22 research outputs found

    Racism in Finnish School Textbooks: Developments and Discussions

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    While the Finnish education system has been celebrated for promoting equality, recent reports point to problems concerning racism within Finnish schools. KristĂ­n LoftsdĂłttir suggests looking at racism from three angles: everyday racism, prior immobility, and structural racism. This chapter draws on this idea, showing how racism is present in Finnish school textbooks in history, social science and geography. Many textbooks seem to deviate from the curricular core values of equality by portraying the West as superior to the rest of the world. This is visible in different ways. While old racist or colonial words are removed from textbooks, the perspective may still only promote a Western worldview. Changes in textbooks might stay on a superficial level, rather than reaching the epistemological perspective. History textbook passages about colonial times might include images of racist caricatures to express the explicit racism of this era. Similar caricatures are being removed from consumer products, and we might ask whether they belong to history teaching, particularly if they do not encourage a discussion about continued racism. Using textbooks with racist content requires that teachers are aware of racism. The teacher needs to know how to lead critical reflection, while keeping the classroom safe from racist remarks. During a pandemic, when students are alone with textbooks, there is a particular concern about the democratic task of educating for anti-racism. This is especially important in a world largely influenced by a media discourse that makes certain racist opinions unremarked or seen as a matter of common sense.Peer reviewe

    A postcolonial discourse analysis of Finnish school textbooks: learning about the world from a tourist perspective

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    In this article, we ask how Finnish basic education school textbooks in social science portray tourism and countries with a big tourism sector. We have analyzed the textbook quotes from a postcolonial perspective, using discourse theory analysis. The idea is to challenge what is considered objective information about tourist locations in school textbooks. The results show that even if some ethical questions are at times debated openly, particularly environmental problems at tourist sites, tourism is considered as something predominantly positive. The textbook reader is assumed to be a potential tourist. Some textbook quotes resemble tourist brochures, while people living in tourist locations are given marginal importance. A key argument is that the unequal global power relations between tourists and those living in tourist locations are not challenged. Considering tourism from a postcolonial point of view brings a vital perspective to social science education. There is a need to challenge the positions that are appointed to textbook readers

    Intercultural education in transition : Nordic perspectives

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    Over the last several decades intercultural education has played a key role in many educational policies and practices, both across the Nordic countries and internationally. In this article we examine current conceptual discourses on intercultural education with an emphasis on developments in the Nordic research context. The analysis shows how the concept of intercultural education and its focus on “culture” has been criticised in the Nordic countries and internationally for the pitfalls of essentialism and relativism. This criticism is linked to a perceived lack of focus on power issues in education, which undermines the development of a social justice-orientated intercultural education. However, the analysis within the Nordic research context shows signs of re-conceptualisations, which includes a widening of the field and the emergence of new and more critically-orientated approaches.Peer reviewe

    Westerners and others in Finnish school textbooks

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    This study focuses on the worldview constructed in Finnish and Swedish history, social studies and geography textbooks in Finland. I have approached the textbooks from a postcolonial perspective. This means a focus on the descriptions of global power relations, more explicitly the descriptions of Westerners and others. Postcolonial scholars have shown that education has long been Eurocentric, particularly in school subjects such as history and geography. They have also pointed out that the outcomes of colonialism have both epistemological and material aspects. Learning about the world, as consisting of superior Westerners and inferior others, has gone hand in hand with aspiring for its domination. Today, the world no longer consists of colonial powers and colonies; however, researchers have suggested that globalization can be seen as ongoing colonialism. This has implications for education. School textbooks reflect the dominant values of a society. Studying them is a way of clarifying how society constructs what is normal, suitable and ideal. The textbooks researched for this study include the history, social studies and geography textbooks (basic education, years 5-9) printed between 2005 and 2010 by all major Finnish textbook publishers. They were based on the 2004 curriculum, which states that the underlying values of basic education include human rights, equality and democracy. Meanwhile, research shows that prejudiced and racist attitudes are prevalent and increasing among young people in schools in Finland. This suggests that there is a particular need to study the descriptions of Westerners and non-Westerners in the textbooks. The purpose of this research is to explore discourses in history, social studies and geography textbooks, particularly concerning the construction of the concept of the West and its relation to the rest of the world. Research question: How do the textbooks construct an understanding of the West and Western people as superior to others? Some relevant analytical concepts from Laclau and Mouffe s discourse theory analysis have been used in the research. Based on these concepts, the textbook texts were organized in order to find central themes and to explore discourses. Laclau s and Mouffe s ontological assumptions, including the idea that what is considered objective can be seen as ideological, have also been important for the analysis. The articles included in the thesis show how the hegemony of a superior West is depicted in different ways. This includes descriptions of historical events as well as current global relations. While most of the old stereotypes about non-Westerners have begun to vanish from the textbooks, there are other statements that work to strengthen the image of the West as superior to others. Western violence is hidden or justified in past as well as current conflicts. Values such as democracy and human rights are considered essentially Western. The articles also show how hegemony can work to make ideological claims into common sense. This includes subtle descriptions of ideological choices presented as neutral, even though they involve assumptions that clash with the principles of human rights and democracy. Examples of phenomena that are portrayed as neutral include the control of non-Westerners migration, non-Western populations and a non-challenging attitude towards the structures of global inequality.Studien fokuserar pÄ den vÀrldsbild som konstrueras i finlÀndska (finska och svenska) lÀroböcker i historia, samhÀllslÀra och geografi. LÀroböckerna synas ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv. Fokus ligger pÄ hur globala maktrelationer, sÀrskilt gÀllande "vÀsterlÀnningar" och "andra" beskrivs. Postkoloniala forskare har visat att skolundervisningen lÀnge varit eurocentrisk, sÀrskilt i skolÀmnen som historia och geografi. De har ocksÄ konstaterat att resultaten av kolonialismen har bÄde epistemologiska och materiella aspekter. Att lÀra sig om vÀrlden som bestÄende av över- och underlÀgsna mÀnniskor har gÄtt hand i hand med strÀvanden efter dess dominans. Idag bestÄr vÀrlden inte lÀngre av kolonialmakter och kolonier, dÀremot finns det röster som talar för att globaliseringen kan ses som en fortsÀttning pÄ kolonialismen. Detta kan anses fÄ konsekvenser för utbildningen. LÀroböcker Äterspeglar de dominerande vÀrderingarna i ett sam-hÀlle. Att studera dem Àr ett sÀtt att tydliggöra hur samhÀllet kon-struerar vad som Àr normalt, lÀmpligt och idealiskt. Forskningsmaterialet i denna studie bestÄr av de sex största finlÀndska lÀro-boksförlagens lÀroböcker i historia, samhÀllslÀra och geografi (Ärskurs 5-9) som Àr tryckta mellan 2005 och 2010. Böckerna Àr baserade pÄ lÀroplanen frÄn Är 2004, som betonar mÀnskliga rÀttigheter, jÀm-stÀlldhet och demokrati i sin vÀrdegrund. Trots den tydliga vÀrdegrunden visar forskning att fördomar och rasistiska attityder Àr vanliga och tilltagande bland ungdomar i skolor i Finland. Det visar att det finns ett sÀrskilt behov av att studera beskrivningar av vÀsterlÀn-ningar och icke-vÀsterlÀnningar i lÀroböckerna. Syftet med denna forskning Àr att undersöka diskurser i lÀroböcker i historia, samhÀllslÀra och geografi, med sÀrskild betoning pÄ hur vÀst och vÀsterlÀnningar samt dessas förhÄllande till resten av vÀrlden konstrueras. ForskningsfrÄga: Hur konstruerar lÀroböckerna uppfattningar om vÀst och vÀsterlÀnningar som överlÀgsna andra? Avhandlingen anvÀnder sig av begrepp frÄn Laclau och Mouffes dis-kursteoretiska analys. Baserat pÄ dessa begrepp har lÀrobokstexterna organiserats för att fÄ syn pÄ centrala teman och diskurser att belysa. Uppfattningen om att det som anses objektivt kan ses som ideologiskt Àr en del av den ontologiska utgÄngspunkten för avhandlingens ana-lys. Avhandlingens artiklar visar hur hegemonin om vÀsterlÀnningar som överlÀgsna avbildas pÄ olika sÀtt. Som exempel anvÀnds be-skrivningar av historiska hÀndelser sÄvÀl som nuvarande globala re-lationer. Medan de flesta gamla stereotyper om icke-vÀsterlÀnningar har börjat försvinna frÄn lÀroböcker, finns det andra uttryck som stÀr-ker bilden av vÀstvÀrlden som överlÀgsen andra. VÀsterlÀndskt vÄld Àr dolt eller rÀttfÀrdigat i beskrivningar av bÄde historiska och nutida konflikter. VÀrden som demokrati och mÀnskliga rÀttigheter beskrivs som typiskt vÀsterlÀndska. Artiklarna visar ocksÄ hur hegemonibe-greppet fungerar genom att fÄ ideologiska pÄstÄenden att lÄta icke-ideologiska, som "sunt förnuft". Med detta menas subtila beskriv-ningar av ideologiska val som presenteras som neutrala, trots att de innebÀr ÄtgÀrder som strider mot principerna om mÀnskliga rÀttig-heter och demokrati. Beskrivningar av behovet av att kontrollera icke-vÀsterlÀnningars migration och befolkningar men ocksÄ en icke-utmanande attityd gentemot strukturella globala orÀttvisor Àr exem-pel pÄ fenomen som portrÀtteras som neutrala

    Globalization as Continuing Colonialism – Critical Global Citizenship Education in an Unequal World

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    In an unequal world, education about global inequality can be seen as a controversial but necessary topic for social science to deal with. Even though the world no longer consists of colonies and colonial powers, many aspects of the global economy follow the same patterns as during colonial times, with widening gaps between the world’s richest and the world’s poorest. An analysis of Finnish textbook texts includes practical examples of how globalization is portrayed within basic education. It reveals that the textbooks vary in their interpretations of the relationship between colonialism and globalization. The people of the North are rarely portrayed as responsible for the poverty in the South. Globalization is not described as a politically implicated phenomenon. The article also presents the critical global citizenship education initiative as an approach to the topic. It suggests that students can learn to challenge common assumptions that conceal the historical and structural roots of power relations. Teaching about privilege can be seen as another supplementary method to help students understand their position in the world

    Demokrati i skolundervisningen i Finland och Sverige

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.I denna avhandling undersöks hur man lĂ€r ut demokrati i grundskolan i Finland och Sverige bĂ„de i teorin och i praktiken. I inledningen klargörs skillnader mellan demokratidebatten i de tvĂ„ lĂ€nderna. Det konstateras redan inledningsvis att man i Sverige har satsat mera pĂ„ utredningar om demokrati. DĂ€refter behandlas bakgrunden till demokrati i skolan. Den teoretiska referensramen bestĂ„r av de tre demokratimodellerna representativ, deltagande och deliberativ demokrati samt hur dessa kan tillĂ€mpas pĂ„ avhandlingen. Förekomsten av demokratimodellerna samt andra intressanta drag pĂ„pekas i empiridelen, som bestĂ„r av tre delar. I den första granskas de dokument som styr demokratin i undervisningen, frĂ„n regeringsnivĂ„ och hela vĂ€gen ner till detaljerade lĂ€roplaner. Det konstateras att Sverige överlag har utrett frĂ„gan i större utstrĂ€ckning Ă€n vad man har gjort i Finland. Följande kapitel behandlar en internationell studie om elevers kunskaper i och attityder till samhĂ€llslĂ€ra. I det sista empiriska kapitlet redogörs för en mera detaljerad undersökning av fyra utvalda skolor. Det kan konstateras att den svenska skolundervisningen i demokrati har drag av deltagande och deliberativ demokrati medan den representativa synen Ă€r den mest framtrĂ€dande i Finland. Denna tendens visar sig förutom i genomgĂ„ngen av styrdokumenten ocksĂ„ i resultaten frĂ„n undersökningarna. Den internationella studien visar att de finlĂ€ndska eleverna Ă€r i toppklass vad gĂ€ller kunskapsfrĂ„gor medan de svenska eleverna klarar tolkningsfrĂ„gor bĂ€ttre. Undersökningen visar dessutom att eleverna i de finlĂ€ndska skolorna lĂ€gger mindre vikt Ă€n de svenska vid socialt ansvar, bĂ„de i skolan och i samhĂ€llet. I undersökningen av de fyra skolorna stĂ€rks vissa av de resultat som redan kommit fram, och de finlĂ€ndska elevernas representativa och de svenska elevernas mera deltagande demokratisyn kommer ytterligare fram. BĂ„de i den internationella studien och i den mindre undersökningen av de fyra skolorna beaktas ocksĂ„ lĂ€rarnas syn pĂ„ demokrati i skolundervisningen

    Learning together and value reflection in teacher education

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    This article describes a study about a phenomenon-based learning project that involved a group of first year student teachers and their lecturers. The project was carried out on the Suomenlinna World Heritage Site. We explore the learning opportunities the project provides to the students, and how core values are dis- cussed during the process. The data are the students’ reflective texts and video- recorded interactions that we analysed using content analysis and conversation analysis. The results show that learning is manifested as a set of emotional and practical experiences, problem solving, reflections and collaboration, and the ex- periences derive from working together. The conversation analysis sheds light on the process: it shows how the students move from disagreement to consensus when planning a task. At the beginning of the phenomenon-based learning pro- cess, the students expressed uncertainty and dissatisfaction. However, during the assignment, the uncertainty gradually disappeared and was replaced by creativi- ty, wonder and cooperation, and the joy of working together. During the process, the students also reflected on what is valuable in life and what pupils should learn at school. An awareness of values also emerged more generally as the students reflected on identity, belonging to a group, and social inequality in the past and today.Peer reviewe