154 research outputs found

    Wide and scalable field-of-view Talbot-grid-based fluorescence microscopy

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    Here we report a low-cost and simple wide field-of-view (FOV) on-chip fluorescence-imaging platform, termed fluorescence Talbot microscopy (FTM), which utilizes the Talbot self-imaging effect to enable efficient fluorescence imaging over a large and directly scalable FOV. The FTM prototype has a resolution of 1.2 μm and an FOV of 3.9  mm×3.5  mm. We demonstrate the imaging capability of FTM on fluorescently labeled breast cancer cells (SK-BR-3) and human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK) cells expressing green fluorescent protein

    Extrasynaptic acetylcholine signaling through a muscarinic receptor regulates cell migration

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    Acetylcholine (ACh) promotes various cell migrations in vitro, but there are few investigations into this nonsynaptic role of ACh signaling in vivo. Here we investigate the function of a muscarinic receptor on an epithelial cell migration in Caenorhabditis elegans. We show that the migratory gonad leader cell, the linker cell (LC), uses an M1/M3/M5-like muscarinic ACh receptor GAR-3 to receive extrasynaptic ACh signaling from cholinergic neurons for its migration. Either the loss of the GAR-3 receptor in the LC or the inhibition of ACh release from cholinergic neurons resulted in migratory path defects. The overactivation of the GAR-3 muscarinic receptor caused the LC to reverse its orientation through its downstream effectors Gαq/egl-30, PLCβ/egl-8, and TRIO/unc-73. This reversal response only occurred in the fourth larval stage, which corresponds to the developmental time when the GAR-3::yellow fluorescent protein receptor in the membrane relocalizes from a uniform to an asymmetric distribution. These findings suggest a role for the GAR-3 muscarinic receptor in determining the direction of LC migration

    LINKIN, a new transmembrane protein necessary for cell adhesion

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    In epithelial collective migration, leader and follower cells migrate while maintaining cell-cell adhesion and tissue polarity. We have identified a conserved protein and interactors required for maintaining cell adhesion during a simple collective migration in the developing C. elegans male gonad. LINKIN is a previously uncharacterized, transmembrane protein conserved throughout Metazoa. We identified seven atypical FG-GAP domains in the extracellular domain, which potentially folds into a β-propeller structure resembling the α-integrin ligand-binding domain. C. elegans LNKN-1 localizes to the plasma membrane of all gonadal cells, with apical and lateral bias. We identified the LINKIN interactors RUVBL1, RUVBL2, and α-tubulin by using SILAC mass spectrometry on human HEK 293T cells and testing candidates for lnkn-1-like function in C. elegans male gonad. We propose that LINKIN promotes adhesion between neighboring cells through its extracellular domain and regulates microtubule dynamics through RUVBL proteins at its intracellular domain

    Functional transcriptomics of a migrating cell in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    In both metazoan development and metastatic cancer, migrating cells must carry out a detailed, complex program of sensing cues, binding substrates, and moving their cytoskeletons. The linker cell in Caenorhabditis elegans males undergoes a stereotyped migration that guides gonad organogenesis, occurs with precise timing, and requires the nuclear hormone receptor NHR-67. To better understand how this occurs, we performed RNA-seq of individually staged and dissected linker cells, comparing transcriptomes from linker cells of third-stage (L3) larvae, fourth-stage (L4) larvae, and nhr-67-RNAi–treated L4 larvae. We observed expression of 8,000– 10,000 genes in the linker cell, 22–25% of which were up- or downregulated 20-fold during development by NHR-67. Of genes that we tested by RNAi, 22% (45 of 204) were required for normal shape and migration, suggesting that many NHR-67–dependent, linker cell-enriched genes play roles in this migration. One unexpected class of genes up-regulated by NHR-67 was tandem pore potassium channels, which are required for normal linker-cell migration. We also found phenotypes for genes with human orthologs but no previously described migratory function. Our results provide an extensive catalog of genes that act in a migrating cell, identify unique molecular functions involved in nematode cell migration, and suggest similar functions in humans