3,132 research outputs found

    The Decade 1989-1998 in Spanish Psychology: An Analysis of Research in Statistics, Methodology, and Psychometric Theory.

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    Is the DeVries-Rose to Weber Transition Empirically Possible with Sine-Wave Gratings?

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    Con frecuencia se ha medido la funciĂłn visual a distintos niveles de iluminancia, bien determinando la agudeza visual para enrejados sinusoidales en funciĂłn del nivel luminoso o bien determinando la forma en que la sensibilidad a enrejados sinusoidales cambia con la iluminancia. La primera vĂ­a de acercamiento ha revelado que la agudeza varĂ­a con la iluminancia de acuerdo con una funciĂłn de dos ramas y un punto de discontinuidad en la transicion de visiĂłn escotĂłpica a visiĂłn fotĂłpica. Los resultados obtenidos a travĂ©s de la segunda vĂ­a se han resumido aludiendo a una transiciĂłn de la ley de DeVries-Rose a la de Weber, segĂșn la cual el logaritmo de la sensibilidad aumenta linealmente con pendiente 0.5 a medida que aumenta la iluminancia (para niveles bajos de iluminancia que comprenden el llamado rango de DeVries-Rose) pero luego permanece constante e invariante ante sucesivos incrementos de iluminancia (dentro del llamado rango de Weber). AquĂ­ se evalĂșa la compatibilidad de los resultados obtenidos en estas dos lĂ­neas de investigaciĂłn. Se parte de las restricciones empĂ­ricas impuestas por datos que revelan la forma de la superficie de sensibilidad a enrejados sinusoidales en funciĂłn de la frecuencia espacial y la iluminancia, y se determina si esas restricciones son compatibles con la descripciĂłn que ofrecen las leyes de DeVries–Rose y Weber. El anĂĄlisis muestra que la ley de DeVries-Rose sĂłlo es posible empĂ­ricamente para enrejados sinusoidales de baja frecuencia.Visual functioning at various retinal illuminance levels is usually measured either by determining grating acuity as a function of light level or by determining how sensitivity to sine-wave gratings changes with retinal illuminance. The former line of research has shown that grating acuity follows a two-branch relationship with retinal illuminance, with the point of discontinuity occurring at the transition from scotopic to photopic vision. Results of the latter line of research have summarily been described as a transition from the DeVries-Rose law to Weber’s law, according to which log sensitivity increases linearly with log illuminance with a slope of 0.5 over a range of low illuminances (the DeVries-Rose range) and then levels off and does not increase with further increases of illuminance (the Weber range). This paper aims at determining the compatibility of the results of these two lines of research. We consider empirical constraints from data bearing on the shape of the surface describing contrast sensitivity to sine-wave gratings as a function of spatial frequency and illuminance simultaneously, in order to determine whether they are consistent with a summary description in terms of DeVries-Rose and Weber’s laws. Our analysis indicates that, with sine-wave gratings, the DeVries-Rose law can only hold empirically at low spatial frequencies

    Fitting logistic IRT models: small wonder.

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    Does time ever fly or slow down? The difficult interpretation of psychophysical data on time perception.

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    Time perception is studied with subjective or semi-objective psychophysical methods. With subjective methods, observers provide quantitative estimates of duration and data depict the psychophysical function relating subjective duration to objective duration. With semi-objective methods, observers provide categorical or comparative judgments of duration and data depict the psychometric function relating the probability of a certain judgment to objective duration. Both approaches are used to study whether subjective and objective time run at the same pace or whether time flies or slows down under certain conditions. We analyze theoretical aspects affecting the interpretation of data gathered with the most widely used semi-objective methods, including single-presentation and paired-comparison methods. For this purpose, a formal model of psychophysical performance is used in which subjective duration is represented via a psychophysical function and the scalar property. This provides the timing component of the model, which is invariant across methods. A decisional component that varies across methods reflects how observers use subjective durations to make judgments and give the responses requested under each method. Application of the model shows that psychometric functions in single-presentation methods are uninterpretable because the various influences on observed performance are inextricably confounded in the data. In contrast, data gathered with paired-comparison methods permit separating out those influences. Prevalent approaches to fitting psychometric functions to data are also discussed and shown to be inconsistent with widely accepted principles of time perception, implicitly assuming instead that subjective time equals objective time and that observed differences across conditions do not reflect differences in perceived duration but criterion shifts. These analyses prompt evidence-based recommendations for best methodological practice in studies on time perception

    Aniseikonia tests: The role of viewing mode, response bias, and size-color illusions.

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    PURPOSE To identify the factors responsible for the poor validity of the most common aniseikonia tests, which involve size comparisons of red-green stimuli presented haploscopically. METHODS Aniseikonia was induced by afocal size lenses placed before one eye. Observers compared the sizes of semicircles presented haploscopically via color filters. The main factor under study was viewing mode (free viewing versus short presentations under central fixation). To eliminate response bias, a three-response format allowed observers to respond if the left, the right, or neither semicircle appeared larger than the other. To control decisional (criterion) bias, measurements were taken with the lens-magnified stimulus placed on the left and on the right. To control for size-color illusions, measurements were made with color filters in both arrangements before the eyes and under binocular vision (without color filters). RESULTS Free viewing resulted in a systematic underestimation of lens-induced aniseikonia that was absent with short presentations. Significant size-color illusions and decisional biases were found that would be mistaken for aniseikonia unless appropriate action is taken. CONCLUSIONS To improve their validity, aniseikonia tests should use short presentations and include control conditions to prevent contamination from decisional/response biases. If anaglyphs are used, presence of size-color illusions must be checked for. TRANSLATIONAL RELEVANCE We identified optimal conditions for administration of aniseikonia tests and appropriate action for differential diagnosis of aniseikonia in the presence of response biases or size-color illusions. Our study has clinical implications for aniseikonia management

    Response Errors Explain the Failure of Independent-Channels Models of Perception of Temporal Order

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    Independent-channels models of perception of temporal order (also referred to as threshold models or perceptual latency models) have been ruled out because two formal properties of these models (monotonicity and parallelism) are not borne out by data from ternary tasks in which observers must judge whether stimulus A was presented before, after, or simultaneously with stimulus B. These models generally assume that observed responses are authentic indicators of unobservable judgments, but blinks, lapses of attention, or errors in pressing the response keys (maybe, but not only, motivated by time pressure when reaction times are being recorded) may make observers misreport their judgments or simply guess a response. We present an extension of independent-channels models that considers response errors and we show that the model produces psychometric functions that do not satisfy monotonicity and parallelism. The model is illustrated by fitting it to data from a published study in which the ternary task was used. The fitted functions describe very accurately the absence of monotonicity and parallelism shown by the data. These characteristics of empirical data are thus consistent with independent-channels models when response errors are taken into consideration. The implications of these results for the analysis and interpretation of temporal order judgment data are discussed

    Improving the Estimation of Psychometric Functions in 2AFC Discrimination Tasks

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    Ulrich and Vorberg (2009) presented a method that fits distinct functions for each order of presentation of standard and test stimuli in a two-alternative forced-choice (2AFC) discrimination task, which removes the contaminating influence of order effects from estimates of the difference limen. The two functions are fitted simultaneously under the constraint that their average evaluates to 0.5 when test and standard have the same magnitude, which was regarded as a general property of 2AFC tasks. This constraint implies that physical identity produces indistinguishability, which is valid when test and standard are identical except for magnitude along the dimension of comparison. However, indistinguishability does not occur at physical identity when test and standard differ on dimensions other than that along which they are compared (e.g., vertical and horizontal lines of the same length are not perceived to have the same length). In these cases, the method of Ulrich and Vorberg cannot be used. We propose a generalization of their method for use in such cases and illustrate it with data from a 2AFC experiment involving length discrimination of horizontal and vertical lines. The resultant data could be fitted with our generalization but not with the method of Ulrich and Vorberg. Further extensions of this method are discussed

    The course of posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve: Anatomical and sonographic study with a clinical implication

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    The course of the posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve (PACN) was studied via ultrasound (US) and dissection. The aim of this study was to reveal the anatomical relationships of PACN with the surrounding structures along its pathway to identify possible critical points of compression. Nineteen cryopreserved cadaver body donor upper extremities were explored via US and further dissected. During US exploration, two reference points, in relation with the compression of the nerve, were marked using dye injection: (1) the point where the RN pierces the lateral intermuscular septum (LIMS) and (2) the point where the PACN pierces the deep fascia. Anatomical measurements referred to the lateral epicondyle (LE) were taken at these two points. Dissection confirmed the correct site of US-guided dye injection at 100% of points where the RN crossed the LIMS (10.5 cm from the LE) and was correctly injected at 74% of points where the PACN pierce the deep fascia (7.4 cm from the LE). There were variations in the course of the PACN, but it always divided from the RN as an only branch. Either ran close and parallel to the LIMS until the RN crossed the LIMS (84%) or clearly separated from the RN, 1 cm before it crossed the LIMS (16%). In 21% of cases, the PACN crossed the LIMS with the RN, while in the rest of the cases it always followed in the posterior compartment. A close relationship between PACN and LIMS, as well as triceps brachii muscle and deep fascia was observed. The US and anatomical study showed that the course of PACN maintains a close relationship with the LIMS and other connective tissues (such as the fascia and subcutaneous tissue) to be present in its pathology and treatment
