самими матеріалами при їх нагріванні. Авторами були проведені досліди на випромінювану і поглинальну здатність ЕМВ діелектричними матеріалами. Отримані результати показали, що ефективним методом для дослідження діелектричного матеріалу на густину, цілісність, товщину та дефектів є метод поглинальної здатності.Introduction. The problem statement. It is neseccary to investigate the chemical composition, density and integrity of the product designing products of special purpose. The control of these characteristics without the intervention of the materialcan is carried out using electromagnetic radiation (EMR). EMR can pass through the dielectric materials and also can be radiated by materials with their heating. The experiments on radiation and absorption EMR capacity of dielectric materials were conducted by authors. Studies. The absorbance method is effective method for the study of dielectric material on the density and integrity. The lower density of the material and the more it damages (cracks, splits), so much worse delay EMR in material. EMR pass through all the solid material, without damage, according to a minority. The radiated ability method determines the chemical composition of the material. The level of radiation is measured using the measurement setup and heating the material. It is found from the results that ceramics pottery better radiates and worse delays EMR, and zinc ceramics, however, worse radiates and better delays EMR.При конструировании продукции специального назначения возникает необходимость на получение информации неразрушающими методами о состоянии и качестве изделий, в том числе типа материала, толщины, целостности, наличии дефектов и т.д.. Контроль этих характеристик без вмешательства в материал, можно сделать с помощью измерения электромагнитного излучения (ЭМИ). ЭМИ имеет свойства проходить через диэлектрические материалы, а также и излучаться материалами при их нагревании. Авторами были проведены опыты на излучаемую и поглотительную способность ЭМИ диэлектрическими материалами. Полученные результаты показали, что эффективным методом для исследования диэлектрического материала на плотность, целостность, толщину и дефектов является метод поглощающей способности

    New palynological data for Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) deep-marine sandstones of the Western Caucasus, southwestern Russia

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    Information on Jurassic palynomorphs from the Greater Caucasus is potentially of great importance, but its availability to the international research community is severely limited. New palynological data for Toarcian deposits of the Western Caucasus are recorded in the present paper. Particularly, dinoflagellate cysts are described for the first time from the Bagovskaja Formation; palynomorphs are found in sandstone levels within this unit. The most representative assemblage includes pollen (with predominant bisaccate pollen), spores (Cyathidites being commonest), and dinoflagellate cysts amongst which the predominant taxon is Nannoceratopsis spiculata. The dinocyst assemblage implies a late Toarcian age for the upper part of the Bagovskaja Formation. On the basis of these new palynostratigraphical results, the range of the formation is extended; previously, only the lower part had been dated on ammonite evidence