171 research outputs found

    Particles adsorbed at various non-aqueous liquid-liquid interfaces

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    Particles adsorbed at liquid interfaces are commonly used to stabilise water-oil Pickering emulsions and water-air foams. The fundamental understanding of the physics of particles adsorbed at water-air and water-oil interfaces is improving significantly due to novel techniques that enable the measurement of the contact angle of individual particles at a given interface. The case of non-aqueous interfaces and emulsions is less studied in the literature. Non-aqueous liquid-liquid interfaces in which water is replaced by other polar solvents have properties similar to those of water-oil interfaces. Nanocomposites of non-aqueous immiscible polymer blends containing inorganic particles at the interface are of great interest industrially and consequently more work has been devoted to them. By contrast, the behaviour of particles adsorbed at oil-oil interfaces in which both oils are immiscible and of low dielectric constant (ε < 3) is scarcely studied. Hydrophobic particles are required to stabilise these oil-oil emulsions due to their irreversible adsorption, high interfacial activity and elastic shell behaviour

    Utilidad del nivel de antígeno prostático específico como predictor de metástasis ósea en pacientes con cáncer de próstata

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    Demostrar que el nivel de antígeno prostático específico tiene utilidad como predictor de metástasis ósea en pacientes con cáncer de próstata. Materiales y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo, observacional de tipo prueba diagnóstica realizado en el servicio de Urología del Hospital Víctor Lazarte Echegaray, que incluyó un total de 178 pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata. Se calculó la sensibilidad, especificidad, VPP, VPN y se determinó el área bajo la curva para los distintos niveles de PSA. Resultados: El PSA, utilizando como punto de corte 20ng/mL, presentó una sensibilidad del 78,26%, especificidad del 69,03%, valor predictivo positivo del 27,27% y valor predictivo negativo 95,54%. El área bajo la curva calculada con un nivel de PSA de 20,25 ng/mL, correspondiente a un índice de Youden de 0,472 fue de 0.77, que se corresponde con una exactitud pronóstica de 77% (p<0,05). Conclusiones: Los niveles de PSA tienen utilidad como predictor de metástasis ósea en pacientes con diagnóstico de cáncer de próstata.To demonstrate that the level of prostate-specific antigen is useful as a predictor of bone metastasis in patients with prostate cancer. Materials and methods: Retrospective, observational study of diagnostic test type performed in the Urology Department of the Víctor Lazarte Echegarays Hospital, which included a total of 178 patients diagnosed with prostate cancer. Sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and area under the curve were calculated according to different PSA levels. Results: PSA, using 20ng/mL as cut-off point, presented a sensitivity of 78.26%, a specificity of 69.03%, a positive predictive value of 27.27% and a negative predictive value of 95.54%. The area under the curve calculated with a PSA level of 20.25 ng/mL, corresponding to a Youden index of 0.472, was 0.77, which corresponds to a prognostic accuracy of 77% (p<0.05). Conclusions: PSA levels can be used as a predictor of bone metastasis in patients diagnosed with prostate cancer.Tesi

    Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a two dimensional electron system under quantum Hall regime

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    Magnetotransport in a two dimensional electron system under quantum Hall regime, taking into account the Rashba spin-orbit effect

    Infrastructure development in China : the six roads of Chongqing

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    University of Technology Sydney. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.The development of large infrastructure projects at unprecedented speed and scope has dramatically changed the landscape of China. This spatial transformation has produced a contradictory political economy formed by sustained economic growth with increasing debt. Most research on the process of infrastructure development in China assumes that the state has retreated as market mechanisms increasingly determine production and consumption. However, during the economic reform era the Chinese state has strengthened its grip on the economy and accumulated enormous wealth through state-owned enterprises. This study conceptualizes infrastructure development as a process of state-led wealth accumulation through territorial changes to the administrative units in relation to infrastructure development. The Chinese state has articulated this process for Chongqing—a province-level city with vast rural hinterlands in the interior of China—by establishing the Chongqing administrative division in 1997 and subsequently funding its infrastructure development especially through a network of expressways that connect all corners of China. By examining the process of production the Chongqing portion of the national expressways system, the analysis dissects how the state governs and materializes urban and regional infrastructure in contemporary China. Analysis of data from Chongqing city yearbooks of public finance, and corporate finance reports of the state-owned enterprises in charge of expressways development, demonstrate how the central government enables the process of capital accumulation. Overall, this study contributes to advancing scholarship on the role of the state in relation to urban transformation in China and to theoretical discussions of critical political economy and urban geography. The arguments in this dissertation explain how state territorial governance produces not only urbanization, but sustains capital accumulation for state-owned enterprises in China. The dissertation refutes assumptions that market mechanisms are underpinning infrastructure development, and instead definitively explains how interrelated processes of state-led administrative restructuring and capital investment advance the urban process in China

    Distorted-Toroidal Flux Rope model for Heliospheric Flux Ropes

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    The three-dimensional characterization of magnetic flux-ropes observed in the heliosphere has been a challenging task for decades. This is mainly due to the limitation to infer the 3D global topology and the physical properties from the 1D time series from any spacecraft. To advance our understanding of magnetic flux-ropes whose configuration departs from the typical stiff geometries, here we present the analytical solution for a 3D flux-rope model with an arbitrary cross-section and a toroidal global shape. This constitutes the next level of complexity following the elliptic-cylindrical (EC) geometry. The mathematical framework was established by Nieves-Chinchilla et al. (2018) ApJ, with the EC flux-rope model that describes the magnetic topology with elliptical cross-section as a first approach to changes in the cross-section. In the distorted-toroidal flux rope model, the cross-section is described by a general function. The model is completely described by a non-orthogonal geometry and the Maxwell equations can be consistently solved to obtain the magnetic field and relevant physical quantities. As a proof of concept, this model is generalized in terms of the radial dependence of current density components. The last part of this paper is dedicated to a specific function, F(φ)=δ(1λcosφ)F(\varphi)=\delta(1-\lambda\cos\varphi), to illustrate possibilities of the model. This model paves the way to investigate complex distortions of the magnetic structures in the solar wind. Future investigations will in-depth explore these distortions by analyzing specific events, the implications in the physical quantities, such as magnetic fluxes, heliciy or energy, and evaluating the force balance with the ambient solar wind that allows such distortions.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Numerical Modelling of Out-of-Plane Behavior of Structural Members using Mixed Finite Elements

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    El objetivo del trabajo es estudiar la convergencia y la exactitud de elementos mixtos deformación/desplazamiento en piezas rectas /curvas y estructuras en 2D y 3D

    Método de evaluación del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje utilizados por los docentes en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín

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    El presente estudio sobre los métodos de evaluación del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje utilizados por los docentes en la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Pretende demostrar que los docentes de esta universidad recurren a diverso métodos de evaluación de los aprendizajes en su labor docente , pero la diversidad de las especialidades hace también que por la naturaleza de ellas cada docente busque su propia metodología de evaluación lo cual no uniformiza la recolección de datos mediante los instrumentos de evaluación que él mismo diseña o recurren a la elaboración de cuestionarios pero sin criterios pedagógicos, se concluye que muchos de los docentes requieren de ser capacitados en evaluación tanto en el aspecto conceptual como el instrumental, y así podrán tener una mejor dirección del aprendizaje en sus respectivas cátedrasUniversidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle.Tesi

    Percepción de la calidad de atención de enfermería en madres de neonatos atendidos en el servicio de crecimiento y desarrollo Centro de Salud Utcubamba, 2022

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    La presente investigación se desarrolló con el objetivo de determinar la percepción de la Calidad de atención de enfermería en madres de neonatos atendidos en el servicio de Crecimiento y desarrollo del Centro de Salud Utcubamba, 2022. El estudio de diseño descriptivo, tipo básica, con una muestra conformada por 35 madres. Se aplicó como instrumento, el cuestionario elaborado por Sayas Toro H. y consta de 21 preguntas comprendidos en tres dimensiones: La técnico- científica, interpersonal y del entorno. Resultados: En cuanto a la calidad de atención general, fue favorable en un 74,3%, medianamente favorable en un 20% y desfavorable en un 5,7%. En las dimensiones técnico-científica, interpersonal y entorno, la percepción hacia la calidad de atención de enfermería fue favorable en un 74,3%, medianamente favorable en un 20% y desfavorable en un 5,7%. Conclusión: La calidad de atención percibida por las madres de neonatos en el servicio de crecimiento y desarrollo del Centro de Salud Utcubamba fue favorabl

    Insights into enhancing Centella asiatica organ cell biofactories via hairy root protein profiling

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    Recent advancements in plant biotechnology have highlighted the potential of hairy roots as a biotechnological platform, primarily due to their rapid growth and ability to produce specialized metabolites. This study aimed to delve deeper into hairy root development in C. asiatica and explore the optimization of genetic transformation for enhanced bioactive compound production. Previously established hairy root lines of C. asiatica were categorized based on their centelloside production capacity into HIGH, MID, or LOW groups. These lines were then subjected to a meticulous label-free proteomic analysis to identify and quantify proteins. Subsequent multivariate and protein network analyses were conducted to discern proteome differences and commonalities. Additionally, the quantification of rol gene copy numbers was undertaken using qPCR, followed by gene expression measurements. From the proteomic analysis, 213 proteins were identified. Distinct proteome differences, especially between the LOW line and other lines, were observed. Key proteins related to essential processes like photosynthesis and specialized metabolism were identified. Notably, potential biomarkers, such as the Tr-type G domain-containing protein and alcohol dehydrogenase, were found in the HIGH group. The presence of ornithine cyclodeaminase in the hairy roots emerged as a significant biomarker linked with centelloside production capacity lines, indicating successful Rhizobium-mediated genetic transformation. However, qPCR results showed an inconsistency with rol gene expression levels, with the HIGH line displaying notably higher expression, particularly of the rolD gene. The study unveiled the importance of ornithine cyclodeaminase as a traceable biomarker for centelloside production capacity. The strong correlation between this biomarker and the rolD gene emphasizes its potential role in optimizing genetic transformation processes in C. asiatica.The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. This research was funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación. REF: PID2020-113438RBI00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca (AGAUR) del Departament de Recerca i Universitats de la Generalitat de Catalunya 2021 SGR00693 and Valencian Conselleria d’Innovació, Universitats, Ciencia y Societat Digital grant CIAICO/2021/167. DH-M is a Postdoctoral researcher at Maria Zambrano at the University of Barcelona. His contract is financed by the Ministry of Universities, the European Union Next GenerationEU/PRTRi, and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan