80 research outputs found

    International Cooperation for Smart and Sustainable Agriculture

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    This chapter presents international best practices, realized within Europe, and focuses on cooperation for developing innovation support mechanisms and approaches in the area of smart agriculture. Specific situations are presented and analyzed in detailed regarding the requirements of smart agriculture and the possibilities to implement its percepts. As a consequence, solutions are proposed both in the technical and management domains to help speed up the transition from classical agriculture techniques to technology infused approaches, suitable for the current needs of this sector. Also, policy recommendations are developed based on the scientific findings in alignment with the evolution of the competitive pressures

    Considerations on the Psychological Status of the Patients Undergoing Radical Cystectomy

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    The psychological impact on patients suffering radical cystectomy is twofold - (both that of the underlying neoplastic disease and that measured by the quality of life subsequent to surgery) and increases as the urinary derivation technique is less physiological and affects more the local anatomy. Although there are numerous questionnaires that assess the quality of life of patients with cancer (HRQoL - health related QoL), not many probe bladder cancer morbidity or correlate the different types of urinary diversions’ impact on QoL (quality of life). We analyzed 39 cases in our clinic who underwent radical cystectomy between August 2013 and August 2014. Different diversions were performed, as follows: for 24 patients a cutaneous ureterostomy was performed, in 10 cases a Mainz II pouch, in 3 cases a Bricker derivation and in 2 patients a Studer neobladder was performed. In these patients, QoL - Cancer Version and FACT-BL questionnaires were administered and were followed for an initial period of 2 years. According to our survey, the Bricker derivation is best tolerated, followed by neobladder and the Mainz II pouch

    Analysis of current and voltage harmonics introduced by the drive systems of a bucket wheel excavator

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    Purpose. The quality of electricity is a problem of major interest, making it necessary to analyze the factors and causes that result in the worsening of the electric energy quality. An important aspect of electricity quality is the introduction of current and voltage harmonics in the alternating current network by non-linear consumers. The paper analyzes the deforming regime introduced by the drive systems of a bucket wheel excavator within a technological line at an open pit mine. Methods. The paper presents the measurements of power quality in a laboratory experimental study and measurements of an upgraded technological line at a lignite open pit. In this sense, the present the study of a distorting regime introduced by the drive systems formed from a static frequency converter and an asynchronous motor, as well as the results of quality power measurements introduced by the drive systems in the electric network. Findings. The paper presents analysis of the voltage and current harmonics introduced in the alternating current network of static converter-asynchronous motor drive systems, which is necessary to establish the deformation factor. The values of the deforming regime are essential to obtain the harmonic compensation solutions. Originality. The originality of the paper consists in the approach to the measurements performed and the analysis of the deforming regime introduced by the electric drive systems. Practical implications. The values of the current and voltage harmonics were determined both by the laboratory measurements and by measurements made on the supply line of a bucket wheel excavator in different operating regimes.Мета. Дослідження та аналіз гармоніки струму й напруги, що з’являються в мережі змінного струму, а також деформуючого режиму, заданого системами приводу багатоковшового екскаватора на технологічній лінії кар’єра. Методика. Виконано лабораторні вимірювання для дослідження змінного деформуючого режиму, створюваного приводними системами зі статичним перетворювачем частоти – асинхронним двигуном. Виміри проводилися на лабораторному стенді з наступним обладнанням: асинхронний двигун (Pn = 3 кВт), непрямий статичний перетворювач частоти VARISPEED F7, генератор постійного струму, що працює як тормоз навантаження на приводний двигун, обладнання для аналізу якості енергії. Вимірювання проводились при запуску, зміні частоти та при різних значеннях напруги й навантаження, включаючи роботу без навантаження. Результати. Встановлено, що на виході інвертора деформуючий режим сильніше в разі напруги, ніж в разі електричного струму, що відбувається внаслідок особливого режиму формування кривих напруги на виході інвертора. Визначено, що на модернізованій виробничої лінії, що складається з оснащених випрямлячами з широтною модуляцією, спостерігалося, що гармонійний режим значно знижений у порівнянні з технологічними лініями, що не модернізуються і які використовують напівкеровані випрямлячі, тим самим, що вводять у режим гармоніки досить яскраво виражений гармонійний режим. Виявлено, що в разі модернізованих виробничих ліній немає суттєвих перешкод у зміні напруги й струму, але виявлено, що зміна коефіцієнта потужності є неадекватною, становить 0.5 і менше при більш високих значеннях навантаження, що пов’язано з більш довгими електричними лініями або впливом інших користувачів. Наукова новизна. Розроблено принципово новий підхід до експериментальних вимірів якості електроенергії та аналізу деформуючого режиму, викликаного системами електроприводу. Практична значимість. Отримані результати дозволяють модернізувати якість системи електропостачання та підвищити якість електроенергії для виїмкової техніки при відкритій розробці родовищ.Цель. Исследование и анализ гармоники тока и напряжения, появляющихся в сети переменного тока, а также деформирующего режима, заданного системами привода многоковшового экскаватора на технологической линии карьера. Методика. Выполнены лабораторные измерения для исследования искажающего деформирующего режима, создаваемого приводными системами со статическим преобразователем частоты – асинхронным двигателем. Измерения проводились на лабораторном стенде со следующим оборудованием: асинхронный двигатель (Pn = 3 кВт), непрямой статический преобразователь частоты VARISPEED F7, генератор постоянного тока, работающий как тормоз нагрузки на приводной двигатель, оборудование для анализа качества энергии. Измерения проводились при запуске, изменении частоты и при различных значениях напряжения и нагрузки, включая работу без нагрузки. Результаты. Установлено, что на выходе инвертора деформирующий режим сильнее в случае напряжения, чем в случае электрического тока, что происходит вследствие особого режима формирования кривых напряжения на выходе инвертора. Определено, что на модернизированной производственной линии, состоящей из оснащенных выпрямителей с широтной модуляцией, наблюдалось, что гармонический режим значительно снижен по сравнению с технологическими линиями, которые не модернизируются и которые используют полууправляемые выпрямители, тем самым вводящие в режим гармоники достаточно ярко выраженный гармонический режим. Выявлено, что в случае модернизированных производственных линий нет сильных помех в изменении напряжения и тока, но обнаружено, что изменение коэффициента мощности неадекватно, составляет 0.5 и менее при более высоких значениях нагрузки, что связано с более длинными электрическими линиями или влиянием других пользователей. Научная новизна. Разработан принципиально новый подход к экспериментальным измерениям качества электроэнергии и анализа деформирующего режима, вызванного системами электропривода. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты позволяют модернизировать системы электроснабжения и повысить качество электроэнергии для выемочной техники при открытой разработке месторождений.The authors state that this research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors


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    We spend more time at home, but above all, health is a priority. And because exercise is part of a balanced lifestyle, here are mobile sports apps to help you exercise and exercise at home. When the weather outside is not friendly to be able to exercise outdoors or when it is recommended to stay indoors for a long period, as was the case in past years, to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, we must not give up to physical exercises, but we have to find alternative solutions. Here's the best alternative for outdoor exercise: mobile sports apps that help you exercise at home. In the paper "Sport fans usage of fitness Apps" we have presented a brief history of the appearance of fitness applications, a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of these applications and a short description of two studies carried out in this field of sports application


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    Globally, sponsorship has grown impressive over the last 30 years, receiving an increased importance in the communication mix of companies. Sport organizations have understood the importance and the role sponsorship it plays for the financial support they need. Sponsorship is the material support of an event, activity or organization by an unaffiliated partner. It is a good way to increase brand awareness, which helps to generate consumer preferences and promote brand loyalty and also improves the brand image. Brands play an important role in the development of companies because they bring a number of benefits to them. The paper "Innovation’s impact on sponsorship activation" aims to present a series of theoretical elements of activating sponsorship, as well as the element of innovation in this process, an element represented by the social media presence in our lives and in the last part of the paper is presented a study based on a survey on our topic. REZUMAT. Rolul social-media în activarea sponsorizării. La nivel global, sponsorizarea a crescut impresionant în ultimii 30 de ani, primind o importanță crescută în mixul de comunicare al companiilor. Organizațiile sportive au înțeles importanța și rolul de sponsorizare pe care îl joacă pentru sprijinul financiar de care au nevoie. Sponsorizarea este sprijinul material al unui eveniment, activitate sau organizație de către un partener neafiliat. Este o modalitate bună de a crește gradul de conștientizare a mărcii, care ajută la generarea preferințelor consumatorilor și la promovarea loialității mărcii și, de asemenea, îmbunătățește imaginea mărcii. Mărcile joacă un rol important în dezvoltarea companiilor, deoarece le aduc o serie de beneficii. Lucrarea „Impactul inovației asupra activării sponsorizării” își propune să prezinte o serie de elemente teoretice ale activării sponsorizării, precum și elementul de inovație în acest proces, element reprezentat de prezența social media în viețile noastre și în ultima parte a lucrării este prezentat un studiu bazat pe un sondaj pe tema noastră. Cuvinte cheie: Marcă, Activare Sponsorizare, Rețele Sociale, Sportiv

    Influence of Sintering Temperature on the Structure of the Yttrium Based Phosphor Nanoparticles

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    Yttrium-based phosphor materials belonging to the class known as garnets have witnessed a strong return with the development of the first white LEDs. Among these materials, yttrium aluminum garnet doped with cerium has become the best known, being successfully used in generating white light, due to its capacity to convert the blue light emitted by a GaN chip. But its use in optoelectronic applications is subject to the achievement of parameters such as: purity of the crystal phase and particles size in the nanoscale range. In this study, we present a modified sol-gel method for the synthesis of yttrium aluminum garnet doped with cerium (YAG:Ce). In the end, heat treatment will be carried out at various temperatures and the effect of sintering temperature on the crystal phase and morphology will be studied. To highlight the phase transition from amorphous to crystalline state, a Rigaku SmartLab X-ray Diffraction System was used. Moreover, by the X-Ray diffraction pattern we evidenced the presence of the intermediate phases such as the main oxides, the metastable phases with perovskite (YAP) and monoclinic (YAM) structure and finally the garnet phase (YAG). The presence of the dopant in the crystalline structure was demonstrated. The microstructure and morphology evolution of the particles were assessed by using the FEI Nova NanoSEM system. Getting garnet phase and particles with spherical and smooth surfaces at the nanoscale range after a sintering treatment at 1100 °C indicates a phosphor applicable in optoelectronics

    The Impact of HVLA Manipulations and Therapeutic Massage in Increasing the Mobility of the Lateral Flexion of the Neck

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    The purpose of this study was to establish if high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulation (HVLA) combined with therapeutic massage can improve cervical spine mobility, particularly neck lateral flexion, on the left and right sides, given that lateral neck flexion is 90 degrees. The sample of 75 participants was comprised of 35 men (46.6%) and 40 women (53.3%), all of whom were between the ages of 20 and 60 and were divided into four groups based on their average ages: 20 to 30 years, 31 to 40 years, 41 to 50 years, and 51 to 60 years. These groups were further subdivided into two groups by gender, male and female. Patients' lateral flexion was measured with a goniometer, which displays the angle of lateral flexion before and after treatment. C1-C7 vertebral level and shoulder joint level HVLA procedures were conducted. The therapeutic massage concentrated on the trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, platysma, splenius, and semispinalis muscles using relaxing techniques. Each patient's left and right elbow lateral flexion was measured with a goniometer following HVLA manipulations and therapeutic massage to see whether or not there was a significant increase. After combining the findings and measurements, we were able to determine that these combined methods increase the cervical spine joint mobility of the 75 participants by a mean of 12.36 degrees.</p

    ImageCLEF 2022: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Nature, Fusion, and Internet Applications

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    ImageCLEF is part of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF) since 2003. CLEF 2022 will take place in Bologna, Italy. ImageCLEF is an ongoing evaluation initiative which promotes the evaluation of technologies for annotation, indexing, and retrieval of visual data with the aim of providing information access to large collections of images in various usage scenarios and domains. In its 20th edition, ImageCLEF will have four main tasks: (i) a Medical task addressing concept annotation, caption prediction, and tuberculosis detection; (ii) a Coral task addressing the annotation and localisation of substrates in coral reef images; (iii) an Aware task addressing the prediction of real-life consequences of online photo sharing; and (iv) a new Fusion task addressing late fusion techniques based on the expertise of the pool of classifiers. In 2021, over 100 research groups registered at ImageCLEF with 42 groups submitting more than 250 runs. These numbers show that, despite the COVID-19 pandemic, there is strong interest in the evaluation campaign

    Overview of the ImageCLEF 2021: Multimedia Retrieval in Medical, Nature, Internet and Social Media Applications

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    This paper presents an overview of the ImageCLEF 2021 lab that was organized as part of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum – CLEF Labs 2021. ImageCLEF is an ongoing evaluation initiative (first run in 2003) that promotes the evaluation of technologies for annotation, indexing and retrieval of visual data with the aim of providing information access to large collections of images in various usage scenarios and domains. In 2021, the 19th edition of ImageCLEF runs four main tasks: (i) a medical task that groups three previous tasks, i.e., caption analysis, tuberculosis prediction, and medical visual question answering and question generation, (ii) a nature coral task about segmenting and labeling collections of coral reef images, (iii) an Internet task addressing the problems of identifying hand-drawn and digital user interface components, and (iv) a new social media aware task on estimating potential real-life effects of online image sharing. Despite the current pandemic situation, the benchmark campaign received a strong participation with over 38 groups submitting more than 250 runs