729 research outputs found

    Análise a longo prazo da ondada

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    Titulación: Grao en Enxeñaría Civil -- Materia: Portos e CostasA presente Unidade Didáctica, Análise a longo prazo da ondada, encádrase dentro do Módulo I (Clima Marítimo) da materia de Portos e Costas do Grao de Enxeñería Civil. Neste primeiro módulo trátase a caracterización dos axentes climáticos que condicionan os procesos litorais e o deseño das actuacións no litoral, estes son: o vento, as ondas e as mareas. Seguidamente, no Módulo II (Procesos litorais) expóñense os principais procesos naturais que teñen lugar na costa e que determinan a xeomorfoloxía e a dinámica costeira. Finalmente, no Módulo III (Actuacións no litoral) abórdanse as diferentes tecnoloxías propias da enxeñaría de costas e portos. A ondada é un dos axentes climáticos máis significativos e complexos á hora de deseñar calquera actuación na costa. Para abordar o tema con suficiente grao de detalle, dedícanselle varias Unidades Didácticas na materia de Portos e Costas. Ó longo da Unidade Didáctica I defínese o seu mecanismo de xeración. Posteriormente, ó longo das Unidades II e III defínense os mecanismos físicos que interveñen na súa transformación e propagación cara a costa. Finalmente, nas Unidades IV e V trátanse as principais técnicas de análise que axudan á súa descrición e caracterización, necesarias para determinar as accións de cálculo nun proxecto de enxeñería de costas e portos. Unha vez definidas na unidade anterior as técnicas que determinan as características da ondada a curto prazo, esta Unidade dedícase ás técnicas de análise a longo prazo da ondada. Os contidos que aquí se desenvolven son necesarios para que o alumnado poida definir e/ou interpretar os réximes medio e extremo das ondas nunha localización determinada. Ó mesmo tempo, o alumnado adquirirá o coñecemento necesario para a resolución de dous problemas de enxeñería típicos: a estimación da operatividade portuaria e a estimación da ondada de proxecto dunha obra marítima.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    Assessment and prevention of psychosocial risks at work: a legal approach

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    [ES] Las nuevas tecnologías han tenido un impacto significativo en la sociedad y en nuestras vidas. El entorno laboral no ha sido ajeno a este choque. Numerosos beneficios reporta el uso de los avances tecnológicos en términos de productividad y eficacia, pero también es generador de nuevos e importantes riesgos, entre los que destacan, los riesgos psicosociales. Diferentes variables pueden contribuir a la aparición de estos riesgos, que pueden afectar negativamente la salud mental y el bienestar de las personas en el entorno laboral y social. En el origen de la aparición de esta “nueva” categoría de riesgos podemos encontrar variados factores como: nuevas formas de desarrollar el trabajo (teletrabajo); ciertos horarios de trabajo (trabajo a turnos o nocturno); relaciones laborales de carácter “especial” (cuidadores no profesionales, trabajo doméstico); ritmo de trabajo, etc…. La legislación debe adaptarse de modo constante a la cambiante realidad laboral y ofrecer soluciones legislativas que protejan a las personas trabajadoras frente a estos riesgos.[EN] New technologies have had a significant impact on society and our lives. The workplace has not been immune to this impact. The use of technological advancements brings numerous benefits in terms of productivity and efficiency, but it also generates new and significant risks, including psychosocial risks. Different variables can contribute to the emergence of these risks, which can negatively affect the mental health and well-being of individuals in the workplace and social environment. The origin of this "new" category of risks can be attributed to various factors, such as new forms of work (telecommuting), certain work schedules (shift or night work), "special" employment relationships (non-professional caregivers, domestic work), work pace, etc. Legislation must constantly adapt to the changing work reality and provide legislative solutions to protect workers from these risks

    Pasolini o el Centauro Moderno

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    El presente texto trata de mostrar un modelo de interpretación para dos películas, Medea y Edipo Re, que trasciende lo literal de los mitos griegos en las que se basan. Pasolini revisa en ellas la antitética coexistencia entre naturaleza y cultura, colocando en el centro de un discurso de marcado carácter antropológico la oposición hombre moderno-hombre tradicional.The present paper tries to show a kind of interpretation for two films, Medea and Edipo Re, that smacks of the literary vision of the myths in which they are based on. Pasolini checks the antithetic coexistence between nature and culture, and places in the center of an anthropologic speech the opposition that represent the modern and the traditional man

    Vento e xeración das ondas

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    Titulación: Grao en Enxeñaría Civil -- Materia: Portos e CostasA presente Unidade Didáctica, Vento e xeración das ondas, encádrase dentro do Módulo I (Clima Marítimo) da materia de Portos e Costas do Grao de Enxeñaría Civil. Neste primeiro módulo trátase a caracterización dos axentes climáticos que condicionan os procesos litorais e o deseño das actuacións no litoral, estes son: o vento, as ondas e as mareas. Seguidamente, no Módulo II (Procesos litorais) expóñense os principais procesos naturais que teñen lugar na costa e que determinan a xeomorfoloxía e a dinámica costeira. Finalmente, no Módulo III (Actuacións no litoral) abórdanse as diferentes tecnoloxías propias da enxeñaría de costas e portos. Neste Unidade Didáctica I (Vento e xeración das ondas) trátanse os distinto modelos de circulación do vento nas capas da atmosfera, a caracterización do vento a diferentes alturas e a súa actuación como elemento perturbador da superficie do mar propiciando a creación tanto de ondas, correntes ou incluso de mareas ou ondas largas.Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Servizo de Normalización Lingüístic

    REVERTIA A Circular Economy Business Case

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    This report presents the results of the Revertia case study, selected in the framework of the R2PI project, among 17 other cases, because of its focus on an activity linked to priority areas of the Circular Economy, namely Plastics and Critical Raw Materials. The information contained in the report is based on the methodology designed within the framework of the R2PI project to understand the characteristics of the business model, evaluate its outcomes and identify the main barriers and enablers of the CEBM. Revertia is an authorised Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) manager that combines e-waste management services with a circular value proposal consisting in the preparation of IT equipment for reuse. The company responsibly manages an e-waste flow and, by applying secure reconditioning processes, is able to extend the service life of IT equipment that has been discarded. Refurbished equipment, with a 1-year warranty, are sold in second-hand markets or donated. The activity of preparation for reuse also involves the utilization, to the extent possible, of used and recycled components. In addition, the business model is based on efficient logistics, avoiding e-waste transportation when reconditioning is not an option. The value proposition is based on the provision of high added value services to corporate IT equipment users, who need to manage their WEEE responsibly. The value network is thus formed by the origin-customer that generates e-waste and the EEE manufacturers represented through collective schemes. Downstream there are the destination-customers of second-hand and donated products, as well as the WEEE recycling companies to which Revertia's own waste is destined. Revertia's business model is clearly influenced at the context level by the WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU and the Spanish RD 110/2015, which regulate the industry and set targets for reuse and recycling of WEEE. In addition, the market context given by the rapid technological change in the EEE sector, the collective schemes derived from the implementation of the EPR obligation, the maturity of the WEEE recycling industry, the existence of illegal scrap metal agents, and some socio-cultural aspects such as the lack of awareness of WEEE's environmental costs are factors that strongly affect Revertia's activity. The report also presents an assessment of the circularity of the business model. The model corresponds to the Re-make pattern among the CEBM defined in the R2PI project. Its circularity lies in extending the useful life of a product, also integrating used and recycled components as far as possible. Current circularity is limited, since it is not based on services added to this second-hand product, nor is the organisation further able to act on the products manufacture or end of life. Therefore, Revertia takes opportunity of a gap left by other players in the sector (EEE manufacturers). Therefore the business model is dependent on the generation of an e-waste flow as well as on sales of refurbished computers. With regards to the outcomes assessment, the main advantages of the business model are found in the non-financial aspects: reuse of IT equipment for the same use demonstrates clear environmental benefits compared to recycling. In addition, it also allows for greater local employment generation linked to the management and preparation for reuse activity. In the socio-economic area, second-hand products provide access to quality equipment at very affordable prices. The SWOT analysis shows that the main strengths are the long-lasting and stable relationships with the origin-customers, the know-how and expertise of Revertia. The weaknesses point to its dependence on the linear model, therefore, to being able to capture waste streams, in competition with the mature recycling industry. The opportunities lie in the Spanish regulatory framework, which sets targets for the reuse of WEEE, as well as a state of opinion more favourable to responsible and sustainable consumption; however, there are also clear threats to the model, such as the possible entry of more competitors and the lack of sensitivity of EEE manufacturers towards reuse. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the Re-make CEBM is replicable and transferable, especially as long as the linear economic paradigm is dominant. However, there are a number of business and policy recommendations that may support greater circularity: first, specific agreements with EEE manufacturers to extend circularity from the conception of EEE products until its final disposal after multiple lifetimes; second, at the policy level, tighter regulation, with inspection and sanction systems, incentives for eco-design and product life extension activities, transparent information and monitoring systems, as well as education and training measures are neededThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 73037

    Spectrally resolved white light interferometry to measure material dispersion over a wide spectral band in a single acquisition

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    In this paper we apply spectrally resolved white light interferometry to measure refractive and group index over a wide spectral band from 400 to 1000 nm. The output of a Michelson interferometer is spectrally decomposed by a homemade prism spectrometer with a high resolution camera. The group index is determined directly from the phase extracted from the spectral interferogram while the refractive index is estimated once its value at a given wavelength is known.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (MAT2014-57943-C3-1-P, MAT2014-57943-C3-2-P); Xunta de Galicia and FEDER (R2014/015, AGRU 2015/11)S