5 research outputs found

    Microbial Biomarkers of Intestinal Barrier Maturation in Preterm Infants

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    Intestinal barrier immaturity, or “leaky gut,” is the proximate cause of susceptibility to necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm neonates. However, the impact of intestinal microbiota development on intestinal mucosal barrier maturation has not been evaluated in this population. In this study, we investigated a longitudinally sampled cohort of 38 preterm infants < 33 weeks gestation monitored for intestinal permeability (IP) and fecal microbiota during the first 2 weeks of life. Rapid decrease in IP indicating intestinal barrier function maturation correlated with significant increase in community diversity. In particular, members of the Clostridiales and Bifidobacterium were highly transcriptionally active, and progressively increasing abundance in Clostridiales was significantly associated with decreased intestinal permeability. Further, neonatal factors previously identified to promote intestinal barrier maturation, including early exclusive breastmilk feeding and shorter duration antibiotic exposure, associate with the early colonization of the intestinal microbiota by members of the Clostridiales, which altogether are associated with improved intestinal barrier function in preterm infants

    Characterization of Nitrifying, Denitrifying, and Overall Bacterial Communities in Permeable Marine Sediments of the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico ▿ †

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    Sandy or permeable sediment deposits cover the majority of the shallow ocean seafloor, and yet the associated bacterial communities remain poorly described. The objective of this study was to expand the characterization of bacterial community diversity in permeable sediment impacted by advective pore water exchange and to assess effects of spatial, temporal, hydrodynamic, and geochemical gradients. Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (TRFLP) was used to analyze nearly 100 sediment samples collected from two northeastern Gulf of Mexico subtidal sites that primarily differed in their hydrodynamic conditions. Communities were described across multiple taxonomic levels using universal bacterial small subunit (SSU) rRNA targets (RNA- and DNA-based) and functional markers for nitrification (amoA) and denitrification (nosZ). Clonal analysis of SSU rRNA targets identified several taxa not previously detected in sandy sediments (i.e., Acidobacteria, Actinobacteria, Chloroflexi, Cyanobacteria, and Firmicutes). Sequence diversity was high among the overall bacterial and denitrifying communities, with members of the Alphaproteobacteria predominant in both. Diversity of bacterial nitrifiers (amoA) remained comparatively low and did not covary with the other gene targets. TRFLP fingerprinting revealed changes in sequence diversity from the family to species level across sediment depth and study site. The high diversity of facultative denitrifiers was consistent with the high permeability, deeper oxygen penetration, and high rates of aerobic respiration determined in these sediments. The high relative abundance of Gammaproteobacteria in RNA clone libraries suggests that this group may be poised to respond to short-term periodic pulses of growth substrates, and this observation warrants further investigation

    A Longitudinal Metagenomic Comparative Analysis of Oral Microbiome Shifts in Patients Receiving Proton Radiation Versus Photon Radiation for Head and Neck Cancer

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    Introduction: Due to the radiation-sparing effects on salivary gland acini, changes in the composition of the oral microbiome may be a driver for improved outcomes in patients receiving proton radiation with potentially worse outcomes in patients exposed to photon radiation therapy. To date, a head-to-head comparison of oral microbiome changes at a metagenomic level with longitudinal sampling has yet to be performed in these patient cohorts. Methods and Materials: To comparatively analyze oral microbiome shifts during head and neck radiation therapy, a prospective pilot cohort study was performed at the Maryland Proton Treatment Center (MPTC) and the University of Maryland Marlene and Stewart Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center. A longitudinal metagenomic comparative analysis of oral microbiome shifts was performed at three-time points (pre-radiation, during radiation, and immediately post-radiation). Head and neck cancer patients receiving proton radiation (n=4) were compared to photon radiation (n=4). Additional control groups included healthy age- and sex-matched controls (n=5), head and neck cancer patients who never received radiation therapy (n=8), and patients with oral inflammatory disease (n=3). Results: Photon therapy patients presented with a lower microbial alpha diversity at all timepoints and there was a trend towards reduced species richness as compared with proton therapy. Healthy controls and proton patients exhibited overall higher and similar diversity. A more dysbiotic state was observed in patients receiving photon therapy as compared to proton therapy in which oral microbial homeostasis was maintained. Mucositis was observed in 3/4 photon patients and was not observed in any proton patients during radiation therapy. Bacterial de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis pathway and nitrate reduction V pathway were comparatively higher following photon exposure. These functional changes in bacterial metabolism may suggest that photon exposure produces a more permissive environment for proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Conclusion: Oral microbiome dysbiosis in patients receiving photon radiation may be associated with increased mucositis occurrence. Proton radiation therapy for head and neck cancer demonstrates a safer side effect profile in terms of oral complications, oral microbiome dysbiosis, and functional metabolic status