239 research outputs found

    Produção de forragem e persistência de progênies de trevo vermelho em dois ambientes

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    O trevo vermelho (Trifolium pratense L.) é uma das mais importantes leguminosas temperadas e é utilizado para minorar o problema de falta de forragem durante o período crítico do outono no Rio Grande do Sul. Entretanto seu uso tem sido limitado devido principalmente à sua falta de persistência. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a persistência e a produção de matéria seca de progênies de meio-irmãos de trevo vermelho em duas regiões fisiográficas do RS: Depressão Central, em Eldorado do Sul, e Encosta Superior do Nordeste, em Veranópolis. O experimento foi conduzido por duas estações de crescimento e os resultados foram comparados com os de dois cultivares comerciais de trevo vermelho, Qüiñequeli e Estanzuela 116, utilizados como padrões. A região de Veranópolis mostrou-se mais indicada para o cultivo de trevo vermelho do que a região de Eldorado do Sul, proporcionando maior produção e persistência. Nos dois locais o melhor padrão foi o cultivar Estanzuela 116. Em Eldorado do Sul a persistência foi muito afetada e algumas progênies foram superiores ao melhor padrão. Por outro lado, em Veranópolis o melhor cultivar-padrão foi muito persistente e produtivo. Em ambos os locais foram selecionadas as melhores progênies para multiplicação e realização de novos ciclos de seleção recorrente.Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) is one of the most important temperate legume species, used to lessen the lack of forage during the critical fall-winter period in Rio Grande do Sul, RS, Brazil. However, its utilization has been restricted mainly because of its lack of persistence. This work evaluates the dry matter yield and persistence of red clover half-sib progenies in two physiographic regions of RS: "Depressão Central", in Eldorado do Sul and "Encosta Superior do Nordeste", in Veranópolis. Experiments were carried out for two growing seasons and results were compared to two red clover commercial checks, Qüiñequeli and Estanzuela 116. The region of Veranópolis was more adequate for red clover forage production, enabling better yield and persistence. The best check for both locations was cultivar Estanzuela 116. At Eldorado do Sul persistence was highly affected and some progenies were superior to the best check. At Veranópolis the best check was very productive, with good persistence. The best progenies at both locations were selected to be propagated and submitted to additional recurrent selection cycles

    Poliploidização sexual em trevo vermelho

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    Because sexual polyploidization broadens genetic basis and supply plant breeders with more variability for the selection process, it can be useful in red clover breeding. This paper reports results of three crossing cycles, starting from a parental generation of tetraploid red clover plants (female parent), and diploids from the Quiñiqueli cultivar, selected for production of more than 1% of giant pollen grains (male parent) aiming to obtain tetraploid plants to be used in red clover breeding programs. Crosses in the next generations were performed by mutual cross-pollinations. Chromosome number chimerism and high pollen sterility were detected in F1, F2 and F3, but there was a trend towards increasing seed production and seed viability along the generations, probably due to successful competition between fertile and sterile gametes. The identification of fertile triploids, as well as their recurrent formation along the generations, indicates that triploid block is not complete in red clover, and that triploids may be successfully used as a bridge for the production of sexual polyploids.Porque a poliploidização sexual amplia a base genética e proporciona aos melhoristas maior variabilidade para o processo de seleção, ela pode ser uma ferramenta útil ao melhoramento de trevo vermelho. Com o objetivo de obter plantas tetraplóides que possam ser utilizadas em programas de melhoramento de trevo vermelho, este trabalho relata resultados de três ciclos de cruzamentos, partindo de uma população parental de plantas tetraplóides de trevo vermelho, como genitores femininos, e de diplóides da cultivar Quiñiqueli, selecionados para produção de mais de 1% de grãos de pólen gigantes, como genitores masculinos. Nas outras gerações, os cruzamentos foram realizados por polinizações cruzadas mútuas. Quimerismo para número cromossômico e alta esterilidade de pólen foram detectados em F1 , F2 e F3, mas houve uma tendência para aumento da produção e viabilidade das sementes ao longo das gerações, provavelmente devido à competição bem sucedida entre gametas férteis e estéreis. A identificação de triplóides férteis, assim como sua formação recorrente ao longo das gerações, indica que o bloco triplóide não é completo em trevo vermelho e que triplóides podem ser utilizados com sucesso para a produção de poliplóides sexuais

    Physiological traits involved in grazing tolerance of alfalfa genotypes

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    Alfalfa [1] is one of the most largely distributed forage legume species in the world and it is used on more hectares than any other forage legume. Even so, alfalfa production in Brazil is still limited by the low persistence of this species, especially when used for grazing. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate and select grazing-tolerant germplasm by evaluating genotypes based on their physiological traits. Eight alfalfa genotypes were grown in two different and simultaneous experiments. The experiment ‘A’ evaluated physiological traits: a) chlorophyll content b) sum of lateral roots and shoot and c) length of the first internode The experiment ‘B’ consisted of a jasmonate treatment, which induced remarkable effects on alfalfa roots performance. The CRAltR genotype showed the most promising results for length of the first internode 0.429 cm at the last day of evaluation (day 15). Furthermore, this genotype obtained higher rates in the evaluation of chlorophyll. E1C4AltR in addition to being selected in previous studies for grazing tolerance showed variability for decumbent habit and intermediate values for chlorophyll. The genotypes E1C4 AltR and CRAltR presented more promising results and they will be used for further field evaluations in Brazil

    Cytogenetic data for Paspalum notatum Flügge accessions

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    Several species of the genus Paspalum L. are important forages, due their to quality, productivity and tolerance to environmental stresses. Chromosome numbers, meiotic configurations and pollen fertility were evaluated in a collection of 85 accessions of Paspalum notatum Flügge and in seven accessions of Pensacola (P. notatum var saurae). All P. notatum accessions were tetraploid, with 2n = 4x = 40, except one diploid accession, considered as an escape of Pensacola. All Pensacola plants had 2n = 2x = 20. Meiotic configurations at diakinesis and metaphase I varied among tetraploid accessions, from plants with only bivalents to plants with high frequency of quadrivalents. Pollen fertility varied from 82.5 to 95.9% among diploid accessions and from 72.4 to 97.9% among the tetraploids. Due to the apomictic mode of reproduction of tetraploid P. notatum, meiotic irregularities can be maintained by plants without harming their propagation. At the same time, pollen fertility should be high enough to assure endosperm development, since the species is pseudogamous. Wild diploid P. notatum populations, apart from the endemic P. notatum var saurae, are very rare. From a plant breeding point of view, all the examined tetraploid accessions are potentially male-fertile and could be used as males in crosses.Muitas espécies do genus Paspalum L. são importantes forragens, devido à qualidade, produtividade e tolerância para o stress ambiental. Números cromossômicos, configurações meióticas e fertilidade do pólen foram analisados em uma coleção de 85 acessos de Paspalum notatum Flügge e sete acessos de Pensacola (P. notatum var saurae). Todos os acessos de P. notatum eram tetraplóides, com 2n = 4x = 40, com exceção de um diplóide, considerado como escape de Pensacola. Todas as plantas de Pensacola examinadas tinham 2n = 2x = 20. Foi verificada variação entre os acessos tetraplóides quanto às configurações cromossômicas em diacinese e metáfase I, desde plantas com apenas bivalentes até aquelas com alta freqüência de quadrivalentes. A fertilidade do pólen variou de 82,5 a 95,9% entre os acessos diplóides e de 72,4 a 97,9% entre os tetraplóides. Devido ao modo de reprodução apomítico de P. notatum tetraplóide, irregularidades meióticas podem ser mantidas sem prejuízo da propagação. Ao mesmo tempo, a fertilidade do pólen deve ser suficientemente alta para assegurar a formação do endosperma, já que a espécie é pseudogâmica. Diplóides silvestres de P. notatum, além do endêmico P. notatum var saurae são muito raros. Do ponto de vista do melhoramento, todos os tetraplóides são potencialmente macho-férteis e poderiam ser utilizados como genitores masculinos em cruzamentos

    Selection of pasture legumes tolerant to aluminium and efficient in phosphorus uptake. II. Exotic legumes.

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    Doze espécies de leguminosas foram testadas, em casa de vegetação, em dois níveis de calcário (3,5 e 10,5 t/ha) e em duas doses de P (66 e 188 mg de P/vaso), com a finalidade de avaliar a tolerância a Al e a eficiência de utilização de P. As espécies estudadas são dos gêneros Trifolium, Lotus e Ornithopus. Utilizou-se um Latossolo Bruno distrófico (unidade de mapeamento Vacaria) de baixo pH e baixo P disponível, e de alto Al trocável. Dentre as espécies perenes, Lotus uliginosus foi tolerante a baixo pH e eficiente na utilização de P, e o Trifolium pratense foi tolerante a baixo P e eficiente na utilização de P. As espécies do gênero Ornithopus não aumentaram a produção com o aumento do nível de calcário. Ornithopus sativus 4700, O. compressus 4420, O. compressus 4301 e O. isthmocarpus, 4425 foram as espécies anuais mais eficientes na utilização de P.Twelve legumes were grown in a glasshouse pot trial at two lime levels (3,5 and 10,5 t/ha) and two phosphate treatments (66 and 198 mg of P/pot) to study their Al tolerance and their efficiency of P uptake. Various annual and perennial species of the genera Trifolium, Lotus and Ornithopus were tested, utilizing a "Vacaria" soil (Haplohumox) high in exchangeable Al, low in P and very acid. Within the perennial group, Lotus uliginosus tolerated low pH and utilized P efficiently, whilst Trifolium pratense was only efficient in P utilization. The various Ornithopus species in the annual group did not respond to increased soil pH. Ornithopus sativus 4700, O. compressus 4420, O. compressus 4301 and O. isthmocarpus 4425 were the most efficient in P uptak

    Reproduction mode and apospory expressivity of selected hybrids of Paspalum notatum Flügge

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    Paspalum notatum Flüggé (bahiagrass) is the most important forage grass in the native grasslands of southern Brazil; the native germplasm is tetraploid and apomictic. Breeding to produce cultivars has been possible due to chromosome doubling of sexual diploid accessions, allowing hybridizations with apomictic genotypes, generating progenies with variability for agronomic traits and segregating for reproduction mode. The aim of this study was to determine the reproduction mode of selected hybrids derived from intraspecific crosses through cytoembryological analysis and to evaluate the level of apospory expres¬sivity. Eighty one tetraploid hybrids corresponding to 21 families of sexual and apomictic parents were generated and 28 most productive plants based on their superior agronomic performance in the field were evaluated. Sixteen hybrids were reproduced sexually and 12 of them were highly apomictic or facultative apomictic. Sexual hybrids may be used for further crosses in the breeding program while highly apomictic plants produce uniform progeny and become candidates of new cultivars to promote pasture diversification

    Variação morfológica em acessos de Paspalum nicorae Parodi, forrageira promissora

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    Paspalum nicorae Parodi é uma forrageira perene, apomítica, tetraplóide, nativa no Rio Grande do Sul, com tolerância ao pastejo e adaptada a solos arenosos e a secas moderadas. Como passo inicial para o melhoramento, uma caracterização morfológica considerando pilosidade da folha, cor da bainha, da folha e da nervura central, hábito de crescimento, altura da planta, número e comprimento de racemos, comprimento e largura da folha foi realizada em 53 acessos coletados no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que são parte de um programa de melhoramento de espécies de Paspalum. Os resultados mostraram que 35,84% dos acessos tinham folhas completamente pilosas, 73,58% tinham bainha verde, 54,71% venação central esbranquiçada e 50,94% hábito decumbente. A cor da folha foi estimada por dois métodos, cartela de cores e colorímetro Os acessos foram classificados como 76,92% verdes, 13,45% amarelo esverdeados e 9,62% como verde acinzentados pelo primeiro, e 59,62% acinzentados, 32,69% amarelo acinzentados, 5,77% amarelos e 1,92% cinza escuros pelo segundo método. O comprimento do racemo variou de 9,40 a 1,30 cm, o número de racemos de um a seis (sendo que 48,73% dos acessos tinham quatro racemos), o comprimento e a largura da folha de 36,13 a 13,06 cm e 0,67 a 0,36 cm, respectivamente e a altura da planta de 115,70 a 29,00 cm. Portanto, grande variação morfológica foi detectada entre os acessos, sem relação com localização geográfica, mas indicando alta potencialidade de utilização em programas de melhoramento.Paspalum nicorae Parodi is a perennial, apomictic tetraploid forage species, native in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, with grazing tolerance and adapted to sandy soils and moderate droughts. As a first step to future breeding, a morphological characterization regarding leaf hairiness, sheath, leaf and central venation color, growing habit, plant height, raceme number and length, and leaf length and width was performed in 53 accessions from Rio Grande do Sul that are part of a Paspalum species breeding program. 35.84% of the accessions had completely hairy leaves, 73.58% had green sheath, 54.71% whitish central venation, 50.94% decumbent habit. Leaf color was estimated by two methods, color chart and colorimeter. The accessions were classified as 76.92% green, 13.45% greenish yellow and 9.62% as grayish green by the first, and 59.62% grayish, 32.69% grayish yellow, 5.77% yellow and 1.92% dark grayish by the second method. Raceme length ranged from 9.40 to 1.30 cm, number of racemes from one to six (48.73% of the accessions had four racemes), leaf length and width from 36.13 to 13.06 cm and 0.67 to 0.36 cm, respectively, and plant height from 115.70 to 29.00 cm. Therefore, a large morphological variation among accessions was detected, with no relation to geographical location but indicating a high potential use in plant breeding programs

    Determination of the mode of reproduction of bahiagrass hybrids using cytoembryological analysis and molecular markers

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    The aim of this study was to determine the mode of reproduction of a hybrid progeny derived from intraspecific crosses of Paspalum notatum through cytoembryological analysis and use of RAPD (random amplification of polymorphic DNA) molecular markers. Cytoembryological analysis allowed identification of the mode of reproduction of 28 plants that were selected after agronomic productivity evaluations. Of these, 19 had embryo sac morphology compatible with an apomictic mode of reproduction and nine had embryo sac morphology compatible with a sexual mode of reproduction. Meanwhile, molecular marker analysis for 194 individuals showed 54 sexual and 140 apomictic plants; of the 28 plants analyzed by the two methods, ten results (35.7%) were in disagreement. In this paper, through cytoembryological analyses, a ratio of 1:2.1 of sexual to apomictic plants was found. The BCU 243 marker showed a stable pattern of amplification, but some results differed with cytoembryological analyses, demonstrating that these analyses are more reliable when determining the mode of sexual reproduction for the plants of P. notatum. Apomictic plants characterized in this work can be tested in the field to check their agronomic value and registration as plant varieties, while the sexual plants can be used as potential parents in future crosses

    Genetic similarity among accessions of Paspalum notatum Flügge (Poaceae) : a potential to parental selection

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    Paspalum notatum is an important forage grass contributing significantly to the coverage of the natural fields of Southern Brazil. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to evaluate the genetic similarity of strains within a P. notatum collection. Genomic DNA was extracted in bulk from young leaves of five plants from each accession obtained from the USDA. In the molecular analysis, the eight SSR markers evaluated formed seven distinct groups, and two isolated genotypes, with an average similarity index of 0.29, ranging from zero to 0.83. All the loci were polymorphic and the polymorphism information content ranging from 0.41 to 0.69. The results evidenced a low genetic similarity, which can be explored via parental selection in a breeding program