28 research outputs found

    Gigantski liposarkom mezenterija mijeŔanog tipa

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    Primary mesenteric liposarcomas are very rare, especially when they are of mixed histologic pattern. Patient prognosis is based upon the most aggressive histologic type of liposarcoma. A case is reported of a 77-year-old man with a history of slowly increasing abdominal volume over 3 years. The diagnosis of giant intra-abdominal mass suspect of liposarcoma was confirmed by computed tomography and ultrasound scans. The patient underwent resection of 24 tumor masses weighing together 23.5 kg. The microscopic diagnosis was mixed-type liposarcoma of the mesentery. Although this type of tumor is rare, tumor tissue should be thoroughly collected and analyzed on histologic examination to reach definitive diagnosis. Recognition of the underappreciated subtype of liposarcoma is important for proper prognosis and treatment of the patient. According to our knowledge, this is the largest size of mixed-type mesenteric liposarcoma described in the English literature.Primarni liposarkomi mezenterija su rijetki, osobito ako su mijeÅ”anog histoloÅ”kog izgleda. Prognoza pacijenta ovisi o najagresivnijem histoloÅ”kom tipu liposarkoma. Prikazujemo slučaj 77. godiÅ”njeg muÅ”karca s anamnezom spororastućeg volumena abdomena tijekom 3 godine. Dijagnoza ogromne intra-abdominalne mase suspektne na liposarkom potvrđena je CT-om i ultrazvukom. Pacijentu su resecirane 24 tumorske mase koje su zajedno težile 23.5 kg. HistoloÅ”ka dijagnoza je bila mijeÅ”ani tip liposarkoma mezenterija. Iako je ovaj tip tumora rijedak, tumorsko tkivo treba pomno preuzeti i pregledati histoloÅ”ki kako bi se postavila ispravna zaključna dijagnoza. Pronalazak nepovoljnog tipa liposarkoma je važan zbog točne prognoze i daljnjeg liječenja pacijenta. Prema naÅ”im saznanjima, ovo je najveći opisani liposarkom mezenterija mijeÅ”anog tipa u engleskoj literaturi

    Heavy metal content of pm10 and pm2.5 within urban area of Belgrade

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    An assessment of air quality of Belgrade was performed by determining the trace element content in airborne PM10 and PM2.5 in two years period. Samples were collected at two locations in a heavy polluted area. The concentrations of Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V and Zn were determined with AAS. Results indicated that the ambient concentration of Zn in the PM10 and PM2.5 was the highest (1389.18 and 1998.00 ng m-3 respectively). Also, the highest enrichment factor (EF) value was obtained for Zn, folowing with high EF for Cd and Pb in PM10, reflecting the importance of anthropogenic inputs. The limit values of toxic trace elements from WHO and EC Air quality guidelines were not exceeded except for Ni.Physical chemistry 2006 : 8th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 26-29 September 200

    Značajke proizvodnje mlijeka Balkanske koze uzgajane u ā€œlow-inputā€ proizvodnim sustavima

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    In order to analyse dairy production traits (milk yield in full lactation, milk fat content, daily milk yield and length of lactation) of Balkan goats raised under ā€œlow-inputā€ production systems, data on 440 lactation records from 118 does raised on 9 farms in south-east part of Serbia were used. General linear model, used for analysing variability of lactation length, was consisting of following fixed effects: farm, year of birth, year of production and number of lactation. Model for milk yield in full lactation, milk fat content and daily milk yield was consisting of farms, year of birth, year of production and number of lactation as fixed effects and length of lactation as covariate. The highest milk yield (392 kg) and the highest milk fat content (3.89 %) were achieved in III lactation. Effects of farm, year of production and number of lactation were very significant sources of variation (P<0.001) for milk yield, daily milk yield and milk fat content, while the year of birth as factor of phenotypic variation in these traits expressed no such consistency. Highly significant sources of variation (P<0.001) for the length of lactation were farm and year of production, while the length of lactation had a significant influence (P<0.001) only for total milk yield variability.U cilju istraživanja svojstava mliječnosti (proizvodnja mlijeka u punoj laktaciji, PM; udjel mliječne masti, MM; proizvodnja mlijeka po danu, DM; i dužina laktacije u danima, DL) balkanskih koza uzgajanih u ā€œlow-inputā€ proizvodnim sustavima analizirano je 440 laktacijskih podataka 118 koza s devet farmi iz jugoistočnog dijela Srbije. U općem linearnom modelu za analizu varijabilnosti dužine laktacije, kao fiksni faktori, bili su uključeni utjecaji farme, godine rođenja, godine proizvodnje i rednog broja laktacije. U analizi proizvodnih svojstava, uz već spomenute fiksne faktore, kao nezavisno promjenjiva veličina bila je uključena i dužina laktacije. Maksimalna proizvodnja mlijeka (392 kg) i najveći udjel mliječne masti (3,89%) ostvaren je u trećoj laktaciji. Farma, godina proizvodnje i redni broj laktacije bili su vrlo značajni izvori varijabilnosti (P<0,001) za proizvodnju mlijeka, dnevnu mliječnost i postotak mliječne masti, dok godina rođenja, kao faktor fenotipskog variranja, kod ovih svojstava nije pokazala takvu konzistentnost. Visoko značajni izvori variranja (P<0,001) za dužinu laktacije bili su farma i godina proizvodnje, dok je dužina laktacije značajno utjecala (P<0,001) samo na varijabilnost proizvodnje mlijeka

    Supplementary data for article: Sostaric, A.; Stojic, S. S.; Vukovic, G.; Mijic, Z.; Stojić, A.; Gržetić, I. Rainwater Capacities for BTEX Scavenging from Ambient Air. Atmospheric Environment 2017, 168, 46ā€“54. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.08.045

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    Supplementary material for: [ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.08.045]Related to published version: [http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/2539]Related to accepted version:[http://cherry.chem.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/3007

    The overall and fat composition of milk of various species

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    Milk, an essential source of offspring nourishment, varies in itā€™s composition and properties significantly across species. In human nutrition, fresh milk and dairy products are valuable sources of protein, fat and energy, and are an important part of daily meals. Most of the worldā€™s milk production (85 %) comes from cows followed by buffaloes, goats, ewes, mares and donkeys. However milk related food allergies in infants may be a reason for health problems and may cause a decrease in milk. The objective of this paper was to give an overview of the overall composition of milk and fat from different species in comparison to women milk. Regarding the overall milk composition remarkable differences in energy content, fat, lactose, protein and ash of the various milks were found, but also some similarities among milk from ruminants and non-ruminants were detected. The structures of fat globule membranes were similar among non-ruminants and women milk, while the milk fat globule structure in ruminants differed significantly. The size of fat globules was significantly different between species and highly correlated to the milk fat content, regardless of the specie. The amount of triacylglycerols was notably higher, while the amount of free fatty acids and phospholipids was notably lower in milk from ruminants and women compared to milk from mares and donkeys. The triacylglycerol structure in women and non-ruminantsĖˆ was similar. The percentage of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids was lower, while the unsaturated fatty acid content was higher in milk from non-ruminants, with a remarkably higher percentage of C-18:2 and C-18:3. The cholesterol content was similar in women and ruminantsĖˆ milk, but lower in that of non-ruminants. This review indicates that milk from non-ruminants could be more suitable for human nourishment than milk from ruminants