4,847 research outputs found

    European Business Fluctuations in the Austrian Framework

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    The Austrian theory mainly deals with analyzing the effects of an increased credit offer on productive structures. In this respect, we propose to link long-term growth cycles to various short-term interest rate gaps. Are European Business Cycles affected when a fall in the money market rate disrupts agents’ expectations of inflation? Using the hypothesis that individual speculation is motivated by the difference between short-term real interest rates and their natural levels, we argue that Wicksellian interest rate gaps can account for a high proportion of long-term fluctuations in 4 European countries (Germany, France, Italy and Spain). We present specific dating methods and filters used in order to distinguish between short-term and long-term growth cycles. The Wicksellian incentives we constructed are then significantly linked to long-term business fluctuations. Under the hypothesis of adaptive expectations of inflation, our results are enhanced.European Growth Cycles Inflation Expectations

    Food basket scenario, Juva Finland

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    The aim of this food basket scenario study based on average Finnish food consumption was to investigate if it is possible to reduce nitrogen surplus of agriculture by changing agricultural production methods and by how much. Existing average Finnish agricultural practises abd ecological farming practises investigated in the BERAS project are compared

    Water discharge and nutrient leaching from organic mixed crop rotation

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    Water discharge and nutrient leaching studies were conducted in an experimental field under organic farming practice for 20 years. The water discharge measurements cover five years out of a six-year crop rotation. The water discharge for the whole year was 1520 mÂł/ha (=152 mm). More than 2/3 of the total discharge occurred in April-May. The total precipitation for the whole year was 680 mm. The total amount of N in the drainage runoff was 11.5 kg/ha and the flow-weighted average content 7.5 mg/l. The total amount of P in the drainage runoff was 48 g/ha and the flow-weighted average content 0.031 mg/l. 85 % of the total P was dissolved reactive phosphorus (DPR). Some preliminary correlation between N leaching and N management was observed, i.e. higher N concentrations in drainage water were found on green fallow after autumn ploughing compared to first-year grass or spring cereal. Variation in the P concentration of the drainage water between the plots seems to be correlated to soil P status rather than P management

    The occurrence of alien plant species in field margins in Finland

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    The results suggest that alien plant species comprise an important part of the biodiversity of Finnish field margins and semi-natural agricultural habitats. The role of field margins as dispersal corridors for invasive alien plants is limited for certain species

    Nitrogen and phosphorus leakage in ecological recycling agriculture

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    In this report we quantify nitrogen and phosphorus leakage on three farms in the BERAS project. The study is based on direct measurements of nitrogen and phosphorus concentration in drainage water and water flow measurements

    Local outbreaks of Operophtera brumata and Operophtera fagata cannot be explained by low vulnerability to pupal predation

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    One of the unresolved questions in studies on population dynamics of forest Lepidoptera is why some populations at times reach outbreak densities, whereas others never do. Resolving this question is especially challenging if populations of the same species in different areas or of closely-related species in the same area are considered. The present study focused on three closely-related geometrid moth species, autumnal Epirrita autumnata, winter Operophtera brumata and northern winter moths Operophtera fagata, in southern Finland. There, winter and northern winter moth populations can reach outbreak densities, whereas autumnal moth densities stay relatively low. We tested the hypothesis that a lower vulnerability to pupal predation may explain the observed differences in population dynamics. The results obtained do not support this hypothesis because pupal predation probabilities were not significantly different between the two genera within or without the Operophtera outbreak area or in years with or without a current Operophtera outbreak. Overall, pupal predation was even higher in winter and northern winter moths than in autumnal moths. Differences in larval predation and parasitism, as well as in the reproductive capacities of the species, might be other candidates

    Cellulose Based Graft Copolymers Prepared via Controlled Radical Polymerization Methods

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    Cellulose is the most abundant renewable natural polymer, with many attractive physical and chemical properties including hydrophilicity, biodegradability and biocompatibility. However, its effective use as bio-based material is limited due to its insolubility in water and organic solvents, as well as due to difficult processability. The main objective of this research was to utilize the new controlled/living free radical polymerization (CRP) methods in the modifications of various cellulosic materials, yielding new water-soluble cellulose based graft copolymers (cellulose-g-copolymers) with a uniform molecular structures. The recent developments in CRP methods have enabled the tailoring of macromolecules with sophisticated architectures including block, graft and star structures with predetermined molecular weights, terminal functionalities, and narrow molecular weight distributions. Modification by graft copolymerization using CRP methods provides one of the best ways to combine the advantages of both natural cellulose and synthetic polymers and therefore affect the properties of the cellulose derivatives. The cellulose-g-copolymers have various potential applications over a wide range of areas, such as sensor matrices, recognition devices, selective membranes, organic-inorganic complex materials, and bioactive and biocompatible materials. In this study novel water-soluble cellulose-g-copolymers were successfully synthesized via CRP methods (RAFT and ATRP/SET-LRP). In addition to unmodified cellulose (softwood dissolving pulp), cellulose ethers (carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and ethyl hydroxyethyl cellulose (EHEC)) were also used as starting materials i.e. as backbones for the cellulose-g-copolymers. Homogeneous reaction conditions were used to confirm as uniform structure of the graft copolymers as possible. The influence of the side chain length and the grafting density on the aqueous solution and thermal properties of the graft copolymers were studied.Selluloosa on runsaimmin esiintyvÀ uusiutuva luonnonpolymeeri, jolla on monia hyödyllisiÀ niin kemiallisia kuin fysikaalisiakin ominaisuuksia, kuten hydrofiilisyys sekÀ biohajoavuus ja bioyhteensopivuus. Liukenemattomuus veteen ja orgaanisiin liuottimiin sekÀ vaikea prosessoitavuus rajoittavat kuitenkin sen tehokasta kÀyttöÀ uusissa biopohjaisissa materiaaleissa. TÀmÀn tutkimuksen pÀÀmÀÀrÀnÀ oli kehittÀÀ uudenlaisia vesiliukoisia selluloosapohjaisia polymeerijohdannaisia, joilla on mahdollisimman yhdenmukainen rakenne. Viime vuosituhannen lopulla kehitetyt kontrolloidut radikaalipolymerointimenetelmÀt mahdollistavat polymeerien valmistuksen sÀÀdellysti. Menetelmien avulla voidaan hallita polymeerien ketjunpituutta, sen jakaumaa, polymeerin koostumusta ja funktionalisuutta sekÀ valmistaa monimutkaisia polymeerirakenteita kuten lohko-, oksa- ja tÀhtikopolymeerejÀ. Selluloosa-oksakopolymeerien valmistus kontrolloituja radikaalipolymerointimenetelmiÀ hyödyntÀen on yksi parhaista tavoista yhdistÀÀ luonnonpolymeerin ja synteettisen polymeerin ominaisuudet rÀÀtÀlöidysti ja nÀin ollen vaikuttaa selluloosajohdannaisen ominaisuuksiin. Selluloosa-oksakopolymeereilla on hyvin laajat kÀyttömahdollisuudet erilaisissa sovelluksissa mm. sensoreissa, pinnoitteissa, lÀÀkeaineannostelussa ja bioaktiivisissa materiaaleissa. TÀssÀ työssÀ valmistettiin vesiliukoisia selluloosa-oksakopolymeerejÀ havupuusellusta sekÀ selluloosaeettereistÀ, etyylihydroksietyyliselluloosa (EHEC) ja karboksimetyyliselluloosa (CMC) hyödyntÀen erilaisia kontrolloituja radikaalipolymerointimetelmiÀ (RAFT ja ATRP/SET-LRP). Mahdollisimman yhdenmukaisen rakenteen varmistamiseksi modifioinnit tehtiin homogeenisessÀ reaktioliuoksessa. Synteettisen sivuketjun pituuden ja niiden selluloosarungossa olevan tiheyden vaikutusta selluloosa-oksakopolymeerin termisiin ja vesiliuosominaisuuksiin tutkittiin erilaisin menetelmin

    Aapiskukon jÀljillÀ. Ideologiset representaatiot 2010-luvun aapisten kuvituksissa

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    Tarkastelen opinnÀytetyössÀni aapisten kuvituksia. Tutkimukseni aineisto koostuu viiden suomalaisen, 2010-luvulla opetuskÀytössÀ olleen aapisen kirjainaukeamien kuvituksista. YhteensÀ tarkasteltavia kuvituksia on 105. Tutkimuksen kohteena on aapisten visuaalinen maailma ja se, millaisena tuo maailma pyrkii itsensÀ esittÀmÀÀn. Mikrotasolla tutkin kuvia kuvitustaiteen artefakteina, makrotasolla rakennan kÀsitystÀ siitÀ, miten representaatioissa rakentuvat visuaaliset diskurssit rakentavat kÀsityksiÀ arvoista ja asenteista. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisÀtÀ ymmÀrrystÀ visuaalisen viestinnÀn muotoilun yhteiskunnallisista vaikutuksista. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenÀ toimii sosiaalinen konstruktionismi, jonka mukaisesti todellisuus on sosiaalisesti rakentunutta. Aapisten kuvitukset ovat osa tÀllaista todellisuutta ja ne osaltaan myös rakentavat sitÀ. LisÀksi ne kytkeytyvÀt vallankÀyttöön, koska niitÀ kÀytetÀÀn institutionaalisesti mÀÀritellyssÀ kontekstissa. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja sen tarkoitus on tuottaa tietoa aapisten kuvitusten visuaalisista rakenteista diskurssianalyyttisten menetelmien avulla. Tutkimuksen perusteella aapisten kuvituksissa muodostuu erilaisia nÀkökulmia maailmaan. Aineistosta voidaan erottaa neljÀ visuaalista diskurssia, jotka tuottavat kÀsityksiÀ arvoista ja asenteista: HyvÀn kÀytöksen diskurssi rakentaa kÀsityksiÀ yhteisöllisyydestÀ ja vastuullisuudesta ja pyrkii integroimaan lapset yhteiskuntaan. Normitettujen rooliodotusten diskurssi pyrkii luonnollistamaan miesten ja naisten eriytyneet sukupuoliroolit. Lapsen maailman erityisyyden diskurssissa esitetÀÀn, ettÀ lapsilla on oma maailma, johon aikuisilla ei ole pÀÀsyÀ. Toiseuden kuvaukset diskurssi tuottaa marginalisoivia kÀsityksiÀ erilaisuudesta. Aapisten kuvituksissa rakentuu maailmaa koskevia kÀsityksiÀ ja uskomuksia, joita voidaan pitÀÀ ideologisina. Kuvituksien aiheet ja aiheen kÀsittely sekÀ erilaiset visuaaliset ratkaisut tuottavat merkityksiÀ, joilla voi olla myös yhteiskunnallisia vaikutuksia

    Best practices of public export promotion in the Finnish music industry: case MOI! Sounds from Suomi

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    BEST PRACTICES OF PUBLIC EXPORT PROMOTION IN THE FINNISH MUSIC INDUSTRY: case MOI! Sounds from Suomi The purpose of this study is to identify best practices of public promotion in the creative industries in order for policy makers to better match their promotional actions with the needs of the creative industries professionals. As an example of the creative industries this study focuses on the Finnish music industry, and as an example of cultural policy initiatives this study focuses on one export promotion tool, that is, Music Export Finland’s Nordic MOI! Sounds from Suomi – flagship project. Through face-to-face discussions of the Finnish music as a business, as an international industry, as a user of public promotion, and as a participant of an export promotion project the Finnish music industry professionals are let to describe their personal experiences of what works regarding public export promotion and what does not. The sample of Finnish music industry professionals of this study consists of two Music Export Finland employees and six representatives of six different Finnish music industry organizations having participated the Nordic flagship project. The micro and small Finnish music industry businesses are eager to internationalize. Growth is sought especially through internationalization and export due to restricted home markets. In the process of internationalization networks play the most important role, but characteristics of born globals, traditional incremental internationalization and international entrepreneurship are visible as well setting requirements for public promotion, which is considered vital by the industry professionals. Music Export Finland is the most familiar provider of public promotion for the organizations interviewed. Otherwise, the variety of different available modes of public promotion is a little unclear and in order to keep up with what is available at a certain time the industry professionals need to be active themselves. According to the Finnish music industry professionals public promotion including export promotion should not be cut, but rather increased or cultivated if anything. Regarding the Nordic flagship project the Finnish music industry professionals appreciate the possibility to learn, to gain new contacts, to get comprehensive and personal service and to have someone sharing the risk. Systems of self-financing, payment of the financial aid and strict bureaucracies like reporting requirements, on the other hand, are targeted with suggestions for improvements. The special characteristics of the creative industries and the great variety of differences in the needs of different Finnish music industry organizations challenge the level of commitment and the fit between supply and demand of export promotion calling for ever more tailored service

    PÀÀstömittaus Gasmet FTIR kassuanalysaattorilla : Laitteen kÀyttöönotto

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    TĂ€mĂ€ työ on tehty Kokkolan Eurofins Scientific Finland Oy yksikölle ja se kĂ€sitteli Gasmetin FTIR kaasuanalysaattorin kĂ€yttöönottoa ja pÀÀstömittausta. Työn teoreettisessa osassa kĂ€ytiin lĂ€pi lyhyesti IR spektrometriaan ja siihen liittyviin mÀÀritelmiin, kuten aaltoluku ja interferometri. TĂ€mĂ€n jĂ€lkeen kĂ€sitellÀÀn lyhyesti pÀÀstömittauksen teoriaa ja tulosten laskentaa Koska työ tehtiin akkreditoidulle laboratoriolle, työssĂ€ kiinnitettiin huomiota myös laadunvalvontaa ja siihen liittyviin mÀÀritelmiin. Ensin mÀÀriteltiin laadunvalvontaan liittyvÀÀ sanastoa, tutustuttiin normaalijakaumaan, analyyttiseen laatuun ja sen valvontaan, ladunvalvontakortteihin sekĂ€ mittausepĂ€varmuuteen. Kokeellisessa osassa tutustuttiin ensin laitteeseen ja mittausohjelmaan, jonka jĂ€lkeen suunniteltiin laitteen kĂ€yttöohje ja huoltosuunnitelma. TyössĂ€ tutustuttiin myös tulosten kĂ€sittelyyn ja niihin vaikuttaviin ongelmiin. Mittauslaitteelle suoritettiin validointi, jossa tutkittiin toistettavuutta, toteamisrajoja ja lineaarisuutta.This thesis is done for Eurofins Scientific Finland Oy located in Kokkola and it deals with Gasmet’s FTIR gas analyzer commissioning and emission measurement. Thesis theoretical part briefly describes IR spectrometry ja its definitions, for example wave number and an interferometer. After this section,theory of emission measurement and results calculation are presented. The thesis was done for an accredited laboratory and therefore it took notice of quality control and related it definitions. First defined related quality control terminology is defined, normal distribution, analytical quality and control, quality control charts and uncertainty of measurement are explained. Experimental part presents the FTIR device and the used measurement program. After that, I planned device operating instructions and a service plan. In this thesis, the results processing and issues they face are presented. Validation of the FTIR device studied repeatability, detection limits and linearity of oxygen and car-bondioxide
