10 research outputs found

    Tradicija v sporte - predely razvitija

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    Nemali broj sportova opterećen je dugogodiÅ”njom tradicijom koja se uporno čuva propisanim pravilima koja iz nepoznatih razloga čuvaju određene federacije. U ovom radu riječ je o BOB sportu i neopravdanoj družini staze od 1200 m i četiri trke zvaničnim takmičenjima. Rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na to kako bi staza od 1200 m mogla biti znatno kraća, Å”to se ne bi odrazilo na atraktivnost BOB sporta, a i istovremeno bi ekonomski bilo kudikamo povoljnije, a konačan plasman posada bitno se ne bi promijenio, ni ako se umjesto četri voze tri, ili samo dvije trake.A large number of sports is encumbered by long tradition of jealously guarded rules adhered to by certain federations. This paper deals with bob and unjustified length of the run of 1200 m and obligatory four races in official competitions. The results show that the run could be much shorter without taking away any of the attractiveness of the bob while economically it would be much cheaper. Finally, the ranking of the crews would not change if there were three or two, instead of four races


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    The attitudes of delinquents to their parents' behavior in the period of early childhood

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    The main objective of this research was to determine the factors and their structure that contributed to the emergence of juvenile delinquency. For this purpose delinquents gave their statements on behavior of their parents during early childhood. A total of 115 juvenile delinquents chronologically aged 15 to 18 participated in the inquiry. Parental behavior was assessed on the basis of their childrenā€™s statements. Juvenile delinquents assessed the behavior of their mothers and fathers through specially conceived questionnaires. Based on the results obtained by factor analysis and orthogonal rotation of factors (Varimax Kayseri normalization), we can state, infer, and generalize that the father's aggressiveness, emotional neglect by the mother and her inconsistent disciplinary style are the primary factors in the occurrence of juvenile delinquency

    The behavior style of coaches

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    On the sample by 121 perspective young athletes was carried out the researching in the aim to establish the behavior style of coaches. The relevant information was obtained through the validated questionnaires of Chelladura and Saleha (1980). The questionnaire contains 40 questions which directly determine 5 behavior styles of coaches. All questions possess the scale by 5 levels with possible statements: (always, often, periodically, rarely and never). The true answer is only one statement on one question. It is word about five degrees 'Likert's scale'. It was carried out extensive and complex statistics processing of date, where the input qualitative categorical variables were transformed into quantitative. In the next step, transformed categorical variables were exposed in classical and neoclassical statistical methodology. On the base of exact indications which were obtained by using relevant invariant and multivariate statistical methods and tests, dominant behavior style of coaches is 'Instructive'. This behavior style of coach is the most desirable. According to this researching at the last position is behavior style which is the autocratically and it is also at the same time the least desirable. The results of Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Canonic discriminative analysis show the general statistical significant difference in the representation of the behavior styles. Instructive and Autocratic behavior style of coach mostly influences on the total (general) discrimination i.e. difference. For above mentioned styles, it could be said that they are paradigm of contrasts in every way. Values of Tukey - HSD test explicitly shows that there are not statistical significant difference between Instructive Style and style Awarded - Feedback as well as between Democratically and style of Social Support. The other combinations i.e. couples of behavior styles are statistical significantly different


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    Predviđanje konačnog vremena u slalomu na osnovu vremena prve i druge trke je rad koji ima namjenu i primarni cilj da na osnovu ekgzaktnih pokazatelja dobivenih pod egzaktnim i strogo kon-trolisanim pravilima FIS-e skrene pažnju na relevantne faktore koji uslovljavaju konačan rezultat u alpskom skijanju. U primjeru riječ je o disciplini slalom. S obzirom da je primarni cilj sportski rezultat, postavljeno je pitanje: Da li konačan rezultata zavisi viÅ”e od postignutog vremena u prvoj ili drugoj trci? Precizan i nedvosmislen odgovor dat je u zaključku navedenog rada. Zaključa je formiran na bazi preciznih rezultata dobivenih na trci u kategoriji Svjetskog Kupa. Trka je održanoj u Zagrebu na Slje-menu 2010. godine. Dobiveni rezultati upućuju na zaključak da je ukupno vrijeme u slalomu u pozitivnoj i visokoj korelaciji sa postignutim vemenom u prvoj trci. Postignuto vrijeme u drugoj trci nije u statistički značajnoj korelativnoj vezi sa ukupnim vremenom. Koeficijent multiple korelacije i koeficijent mul-tiple determinacije prve i druge trke sa ukupnim vremenom je dosta visoki i statistički značajni u primjeru R = 0,67, R2 = 0,45, p ā‰¤ 0,001. Standardizirane prediktivne vrijednosti Bete (Tabela 7) daju pravo na zaključak da postignuto vrijeme u prvoj trci značajnije, odnosno viÅ”e utiče na konačan rezul-tat u odnosu na postignuto vrijeme u drugoj trci, u primjeru Beta1= 0,55, a Beta2= 0,40. Pod pred-postavkom da su generalni uslovu na takmičenju približno isti, razloge većeg uticaja vremena prve trke u odnosu na drugu treba tražiti u taktici koju određuju treneri i sami takmičari. Razlog promjene taktike između prve i druge trke uslovljavaju pravila FIS-e. Pravila između ostalog glase da pravo učeŔća u drugoj trci imaju 30 prvoplasiranih takmičara iz prve trke. Slijedi prirodan zaključak da je prva trka tj. vožnja bez kalkulacije po pravilu sve ili niÅ”ta. Taktika druge vožnje se bitno razlikuje od taktike prve vožnje. Po pravilu mora se trka uspjeÅ”no privesti kraju po cijenu da se plasma iz prve trke može ne-znatno popraviti pa i pokvariti. Svakako da vremenske prilike mogu uticati na bolji ili loÅ”iji sportski rezultata. U skladu za zakonom vjerovatnoće uticaj vremenskih prilika se izjednačuje tj. poniÅ”tava

    Stavovi delinkvenata o ponaŔanju roditelja u periodu ranog djetinjstva

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    Glavni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi faktore i strukturu faktora koji su doprinjeli javljanju maloljetničke delinkvencije. U tu svrhu poslužili su stavovi (iskazi) delinkvenata o ponaÅ”anju svojih roditelja u periodu ranog djetinjstva.U istraživanju je učestvovalo 115 maloljetnih delinkvenata starosne dobi od 15 do 18 godina. Roditeljsko ponaÅ”anje procjenjivano je na osnovu samoiskaza njihove djece. Maloljetni delinkventi su ocjenjivali ponaÅ”anje svojih majki i očeva putemĀ specijalno konstruisanog upitnika. Na osnovu rezultata dobivenih putem faktorske analize, te ortogonalne rotacije faktora (Varimax Kajserove normalizacije),može se konstatovati, zaključiti, pa i generalisati da je agresivnost oca, emocionalno zanemarivanje od strane majke i nekonzistentan disciplinski stil majke primarni faktori u javljanju maloljetničke delinkvencije


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    In this research we attempted to define the procedure which could be used to provide optimally distinct groups of school children in terms of the morphological structure of their bodies, and which could further be used to define the possible differences in explosive and repetitive strength. With this aim in mind, a sample of 269 school children aged 12Ā±6 months were included in a study where three of their morphological measures were taken (body height, body mass, skinfolds) and five motor tests for the evaluation of explosive and repetitive strength carried out. First the K-means cluster analyses were used to define three distinct groups of participants in each individual morphological segment, with low, average, and high values. On the basis of the maximal number of possible combinations of previously defined groups from the overall sample of school children, three groups with different morphological structures of the body were determined, including: 104 school children with low values, 113 school children with average values and 52 school children with high values for all three morphological measurements. These defined groups of school children were used to determine the possible differences in the tests of explosive and repetitive strength.On the basis of the obtained results we can conclude that the group with low values of morphological indicators (height, body mass, skinfolds) achieved the best results on the test for the evaluation of repetitive strength of the arms (MSKL), the group with average values on the tests for the evaluation of explosive strength (MSDM and MT20V), while for the rest of the tests there was no statistically significant difference between the distinct groups.The definition of the potential possibilities for the manifestation of certain motor skills, on the basis of these morphological indicators for each age category of school children, would be made possible through the application of a small number of anthropometric measures. The classification of a certain child into a suitable (appropriate for his affinities) group would enable the realization of a special work program which would enable the most effective improvement of his qualities


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    U ovom istraživanju je napravljen pokuÅ”aj da se definiÅ”e postupak kojim bi se obezbjedile optimalno distiktne grupe učenika, uzimajući u obzir morfoloÅ”ku strukturu tijela, kroz koji će se definisati eventualne razlike u eksplozivnoj i repetitivnoj snazi. S tim ciljem na uzorku od 269 učenika uzrasta 12 godina + 6 mjeseci su izmjerene tri morfoloÅ”ke mjere (visina, tjelesna masa, kožni nabor) i pet motoričkih testova za procjenu eksplozivne i repetitivne snage. Najprije su primjenom K-means klaster analize definisane tri distinktne grupe ispitanika u svakom pojedinačnom antropometrijskom segmentu, sa niskim, prosječnim i visokim vrijednostima. Na osnovu maksimalnog broja mogućih kombinacija prethodno definiranisanih grupa ukupnog uzorka učenika, utvrđene su tri grupe sa različitim morfoloÅ”kim strukturama tijela i to: 104 učenika sa niskim vrijednostima, 113 učenika sa prosječnim vrijednostima i 52 učenika sa visokim vrijednostima u sve tri antropometrijske mjere. Kroz ovako definisane grupe učenika utvrđivane su eventualne razlike u izmjerenim testovima eksplozivne i repetitivne snage. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se konstatovati da je grupa sa niskim vrijednostima morfoloÅ”kih pokazatelja (visina, tjelesna masa, kožni nabor) postigla najbolje rezultate u testu za procjenu repetitivne snage ruku (MSKL), grupa sa prosječnim vrednostima u testovima za procjenu eksplozivne snage (MSDM i MT20V), dok u ostalim testovima nije bilo statistički značajne razlike između distinktnih grupa.Definisanje potencijalnih mogućnosti za manifestaciju određenih motoričkih sposobnosti, na osnovu ovih morfoloÅ”kih pokazatelja za svaku uzrasnu kategoriju učenika, omogućilo bi se primjenom malog broja antropometrijskih mjera. Svrstati određenog učenika u odgovarajuću (za njegove afinitete) grupu i omugućiti mu realizaciju takvog posebnog programa rada koji bi dao nejefikasnije usavrÅ”avanje njegovih kvaliteta

    Structure of efficiency factor at XIII, XIV, XV, and XVI World Championship in basketball

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    Applying the method of main components by Hotelling and the method of rotation of the main components, i.e. Varimax rotations by Keiser, the latent structure of basketball efficiency was established. It was based on the fourteen manifest indicators of efficiency. Our findings refer to the sample comprised of the game-winning teams at the World Championships: in Greece, 62 basketball teams; the USA, 62 basketball teams; Japan, 80 basketball teams; and Turkey, 80 basketball teams. Factorization was performed on the entire sample of all game-winning teams, that is 284, as well as on the single game winners at the championships in Greece, USA, Japan, and Turkey. There was the total of four factor analyses and within each of them five to seven latent dimensions, i.e. factors based on the fourteen manifest efficiency parameters were extracted. Katell method of landslide indicates a clear elbow between the third and fourth component. These first three latent dimensions in all four factor analysis exhibit the stability of factors and high saturation on the side of the manifest variables. The factors have been defined as: general offensive efficiency factor, three-points shot factor and free throw factor. Having the variables that account for the total number of attempted and made shots dominant within the structure of these factors, it can be concluded that general latent structure of basketball efficiency is indeed explained by means of shot efficiency. These findings confirm both empirical and theoretical speculations of basketball experts, i.e. the overall basketball efficiency is primarily dependent on the shot efficiency, what seems entirely logical