330 research outputs found

    Detection of growth-related QTLs in turbot (Scophtalmus maximux)

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    Background The turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) is a highly appreciated European aquaculture species. Growth related traits constitute the main goal of the ongoing genetic breeding programs of this species. The recent construction of a consensus linkage map in this species has allowed the selection of a panel of 100 homogeneously distributed markers covering the 26 linkage groups (LG) suitable for QTL search. In this study we addressed the detection of QTL with effect on body weight, length and Fulton's condition factor. Results Eight families from two genetic breeding programs comprising 814 individuals were used to search for growth related QTL using the panel of microsatellites available for QTL screening. Two different approaches, maximum likelihood and regression interval mapping, were used in order to search for QTL. Up to eleven significant QTL were detected with both methods in at least one family: four for weight on LGs 5, 14, 15 and 16; five for length on LGs 5, 6, 12, 14 and 15; and two for Fulton's condition factor on LGs 3 and 16. In these LGs an association analysis was performed to ascertain the microsatellite marker with the highest apparent effect on the trait, in order to test the possibility of using them for marker assisted selection. Conclusions The use of regression interval mapping and maximum likelihood methods for QTL detection provided consistent results in many cases, although the high variation observed for traits mean among families made it difficult to evaluate QTL effects. Finer mapping of detected QTL, looking for tightly linked markers to the causative mutation, and comparative genomics are suggested to deepen in the analysis of QTL in turbot so they can be applied in marker assisted selection programs

    3D bioprinting of multilineage human glioblastoma models

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    In the last decade, the importance of three-dimensional cultures has been highlighted as a way to support the correct physiological and pathological behaviour of cell cultures. Many cells behave differently when grown in a 2D environment compared with a 3D matrix and this can result in a different sensitivity to drugs. Especially relevant in cancer is that many forms of interaction and communication between different cell types can either promote or repress cell proliferation and survival. In order to overcome the difficulty of studying cancer cells in a relevant microenvironment, new methods capable of generating 3D multicellular systems need to be implemented. Ideally, these methods have to allow a relatively fast and cheap way of generating different 3D constructs with minimal effects on cells caused by the preparation methods themselves. Spatial organization and automation of these processes would be highly desirable. The approach described in this thesis is based on a 3D printing strategy using the common biocompatible hydrogel, alginate, modified to promote cell attachment. Results show that the printing process can be performed without reduced cell viability; that cells proliferate within the gel and form more complex structures. The results here presented show that glioma stem cells (GSC) can be 3D printed and provide a response to drug treatment that resembles more closely the in vivo situation. Co-culture drug treatments in the 3D printed models showed that the presence of monocytes can increase the sensitivity of the glioma cell line U87MG, while the GSC line G7 showed no difference when co-cultured with microglia. The GSC lines seem to retain pluripotency better in the 3D system than in 2D cultures. Performing co-culture 3D printed studies, a differential kinase activity was observed, showing that macrophage-like cells can increase the activity of ERK, JNK, PKA and p38 only in the printed system. The 3D printing strategy here presented shows potential for biological applications, and the results obtained testing drugs and using biosensors to analyse real-time single-cell signalling changes indicate that the strategy can be a useful tool in cancer research

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    Multiple anti-predator mechanisms in the red-spotted Argentina Frog (Amphibia: Hylidae)

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    Anurans employ a wide variety of anti-predator mechanisms to defend themselves. In casque-headed hylids, defence is thought to be a complex combination of several anti-predator mechanisms. However, the defence traits of only a few species are known; some hypotheses have yet to be addressed, whereas others, already tested in some species, need to be tested in additional taxa. The anti-predator mechanism of the casque-headed frog, Argenteohyla siemersi, is described here. It is a complex mechanism consisting of (1) behavioural and ecological traits, including secretive and semi-phragmotic habits and posture; (2) morphological features, including cryptic and aposematic colourations, a skull covered with bony dermal spines and protuberances that are associated with two types of granular venom glands; and (3) physiological and chemical traits, such as a highly lethal skin secretion. Our results are compared with those of previous studies of defence mechanisms in casque-headed frogs in an effort to understand the mechanisms and evaluate their potential phylogenetic signal in this group of anurans.Fil: Cajade, Rodrigo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Biología; ArgentinaFil: Hermida, Gladys Noemí. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Piñeiro, Jose Miguel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Biología; ArgentinaFil: Regueira, Eleonora. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biología Experimental; ArgentinaFil: Alcalde, Leandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto de Limnología "Dr. Raúl A. Ringuelet". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Instituto de Limnología; ArgentinaFil: Fusco, Luciano Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Bioquímica; ArgentinaFil: Marangoni, Federico. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Biología; Argentin

    Espinoso – Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758

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    Peces - Orden Gasterosteiformes - Familia Gasterosteidae en la Enciclopedia Virtual de Vertebrados Españoles, http://www.vertebradosibericos.org/. Versiones anteriores: 12-06-2006; 23-10-2009; 25-02-2015A comprehensive review of the natural history of the Western three-spine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus in Spain.Peer reviewe

    Prostate cancer, PI3K, PTEN and prognosis

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    Loss of function of the PTEN tumour suppressor, resulting in dysregulated activation of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signalling network, is recognized as one of the most common driving events in prostate cancer development. The observed mechanisms of PTEN loss are diverse, but both homozygous and heterozygous genomic deletions including PTEN are frequent, and often accompanied by loss of detectable protein as assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC). The occurrence of PTEN loss is highest in aggressive metastatic disease and this has driven the development of PTEN as a prognostic biomarker, either alone or in combination with other factors, to distinguish indolent tumours from those likely to progress. Here, we discuss these factors and the consequences of PTEN loss, in the context of its role as a lipid phosphatase, as well as current efforts to use available inhibitors of specific components of the PI3K/PTEN/TOR signalling network in prostate cancer treatment.</jats:p

    Robotic arm controlled through vision and biomechanical sensors

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    The project aims to design the control of a robotic arm capable of following the movements of a real hand. In order to do that, a number of different technologies were implemented: manufacture by adding material (3D printing), Arduino board programming and implementing and programming of vision and biomechanics sensors. The project was developed in 3 stages: First, making a 3D printing of a robotic arm, which has been acquired with CAD software, for subsequent assembly of all parts. Second, programming of an Arduino Uno, capable of operating actuators (servomotors), to perform the movement of the hand built. Finally, developing a programming code capable of receiving, interpreting and manipulating the data obtained by a mocap device (motion capture), communicating with other devices and sending commands to the Arduino Uno controller chip.Postprint (author's final draft

    Estudio teórico y evidencia empírica en la aplicación de técnicas de análisis y modelado al proceso de produccción multimedia

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    La tesis analiza el proceso de producción multimedia con el fin de obtener un modelo que permita mejorar la calidad y la productividad en las empresas y organizaciones dedicadas al desarrollo de aplicaciones multimedia.Para realizar este análisis se parte, por un lado, de un estudio teórico sobre las técnicas de producción informática y sus métodos de análisis, y, por otro lado, de las técnicas de documentación y organización de la producción en la industria multimedia.Estas técnicas se han ido aplicando a diversas producciones multimedia realizadas durante los años que ha durado esta investigación. La tesis recoge los documentos más significativos de estas producciones, siendo esta recopilación en sí misma una aportación a la industria multimedia.Estos trabajos empíricos han permitido definir un modelo que se adapte a las necesidades reales de la producción, aportando los métodos necesarios para incidir adecuadamente en los factores que pueden producir mayores desviaciones presupuestarias y mejorar la organización de las estructuras de producción multimedia.Entre estos factores se destacan:- La necesidad de adaptación a las estructuras de producción concretas de las empresas u organizaciones. Para ello el modelo distingue entre perfiles profesionales y las tareas concretas que se le deben asignar a cada persona. Este hecho le permite al modelo independizar la estructura de producción real de la teórica e ideal permitiendo obtener los ajustes necesarios.- La necesidad de contemplar diferentes procesos productivos en función de las tipologías de las aplicaciones o de las herramientas de desarrollo. En la tesis se aportan algoritmos que permiten la utilización del modelo con estos fines.- La necesidad de responder a las necesidades formativas de los equipos de desarrollo, tanto propios como subcontratados, estructurándose el modelo como una base del conocimiento, documentos necesarios y su estructura, especificaciones para la realización de tareas, etc.- La capacidad del modelo de integrar todos estos factores con los procesos de planificación y control de la producción, costes por persona, por perfil profesional, por tarea, infraestructuras y fungibles.Debido al tratamiento de estos factores, el modelo se convierte en una herramienta válida para ser el soporte de estructuras de producción distribuidas en la red, permitiendo a las empresas explotar eficazmente recursos humanos basados en el teletrabajo.Dada la amplitud de los campos tratados, el modelo permite ser el soporte de futuras investigaciones realizadas en el entorno de la producción multimedia. En las conclusiones de la tesis se proponen varias de estas posibles investigaciones.The thesis discusses the multimedia production process in order to obtain a model to improve quality and productivity at companies and organizations dedicated to the development of multimedia applications. To perform this analysis, on the one hand, a desk study on production techniques and methods of computer analysis, and, secondly, the techniques of documentation and organization of production in the multimedia industry. These techniques have been applied to various multimedia productions over the years he has gone on this investigation. The thesis contains documents most significant of these productions, this collection is in itself a contribution to the multimedia industry. These empirical work made it possible to define a model which suits the real needs of the production, bringing the methods needed to adequately influence on the factors that can cause deviations greater budgetary and improve organizational structures of multimedia production. Among these factors are: - The need to adapt the structures of production of specific companies or organizations. This model distinguishes between professional profiles and specific tasks that should be allocated to each person. This allows the model structure independent of actual production of the theoretical and ideal allowing obtain the necessary adjustments. - The need to look at the different production processes in terms of the types of applications or development tools. The thesis provides algorithms that allow the use of the model for these purposes. - The need to respond to the training needs of development teams, stuff like outsourced, structured model as a basis of knowledge necessary documents and their structure, specifications for tasks, and so on. - The ability of the model to integrate all these factors with the planning and control of production costs per person per professional profile, by task, infrastructure and consumables. Because of the treatment of these factors, the model becomes a valid tool to support production structures distributed in the network, enabling businesses to operate effectively human resources based on teleworking. Given the breadth of fields treaty, the model allows it to support future research in the environment of multimedia production. The conclusions of the thesis proposes several of these possible investigations.Postprint (published version

    Exploring virtual reality to improve engineering students' spatial abilities pilot study

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    A Virtual Reality pilot study is conducted to improve the spatial ability of engineering students based on solid geometry scenarios. The investigation focused on the Graphic Expression and Computer-Aided Design (GECAD) course, specifically on the study of the spatial abilities developed and the assessment of the academic results in the solid geometry module. A total of 20 participants completed three activities (6 h) in an immersive virtual learning environment (IVLE), using head-mounted display (HMD) glasses. Modeling exercises of three-dimensional geometric shapes are proposed, based on concepts of solid geometry. The scenarios are built step by step and the students can regulate the progress between stages while observing the geometric components at the scale and in the point of view they wish. Beyond academic results, the assessment of student improvement is based on spatial abilities tests: the Differential Aptitude Test: Spatial Relations Subset DAT-SR, Purdue Spatial Visualisation Test: Rotations PSVT:R and Mental Cutting Test MCT. Those tests are applied for evaluating different skills: mental folding, mental rotation and section by a plane. In summary, a methodology is proposed developing activities in an (IVLE) with 3D modelling software applied in solid geometry, in order to promote the development of spatial ability (SA). Spatial abilities are measured before and after the classroom activities and looking for correlations between the spatial perception tests (DAT:SR, PSVT:R and MCT) and academic results in solid geometry. In addition, we also wish to determine the students' opinion with regard to the proposed activities. The results obtained confirm the interest in using IVLE to develop spatial abilities in engineering students. Substantial increases of 10,9% in DAT:SR, 8,8 % in PSVT:R and 9,5% in MCT between pre- and post-tests were found. Moreover, the students' opinion of IVLE/HMD activities is positive. The methodology can be summarized in the following steps: 1. Students take the DAT:SR , PSVT:R and MCT prior to the activities. They also answer the survey on other variables that can affect SA (1 h). 2. The students individually complete the exercises with the 3D modelling software SolidWorks (10 h). 3. The IVLE activities consist of the guided reading by the professor of the completed exercise. The professor addresses the concepts of solid geometry used in each step. The students have a few minutes to view with HMD the animation showing the construction of the geometric shape, and once the representation is finished, they can move freely throughout the scenario, using the keyboard options (6 h). 4. Students solve the (DAT:SR, PSVT:R and MCT after the IVLE activities. At the end, the groups answer the satisfaction survey (1 h). 5. All the students are evaluated on their knowledge of the solid geometry contents by means of a test and 3D modelling exercises similar to those done in class and those described in the IVRL (1h). 6. Finally, the analysis of the spatial abilities test data, the controlled variables survey, satisfaction surveys and the academic results obtained in the solid geometry module enable us to examine the correlations and the strongest determining factors in order to obtain good academic results and propose IVLE activities to improve the levels of spatial ability obtained on the tests. This paper describes the exploratory methodology used and its results.Postprint (published version