100 research outputs found

    The Impact of Capacity to Change and Change Leadership on Organizational Change Process

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    Nowadays, change and how to lead it successfully has become the foremost topic on the minds of organizational leaders. And for good reasons: change is happening everywhere; its speed and complexity are increasing; and the future success of our organizations depends on how successful leaders are at leading that change. In today’s marketplace, change is a requirement for continued success, and competent change leadership is a most coveted executive skill.change; change management; leadership; strategy; capacity to change.

    Managing and measuring performance in organizational development

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    The purpose of this study is to contribute to our understanding of the effects of implementing optimized solutions to increase the performance of a company. Based on a sample of 1442 small companies, the design of a linear model of optimization was selected because of the limits of the model of organizational development in Romania and the perspective on the market value of firms, which, in fact, is the most eloquent result of management’s actions. Research results reveal that successful performance management is important for the survival and success of any organization in today’s environment, which is highly competitive and continuously evolving. As expected, the management of an entity goes beyond time, and the role of the leader of the future is to ensure the long-term growth of shareholders’ wealth and the prosperity and well-being of the company he or she leads. Finally, our conclusions show that this model is valid and can be used to produce and implement organizational change in Romanian companies

    One Size Doesn’t Fit All: An Inclusive Art Therapy Approach for Communication Augmentation and Emotion Control in Children with Autism

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    Autism is a pervasive developmental disorder resulting in problematic social interactions, activities, and language development, where communication, or the deciphering and transmitting of emotions, is hindered by a tendency for uncontrolled emotions. Current knowledge recognizes the positive effect of art therapy on developmental disorders. This study examines how art therapy could be applied to optimize recovery of children with autism. Specifically, it explores the question: How might art therapy intervention be designed to facilitate communication augmentation and emotion control in children with autism? This study argues that, given the complexities of autism, a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach of standardized processes and techniques might not be effective. An experiential model of art therapy intervention is proposed, which focuses as much, or more, on the experience of the child in the art making process as on the art piece created. This inclusive approach builds on, and accommodates, the diversity exhibited by children with autism

    Influence of the Total Consumption of Households on Municipal Waste Quantity in Romania

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    Sustainable development is a worldwide concern. This paper presents an analysis of the influence of the final consumption expenditure on the total consumption of households in Romania. The regression function of the association between “the amount of municipal waste” and “the total consumption of households” has a direct linear relationship. The regression variable “total household consumption” (X) has a regression coefficient of −0.03031, which indicates that the amount of municipal waste decreases by one unit as household consumption increases by 30.31 units. Therefore, this regression coefficient indicates that the volume of municipal waste decreases by 30.31 tons to an increase in the final consumption expenditure of households of EUR 1 million. The influence of the final consumption expenditure of households by consumption purpose on the quantity of municipal waste is in the following order: health; housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels; clothing and footwear; miscellaneous goods and services; recreation and culture; food and non-alcoholic goods; restaurants and hotels; furnishing and household equipment and routine household maintenance; alcoholic and tobacco goods; communications; and education. The value of the Significance F must be less than 0.05. In the case of the model, it is found that this value exceeds the threshold of 0.05 in the case of consumption generated by health services, recreation and culture, restaurants and hotels, alcohol and tobacco goods, and communications. Regarding the high value of Significance F in relation to consumption, we find the sectors that generate the least amount of waste (services). In the case of all of the independent variables, we can note that the relationship is a negative one, which proves that an increase in the quantity of any expenditure of the households generates a decrease of the municipal waste quantity

    The Competitiveness of the Romanian Agri-Food Sector in the Context of Sustainable Development

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    The agri-food sector in our country faces development gaps compared to other states in the European Union. The agricultural potential of our country is high and European Union finances this sector through the two pillars of the Common Agricultural Policy, namely market measures and rural development policy. The paper represents an analysis of GDP, population employed in agriculture, productivity and investments realized in the agricultural sector from Romania, in the period 2009 – 2021

    Recycling Li-ion batteries in eco-friendly environments

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    ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS: Jelen tanulmány egy olyan kísérlet eredményeit mutatja be, amelynek célja a színesfémek (pl. Co, Li Cu és Al) kinyerése a már elhasználódott, a mobiltelefon-iparban alkalmazott Li-ion akkumulátorokból. Egy optimális eljárás került kifejlesztésre a LiCoO2 vegyületet tartalmazó aktív paste (elektrolit) elválasztására az alumínium katódtól. Ehhez ultrahangos fürdőt használtunk, amelyben különböző savas oldatok (pl. citromsav, ecetsav, tejsav) szerepeltek oldóanyagként. Az általunk kidolgozott eljárás a következő előnyökkel rendelkezik: alacsony költségigény, nagyfokú hatékonyság (90%), környezetbarát. ABSTRACT: The paper presents the results of a research carried out with the goal of recovering the useful non-ferrous metals (i.e. Co, Li Cu and Al) from spent Li-ion batteries used in the mobile phone industry. An optimal process was developed to separate active paste (containing LiCoO2 compound) from the aluminium cathode. For this purpose, an ultrasonic bath was used, in which different acid solutions (i.e. citric acid, acetic acid, lactic acid) were introduced as a leaching agent. This recovery process presents the following advantages: it has low costs, the process has high recovery efficiency (90%), and is largely ecological

    The Intrinsic Shapes of Low Surface Brightness Galaxies (LSBGs):A Discriminant of LSBG Galaxy Formation Mechanisms

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    We use the low surface brightness galaxy (LSBG) samples created from the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (781 galaxies), the Dark Energy Survey (20977 galaxies), and the Legacy Survey (selected via H I detection in the Arecibo Legacy Fast ALFA Survey, 188 galaxies) to infer the intrinsic shape distribution of the LSBG population. To take into account the effect of the surface brightness cuts employed when constructing LSBG samples, we simultaneously model both the projected ellipticity and the apparent surface brightness in our shape inference. We find that the LSBG samples are well characterized by oblate spheroids, with no significant difference between red and blue LSBGs. This inferred shape distribution is in good agreement with similar inferences made for ultra-diffuse cluster galaxy samples, indicating that environment does not play a key role in determining the intrinsic shape of LSBGs. We also find some evidence that LSBGs are more thickened than similarly massive high surface brightness dwarfs. We compare our results to intrinsic shape measures from contemporary cosmological simulations, and find that the observed LSBG intrinsic shapes place considerable constraints on the formation path of such galaxies. In particular, LSBG production via the migration of star formation to large radii produces intrinsic shapes in good agreement with our observational findings