35 research outputs found

    Оrganizational and motivational particularity of distance learning

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    Учење на даљину је особен едукациони процес повезивања полазника са дистрибуираним образовним ресурсима. У свом развоју образовање на даљину је прошло неколико технолошких и организационих фаза, од коришћења штампаних докумената до компјутерски заснованих настава и он-лајн учења. У организационом погледу, учење на даљину је претрпело значајне промене. Те модификације су посебно везане за комбинацију и интеграцију и класичног учењa и учења на даљину. Општа тенденција у организовању савремених едукативних програма јесте у смањењу разлика између класичног и учења на даљину јер многи образовни процеси садрже елементе који припадају и једном и другом виду учења. Учење је врло сложен психофизички процес у коме битну улогу има низ фактора, од узрасти и способности усвајајања сазнања преко примењених знања, мотивисаности, интересовања, коришћења искуства и метода учења и других чинилаца. Мотивациони проблеми учења су присутни у свим његовим облицима, али се код студија на даљину они манифестују на специфичан и појачан начин. Њих диктира карктеристична персонална изолација која је наметнута ограничењима контактирања учесника лицем у лице. Контакти између наставника и полазника су осиромашени и сведени на програмиране клишее чиме изосатају васпитни ефекти и други видови усвајања знања (модел, имитација, идентификација...). Персонална изолација је појачана недостатком директног контакта између самих полазника, чиме изостаје ефекат подршке који се уочава у едукационим процесима оргнизованим на класичан начин. Општа хипотеза која је развијена и доказана у оквиру докторске дисертације је да је учење на даљину као структурално нови облик интеракције учесника који намеће потребу за конципирањем особеног организационог модела извођења ове образовне форме, односно да захтева специфичну структуру чинилаца мотивације за учење. Резултати презентовани у истраживачком делу докторске дисртације потврђују постављене хипотезе да учење на даљину налаже креирање особеног модела Организационе и мотивационе особености учења на даљину мр Ђорђе Михаиловић 7 организације извођења и подстицања мотивисаног понашања његових учесника. Те потребе се посебно односе на примену овог едукационог концепта у високом академском и струковном образовању. Добијени резултати указују на развојну тенденцију конципирања ефикасног организационог модела образовања на даљину усмерну према интегрисању кључних мотивационих чинилаца класичног учења (студирања) и учења на даљинуDistance learning is a distinctive educational process of connecting students with distributed learning resources. In its development, distance education has passed a number of technological and organizational phase, the use of printed documents to computer-based teaching and online learning. In organizational terms, distance learning has undergone significant changes. These modifications are specifically related to the combination and integration of the classical learning and distance learning. The general tendency in the modern organization of educational programs is to reduce the difference between conventional and distance learning for many educational processes contain elements belonging to both form of learning. Learning is a complex psychophysical process that plays an important role of factors including the age and ability of adopting knowledge through applied knowledge, motivation, interests, experiences and use teaching methods and other factors. Motivational problems of learning are present in all its forms, but the study of distance they are manifested in a specific and intensive way. They dictate caracteristical personal isolation imposed restrictions contacting participants face to face. Contact between teachers and students are impoverised and reduced to cliches which are out of programmed diversion effects and other forms of learning (model, imitation, identification ...). Personal isolation is reinforced by the lack of Организационе и мотивационе особености учења на даљину мр Ђорђе Михаиловић 8 direct contact between the students themselves, this missing the effect of support that is evident in the educational processes of companies organized in the traditional manner. The general hypothesis is developed and demonstrated in doctoral dissertation that is a distance learning as a new structural form of the interaction of participants who imposes the need for the design of a specific organizational model performing this form of education, or to request a specific structure factors of motivation for learning. The results presented in the research work of doctoral disrtation, confirm the hypothesis that distance learning requires the creation of a specific model of organization, performance and promote motivated behavior of its participants. These needs are particularly relevant to the application of this concept in an educational university academic and vocational education. The results indicate the development trend of conceiving efficient organizational models of distance education turn by integrating the key motivational factors of classical learning (study) and distance learnin

    Evaluation of forage yields in the urban populations of three Vicia species

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    The Annual Forage Legumes Collection of Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Novi Sad is constantly enriched with the wild populations of large-flowered vetch (Vicia grandiflora Scop.), narrow-leafed vetch (Vicia sativa L. subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth). A small-plot trial was carried out from the autumn 2005 to the summer 2007 at the Experiment Field of the Institute at Rimski Šančevi, which included seven urban populations of large-flowered vetch, seven of narrow-leafed vetch and seven of hairy vetch. The average yields varied from 13.7 t ha-1 of green for- age and 4.1 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the narrow-leafed vetch VN 03 to 50.9 t ha-1 of green forage and 11.7 t ha-1 of forage dry matter in the hairy vetch VV 06

    Words related to some annual egumes in Slavic and other indo-European languages

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    The Indo-European languages form the largest and the most widely distributed linguistic family in the world today. There is an extensive vocabulary common to all Slavic languages, including numerous words related to legumes. A large number of annual legumes were domesticated in the regions inhabited by Indo-European tribes, such as faba bean, pea, lentil, vetches and vetchlings. The Primitive Slavic *bob'', was derived from the Primitive Indo-European root *bhabha, denoting something swelling. There are Slavic languages with two words for lentil, with one of them derived from the Primitive Indo-European root *s(w)okw-, meaning juice, and another from the Primitive Indo-European root *lent- and *lent-s-. The Primitive Slavic *gorch'' has its root in the Primitive Indo-European *ghArs-, being one of the words denoting a leguminous plant. The Primitive Slavonic word for grain *zt''rno, has its origin in the Primitive Indo-European *ger[a]n- and *gran meaning both grain and to mature.

    Potencijal manje rasprostranjenih vrsta jednogodišnjih mahunarki za prinos krme - Bob (Vicia faba l)

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    Although commonly regarded as on of the most important grain legumes, faba bean (Vicia faba L) can be successfully grown for green forage, silage and green manure. A small-plot trial has been carried out at the Rimski Sancevi Experiment Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops during 2005 and 2006, including ten faba bean genotypes of diverse geographic origin from the Annual Forage Legumes Collection of the Forage Crops Department (Tab. 1). All genotypes were sown in early March, with a crop density of 70 plants rrr2, and were cut in the stages of full flowering and forming of the first pods. There were significant differences in all monitored characteristics between the ten examined genotypes at the levels of 0.05 and 0.01 (Tab. 2). Green forage yield, measured in situ after the cutting, in average varied between 26.11 ha-1 in Debek and 51.4 t ha-1 in PP2. Forage dry matter yield, determined on the basis of green forage samples taken after the cutting and dried at room temperature, in average ranged from 12.7 t ha-1 in Brok to 3.91 ha-1 Debek. Forage dry matter portion, calculated as a ratio between forage dry matter yield and green forage yield, in average varied from 0.15 in FP 1 and Debek to 0.29 in Brok. Potential forage crude protein yield, determined on the basis of forage dry matter yield and an average value of forage crude protein content in faba bean of 206.8 g kg-1, in average ranged between 807 kg ha-1 in Debek and 2625 kg ha-1 in Brok. Faba bean has a considerable potential for forage production, with forage yields at the same level as forage pea and common vetch and forage crude protein yields of more than 1500 kg ha-1, as well as for green manuring, establishing itself as a crop for modern trends such as organic farming and sustainable agriculture. The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to the Research Institute of Plant Production Piest'any in Piest'any, Slovakia, as one of the donors of the Annual Forage Legumes Collection.Kao zrna mahunarka, bob (Vicia faba L) poseduje veliki potencijal za proizvodnju krme i primenu u vidu zelenišnog đubriva. Mikroogled, izveden tokom 2005. i 2006. godine na oglednom polju Instituta na Rimskim Šančevima uključio je deset genotipova boba različitog geografskog porekla. Prosečan prinos zelene krme varirao je između 26,1 t ha-1 kod genotipa Debek i 51,4 t ha-1 kod genotipa PP 2. Najviši prinos suve materije krme utvrđen je kod genotipa Brok (12,7 t ha-1), dok je najniži prinos suve materije krme utvrđen kod genotipa Debek (3,9 t ha-1). Genotip Brok odlikovao se najvišim udelom suve materije krme (0,29), a genotipovi PP 1 i Debek najnižim udelom suve materije krme (0,15). Prosečne vrednosti ostvarivog prinosa sirovih proteina krme kretale su se od 807 kg ha-1 kod genotipa Debek, do 2625 kg ha-1 kod genotipa Brok. Utvrđeno je postojanje značajnih razlika u prosečnim vrednostima svih praćenih osobina na oba nivoa značajnosti

    Prvi rezultati gajenja buretaste lucerke (Medicago truncatula) u Srbiji

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    A small-plot trial with eight Australian barrel medic (Medicago truncatula Gaertn) cultivars was carried out in 2010 at Rimski Šančevi. The average green forage and forage dry matter yields were highest in Jemalong (30.7 t ha-1 and 7.3 t ha-1) and Parabinga (30.7 t ha-1 and 8.0 t ha-1). Forage dry matter crude protein content ranged between 150.8 g kg-1 in Parabinga and 179.4 g kg-1 in Jester. Forage neutral detergent fibre content varied from 305.2 g kg-1 in Sephi to 458.8 g kg-1 in Caliph, while the average forage acid detergent fibre content was 312.8 g kg-1. The average seed yield for all cultivars was 281 kg ha-1 and may be considered satisfying, as it was obtained in a very rainy and warm growing season. Jemalong and Parabinga had the highest aboveground nitrogen yield (190 kg ha-1 and 193 kg ha-1) and thus the greatest potential for green manure.Mikro-ogled sa osam australijskih sorti buretaste lucerke (Medicago truncatula Gaertn) izveden je na Rimskim Šančevima 2010. Najveći prosečni prinos zelene krme i suve materije krme bio je kod sorti Jemalong (30,7 t ha-1 i 7,3 t ha-1) i Parabinga (30,7 t ha-1 i 8,0 t ha-1). Sadržaj sirovih proteina suve materije krme kretao se između 150,8 g kg-1 kod sorte Parabinga i 179,4 g kg-1 kod sorte Jester. Sadržaj neutralno-deterdžentskih vlakana (NDF) krme kretao se od 305,2 g kg-1 kod sorte Sephi do 458,8 g kg-1 kod sorte Caliph, dok je prosečni sadržaj kiselo-deterdžentskih vlakana (ADF) bio 312,8 g kg-1. Prosečan prinos semena svih sorti iznosio je 281 kg ha-1 i može se smatrati zadovoljavajućim s obzirom na veoma kišoviti i topli vegetacioni period vrste. Sorte Jemalong i Parabinga ostvarile su najveći prinos nadzemnog azota (190 kg ha-1 i 193 kg ha-1) i time najveći potencijal za zelenišno đubrenje

    Zasnivanje višegodišnjih krmnih leguminoza u združenoj setvi sa stočnim graškom

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    Perennial forage legumes produce poor yields during the establishment year if seeded as pure crops. In that light a companion/nurse crop is needed to overcome this lack of productivity in establishment years. Traditional options for this purpose include oats, or barley. But these crops do not provide all protein that farmer needs. Fodder pea as protein crop meets this requirement. Information on use of fodder pea as companion crop receives little mention in the literature. Some authors claim that forage peas can be used as suitable companion crop in perennial forage legumes establishment. In alfalfa and red clover establishment with fodder pea as nurse crop nitrogen fixation is more efficient, in particular at the very beginning of growing season. Forage and protein yield in the first year of growing increase and crop has higher competition with weed. The aim of this study was to determine whether fodder peas is suitable crop to use for the establishment of perennial forage legumes. In particular to determine the effect of pea genotype with different morphological properties (semi leaf, and reduced leaflets) and develop of agronomic practices for using peas to establish forage legumes. These include number of pea plants i.e. seeding rate, and establishment method. The trial was carried out at the experimental field in randomized block design in three replications during two years (2004 and 2005). Perennial legumes were alfalfa (cv. Mediana) and red clover (cv. Kolubara). Regarding fodder pea, two factors has been applied: fodder pea variety (Jezero-semi-leaf less and Javor-common leaf with reduced leaflets) and number of pea plants (30, 60, 90 plants of pea per square meter). Control variants were pure stand of alfalfa and red clover and their mixture with oat. At stage of technological maturity forage and protein yield (t ha-1) were monitored. On average the highest forage yield has been achieved in control-2, then variants with cover crop and the lowest in pure stand of investigated perennial legumes. Concerning fodder pea variety on average both for alfalfa and red clover similar forage yield has been achieved. Regarding number of plants the highest average yield was obtained with 90 pea plants. First cut has the highest portion in annual yield. As consequence of small variation in crude protein content, crude protein yield has the same trend like forage yield.Višegodišnje krmne leguminoze u prolećnom zasnivanju, što je najčešći slučaj u našim agroekološkim uslovima daju mali prinos krme u prvoj godini ako se seju kao čist usev. Združena setva je efikasan način za povećanje prinosa krme u prvom otkosu, odnosno prvoj godini života. Tradicionalne opcije združene setve višegodišnjih leguminoza koje imaju za cilj povećanje prinosa uključuju strna žita, pre svega ovas ili ječam. Međutim, ovi usevi nemaju zadovoljavajući kvalitet, što nije slučaj kod stočnog graška koji pored prednosti vezanih za kvalitet ima i odgovarajuće morfološke i biološke osobine pogodne za združenu setvu, što se pozitivno odražava na naredne otkose i godine eksploatacije poduseva. U poljskim uslovima u toku dve godine postavljena su dva uporedna dvofaktorijalna ogleda u kome su podusevi bili lucerka i crvena detelina. U odnosu na stočni grašak kao nadusev ispitivana su dva faktora, sorta (Jezero i Javor) i broj biljaka (30, 60, i 90 po m2). Kao kontrola korišćene su lucerka i crvena detelina sejane u čistoj setvi i združeno sa ovsem. U obe godine istraživanja najveći prinos zelene mase kod oba poduseva dobijen je u smeši sa ovsem. U združenoj setvi sa stočnim graškom, na svim tretmanima dobijen je veći prinos u odnosu na kontrolu 1 (čist usev višegodišnje leguminoze). U pogledu faktora A, kod obe sorte dobijene su slične vrednosti prinosa zelene mase. Kada je u pitanju broj biljaka (faktor B), najveći prinos je dobijen setvom 90 biljaka po m2. Prvi otkos u združenoj setvi ima izrazit udeo u produkciji zelene mase na godišnjem nivou. S obzirom na mali razmak varijacije u pogledu sadržaja proteina, prinos proteina u prvom otkosu ima isti trend kretanja kao i prinos zelene mase

    Varijabilnost bioloških i agronomskih karaktera divljih grahorica (Vicia) flore Vojvodine

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    In flora of Vojvodina there are 23 vetch species of different origin Morphological variability, micromorphological analyses of seed testa organization of vegetative organs, content of elements (N, Ca) were presented in this work. Results given in this review paper suggest biodiversity of investigated wild wetch species. Taxonomic and genetic variability of species of Vicia genera can be very interesting from different point of view.U flori Vojvodine, na različitim staništima raste 23 vrste divljih grahorica U radu se daju staništa, botaničke i agronomske karakteristike, odnosno diverzitet grahorica, koji može biti od interesa za agronomsku praksu. Analizirani podaci ukazuju na morfološku, anatomsku i hemijsku varijabilnost biljaka i semena grahorica

    Forage yield in some legume crop wild relatives

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    Since the abundance of genera and species within the family of legumes (Fabaceae Lindl. (syn. Leguminosae Jass. u Papilionaceae Giseke)), there is a large number of annual legume crop wild species having a great significance in improving their cultivated relatives. Species, such as red-yellow (Pisum sativum Sm.) or Ethiopian (Pisum abyssinicum A, Braun) peas play an important role of introgressing the resistance to pea weevil (Brachus pisorum L.) and numerous diseases to cultivated pea (Pisum sativum L..). On the other hand, there is a certain number of annual legume crop wild relatives that showed a considerable potential for forage production. Two of them is large-flowered vetch (Vicia grandiflora Scop.) and narrow-leafed vetch (Vicia sativa subsp. nigra (L.) Ehrh.), both characterized by extreme winter hardiness, earliness and, in many populations, high and quality forage yield. The main obstacle in successful pre-breeding activities in these two wild vetches major problem that needs to be solved is indetermined stem growth and non-uniform maturity, leading to low and economically non-reliable seed yield

    Genetički resursi jednogodišnjih krmnih mahuimarki u svetu i Srbiji

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    One of the main goals of the programmes related to genetic resources of annual forage legumes is the conservation of a remarkable genetic variability of these crops in the form of collections of accessions of diverse origin and status, it is estimated that there is more than 800,000 accessions of annual legumes in the centres and institutes such as ICARDA, ICRISAT, VIR, 1PK i IPGR (Table 1). The work on genetic resources of annual forage legumes in the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops has been carried out together with breeding. The Annual Forage Legumes Collection of the Institute contains 1,460 accessions of 16 genera and 67 species. The highest value of the collection lays in its utilization in developing new cultivars. Characterization of the accessions is aimed at seed shape, seed coat colour cotyledon colour and flower colour, as well as at the traits characteristic for single species, such as leaf type in pea. There have been carried evaluations of yield and chemical composition of forage and grain yields and resistance to pests, diseases, low temperatures and drought.Jedan od osnovnih ciljeva programa vezanih za genetičke resurse jednogodišnjih krmnih mahunarki jeste očuvanje izuzetne genetičke varijabilnosti osobina ove grupe biljaka. Procenjuje se da, u zbirkama centara i instituta, kao što su ICARDA, ICRISAT, VIR, IPK i IPGR, postoji više od 800000 uzoraka jednogodišnjih mahunarki. Rad na genetičkim resursima jednogodišnjih krmnih mahunarki u Institutu za ratarstvo i povrtarstvo u Novom Sadu odvijao se uporedo sa oplemenjivanjem. Zbirka jednogodišnjih krmnih mahunarki Instituta sastoji se od 1460 uzoraka 16 rodova i 67 vrsta. Najveća vrednost Zbirke nalazi se u njenom korišćenju u stvaranju novih sorti. Karakterizacija uzoraka Zbirke usmerena je na oblik semena, boju semenjače, boju kotiledona i boju cveta, kao i osobine svojstvene pojedinim vrstama, kao što je tip lista kod graška. Takođe, vrši se i evaluacija prinosa i hemijskog sastava krme i zrna i otpornosti na bolesti i štetočine kao i dejstvo niskih temeperatura i suše

    Intercropping spring-sown annual legumes with brassicas for forage production

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    Available references on intercropping brassicas with legumes are rather scarce. However, there are recent reports showing numerous benefits for a brassica component, especially in the form of an easier uptake of less available nutrients because of a positive influence of the legume companion. The goal of this study was to assess the potential of intercropping various spring-sown brassicas with legumes for forage production. A small-plot trial has been carried out in the trial years of 2010, 2011 and 2012 at the Experimental Field of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops at Rimski Šančevi in the vicinity of Novi Sad. It included six intercrops of spring-sown brassicas with spring-sown annual legumes. Two brassicas, in this case, rapeseed (Brassica napus L. var. napus) cv. Jovana and white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) cv. NS Gorica played the role of supporting crops for four legumes, namely pea (Pisum sativum L.) cv. Jantar, common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) cv. Perla, and grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.), acting as supported crops. All six cultivars, developed at the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, were also sown as sole crops