641 research outputs found

    Genetic diversity and population structure in the Ryukyu flying fox inferred from remote sampling in the Yaeyama archipelago

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    The Ryukyu flying fox (Pteropus dasymallus) is distributed throughout the island chain spanning across southern Japan, Taiwan, and possibly the Philippines. Although P. dasymallus is listed as VU (vulnerable) in the IUCN Red List, only few genetic works have been conducted to support its conservation. In this study we analyzed 19 markers (mtDNA haplotypes and 18 microsatellite markers) to evaluate genetic diversity and investigate the genetic structure of this species. mtDNA analysis was conducted with 142 DNA remote samples, mostly from faeces, and wing tissues collected on eight islands (Miyako, Ishigaki, Kohama, Kuroshima, Hateruma, Taketomi, Iriomote, Yonaguni). 39 haplotypes were identified in 526bp of the control region, and haplotype network showed no clear genetic structure. Microsatellite analysis was also conducted with 155 samples collected on six islands (Miyako, Ishigaki, Kohama, Taketomi, Iriomote, Yonaguni). It showed that the Yonaguni population exhibits low genetic diversity, high inbreeding, and clear genetic differentiation from other populations. Gene flow between Ishigaki and Miyako through small stepstone islands might be preventing inbreeding of the Miyako population. We provide for the first time indirect proof of long-distance inter-island dispersal in the Ryukyu flying fox and revealed genetic diversity, gene flow and genetic differentiation among the archipelago's populations. These results will be useful for delineating conservation units and designing specific conservation policies for each island based on metapopulation genetic structure

    Experiences of romantic relationships and desires to marry and have children among youth in a low-fertility society.

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    Introduction: This study aims to explore experiences of romantic relationships and to examine determinants of desires to marry and have children in the future among Japanese university students. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among undergraduate students of A University, located in the capital city of a Japanese prefecture, using an anonymous self-administered and structured questionnaire developed by an online survey software. Results: A total of 815 respondents with complete data were analyzed by logistic regression analysis. Over 80% of males and females expressed the desire to marry and have children in the future. It was found that for both female and male respondents, the "desire to marry" was associated with currently being in a romantic relationship or having experience of sexual intercourse. On the contrary, the "desire to have children" was associated with currently being in a romantic relationship or having experience of sexual intercourse only among male respondents, and no significant association was observed among female respondents. Conclusion: "Currently being in a romantic relationship" and "having experience of sexual intercourse" were associated with wanting to marry and have children in the future among male university students. This suggests that these may be important factors in providing a positive perception regarding having children when they attain childbearing age

    KEGG for taxonomy-based analysis of pathways and genomes

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    KEGG (https://www.kegg.jp) is a manually curated database resource integrating various biological objects categorized into systems, genomic, chemical and health information. Each object (database entry) is identified by the KEGG identifier (kid), which generally takes the form of a prefix followed by a five-digit number, and can be retrieved by appending /entry/kid in the URL. The KEGG pathway map viewer, the Brite hierarchy viewer and the newly released KEGG genome browser can be launched by appending /pathway/kid, /brite/kid and /genome/kid, respectively, in the URL. Together with an improved annotation procedure for KO (KEGG Orthology) assignment, an increasing number of eukaryotic genomes have been included in KEGG for better representation of organisms in the taxonomic tree. Multiple taxonomy files are generated for classification of KEGG organisms and viruses, and the Brite hierarchy viewer is used for taxonomy mapping, a variant of Brite mapping in the new KEGG Mapper suite. The taxonomy mapping enables analysis of, for example, how functional links of genes in the pathway and physical links of genes on the chromosome are conserved among organism groups

    13C-NMR Spectroscopic Study on Chemical Species in Piperazine−Amine−CO2−H2O System before and after Heating

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    AbstractChemical reactions associated with the absorption of CO2 into aqueous solutions of blends of piperazine (PZ) with N- methyldiethanolamine (MDEA), etc. were studied by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. The coexistence of PZ and MDEA enhanced the initial apparent rate of HCO3−/CO2−3 formation. This result can be explained by considering that PZ−monocarbamate rapidly formed works as an organocatalyst in the formation reaction of HCO−3. Concentration changes of chemical species in CO2-absorbed aqueous amine solutions upon heating (80°C, 30min) were studied by 13C-NMR spectroscopy. Carbon dioxide regeneration originates mainly from HCO3−/CO3, and not form carbamate and carbonate

    Developing and Using the Video Clips for Beginners

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     本稿は著者が作成した初級日本語学習用ビデオクリップ集について報告するものである。まず,ビデオ教材の利点について述べた後,今回作成した教材の作成方法と教材の内容を説明する。作成したビデオクリップ集は70以上のビデオクリップからなる。各ビデオクリップは一つの文型または表現に焦点を当て,その文型または表現が出てくる短い会話やナレーション付きの映像からなっている。作成は文型または表現の抽出に始まり,スクリ プトの作成,ビデオ撮影,編集という過程を経た。また,ビデオクリップの実際の授業での使用方法を二例紹介し,ビデオクリップを用いた指導の有効性についても述べる

    Minimal-disturbance seismic rehabilitation of steel moment-resisting frames using light-weight steel elements

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    This paper presents a rehabilitation technique developed under a design and construction scheme, termed minimal-disturbance seismic rehabilitation. This scheme pursues enhancing the seismic performance of buildings with the intention of improving the continuity of business while minimizing obstruction of the visual and physical space of building users and the use of heavy construction equipment and hot work (welding/cutting). The developed rehabilitation technique consists of light-weight steel elements and aims to decrease demands to beam-ends of steel moment-resisting frames. The behavior of the baseline model was verified through numerical analysis and proof-of-concept testing. Furthermore, the effectiveness of rehabilitation is studied through retrofitting a four-story steel moment-resisting frame originally designed with Japanese design guidelines