1,691 research outputs found

    Meyerson y el rol de la causalidad y del determinismo en la ciencia

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    Según Meyerson (1859 – 1933), la ciencia tiene una vocación realista, explicar lo real, lo que significa que se tiende a buscar la causalidad y el determinismo. Pero esta tendencia de la ciencia no siempre es satisfecha. Así, la relación entre la razón que trata de domesticar lo real y lo real que le resiste no es un asunto de todo o nada. Pensar que nada es inteligible significa un escepticismo sin fundamento – no nos hagamos más ignorantes de lo que somos –, pensar que todo es inteligible es una quimera: la materia nos sorprende cada día. Por eso el epistemólogo francés no cree ver en el indeterminismo de la física cuántica una excepción a su idea, desarrollada en sus libros anteriores a su análisis de la física cuántica de 1933, de que lo real se pliega sólo parcialmente a la causalidad y al determinismo. Entonces lo indispensable a la ciencia no serían estos principios, sino el darnos una imagen de lo real. Y es en este sentido que la nueva física le parece revolucionaria: debido a la dualidad onda-corpúsculo que afecta a todas las partículas, por primera vez los físicos son incapaces de proponer una imagen coherente del universo. Hago notar que en Meyerson hay, sin embargo, a pesar de la continuidad que él cree ver entre sus obras precedentes y su análisis de la física cuántica una contradicción: mientras que antes afirmaba explícitamente que el determinismo es la base de toda ciencia, más tarde admitirá el carácter dispensable del determinismo. Finalmente, propongo que el determinismo causal debe ser visto como el primer principio de la inteligibilidad natural y como el principal criterio de cientificidad.According to Meyerson (1859 – 1933), history teaches that science is realistically oriented, which means that the scientist strives towards causality and determinism (two different principles). But sometimes this objective is not attained. Thus the relationship between a reason which tries to tame the real and the real which resists is not an allor-nothing affair: to think that nothing is intelligible is a baseless scepticism (let us not show us more ignorant than we are), to think that everything is intelligible is a chimera: matter surprises us everyday. That is why the French epistemologist tells us he does not see in quantum physics’ indeterminism an exception to his idea, developed in his books before his 1933 analysis of quantum physics, that the real conforms only partially to causality and determinism. It follows that these principles are not essential to science. What is it then? Meyerson answers now: the proposal of a coherent image of reality. It is then in this sense that quantum physics seems revolutionary to him: due to the waveparticle duality present in the behaviour of all objects, physicists are, for the first time, incapable of proposing a coherent image of the universe. Even if Meyerson claims that there is continuity in his analyses, I show a fundamental contradiction: although in his works previous to his analysis of quantum physics he states that determinism is the basis of all science, later he admitted that determinism was inessential. Finally, I propose to see causal determinism as the first principle of natural intelligibility as well as the main criterion of scientificity

    A Theory of Metaphor

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    Los componentes últimos del universo

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    De acuerdo con la filosofía de la naturaleza iniciada por algunos presocráticos, por leucipo y demócrito (quienes integran elementos eleatas y pitagóricos), el análisis del universo no iría al infinito sino que se detendría en unidades últimas, los átomos«The ultimate components of the universe». According to the philosophy of nature inaugurated by some presocratic thinkers, by leucippus and democritus (who integrated some eleatic and pythagorean elements) the analysis of the universe would not mean an i

    La explicación causal de la jerarquía natural

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    El objetivo de esta reflexión, acompañada por la filosofía del organismo de alfred north whitehead, es formarnos una idea del género de solución metafísica que puede recibir el problema de la explicación causal de la jerarquía natural. La naturaleza se coThe aim of this essay, accompanied by a. N. Whitehead's philosophy of organism, is to get an idea of the kind of metaphysical solution one can possibly give to the problem of the causal explanation of natural hierarchy. Nature consists of emergent system

    La forma, una causa olvidada

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    ¿Qué queda actualmente de la filosofía de la naturaleza? Casi nada, porque la mayoría de los científicos y de los filósofos parece satisfacerse con una ciencia no explicativa, positivista, pragmática, oportunista, intervencionista y desmigajadora de lo re«Form, a forgotten cause ». What is left now of the philosophy of nature? Almost nothing since most scientists and philosophers seem to be satisfied with a non explicative, positivistic, pragmatic, opportunist, and interventionist science which crumbles

    The Nature of Ephemeral Secrets in Reverse Engineering Tasks

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    Reverse engineering is typically carried out on static binary objects, such as files or compiled programs. Often the goal of reverse engineering is to extract a secret that is ephemeral and only exists while the system is running. Automation and dynamic analysis enable reverse engineers to extract ephemeral secrets from dynamic systems, obviating the need for analyzing static artifacts such as executable binaries. I support this thesis through four automated reverse engineering efforts: (1) named entity extraction to track Chinese Internet censorship based on keywords; (2) dynamic information flow tracking to locate secret keys in memory for a live program; (3) man-in-the-middle to emulate server behavior for extracting cryptographic secrets; and, (4) large-scale measurement and data mining of TCP/IP handshake behaviors to reveal machines on the Internet vulnerable to TCP/IP hijacking and other attacks. In each of these cases, automation enables the extraction of ephemeral secrets, often in situations where there is no accessible static binary object containing the secret. Furthermore, each project was contingent on building an automated system that interacted with the dynamic system in order to extract the secret(s). This general approach provides a new perspective, increasing the types of systems that can be reverse engineered and provides a promising direction for the future of reverse engineering

    Desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en estudiantes de Songwriting utilizando aprendizaje basado en proyectos

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    Competency-based education offers benefits to students because it prepares them to acquire a set of skills which they will need in his professional, social and personal future, such as problem resolution, teamwork, oral and written communication, self-directed learning, performance orientation, creativity, and a comprehension of the reality which surrounds us. The objective of the present research was to find the benefit of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in the development of Critical Thinking competency. To achieve so, a qualitative method was utilized, with an observational design during the period of May-June 2019 in a high school located in Samborondon, Ecuador. The sample was a group of 23 students between the ages of 13 and 15. The PBL strategy was applied during 4 sessions where the sub-competencies of Analysis, Evaluation and Self-regulation (Critical Thinking dimensions) where observed and assessed by observation. Results indicate that there was development in the Critical Thinking competency, especially in the sub-competencies of Analysis and Evaluation of the information.La educación por competencias brinda beneficios a los estudiantes pues prepara a los mismos de manera práctica en aquellas aptitudes que necesitarán en un futuro laboral, social y personal, como la resolución de problemas, trabajo en equipo, comunicación tanto oral como escrita, autoaprendizaje, orientación a resultados, creatividad y una comprensión más centrada de la realidad que nos rodea. La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo encontrar el beneficio del Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) en el desarrollo de la competencia de pensamiento crítico. Para lograr los objetivos de este estudio se utilizó un método cualitativo, con un diseño observacional, durante el periodo mayo-junio de 2019 en un colegio de la localidad de Samborondón, Ecuador donde la muestra fue un grupo de 23 estudiantes entre las edades de 13 y 15 años. La estrategia de ABPr se aplicó durante 4 sesiones donde las subcompetencias de Análisis, Evaluación y Autorregulación (dimensiones del pensamiento crítico) fueron observadas y evaluadas. La técnica de recolección de datos utilizada fue la observación en el aula, y como instrumento se usó una rúbrica que midió las subcompetencias antes mencionadas. Los resultados indican que sí hay un desarrollo de la competencia de pensamiento crítico, especialmente en las subcompetencias de Análisis y Evaluación de la información

    Drug resistance in parasitic helminths of veterinary importance in Chile: status review and research needs

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    The increasing development of anthelmintic resistance (AR) in parasites of livestock is threatening animal health and production worldwide. In Chile, studies evaluating the field efficacy of anthelmintics and the detection of AR have been performed since the 2000s, but until now, no previous attempt has tried to systematise the available information. This article reviews general concepts about AR in helminths of veterinary importance, methods for diagnosis of AR and summarises the published reports of AR in Chile. Anthelmintic resistance in Chile has been reported in gastrointestinal nematodes of horses (benzimidazole resistance) and ruminants (sheep and cattle, macrocyclic lactone and benzimidazole resistance). However, these cases involved a limited number of selected farms and no further conclusions can be made of the status of parasite drug resistance at a regional or national level. No published cases of AR in Fasciola hepatica have been reported in Chilean livestock, but human infections with triclabendazole-resistant F. hepatica have been described in patients with previous consumption of watercress or untreated water from marshes grazed by livestock. Given the zoonotic potential and endemic nature of F. hepatica in Chile, it is urgent to determine the extent of liver fluke resistance. Current research gaps of the situation of AR in Chile and suggestions for the performance of laboratory and field studies are further discussed

    Scalar Perturbations of two-dimensional Horava-Lifshitz Black Holes

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    In this article, we study the stability of black hole solutions found in the context of dilatonic Horava-Lifshitz gravity in 1+11+1 dimensions by means of the quasinormal modes approach. In order to find the corresponding quasinormal modes, we consider the perturbations of massive and massless scalar fields minimally coupled to gravity. In both cases, we found that the quasinormal modes have a discrete spectrum and are completely imaginary, which leads to damping modes. For a massive scalar field and a non-vanishing cosmological constant, our results suggest unstable behaviour for large values of the scalar field mass.Comment: 18 pages, 1 figure. Accepted version in EPJC. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:gr-qc/070109
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