11 research outputs found

    Automating the Communication of Cybersecurity Knowledge: Multi-Case Study

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    Cybersecurity is essential for the protection of companies against cyber threats. Traditionally, cybersecurity experts assess and improve a company's capabilities. However, many small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) consider such services not to be affordable. We explore an alternative do-it-yourself (DIY) approach to bringing cybersecurity to SMBs. Our method and tool, CYSEC, implements the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) to guide and motivate SMBs to adopt good cybersecurity practices. CYSEC uses assessment questions and recommendations to communicate cybersecurity knowledge to the end-user SMBs and encourage self-motivated change. In this paper, the operationalisation of SDT in CYSEC is presented and the results of a multi-case study shown that offer insight into how SMBs adopted cybersecurity practices with CYSEC. Effective automated cybersecurity communication depended on the SMB's hands-on skills, tools adaptedness, and the users' willingness to documenting confidential information. The SMBs wanted to learn in simple, incremental steps, allowing them to understand what they do. An SMB's motivation to improve security depended on the fitness of assessment questions and recommendations with the SMB's business model and IT infrastructure. The results of this study indicate that automated counselling can help many SMBs in security adoption. The final publication is available at Springer via https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-030-59291-2_8Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, 13th World Conference on Information Security Educatio

    De Eeuwwende 1700 (dl. 2): Geschiedenis

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    Op het breukvlak van de negentiende en de twintigste eeuw bestond bij een deel van de culturele elite het gevoel op de drempel van een nieuwe tijd te staan. Dit gevoel kwam enerzijds tot uiting in nostalgie, decadentisme en Weltschmerz, maar evenzeer in optimistische en utopische verwachtingen. Het 'broeierige klimaat' waarin deze inconsistente verzameling stemmingen floreerde, werd onwillekeurig verbonden met het afscheuren van het laatste kalenderblad van de eeuw. Deze speculatieve verbinding is sindsdien door historici als een gegeneraliseerde vraag aan de geschiedenis voorgelegd: zouden fin de siècle gevoelens zoals die we rond 1900 veronderstellen niet inherent zijn aan het verschijnsel van de eeuwwisseling? Kan het 'laatste kalenderblad van de eeuw' als op zichzelf staand gegeven stemmingbepalend zijn? Denkend aan de eschatologische betekenis die in het verleden toegekend is aan rollende jaartallen als 1000 en 1500 (en misschien binnenkort 2000?) lijkt de suggestie dat de jaartelling een intrinsieke waarde ontwikkelt niet onverdedigbaar

    Hemagglutinin stability as a key determinant of influenza A virus transmission via air

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    To cause pandemics, zoonotic respiratory viruses need to adapt to replication in and spread between humans, either via (indirect or direct) contact or through the air via droplets and aerosols. To render influenza A viruses transmissible via air, three phenotypic viral properties must change, of which receptor-binding specificity and polymerase activity have been well studied. However, the third adaptive property, hemagglutinin (HA) acid stability, is less understood. Recent studies show that there may be a correlation between HA acid stability and virus survival in the air, suggesting that a premature conformational change of HA, triggered by low pH in the airways or droplets, may render viruses noninfectious before they can reach a new host. We here summarize available data from (animal) studies on the impact of HA acid stability on airborne transmission and hypothesize that the transmissibility of other respiratory viruses may also be impacted by an acidic environment in the airways.</p

    The Nineteenth Century

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