2,943 research outputs found

    Geochemistry and risk assessment of street dust in Luanda, Angola, a tropical urban environment

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    A total of 92 samples of street dust were collected in Luanda, Angola, were sieved below 100 μm, and analysed by ICP-MS for 35 elements after an aqua-regia digestion. The concentration and spatial heterogeneity of trace elements in the street dust of Luanda are generally lower than in most industrialized cities in the Northern hemisphere. These observations reveal a predominantly “natural” origin for the street dust in Luanda, which is also manifested in that some geochemical processes that occur in natural soils are preserved in street dust: the separation of uranium from thorium, and the retention of the former by carbonate materials, or the high correlation between arsenic and vanadium due to their common mode of adsorption on solid particles in the form of oxyanions. The only distinct anthropogenic fingerprint in the composition of Luanda's street dust is the association Pb–Cd–Sb–Cu (and to a lesser extent, Ba–Cr–Zn). The use of risk assessment strategies has proved helpful in identifying the routes of exposure to street dust and the trace elements therein of most concern in terms of potential adverse health effects. In Luanda the highest levels of risk seem to be associated (a) with the presence of As and Pb in the street dust and (b) with the route of ingestion of dust particles, for all the elements included in the study except Hg, for which inhalation of vapours presents a slightly higher risk than ingestion. However, given the large uncertainties associated with the estimates of toxicity values and exposure factors, and the absence of site-specific biometric factors, these results should be regarded as preliminary and further research should be undertaken before any definite conclusions regarding potential health effects are drawn

    Geochemical fingerprints and controls in the sediments of an urban river: River Manzanares, Madrid (Spain)

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    The geochemical fingerprint of sediment retrieved from the banks of the River Manzanares as it passes through the City of Madrid is presented here. The river collects the effluent water from several Waste Water Treatment (WWT) plants in and around the city, such that, at low flows, up to 60% of the flow has been treated. A total of 18 bank-sediment cores were collected along the course of the river, down to its confluence with the Jarama river, to the south–east of Madrid. Trace and major elements in each sample were extracted following a double protocol: (a) “Total” digestion with HNO3, HClO4 and HF; (b) “Weak” digestion with sodium acetate buffered to pH=5 with acetic acid, under constant stirring. The digests thus obtained were subsequently analysed by ICP-AES, except for Hg which was extracted with aqua regia and sodium chloride-hydroxylamine sulfate, and analysed by Cold Vapour-AAS. X-ray diffraction was additionally employed to determine the mineralogical composition of the samples. Uni- and multivariate analyses of the chemical data reveal the influence of Madrid on the geochemistry of Manzanares' sediments, clearly manifested by a marked increase in the concentration of typically “urban” elements Ag, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn, downstream of the intersection of the river with the city's perimeter. The highest concentrations of these elements appear to be associated with illegal or accidental dumping of waste materials, and with the uncontrolled incorporation of untreated urban runoff to the river. The natural matrix of the sediment is characterised by fairly constant concentrations of Ce, La and Y, whereas changes in the lithology intersected by the river cause corresponding variations in Ca–Mg and Al–Na contents. In the final stretch of the river, the presence of carbonate materials seems to exert a strong geochemical control on the amount of Zn and, to a lesser extent, Cu immobilised in the sediments. This fact suggests that a variable but significant proportion of both elements may be susceptible to reincorporation in the aqueous phase under realistic environmental conditions

    Bioaccessibility of metals and human health risk assessment in community urban gardens

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    Pseudo-total (i.e. aqua regia extractable) and gastric-bioaccessible (i.e. glycine + HCl extractable) concentrations of Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in a total of 48 samples collected from six community urban gardens of different characteristics in the city of Madrid (Spain). Calcium carbonate appears to be the soil property that determines the bioaccessibility of a majority of those elements, and the lack of influence of organic matter, pH and texture can be explained by their low levels in the samples (organic matter) or their narrow range of variation (pH and texture). A conservative risk assessment with bioaccessible concentrations in two scenarios, i.e. adult urban farmers and children playing in urban gardens, revealed acceptable levels of risk, but with large differences between urban gardens depending on their history of land use and their proximity to busy areas in the city center. Only in a worst-case scenario in which children who use urban gardens as recreational areas also eat the produce grown in them would the risk exceed the limits of acceptabilit

    Probabilistic assessment of risk from the exposure to mercury in artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

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    Colombia is one the largest per capita mercury polluters as a consequence of its artisanal gold mining operations, which are steadily increasing following the rising price of this metal. Compared to gravimetric separation methods and cyanidation, the concentration of gold using Hg amalgams presents several advantages: the process is less time-consuming and minimizes gold losses, and Hg is easily transported and inexpensive relative to the selling price of gold. Very often, mercury amalgamation is carried out on site by unprotected workers. During this operation large amounts of mercury are discharged to the environment and eventually reach the fresh water bodies in the vicinity where it is subjected to methylation. Additionally, as gold is released from the amalgam by heating on open charcoal furnaces in small workshops, mercury vapors are emitted and inhaled by the artisanal smelters and the general populatio

    Arsenic, antimony and selenium in urban soils: potential risks for human health in urban gardening

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    The benefits of urban agriculture are many and well documented, ranging from health improvement to community betterment, more sustainable urban development and environment protection. On the negative side, urban soils are commonly enriched in toxic trace elements that have accumulated over time through the deposition of atmospheric particles (generated by automotive traffic, heating systems, historical industrial activities and resuspended street dust), and the uncontrolled disposal of domestic, commercial and industrial wastes. This in turn has given rise to concerns about the level of exposure of urban farmers to these elements and the potential health hazards associated with this exposure. Research efforts in this field have started relatively recently and have almost systematically omitted the influence of Sb and Se, and to a lesser extent of As, although all three have proven toxic effects

    Bioaccessibility of heavy metals and risk assessment in urban gardens of Madrid

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    Human health problems and solutions. Urban gardening has spread worldwide in recent years as it enhances food security and selfsupply and promotes community integration. However urban soils are significantly enriched in trace elements relative to background levels. Exposure to the soil in urban gardens may therefore result in adverse health effects depending on the degree of contact during gardening, infant recreational activities and ingestion of vegetables grown in them. In order to evaluate this potential risk, 36 composite samples were collected from the top 20 cm of the soil of 6 urban gardens in Madrid. The aqua regia (pseudototal) and glycine-extractable (bioaccessible) concentrations of Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Additionally, pH, texture, Fe, Ca, and Mn concentrations, and organic matter and calcium carbonate contents were determined in all urban gardens and their influence on trace element bioaccessibility was analyzed

    The relationship between soil geochemistry and the bioaccessibility of trace elements in playground soil

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    A total of 32 samples of surficial soil were collected from 16 playground areas in Madrid (Spain), in order to investigate the importance of the geochemistry of the soil on subsequent bioaccessibility of trace elements. The in vitro bioaccessibility of As, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn was evaluated by means of two extraction processes that simulate the gastric environment and one that reproduces a gastric + intestinal digestion sequence. The results of the in vitro bioaccessibility were compared against aqua regia extractions (“total” concentration), and it was found that total concentrations of As, Cu, Pb and Zn were double those of bioaccessible values, whilst that of Cr was ten times higher. Whereas the results of the gastric + intestinal extraction were affected by a high uncertainty, both gastric methods offered very similar and consistent results, with bioaccessibilities following the order: As = Cu = Pb = Zn > Co > Ni > Cr, and ranging from 63 to 7 %. Selected soil properties including pH, organic matter, Fe and CaCO3 content were determined to assess their influence on trace element bioaccessibility, and it was found that Cu, Pb and Zn were predominantly bound to organic matter and, to a lesser extent, Fe oxides. The former fraction was readily accessible in the gastric solution, whereas Fe oxides seemed to recapture negatively charged chloride complexes of these elements in the gastric solution, lowering their bioaccessibility. The homogeneous pH of the playground soils included in the study does not influence trace element bioaccessibility to any significant extent except for Cr, where the very low gastric accessibility seems to be related to the strongly pH-dependent formation of complexes with organic matter. The results for As, which have been previously described and discussed in detail in Mingot et al. (Chemosphere 84: 1386–1391, 2011), indicate a high gastric bioaccessibility for this element as a consequence of its strong association with calcium carbonate and the ease with which these bonds are broken in the gastric solution. The calculation of risk assessments are therefore dependant on the methodology used and the specific environment they address. This has impacts on management strategies formulated to ensure that the most vulnerable of society, children, can live and play without adverse consequences to their health

    Probabilistic meta-analysis of risk from the exposure to Hg in artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

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    Colombia is one of the largest per capita mercury polluters in the world as a consequence of its artisanal gold mining activities. The severity of this problem in terms of potential health effects was evaluated by means of a probabilistic risk assessment carried out in the twelve departments (or provinces) in Colombia with the largest gold production. The two exposure pathways included in the risk assessment were inhalation of elemental Hg vapors and ingestion of fish contaminated with methyl mercury. Exposure parameters for the adult population (especially rates of fish consumption) were obtained from nation-wide surveys and concentrations of Hg in air and of methyl-mercury in fish were gathered from previous scientific studies. Fish consumption varied between departments and ranged from 0 to 0.3 kg d?1. Average concentrations of total mercury in fish (70 data) ranged from 0.026 to 3.3 lg g?1. A total of 550 individual measurements of Hg in workshop air (ranging from menor queDL to 1 mg m?3) and 261 measurements of Hg in outdoor air (ranging from menor queDL to 0.652 mg m?3) were used to generate the probability distributions used as concentration terms in the calculation of risk. All but two of the distributions of Hazard Quotients (HQ) associated with ingestion of Hg-contaminated fish for the twelve regions evaluated presented median values higher than the threshold value of 1 and the 95th percentiles ranged from 4 to 90. In the case of exposure to Hg vapors, minimum values of HQ for the general population exceeded 1 in all the towns included in this study, and the HQs for miner-smelters burning the amalgam is two orders of magnitude higher, reaching values of 200 for the 95th percentile. Even acknowledging the conservative assumptions included in the risk assessment and the uncertainties associated with it, its results clearly reveal the exorbitant levels of risk endured not only by miner-smelters but also by the general population of artisanal gold mining communities in Colombia

    Life cersuds: A proposal to adapt our cities to climate change

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    En un momento como el actual, en el que se debate con intensidad sobre el futuro de nuestras ciudades, surgen nuevos retos que han de ser abordados desde una reflexión multidisciplinar abierta a la experimentación, la innovación y la trans - ferencia del conocimiento. En este contexto emergente podemos situar el proyecto LIFE CERSUDS, Ceramic Sustainable Urban Drainage System, una propuesta integrada en el programa LIFE de la Unión Europea en la que confluyen instituciones académicas, institutos tecnológicos, entidades públicas y empresas privadas. Dicha propuesta responde al problema del agua y el sellado del suelo en la ciudad mediante el desarrollo de un sistema urbano de drenaje sostenible que utiliza cerámica de bajo valor comercial como material permeable de pavimentación, aportando una solución aplicable en infraestructuras verdes. El presente artículo realiza un análisis crítico de la iniciativa, entendiéndola como un espacio de colaboración interdisciplinar en el que el proyecto ca - naliza la indagación sobre un problema concreto: la adaptación de las ciudades al cambio climático. Como resultado, se observa la oportunidad que suponen para la investigación, la actividad profesional y la docencia estos nuevos marcos transversales de trabajo que han de dar respuesta a los problemas de nuestra sociedad, pero también la necesidad de consolidar una aún incipiente cultura de la colaboración.At a time like today, when intense debate is taking place on the future of our cities, new challenges are arising which must be tackled from a multidisciplinary reflection open to experimentation, innovation and knowledge transfer. The LIFE CERSUDS project, Ceramic Sustainable Urban Drainage System, can be viewed as an example of this emerging context. This project is part of the European Union’s LIFE programme and brings together academic institutions, technological institutes, public entities and private companies. This proposal addresses the problem of water and soil sealing in cities by developing a sustainable urban drainage sys - tem which uses low commercial value ceramic tiles as a permeable paving material, thus providing a solution which can be applied to green infrastructures. This paper provides a critical analysis of this initiative, considering it to be a space for interdisciplinary collaboration in which the project channels research into a specific problem: the adaptation of cities to climate change. As a result, it is possible to identify the opportunity that these new transversal work frameworks represent for research, professional activity and teaching, which must provide a response to the problems of our society, but also the need to consolidate a still incipient culture of collaboration