7 research outputs found


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    The paper is dealing with the issues of safety in planning and realization of oversized and excessive goods transportation. It points to the growing importance of these transportations for the economy of the state. Further it points to selected risks that could cause the emergency event during this transportation and possibilities of their elimination, which may lead to the increased safety of transportation of oversized and excessive loads

    System improvement of protection of employees against ionizing radiation from orphan sources in scrap metal collection facilities

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    Ensuring the safety and health of employees working in scrap metal collection facilities is one of the basic duties of each founder. It must assess all risk factors. One of the risk factors is the ionizing radiation from orphan sources when capturing and handling scrap metal. The operator of the facility for collecting scrap metal must accept the means that are optimal for its operation. The measures taken should be chosen based on a differentiated approach according to the character of the operation. Organizational, technical and system measures can be included in these funds. These measures are the subject of that article. © 2020 Czech Environment Management Center. All rights reserved

    Using travel times for optimization numbers of medical rescue service points—case study from Slovakia

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    Health care and protection is one of the fundamental human rights, which apply to all people of the world. Life and health threats can occur at any place and time, both at times of peace and security and at times of emergencies of any kind. In many cases, provision of urgent medical care creates a time strain. Emergency medical care in the Slovak Republic is provided by a medical rescue service, including mobile emergency care and ambulances, with or without a doctor. The present article deals with the purpose and role of medical rescue service with an emphasis on mobile emergency care provision by ambulances. The following part defines selected factors affecting medical rescue service station locations and numbers of ambulances. Emphasis is laid on an analysis of theoretical assumptions for optimization of the number of medical rescue service stations and ambulances used by them for the purpose of securing care of life and health of the population and addressing emergencies within selected territorial units in the Self‐Governing Region of Žilina. The proposed optimization of the number of medical rescue service stations in municipalities is addressed theoretically as a location issue. The resulting theoretical variant of the proposed new distribution of medical rescue service ambulance stations is a mathematical consideration of assurance of emergency medical care provision within 15 min from each event reporting. The mathematical algorithm used for the proposal of medical rescue service ambulance station distribution is appli-cable in different regions and countries with a defined time to provision of first aid and emergency medical care. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.[VI04000080]; [RVO/FLKR/2020/03]; [IGA/FLKR/2019/001]; [KEGA 012TUKE-4/2019]; [APVV SK-SRB-18-0053]Kultúrna a Edukacná Grantová Agentúra MŠVVaŠ SR, KEGA: 4/201

    Identification of risks by the transport of drinking water during an emergency event

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    The paper deals with the transport of drinking water during the emergence and handling of an emergency event. Emergency supply at implementation brings with it a large number of risks and therefore it is necessary to identify these risks. We used cause-and-effect diagram method to identify possible risks. Using this method, we created a background for processing the next KARS method. This is a quantitative risk analysis that evaluates the continuity of individual risks among themselves. Using the risk comparison method, the most serious risks associated with this transport are assessed. © Transport Means - Proceedings of the International Conference. All rights reserved.Project VEGAVedecka grantova agentura MSVVaS SR a SAV (VEGA) [1/0240/15


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    Každá rýchlo sa kaziaca potravina musí spĺňať svoje štandardy na konzumáciu. V prípade, že nie sú dodržané, dochádza k jej znehodnoteniu. Kvalita týchto štandardov musí byť okrem iného zabezpečená aj rýchlou prepravou rýchlo sa kaziacich potravín. Bezpečná a rýchla preprava rýchlo sa kaziacich potravín je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou cestnej prepravy tovaru. Táto preprava vyžaduje splnenie špecifických podmienok stanovených v právnych predpisoch. Príspevok je zameraný na problematiku prepravy rýchlo sa kaziacich potravín, a v prípade narušenia dopravnej siete aj na návrh optimálnej prepravnej trasy.Each quick perishable foodstuffs must meet their standards on consummation. In the event that they are not met, there is the change to her devalued. The quality of these standards must be ensured, among other things, by the rapid transport of quick perishable foodstuffs. Safe and fast transport of quick perishable foodstuffs is an integral part of road freight transport. This transport requires the fulfilment of the specific conditions laid down in the legislation. The paper focuses on the issue of transport the quick perishable foodstuffs, and in the case of disturbance of the transport network, also on the design of the optimal transport route

    Inclusion of cyber security mechanisms in the development of the telematics system

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    The increase in demand for the transport of people and goods is leading to a rapid development of transport systems. Data protection must include the privacy and security of end users, service providers and application providers. In this document, we propose a new data protection framework based on privacy and security technologies. Privacy technology allows users and service providers to define a flexible data model. Security technology provides traditional features such as encryption, authentication, and denial. In addition, it provides a secure environment for secure execution, which is necessary to restrict access to data for specific purposes. The increase in the number of system components places high demands on the management of the entire system. Intelligent control systems used by computer architectures such as cloud computing, fog computing, SDN or NFV architecture. The safety of this system is essential for safe and efficient transport. They also use development systems from research projects that improve the individual functions of telematics systems. Necessary solution already in the development phase, where the requirements of cyber security must be implemented. This study examines the weaknesses of cyber security. Threats and attacks exploiting these vulnerabilities are identified and classified. The final part proposes and discusses the development guidelines and mitigation strategies to be used in the development of autonomous and unmanned systems

    Using Travel Times for Optimization Numbers of Medical Rescue Service Points—Case Study from Slovakia

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    Health care and protection is one of the fundamental human rights, which apply to all people of the world. Life and health threats can occur at any place and time, both at times of peace and security and at times of emergencies of any kind. In many cases, provision of urgent medical care creates a time strain. Emergency medical care in the Slovak Republic is provided by a medical rescue service, including mobile emergency care and ambulances, with or without a doctor. The present article deals with the purpose and role of medical rescue service with an emphasis on mobile emergency care provision by ambulances. The following part defines selected factors affecting medical rescue service station locations and numbers of ambulances. Emphasis is laid on an analysis of theoretical assumptions for optimization of the number of medical rescue service stations and ambulances used by them for the purpose of securing care of life and health of the population and addressing emergencies within selected territorial units in the Self-Governing Region of Žilina. The proposed optimization of the number of medical rescue service stations in municipalities is addressed theoretically as a location issue. The resulting theoretical variant of the proposed new distribution of medical rescue service ambulance stations is a mathematical consideration of assurance of emergency medical care provision within 15 min from each event reporting. The mathematical algorithm used for the proposal of medical rescue service ambulance station distribution is applicable in different regions and countries with a defined time to provision of first aid and emergency medical care