12 research outputs found
Effets de la reprogrammation sur le gène empreinté H19 chez les équins
Lors de la fécondation, le génome subit des transformations épigénétiques qui vont
guider le développement et le phénotype de l’embryon. L'avènement des techniques de
reprogrammation cellulaire, permettant la dédifférenciation d'une cellule somatique adulte,
ouvre la porte à de nouvelles thérapies régénératives. Par exemple, les procédures de transfert
nucléaire de cellules somatique (SCNT) ainsi que la pluripotence par induction (IP) visent à
reprogrammer une cellule somatique adulte différentiée à un état pluripotent similaire à celui
trouvé durant la fécondation chez l'embryon sans en impacter l'expression génique vitale au
fonctionnement cellulaire. Cependant, la reprogrammation partielle est souvent associée à une
mauvaise méthylation de séquences géniques responsables de la régulation des empreintes
géniques. Ces gènes, étudiés chez la souris, le bovin et l'humain, sont exprimés de manière
monoallélique, parent spécifique et sont vitaux pour le développement embryonnaire. Ainsi,
nous avons voulu définir le statut épigénétique du gène empreinté H19 chez l'équin, autant chez
le gamètes que les embryons dérivés de manière in vivo, SCNT ainsi que les cellules pluripotentes
induites (iPSC). Une région contrôle empreinté (ICR) riche en îlots CpG a été observée en amont
du promoteur. Couplé avec une analyse de transcrit parent spécifique du gène H19, nous avons
confirmé que l'empreinte du gène H19 suit le modèle insulaire décrit chez les autres
mammifères étudiés et résiste à la reprogrammation induite par SCNT ou IP. La déméthylation
partielle de l'ICR observée chez certains échantillons reprogrammés n'était pas suffisante pour
induire une expression biallélique, suggérant un contrôle des empreintes chez les équins durant
la reprogrammation.After fertilization, the animal genome undergoes a complex epigenetic remodeling that
dictates the growth and phenotypic signature of the animal. The development of reprogramming
methods using adult differentiated cells as the primordial genetic source has opened the door to
new regenerative therapies for animals. Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and induced
pluripotency are two techniques which aim to reprogram a cell from its adult differentiated state
to an embryonic-like pluripotency level, without impairing the expression of genes vital for the
cellular function. Albeit promising, the mechanisms involved in these techniques remain only
moderately understood. Partial reprogramming is frequently associated with irregular
methylation of DNA sequences responsible for imprint regulation. These imprinted genes, mostly
studied in rodents, cattle and humans, are expressed in a monoallelic parent-specific fashion and
are vital for embryo growth. Hence, we aim to define the equine H19 imprinting control region
(ICR) in gametes, in vivo and in SCNT derived embryos, as well as in induced pluripotent stem
cells (iPSC). A CpG rich ICR was characterized upstream of the promotor using bisulfite treated
DNA sequencing. Coupled with parent-specific gene expression analysis, we confirmed that the
imprinted gene H19 is resistant to cellular reprogramming, and that partial demethylation of its
ICR does not result in biallelic expression, suggesting that equine species have rigorous imprint
maintenance during cellular reprogramming
Transcriptome profile of lung dendritic cells after in vitro porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection
The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is an infectious disease that leads to high financial and production losses in the global swine industry. The pathogenesis of this disease is dependent on a multitude of factors, and its control remains problematic. The immune system generally defends against infectious diseases, especially dendritic cells (DCs), which play a crucial role in the activation of the immune response after viral infections. However, the understanding of the immune response and the genetic impact on the immune response to PRRS virus (PRRSV) remains incomplete. In light of this, we investigated the regulation of the host immune response to PRRSV in porcine lung DCs using RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq). Lung DCs from two different pig breeds (Pietrain and Duroc) were collected before (0 hours) and during various periods of infection (3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 hours post infection (hpi)). RNA-Seq analysis revealed a total of 20,396 predicted porcine genes, which included breed-specific differentially expressed immune genes. Pietrain and Duroc infected lung DCs showed opposite gene expression courses during the first time points post infection. Duroc lung DCs reacted more strongly and distinctly than Pietrain lung DCs during these periods (3, 6, 9, 12 hpi). Additionally, cluster analysis revealed time-dependent co-expressed groups of genes that were involved in immune-relevant pathways. Key clusters and pathways were identified, which help to explain the biological and functional background of lung DCs post PRRSV infection and suggest IL-1β1 as an important candidate gene. RNA-Seq was also used to characterize the viral replication of PRRSV for each breed. PRRSV was able to infect and to replicate differently in lung DCs between the two mentioned breeds. These results could be useful in investigations on immunity traits in pig breeding and enhancing the health of pigs
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Transcriptome profile of lung dendritic cells after in vitro porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection
The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRS) is an infectious disease that leads to high financial and production losses in the global swine industry. The pathogenesis of this disease is dependent on a multitude of factors, and its control remains problematic. The immune system generally defends against infectious diseases, especially dendritic cells (DCs), which play a crucial role in the activation of the immune response after viral infections. However, the understanding of the immune response and the genetic impact on the immune response to PRRS virus (PRRSV) remains incomplete. In light of this, we investigated the regulation of the host immune response to PRRSV in porcine lung DCs using RNA-sequencing (RNA-Seq). Lung DCs from two different pig breeds (Pietrain and Duroc) were collected before (0 hours) and during various periods of infection (3, 6, 9, 12, and 24 hours post infection (hpi)). RNA-Seq analysis revealed a total of 20,396 predicted porcine genes, which included breed-specific differentially expressed immune genes. Pietrain and Duroc infected lung DCs showed opposite gene expression courses during the first time points post infection. Duroc lung DCs reacted more strongly and distinctly than Pietrain lung DCs during these periods (3, 6, 9, 12 hpi). Additionally, cluster analysis revealed time-dependent co-expressed groups of genes that were involved in immune-relevant pathways. Key clusters and pathways were identified, which help to explain the biological and functional background of lung DCs post PRRSV infection and suggest IL-1β1 as an important candidate gene. RNA-Seq was also used to characterize the viral replication of PRRSV for each breed. PRRSV was able to infect and to replicate differently in lung DCs between the two mentioned breeds. These results could be useful in investigations on immunity traits in pig breeding and enhancing the health of pigs
Top 10 scored pathways using KEGG and clustered RNA-Seq dataset post PRRSV infection, represented by the cluster ID of Pietrain lung DCs.
<p>Top 10 scored pathways using KEGG and clustered RNA-Seq dataset post PRRSV infection, represented by the cluster ID of Pietrain lung DCs.</p
Biological process GOs of Pietrain cluster 34 post PRRSV infection.
<p>Biological process GOs of Pietrain cluster 34 post PRRSV infection.</p
Top 10 scored pathways using KEGG and clustered RNA-Seq dataset post PRRSV infection, represented by the cluster ID of Duroc lung DCs.
<p>Top 10 scored pathways using KEGG and clustered RNA-Seq dataset post PRRSV infection, represented by the cluster ID of Duroc lung DCs.</p
Biological process GOs of Duroc cluster 32 post PRRSV infection.
<p>Biological process GOs of Duroc cluster 32 post PRRSV infection.</p
Number of down-regulated genes during the course of PRRSV infection.
<p>Pietrain (white bar) and Duroc (black bar) lung DCs at 3, 6, 9, 12, 24 hpi (p ≤ 0.05 and FDR ≤ 10%).</p