6 research outputs found

    Impact of lime and NPK fertilizers on yield and quality of oats on pseudogley soil and their valorisation

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    In order to determine the effect of fertilization, environment, and their interactions on the yield and oats yield components. Five fertilization treatments (T1-control, T2-80 kg N ha(-1), T3-120 kg N ha(-1), 80 kg P2O5 ha(-1) and 80 kg K2O ha(-1), T4-N120P80K80 + 5 t ha(-1) of lime and T5-N120P80K80 + 5 t ha(-1) of lime + 30 t ha(-1) of farmyard manure) were examined during three growing seasons in Kraljevo location in Western Serbia. Grain yield (GY), 1000 grain weight (TGW), hectolitre weight (HW), plant height (PH), panicle length (PL), number of grains per panicle (NGP) and protein content (PC) were analysed. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of organic and mineral fertilization and calcification on the yield and oats yield components. On average, for all fertilizer variants, during the three-year trial, the highest yield of oats 3802 kg ha(-1) was obtained in the fertilizer variant with the combined application of NPK fertilizers, lime and manure. Positive highly significant correlation, during in the study trial were found between yields with PH, PL and NGP. Negative and highly significant dependencies were found between protein content with GY, PH and NGP. The results of these studies indicate the importance of rational introduction of adequate quantities of fertilization, calcification and humization in order to make oats as profitable as possible in the agro-ecological conditions in Pannonian Environments

    Impact of row spacing and seed rate on the production characteristics of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and their valorisation

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    In this paper are shown the results of the production characteristics of the perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cv. `Naki', which grown in rows with different row spacing and seed rate in the agroecological conditions of central Serbia in three successive analysed years. Four levels of two observed factors were used in the experiment: row spacing (12.5; 25; 37.5 and 50 cm) and seed rate (9, 16, 23 and 30 kg ha(-1)). Due to the analyses, the height of the tiller, the length of the spike and the number of spikelets per spike gave better results by sowing in wider rows (37.5 and 50 cm) using lower seed rate (9 and 16 kg ha(-1)). Seed yield and harvest index responded favourably to sowing in rows at a wider row spacing (37.5 and 50 cm) in combination with a lower seed rate (9 and 16 kg ha(-1)), while shoot dry weight gave better results by sowing in narrower rows (12.5 cm) with lower seed rate (9 and 16 kg ha(-1)). Using the appropriate row spacing in sowing and the optimum of seed rate provides the highest results of the production characteristics of the perennial ryegrass that can be applied to further production

    Derivative suit

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    Savremeni druÅ”tveni trenutak odlikuje se dinamičnim rastom globalnog tržiÅ”ta, novonastalim konkurentskim imperativima, rastućom težnjom za Å”to većom maksimizacijom profita, hiperkomercijalizmom i velikom razuđenoŔću poslovnog života u kojem dominantnu formu obavljanja privredne djelatnosti preuzimaju druÅ”tva kapitala, a naročito akcionarska druÅ”tva. Razlog za takav primat na poslovnoj sceni, u vremenu masovne industrijalizacije i intezivnog ekonomskog rasta, ogleda se u njihovoj ekonomskoj suÅ”tini kao podesnog sredstva brze akumulacije velike količine kapitala u cilju stavljanja u poslovnu funkciju, kao i snoÅ”enje poslovnog rizika od strane većeg broja učesnika srazmjerno unijetim ulozima. Refleksija te suÅ”tine na pravnu ravan čini da akcionarska druÅ”tva predstavljaju složen pravni mehanizam statusnih i imovinskih prava, kao dijela obligacionopravnog odnosa između akcionara (vlasnika akcija) i akcionarskog druÅ”tva (kao izdavaoca akcija), njihove ograničene odgovornosti i specifičnih suvlasničkih odnosa, definisanih članskim pravima. Pored toga, moderna privredna realnost nameće potrebu za ekspertskim znanjima o proizvodnim procesima, distribuciji proizvoda, tržiÅ”tu sirovina, poreskoj politici, računovodstvenim standardima, kao i nizu srodnih pitanja za čije su rjeÅ”avanje vlasnici (akcionari), po pravilu, nekompetentni, Å”to rezultira angažovanjem stručnih lica kojima se prepuÅ”ta vođenje kompanija, a time i odvajanje vlasničke od upravljačke funkcije. Taj pluralitet konstituenata akcionarskog entiteta pretpostavlja i pluralitet u njemu zastupljenih interesa, budući da iako konvergiraju istom zajedničkom cilju ā€“ uspjeÅ”nom poslovanju druÅ”tva, ispoljavaju i brojne druge partikularne ciljeve nerijetko različite od interesa druÅ”tva kao cjeline, Å”to neizbježno vodi učestalim konfliktima njihovih nosilaca. Na taj način ističu se tri dimenzije viÅ”eslojnosti interesa u privrednom druÅ”tvu, kao izvor potencijalnih sukoba, na relaciji: akcionari ā€“ uprava (naročito u uslovima disperzovanog vlasniÅ”tva), kao konflikt interesa između principala i agenta, tj. nalogodavca i nalogoprimca; većinski - manjinski članovi, prisutan u klimi koncentrisanog vlasniÅ”tva, kao opasnost od zloupotrebe principa većinskog odlučivanja (tzv. ā€žtiranije većineā€œ); i druÅ”tvo/članovi ā€“ ostali nosioci rizika (povjerioci, poslovni partneri, zaposleni, potroÅ”ači, država i lokalna zajednica), Å”iroko rasprostranjen u svim druÅ”tvima, nezavisno od strukture vlasniÅ”tva. Imajući u vidu problematizovanje strukture pluraliteta interesa zastupljenih u privrednom druÅ”tvu i iz nje neizbježno proisteklih konflikata koji nameću potrebu za sveobuhvatnom zaÅ”titom akcionarskih prava, nesumnjivo je da pitanje adekvatne sudske zaÅ”tite zahtijeva stalno preispitivanje u cilju povećanja njene efikasnosti. U tom smislu, naučna scena je primarno pozvana da teorijskom analizom pruži kritički osvrt na postojeća i viziju budućih legislativnih rjeÅ”enja, inoviranje implementiranih instituta i kreaciju perspektivnih modela. Taj zadatak je najprioritetniji kada je riječ o institutima visokog potencijala pravne zaÅ”tite, a nedovoljne naučne obrade kakav je derivativna tužba. Podsticaj tim zadatkom rezultirao je definisanjem predmeta, tj. centralne teme ove disertacije sadržane u njenom naslovu i nametnute postavkom problema

    COVID-19 and Beyond: Employee Perceptions of the Efficiency of Teleworking and Its Cybersecurity Implications

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    The main idea of this research is to examine how teleworking has affected employee perceptions of organizational efficiency and cybersecurity before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research is based on an analytical and empirical approach. The starting point of the research is a critical and comprehensive analysis of the relevant literature regarding the efficiency of organizations due to teleworking, digital information security, and cyber risk management. The quantitative approach is based on designing a structural equation model (SEM) on a sample of 1101 respondents from the category of employees in Montenegro. Within the model, we examine simultaneously the impact of their perceptions on the risks of teleworking, changes in cyber-attacks during teleworking, organizationsā€™ capacity to respond to cyber-attacks, key challenges in achieving an adequate response to cyber-attacks, as well as perceptions of key challenges related to cybersecurity. The empirical aspects of our study involve constructing latent variables that correspond to different elements of employee perception; namely, their perception of organizational efficiency and the extent to which the digital information security of their organizations has been threatened during teleworking during the pandemic

    The right to a healthy environment as an intergenerational phenomenon

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    The necessity of considering the right to a healthy environment in the context of intergenerational phenomenon is especially fueled by accusations that the current generations live at the expense of future unborn generations, which is often accompanied by a rather brutal rhetoric like 'suspensive robbery' (as the famous environmental activist Paul Hawken points out: 'We have an economy where we steal from the future, sell in the present and we call that GDP'). In that sense, the paper analyzes the temporal range of the right to a healthy environment by addressing its substance, the idea of intergenerational justice and equality, the ability of future generations have rights in the present, as well as sustainable development - until now the most optimal compromise between seemingly irreconcilable demands of economy and ecology as well as the interests of present and future generations

    The medicinal properties of buckwheat honey in compliance with food safety regulatory requirements. Honey variety ā€˜Novosadskaā€™

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    Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) is a gluten-free pseudo-cereal and honey plant. Buckwheat grain yields vary greatly and depend on the genotype, agro-ecological conditions of production and harvesting method. The grain yield of the ā€˜Novosadskaā€™ variety variŠµs 1.5-3 t/ha and the honey yield amounts and more than 300 kg/ha. Buckwheat grain contains: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, organic acids and rutin (quercetin-3-rutinosid), minerals (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iodine, zinc, bromine and iron), vitamins (D2-ergokalciferol, D3-holekalciferol, P-bioflavonoids, vitamins group B: B1-Thiamine, B2-Riboflavin, B3-niacin, B4-Choline, B5-Pantothenic acid, B6-Piridoxin, B9-Folate; and vitamin E-Tocopherols. ā€˜Novosadskaā€™ buckwheat contains the highest level of phenolic acids, proanthocyanidins, flavones and flavonols. Buckwheat honey is dark color, which it gets from polyphenols. Polyphenols is antioxidants, organic compounds which affect the quality of food, especially the color and taste. In accordance with the law on food safety, the interests of consumers must be ensured the highest level of protection. Phenolic antioxidants from honey are bioavailable and increase the antioxidant activity of plasma. Buckwheat honey has a beneficial effect on bronchitis and cough, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, of heart disease, liver and intestinal diseases and has antibacterial effects