33 research outputs found


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    Tyrimas atliktas Dubysos regioniniame parke. Tai kompleksinė saugoma teritorija, kurioje galima lankytis pažintiniais, rekreaciniais, mokomaisiais tikslais. Intensyvi turistinė veikla vykdoma tik parko rekreacinėse zonose esančiose poilsiavietėse ir stovyklavietėse. Dubysos regioniniame parke teikiamos šios rekreacinės paslaugos: pažintinių kelionių, ekskursijų organizavimas, gido paslaugos; edukacinės programos (amatų mokymai, gamtos pažinimas, kt.); turizmo inventoriaus nuoma (baidarės, dviračiai, kt.); apgyvendinimo (viešbučiuose, kaimo sodybose, palapinėse) ir poilsio paslaugos; rekreacinių pramogų (jodinėjimo, slidinėjimo, sporto stovyklų ir kt.) paslaugos. Dubysos regioniniame parke tyrimai, kuriais būtų įvertinta šiame parke teikiamų rekreacinių paslaugų kokybė, nebuvo atlikti. Nesant tokių tyrimų, sunku spręsti, ar vartotojai patenkinti rekreacinių paslaugų kokybe. Nežinant, ko tikisi vartotojai iš rekreacinių paslaugų teikimo Dubysos regioniniame parke, sudėtinga taikyti ir įgyvendinti efektyvius rekreacinių paslaugų kokybės gerinimo sprendimus.PAGRINDINIAI ŽODŽIAI: rekreacinės paslaugos, kokybės vertinimas

    Sport organization management: tendency of globalization and survey of ways of modernization

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    Frequently top-priority directions of modernization of sport management might be as follows: coordination of system of legal acts regulating the organization and management of sport in Lithuania and the respective legal acts on sport in the countries of the European Unoion that enables the restoration and strengthening of the economic potential by obtaining investment; promotion of the social and political importance of the system of sport organization and management; optimization of the social and economic development of separate regions owing to decentralization of sport management, the renewal and rationalization of sport organization and management structures, the ones of the local level included. The potential of resources of organization and control of sport management, however, the potential of human resources in particular, frequently does not correspond to the requirements set for the aspirations of the State and the society to be accomplished. The basic problem lies in the fact that the quantitative and qualitative characteristics are not in accord with the regulations of the development of the State and the society

    Problems of university management in knowledge society : the importance of reconstruction

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    Keičiantis socialinėms-ekonominėms sąlygoms pasaulio aukštojo mokslo bendrijoje, prasidėjo įvairios transformacijos. Straipsnio tikslas - išvardinti pagrindines universitetų valdymo problemas šiuolaikinėje žinių visuomenėje bei išryškinti poreikį jų organizaciniams pertvarkymams, kuris atlieptų aplinkos iššūkius. Taigi, apibendrinant galima teigti, kad universitetas yra organizacijos tipas, kurios viduje dirba ekspertai, ir kur kvalifikacija bei amatas atlieka esminį vaidmenį. Administratoriai, arba strateginė universiteto viršūnė, apibrėžia bendrus, formalius darbuotojų ir padalinių veiklos standartus. Pasak H. Mintzberg, profesinė organizacija, kurioje ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas įgūdžių standartizavimui ir paslaugų teikimui, savo veiklą turi atlikti santykinai savarankiškai su įtakingų ekspertų pagalba. Tokia organizacija yra sukurta atlikti ekspertinį darbą santykinai stabiliose sąlygose. Šiandien problema yra ta, kad šių stabilių sąlygų daugiau jau nebėra tiek verslo korporacijoms, tiek ir universitetams. Todėl aukštojo mokslo valdymas turi būti nukreiptas į socialinio valdymo mechanizmo kūrimą, kuris garantuotų jo stabilų vystymąsi. Socialinis mechanizmas suvokiamas kaip organizacinės struktūros, socialinių valdymo technologijų ir organizacinės kultūros visuma. Universiteto stabilus vystymasis suvokiamas kaip jo socialinis ir ekonominis vystymasis, tenkinantis socialinių grupių, įtrauktų į aukštojo mokslo vyksmus, šiuolaikinius poreikius. Todėl universitetų valdyme yra svarbu tinkamai įvertinti, koks poreikis turi didžiausią paklausą bei kuris turi būti tinkamai finansuojamas.Under changing socio-economic conditions, various transformations began in the community of higher education of the world. Purpose of the article is to list main problems of management of universities in a modern knowledge society and to highlight the need for their organizational changes which would respond to environmental challenges. So, in summary may be alleged that the university is the type of organization, where experts work inside and where the qualification and craft skills play a key role. Administrators or strategic apex of university define general formal standards for employees and units. According to H. Mintzberg, a professional organization, which focuses on standardization of skills and supply of services, has to carry out its activities relatively independently or with the help of influential experts. This organization is designed to perform expert work in relatively stable conditions. Today the problem is that there are no such stable conditions for business corporations and universities anymore. Therefore, management of higher education should be directed to the development of social control mechanism, which would ensure its stable development. Social mechanism is perceived as a whole of organizational, social management of technology and organizational culture. Stable development of university is perceived as its social and economic development, meeting modern requirements of social groups involved in the process of higher education. Therefore, it is important to evaluate what need is of the greatest demand, and which must be properly funded in the management of universities

    Lietuvos kelionių organizavimo paslaugas teikiančių įmonių veiklos analizė ir vertinimas

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    At present tourism is among the most rapidly developing branches of business. The article aims at analyzing and evaluation of the activities of Lithuanian companies, providing travels organization services. The analysis showed that the main activities of such companies cover the following: organized tours, their advertising and promotion and/or sales (organizers of travels); sales of organized tours on behalf of organizers of travels (travel agencies); conclusion of contracts with the providers of travelling services; ordering and/or sales of certain tourism services, etc.. The results of the statistical analysis of the companies, providing travels organization services: the number of organizers of travels in the country is larger than that of travel agencies; on the average only about 76 per cent of all the companies, providing travels organization services present the data on their activities to the Department of Statistics; the number of companies, engaged in outgoing tourism is larger than that of the companies, engaged in incoming tourism. When evaluating the activities of the companies, providing travels organization services, the following results were achieved: the companies become larger; the growth of the number of foreign tourists and one-day visitors of the country results in the increase of the busyness of the employees of the companies; the rapid growth of the number of foreign tourists and one-day visitors results in the situation where the number of companies, engaged in incoming tourism, becomes insufficient; the growth of the number of the served tourists and one-day visitors results in the increase of the revenues of the companies, providing travels organization services; foreign tourists and one-day visitors are more inclined to choose organized tours than other tourist services

    Apie geresnio gydymo būdo parinkimą

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    A new procedure for selecting the better of two binomial populations by using sequential analysis proposed. It is based on well known Play-the-Winner(PW) and Vector-at-a Time (VT) procedures and constructed to avoid some disadvantages of PW and VT rules.Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamas geresnio gydymo būdo parinkimo nuosekliosios analizės metodais uždavinys. Pasiūlyta ir išnagrinėta nauja procedūra. Gauti rezultatai rodo, kad pasiūlytoji procedūra kai kuriais atvejais duoda geresnius rezultatus

    Promotion and management of volunteering in a sports organization: evaluation of volunteers’ approach

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    Plėtojant savanorišką veiklą sporto sektoriuje yra susiduriama su tam tikromis problemomis ir barjerais. Savanorių valdymas yra labai plati sąvoka, apimanti ne tik savanorių pritraukimą, verbavimą, atranką, valdymą ir vadovavimą, bet ir išlaikymą bei skatinimą. Sporto organizacijų vadovai turi būti itin lankstūs ir gebėti prisiderinti prie savanorių poreikių, siekiant suderinti bendrus savanorio ir organizacijos tikslus. Iki šiol daugiausia tyrimų yra atlikta analizuojant savanorišką veiklą individualioje perspektyvoje, daugiausiai dėmesio skiriant savanorių motyvacijai ir pasitenkinimui atliekant savanoriškas veiklas. Trūksta tyrimų savanoriškos veiklos skatinimo tema, nors savanoriškos veiklos skatinimo ir valdymo mechanizmai sporto organizacijose gali sukurti didžiausią pridėtinę vertę efektyvinant savanorišką veiklą tose organizacijose, nes savanoriškos veiklos fenomenas Lietuvoje neturi gilių ir susiformavusių tradicijų, tačiau kasmet įgauna vis didesnį mastą. Lietuvos mokslininkai atlieka tyrimus savanoriškos veiklos srityje, paliesdami valdymo modelius, žinių valdymo strategijas, savanoriškos veiklos poveikį ir naudą bei pasitenkinimą tokia veikla. Tyrimo tikslas: įvertinti savanorių požiūrį į savanoriškos veiklos skatinimo ir valdymo aspektus organizacijoje. Tyrimo metodai: mokslinės literatūros šaltinių analizė; anketinė apklausa; statistinė analizė. Tyrimo dalyviais buvo Sporto savanorių sąjungos (SSS) nariai – sporto savanoriai, kurie užima žemiausią poziciją organizacijos veikloje ir neturi aiškiai apibrėžtų pareigų. Tai dažniausiai savanoriai, aptarnaujantys įvairius sporto renginius. Iš viso dalyvavo 48 Sporto sąjungos savanoriai. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad iš skatinimo aspektų organizacijoje dominuoja savanorių įgalinimas (galėjimas kontroliuoti vykstančius procesus, laisvė atlikti paskirtas užduotis bei savanoriškos patirties sklaida), atsižvelgiant į savanorių amžių, socialinį statusą. Lytis savanorių skatinimui įtakos neturi. Svarbus skatinimo aspektas tai pat yra ir bendraminčių bei aplinkinių skatinimas dalyvauti savanoriškoje veikloje (svarbus tiek lyties, tiek užimamo statuso aspektu). Savanorių valdyme akcentuojamas savanorių gebėjimas gerai atlikti jiems paskirtas veiklas, tam tikrų veiklos procesų kontrolė ir pasitenkinimas atliekamu darbu. Galintys kontroliuoti procesus jaučiasi vyresni savanoriai (vyrai), iš kurių daugiausia yra dirbančių arba studentų.Taip pat jie mano, kad prie valdymo procesų, vykstančių organizacijoje, prisideda labai daug. Savanoriai pageidautų, kad organizacijoje būtų įdiegta aiški savanorių valdymo metodika, ja būtų remiamasi, o tai skatintų savanorius daug efektyviau vykdyti savo veiklas.Up to now, most research on volunteering has been conducted from an individual perspective, focusing on volunteers' motivation and satisfaction with volunteering. There is a lack of research on the promotion of volunteering, although the mechanisms for the promotion and management of volunteering in sport organizations can bring the greatest added value to the effectiveness of volunteering in those organizations. The study aims to evaluate the attitude of volunteers towards the aspects of promoting and managing volunteering in an organization. The research methods include the analysis of scientific literature; a questionnaire; and the statistical analysis. The participants in the study were members of the Union of Sports Volunteers (SSS), usually volunteers for a variety of sporting events. A total of 48 Sports Union volunteers participated. The study has found that, from the point of view of promotion, volunteer empowerment (ability to control ongoing processes, freedom to accomplish assigned tasks, and dissemination of volunteering experience) dominated the organization depending on the age and social status of the volunteers. Gender does not influence volunteer promotion. An important aspect of the promotion is the encouragement of like-minded people and those around them to engage in volunteering (both in terms of gender and status). Volunteers’ management emphasizes their ability to perform the activities assigned to them well; the control of certain operational processes, and the satisfaction with the work they do. Older male volunteers, most of whom are employees or students, are in a position to control the processes, and they feel that they contribute a great deal to the management processes taking place in the organization. Volunteers would like to see a clear methodology for volunteer management in the organization, which would encourage them to carry out their activities more effectively

    Screening for Chlamydia trachomatis in women attending outpatient clinic in Lithuania

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    Chlamydia trachomatis (C. trachomatis) is associated with a spectrum of diseases. The most well-known is the sexually transmitted disease (STD) commonly referred to as “chlamydia”. This pathogen causes genital tract infection in both men and women, leading to sometimes serious consequences such as infertility, ectopic pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain. Infection with C. trachomatis is often asymptomatic, delaying its diagnosis and treatment. The present study was initiated to determine the prevalence of sexually transmitted pathogen C. trachomatis in Lithuanian females. Objectives: The aim of this study was to determinate the incidence of C. trachomatis in asymptomatic women who attended the outpatient clinic, for their routine annual visit. Material and Methods: The study was carried out in Biomedical Research Centre using highly sensitive nucleic acid amplification technique where this method was successfully introduced in 2001. A total of 827 women were studied for presence of C. trachomatis by PCR method. The vaginal and/or cervical swabs specimens have been collected from each patient. DNA was extracted from clinical samples by using rapid in-house procedures. The presence C. trachomatis was determined by using in house PCR with specific primers. Five age groups were studied: group A – under 20 years (n = 46), group B – 21−30 years (n = 415), group C – 31−40 years (n = 205), group D – 41−50 years (n = 126), group E – 51−60 years (n = 35). Results: C. trachomatis infection was detected in 60 out of 833 samples (7.2%). The prevalence of C. trachomatis genital infection in the studied groups were: group A – 24.3% (46/9), group B – 8.6% (415/33), group C – 4.6% (205/9), group D – 6.8% (126/8), group E – 2.9% (35/1). Conclusion: The C. trachomatis infection is common and largely asymptomatic.[...]Gamtos mokslų fakultetasLietuvos sporto universitetasVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    The main aspects of understanding of innovation in leisure services: a theoretical approach

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    Innovation is essential for understanding the productive and reproductive processes in the economic system. Recreational organizations do not create innovation, but rather integrate existing and proposed innovation on the base of the proposed new or improved existing services. The purpose of the article – to discuss the application of innovation and understanding the causes of leisure services. Theory of innovation in leisure services backs on four major principles: first – innovation could be caused by customer’s internal or external factors, second – an opportunities of new activities renovates customer’s interest. The third principle is related to customer’s need to be exclusive and self-actualization this means that in order to meet exclusive customer’s needs services must be changed in accordance to customer’s perception and needs. The forth principle of leisure services innovation emphasizes that met customers’ needs affecting health, makes them more active vital and courageous. Innovative content of the system consists of vital indicators of leisure services, containing the following three elements as the whole: the market demand, technology and innovation efforts. Consumer perception and attitude towards innovation leisure services, has a multifunctional nature, where three fundamental issues are distinguished: cognitive, emotional and behavioural components

    Darbuotojų vertinimo įtaka organizacijos mokymuisi laisvalaikio sporto klubuose

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    Organizacija, norėdama išlikti konkurencinga, privalo nuolat mokytis ir kaupti žinias. Organizacijos mokymasis, nors ir nėra tapatus individualiam, tačiau glaudžiai susijęs su individualiu mokymusi. Straipsnio tikslas – nustatyti darbuotojų vertinimo įtaką organizacijos mokymuisi laisvalaikio sporto klubuose. Straipsnyje išskirti individualių vertinimo metodų privalumai ir trūkumai bei komandinių vertinimo metodų privalumai ir trūkumai. Alytaus laisvalaikio sporto klubuose dažniausiai taikomi komandiniai (struktūrizuoti) vertinimo metodai labiau įtakoja atliktų darbų analizę organizacijoje, nei individualūs (aprašomieji) metodai. Taikant komandinius ir individualius vertinimo metodus žinios darbe labiau taikomos praktiškai, nei išreiškiamos žodžiais, skaičiais, simboliais. Atliekant komandinį vertinimą organizacijoje, labiau ryškėja besimokančios organizacijos bruožai, nei įvertinus sąsają tarp bruožų, labiausiai atitinkančių organizaciją ir priimtiniausių mokymąsi skatinančių veiksnių. Nors ir skirtingu intensyvumu, bet visi nagrinėti veiklos vertinimo aspektai įtakoja organizacinį darbuotojų mokymąsi, o ypatingai komandiniai darbuotojų veiklos vertinimo metodai. Alytaus laisvalaikio sporto klubuose dažniausiai veiklos vertinimo funkciją atlieka tiesioginis vadovas, tačiau trūksta žinių pateikimo apie vertinimo kriterijus darbuotojams. Vertinimas dažniausiai atliekamas komandiniame lygmenyje specialiųjų metodų pagalba, tačiau neatmetami ir individualūs metodai, todėl vertinimo metodą reikėtų pasirinkti kiekvienam laisvalaikio sporto klubui individualiai.Recently the scientists (Stewart (2001), Phillips (2003), Aksu and Özdemir (2005); Senge, 2008) analyzing the concept of the organization in the process learning give great attention to the consideration of means of organization activity improvement and possibilities of competitive ability increase. One of the most significant possibilities of activity improvement is the evaluation of employees’ activity. Therefore it is very important to ascertain what relation there is between evaluation of employees and organizational learning. Objective of the research – to determine the influence of employees’ evaluation on organizational learning at leisure and sports clubs. Methods used: analysis of scientific literature (in order to systematize the approach of the representatives of organization theory in the process of learning), questionnaire (managers and specialists of sports clubs of Alytus city), descriptive statistical analysis (systematizing data of questionnaire). Restrictions of the empirical research. Questionnaire was carried out one time, i.e., on February-January of 2010, and was not repeated any more. Employees, i.e. instructors of sports club of Alytus city, were questioned during the research. There were 9 leisure sports clubs fully performing their activities (22 instructors working) in Alytus city and there were 21 respondents questioned. Research results. After the analysis of questionnaire data of the employees from sports organizations, it was determined that evaluation of employees’ activity of sports organizations is performed regularly, however there is lack of knowledge presentation about evaluation criteria to employees. Team (structured) evaluation methods affect the analysis of work performed in the organization more than individual (descriptive) methods. When applying team (structured) and individual (descriptive) evaluation methods, knowledge at work is applied more practically than expressed in words, numbers and symbols. The more often employees’ activity is evaluated, the more rarely the persons being analyzed are seeking for information themselves. When performing team evaluation at the organization, the features of organization in the process of learning are more highlighted than after evaluation of the link between the features mostly corresponding to the organization, and the most acceptable factors inducing learning. Although under different intensity, all analyzed aspects of activity evaluation are influencing organizational learning of employees, especially team methods of employees’ evaluation. Usually the function of activity evaluation at leisure and sports clubs of Alytus city is performed by immediate manager. However, there is lack of knowledge presentation about evaluation criteria to the employees. This negatively affects the attitude of employees to evaluation process. Evaluation is usually carried out on a team level with the help of special methods but individual methods are not excluded either. Therefore, the evaluation method should be chosen by every sports organization individually. The positive effect of activity evaluation on the experience and knowledge control and the spread was determined. The aspects named have the influence on the results of organization activity. Therefore, a particular focus should given to the function of evaluation of employees’ activity, particularly when seeking for the increase of competitive advantage